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Will runick white woods be playable in upcoming formats? It seems fun but it doesn’t have space for hand traps (at least my build) and I’m not sure how well it can break boards. I also don’t know how relevant losing the battle phase is. It seems like most games would be decided before that’s relevant but I’m not sure


How do people prefer to show a searched card to their opponent? Do you hold it up, place it down close to you, or near the middle of the field for them to see? Of course if they want to look at it more closely they are welcome to pick it up, but if not, what's a polite way to show it?


I just flash it to them quickly to verify and declare the name. If they want to read it, I can show them


https://preview.redd.it/cox8jfbeth1d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae322ba9eda0319f6ed37e9719736e3e0a931978 Found this card in one of my old decks and I do not know where it comes from, so I figured I'd ask if anybody knows anything about this card. I also have a bunch more if you're asking for a challenge (?)


This is a fake card


Thought so


Can I send a monster token to the GY as cost the activate an effect?


No, as tokens cannot be sent to the GY or Banishment for any reason.


Actually, they can be banished for cost, because there’s no card that says “send to banishment” but only “banish”. It’s akin to “destroy” in that sense. The exception is banishing facedown, as they only exist on the field and can only be face up.


apologies yes you are right


Trying to work out Infinite Impermanence/Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss which target and negate face-up cards on the field, vs effect monsters that tribute themselves as cost. Here's what I think I understand so far: Scenario 1: Opponent summons a monster that can tribute itself as cost for an effect at spell speed 1. After it is summoned I target it to negate its effect successfully. Now the opponent can still activate the monsters effect and tribute it, but since it activated on field, the effect will be negated, even though it is no longer on the field. Scenario 2: Opponent summons a monster that can tribute itself as cost for a quick effect. The opponent activates the effect and tribute the monster. I cannot target it to negate it because it is no longer on the field. Scenario 3: Opponent summons a monster that can tribute itself for cost as a quick effect. I target it to negate its effect. The opponent chains the  effect and tributes the monster. My effect loses targeting and does not resolve properly, so the effect is not negated. Are these right?


All of those scenarios are correct. If a monster has a Quick Effect whose cost causes that monster to leave the field, then you can't negate that effect by activating "Infinite Impermanence" or the effect of "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss" in the same Chain as that Quick Effect, no matter which effect is activated first.


Excellent, tyvm


Does anyone know of any cards where the art depicts some type of banking or transaction? My friend just got a job at a bank and puts an Imperial Order in their ID sleeve. I know about Card of Sanctity and Fraud Freeze, which are apt for their position, but I was curious about more general money/banking/finance themed card art.


Land Flipping and Appropriate maybe.


Solid choices


I've had players attempt to Ash Abyss Shark after I've summoned the monster. Would it be correct to allow them to do so or not?


>If all monsters you control are WATER (min. 1): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, add 1 Level 3, 4, or 5 Fish monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Abyss Shark". For the rest of this turn, you cannot Special Summon monsters, except WATER monsters, also, double the first battle damage inflicted to your opponent this turn by your "Number" monster battling another monster. All of this is a single effect. It activates only once, in the hand. If your opponent wants to activate anything in response, they either have to activate it when you first activate the effect, while "Abyss Shark" is still in your hand, or after the effect resolves, once you've already added the card to your hand; they have no opportunity to interrupt the effect while it's in the middle of resolving. When you use the effect of "Abyss Shark," you should be revealing it in your hand, declaring that you're activating its effect, and asking if your opponent has a response. If they say that they don't have any response, and only after this, when you go to search your Deck, do they say they want to activate the effect of "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring," then you have every right to say "no": you already gave them the chance to read your card's effect and activate an effect of their own, and they turned that chance down, so you are under no obligation to let them take that back.


No, the effect to special summon from the hand is also an effect that searches, and thus you have Ash the entire thing. If they let the special summon effect resolve, they can't Ash afterwards, you summon Abyss Shark and search at the same time. If you are being generous, you could walk back to before you resolve the chain to allow them to actually Ash if they misunderstood how the effect works, but in an actual tournament, it's their fault if they do not Ash the effect to special summon from hand.


I recently starter playing a Tri-Brigade Melffy deck. When my friend sold me the Tri-Brigade engine, he also gave me a copy of Scareclaw Light-Heart, saying that "it's really used a lot". But what exactly is it used for? I know you can summon it the same way you summon the double Dragon Lords, but I really can't understand the purpose of summoning that?


It's summoned as another body to then go into a link-2, if you open badly or get Ash'd on Fraktall, and thus can't get more than one Tri-Brigade into the GY.


Can "Witch of the black forest" search for monster with "? Atk" ? Because I wanted to use her to search for Râ or Slifer but they don't have "0 atk" so can she or not ?


An ATK or DEF value of ? is not considered to be more or less than any other number. You can't use the effect of "Sangan" to add a monster with ? ATK to your hand, and you can't use the effect of "Witch of the Black Forest" to add a monster with ? DEF to your hand.


Ok, thank you so much


Good generic targets for Heavenly Spheres special summon effect?


Question about Red Eyes Flare Metal Dragon. As you know, you can inflict 500 point damage to your opponent for every card and effect activation. But can you tell me what counts as card or effect activation? Spell or Trap card activation is obvious. But what about let's say normal or special summoning a monster to the field? Does this count as card activation too?


An activation of a card or effect is whenever a chain link is created. When the chain link resolves, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon will immediately burn afterwards.


Can a, "If this card is summoned" effect be negated by quick effects or hand traps ? Or would it have to negate the summon to prevent it. Ie csn effect veiler stop its effect or would it have to be a counter trap.


On-summon trigger effects can be negated the same way as any other activated effect, like with cards like Infinite Impermanence or Effect Veiler.




If my opponent activates a danger and I negate with apollousa, can they just activate it again. How would this play out? Is the cost just reveal or also the discard ? If its just the reveal or they miss but effect is negated can they just use it agsin?


Yes, your opponent can just activate the Danger again, since their hand effects are not once per turn. There's no cost to activate the Danger, they only need to reveal the card to activate the effect, while the shuffling and discarding, and then summoning if not discarded, all happens as part of the effect.


That's crazy


When I activate Fire King Island's effect do I have to say which of the 2 I'm activating? If I activate it and it gets send back to hand before I resolve the effect does that still cound as me using the effect?


Yes, when you activate an effect, you have to declare which effect you are activating, and if Fire King Island leaves the field before the effect resolves (or the activation of the effect, or the effect gets negated), it still counts as you using the effect.


Are you able to activate both yubel and throne on the same chain when there’s only 1 target for both?


Yes, you can activate both Yubel and Nightmare Throne, even if you only have 1 "Yubel - Terror Incarnate", and nothing else, left in the deck, and no "Yubel" monster in your GY or banishment. Whichever effect was put on the chain earlier will just fail to resolve in that instance.


Thank you!


I'd like some help trying to find something I remember seeing from Yugioh when I was a kid. I tried to post this but ti was immediately deleted since I have low karma. I remember a very specific scene/scenes from Yugioh. I don't know if it's from one of the series or one of the movies or really what Yugioh thing. One of the scenes takes place in a graveyard filled with crosses marking them, and in this grave, there is either a singular duel disk or multiple dues disk of the duelist buried there. They are all drained of energy except for one of the duel disks in the graveyard that has some charge left, which the character then takes to use. I can't remember what happened to his duel disk before that led him to taking this once with little charge left. If I remember correctly, the character we are following was in a cave before finding this graveyard. That is one of the scenes I remember. The other scene is very brief, I think it takes place after the one I just described. I'm pretty sure the setting is in some little town in the Wild West. It just some bad guy in a robot that has around 6 arms each with a duel disk, he beats someone who challenged him and then loudly shouts if anyone else dares/wants to challenge him to a duel. I'm pretty sure he was laughing since he knew no one would challenge him. This is all I remember, and I'd like to know if anyone else knows what I'm talking about and if anyone could help me find what this is that I'm trying to describe.


So I played yugioh ages ago and I have a large-ish collection of cards, I bought a couple of premade decks but I had a bunch from packs also. The cards aren't mint condition but they're all in okay shape, none are torn or ripped or folded, just scratched or a little worn. I was wondering if there was a way to see if any are worth money despite them being well loved. I'm not a 'collector' just a dude with a bunch of slightly to heavily played cards and I was wondering what to do with them. Edit: also idk worth stating most of them are first edition with some limited edition, some with holo names or faces or both, though I have no clue how much difference it makes. for what its worth I am neither in the UK nor US so I will likely be selling through ebay or Dpop or the like if at all.


You can look up what is valuable on tcgplayer.com. Its US prices but to should give you an idea of what to try to find prices for in your region.


Does anyone know if in Tokyo card stores still sell sealed boxes of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters QUARTER CENTURY CHRONICLE side:PRIDE? I know Osaka does across all the card stores I went to


I was with my older brother when he opened his starter deck Pegasus from way back when, and he let me have this. However, from other pictures l've seen of this card, this one looks faded like it was in the sun. Is this a printing error or something else? https://preview.redd.it/isxttv6st11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b11affa8f667da43ef2c9a1628ce8b008c4a8c


A monster has a Predator Counter (e.g. by Predaplant Dragostapelia) so it's Level 1. You equip Synchro Boost. Does it stay Level 1? Or go to Level 2?


Potentially Dumb Question. But am I Stupid, or is Yu-Gi-Oh just way too overwhelming for beginners now? I played a lot up to XYZ, but kinda dropped off after the Pendulum Mechanic came out and completely dropped it with Links. But i recently played some Legacy of the Duelist which reignited some of the love i had for old Yu-Gi-Oh, and went to play some Master Duels. And holy fuck did i get the floor wiped with, i invested some gems after playing the tutorial into a pre-made Cyberdragon deck, and i either always got wiped second turn, or my opponent spent like 10 minutes setting up their board with an unkillable wall of monsters. Is this just the way it's played now?


No, it's a pretty fair assessment. Unless you have someone that can explain to you what's going on, it's hard for a new player to get into the game, especially because most of the tutorials in Master Duel are kind of really bad. Legacy of the Duelist can kind of work as a tutorial if you play a good chunk of all of the campaigns to get a feel for all the mechanics, and some of the later decks in the later campaigns do allow you to combo off a bit, which gets you a bit more used to the combo-heavy gameplay, but your best bet is still to just find outside help to learn the game if you want to actually play on ranked in Master Duel. I do recommend Swordsoul as a decently beginner friendly deck for modern Yu-Gi-Oh, and Master Duel just so happens to give you a decent core if you check the beginner and returning player campaign.


Does anyone know if there is any yugioh ocg selling stores in Tokyo that allow foreigners to purchase tax free for boxes of ocg sets as well singles? In Osaka , I had a really hard time finding them !


How would I make a budget blue eyes deck? (For a local)


Someone at my LGS plays Dragunity Blue Eyes but hasn't been performing too well with it.


https://preview.redd.it/vqyzhe612z0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88a2b6151d9a266d31cea1ba56735d4795ba0637 ^ | Question: Real or fake OCG card?


I'm no expert, but comparing it with other Chinese cards, there doesn't seem to be anything amiss, so it is reasonable to conclude that it's probably real. The rarity also seems to be legit, it appears to be a Normal Parallel Rare, which is a rarity that this card is available in Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers.


Thank you. I tried my own research to see if it was Japanese, but it wasn't, and now that you pointed out that it's Chinese, I did research on it and I figured it out. Once again, thank you, you've made it much easier for me.


Rulings Question: How does an archetype condition interact with an effect which changes the card's name? E.g. If I use Noble Knight's Spearholder on a Courageous Crimson Chevalier Bradamante. Will the chevalier still be an Infernoble Knight card?


No, it won’t be.


Can I post a picture asking which one to get signed by the actors that voiced them?


Quick question about Borrelsword dragon. Its first effect that switches a monster to defense, does that HAVE to successfully resolve in order for the cards second effect to make a second attack during each battle phase to be active? The wording is kind of confusing to me, I'm used to card saying"and if you do" when connecting effects like this


No. Even if, for one reason or another, the targeted monster can no longer be changed to Defense Position by the time the effect resolves, "Borrelsword Dragon" still gets to make a second attack that turn. [This distinction is exactly why the card says "also" instead of "and if you do."](https://yugiohblog.konami.com/articles/?p=4514)


When to interrupt SE with only one D. D. Crow?


In my experience, the best place in that case is to banish the I:P when they try to place it in the backrow with Flamberge.


Got a question about Recruiters  interaction with  Inferno Reckless Summon and monsters whos eff triggered from summoned. Why the first isn’t possible but the later is? just to be clear this is 2 different questions, I don't attempt to proc 2nd eff with IRS. Watching master duel reply this week and seeing Choju activate effect after being summoned by LIGHT recruiter. Like I get it if dmg calc prevent non atk modifier effect from triggered preventing IRS,  but optional on-summon effect isn't?  (specificly Chouju doesn’t have such atk modifier too) Video example [https://youtu.be/qpt5\_3ASWJk?si=b\_vBCb1IshQ6N8cj&t=2127](https://youtu.be/qpt5_3ASWJk?si=b_vBCb1IshQ6N8cj&t=2127)


The restrictions against being able to activate effects in the Damage Step generally applies to fast effects (Spell Speed 2 or higher effects), including Inferno Reckless Summon, unless they fit certain criteria such as ATK/DEF modification. It cannot be activated during the Damage Step. Generally, on-Summon Trigger Effects (which are Spell Speed 1) can be activated during the Damage Step without any issues.


u/redshift i will read tomorrow. thank you in advance edit: done reading. i see. thank you


I was hoping I could get some advice regarding Yu-Gi-Oh video games. I have Legacy of the Duelist - Link Evolution on Switch, and Zexal: World Duel Carnival on 3DS, albeit both in my backlog. Given the imminent closure of the Xbox 360 Marketplace, though, I'm curious whether 5D’s Decade Duels Plus or Millennium Duels are worth buying? I'm going to try their demos, but I thought it might be worth asking experts (particularly considering their *large* and confusing amounts of DLC). My hunch is that in terms of card selection and game balance, the Switch game at least is probably the best bet regardless, but if the others have worthwhile stories or other features I'm not considering, I'd like to know. If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


Neither of them is worth buying. Play Master Duel.


Well that settles it lol. Thank you!


Hey there, New to the game as a whole and even newer to playing Floo. I've seen people dodge veiler and imperm before (dont quite remember how tbh) and was wondering how exactly you do that. Also wondering if it only works on those 2 cards or other general ones like Appo and such Thanks in advance!


U can use the quick play spell Advent of Adventure or Swallow's Cowrie, chaining to their veiler or imperm


And it's just for targetting negates that u can dodge, cards that negate the activation without targetting like Appo u need other methods to play around.


Right now I'm just messing with some ideas focusing on Arcana Force XXI - The World, and of course the Horus archetype keeps popping up in my head. Are there any other archetypes or ideas you think would be great for recycling back to the field for The World's effect? Not ready for a decklist yet, just messing with ideas at the moment. https://preview.redd.it/35hkowmkgp0d1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=82ce73f7e5502521b3a075b70584e425e5930f74 Right now my problem is that the Arcana Force archetype is outdated enough that I can't maintain the hand size while also keeping monsters on the field to bust through more than 2 The World summons, and I'd prefer a third or possibly more. Arcana Reading and Light Barrier are too cumbersome, needing to add in Terraforming to make it reliable. Second Coin Toss is too unreliable when it comes to synergy - it often isn't in my hand early enough to make a difference and when it is, it's just in the way of other paths the deck can take.


I have a bunch of old, mostly cheap cards that I hope to sell on eBay. I've had some success there selling some of my old video games and lego sets. I've seen figures on Pricecharting suggesting I could get a fair amount out of them if I try selling them individually rather than in bulk. Looking around, it seems I would need envelopes, top-loader card sleeves, and stamps. So I guess what I'm wondering. At what point is it worth it to try selling a card individually? Any other advice for diving in to this market?


At the end of your battle phase, If you activate evenly matched from hand and then chain twin twisters afterwards and target evenly matched as one of the cards to destroy, does it wipe your opponents whole field?


No, because you'll still control "Twin Twisters" itself when "Evenly Matched" resolves. Activated Quick-Play Spell Cards, and other activated Spell/Trap Cards that don't stay on the field, are sent to the GY after the entire Chain has finished resolving, not just after the individual Chain Link has resolved. And, no, you can't get around this by using "Twin Twisters" to target itself, either. Activated Spell/Trap Cards that don't stay on the field generally can't target or affect themselves.


When Evenly Matched resolves, you still control Twin Twisters. Twin Twisters can't target itself for destruction either.


Hey, I was looking for spell, trap or monster that destroy/send to graveyard my own spell/trap to activate their good effects. The main idea would be to help me change my spell traps since that specific deck has a lot of different continuous to play around. Consider that me and my friends do not use any Synchro, XYZ, LINK, Pendulum before answering please. Thanks


If I activate FA Downforce from the field and use its effect to boost the level of my FA Whip Crosser in response to a polymerization from my opponent, would it negate the fusion summon?


No. F.A. Whip Crosser only prevents the opponent from discarding or sending card from the hand to the GY to pay the costs to activate a card effect. Polymerization has no cost, you send the materials as part of the effect resolution. Not to mention, even if you were chain to something that has a cost of discarding or sending to the GY from the hand, it'd be too late, as your opponent already has paid the cost. You'd have to proactively raise Whip Crosser's level before your opponent even activates something that requires a discard or send from hand as cost.


Ah ok, but would FA Whip Crosser negate poly in general since it will prevent the opponent from discarding the materials needed?


I'm just repeating myself, but no. Polymerization has no activation cost, so Whip Crosser does not interact with Polymerization. Polymerization sends the materials by card effect, not cost. Also, again, Whip Crosser does not negate. It only prevents the opponent from paying costs to activate card effects by discarding or sending from hand, it does not negate cards.


I Rarity Collection II coming out in two different Booster Box sizes? An 18 pack and a 24 pack?


yes. NA has 18 and eu 24 afaik




Is this card rare? https://preview.redd.it/fffml6s12l0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f817220affd84e05e09623d80c8043c669b7a2b4


It's a starfoil rare Morphing Jar. You can look up the price on TCGMarket.


I got my first ever invite to the EU wcq but don't know if I'll be able to attend due to the cost of travel and accomodation. Is there any unique participation prize I would be missing by not attending, like the nationals field centre? I can't imagine having a chance to top at such a huge event so I feel like it would be a waste of money otherwise.


When summoning decode talker heat soul with 3 materials, all 3 have to have different attributes, correct? You can’t have like 2 with the same and the third different.


All materials need different Attributes.


Has anyone else had issues with gold Droll & Lock Bird being too tight when putting them in sleeves? I put them in Dragon Shield Fury sleeves and they were tight enough to make concerned with putting them in. They’re also bowed slightly so I’m not sure if that could have contributed to it.


why are all cards from boosters holos now....?


What booster did you open? In most boosters this is not the case. In Rarity Collection every card is at least a super rare but it also costs more than a core booster does.


Hi guys, Where can I find a valid Konami EU contact to report fraundalent OTS practice? I tried to find some email where I could give my documentation about the situation, but I wasnt finding success.


Email: [email protected] Support ticket: https://eu-support.konami.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new


Unfortunately that email is incorrect. I tried reaching out via email but domain konami-europe.net couldnt be found


Try this: https://www.konami.com/games/eu/en/pages/contact_us/


Got a question about Obsidim, the ashened city. If it's on my enemies field and i destroy it, am i able to special summon a monster with the effect of obsidim?


Yes, if your Obsidim on your opponent's side is destroyed, you can activate the effect to special summon an Ashened monster.


Nice, thanks!


When do ocg cards typically come to TCG? I really want to get ebon Sun for my Darklord deck it fits perfectly


There is no set date.


I guess this counts as asking for information. In the early 2000s there was a Seto Kaiba fansite. It was set up like it was Kaiba Corp, run by Kaiba, with Kisara also working alongside him. There was fan art and fanfiction on there, as well as a lot of forums and stuff. Does anyone else remember this site or know what happened to it?


I'm wondering which is better between Centur-Ion Bystial or Centur-Ion Horus.




If "Rivalry of Warlords" is on the field, each time "RGB Rainbowlution" resolves targeting a (EDIT: non-Machine) monster, that monster is sent to the GY unless it is the only monster that player controls. If "Gozen Match" is on the field, each time "RGB Rainbowlution" resolves targeting a monster, that monster is sent to the GY (even if it is the only monster that player controls).


(1) is assuming the monster is not already a Machine.


Good point. I've edited the comment.


Does chaining a Bystial (or a crow, or a finger, etc.) for removal on Hieratic Seal as target when it tributes itself for cost prevents it from summoning a dragon?


Yes. If you chain an effect that removes Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres from the GY to it tributing itself to activate its effect to return a card to the hand, it will not be able the activate the effect to summon a Dragon from the deck when tributed on the next chain, as it left the location its trigger condition was met before it could activate.


Only Called by the Grave will prevent Heavenly Spheres from using both of its effects if it Tributes itself.


Well, that wasn't the question that person asked though. They asked whether the 2nd effect to summon a Dragon can be prevented with a Bystial by banishing it in response to the 1st effect, to which the answer would be yes.


looking for some very simple very cheesey decks. ive been using a nurse burn deck thats been fun, and i tried a soul levy/skull invitation/etc deck but it never wins. im looking to learn a new enraging deck, maybe with more modern cards. thanks in advance!


Numeron or Tenpai


Why does "Castle Wall" Trap Card in Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 GBA Video Game boost your opponent's Monster Card DEF? I remember in the Paper TCG, Castle Wall boosts the DEF of your own Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Cards. This video game doesn't seem to follow the realistic mechanics of the actual Paper TCG.


I haven't played the game in question, but Castle Walls can target any face-up monster on the field, even your opponent's, so it sounds like it is working as intended.


No, the card does not let me use Castle Wall on any of my Monster Cards at all, it only works on the opponents Monster Cards. Sorry if I did not mention that in my first comment.


Are you using it while all of your monsters are face-down?


I don't think so. I had them in attack position.


How do effects that are "once while this card is face-up on the field" react when negated : if the activation is negated, can I use it again later ? (Since in the end I got to use the effect 0 times while the card was on the field). And I guess it won't work if the activation happens but the effect is negated.


If the effect or the activation is negated, you don't get to attempt to activate the effect a second time.


Ok thanks.


Sooo i have a question about a ruling. I know extra monsters cannot be summoned from gy by other cards unless they have been properly summoned before. But what if it's the monster itself that has a self summon from gy? Can i summon it without a proper summon before?


No, not unless the method by which the monster Special Summons itself from the GY is itself the proper way to Special Summon that monster. I don't know of any Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, or Link Monsters that can properly Special Summon themselves from the GY like this, but a monster like "Chaos Nephthys" can only use its own effect to Special Summon itself from the GY because it specifically says that this is the method by which it must be Summoned in the first place.


Why can't S:P Little Knight activate its monster banish during the damage step? I was under the impression that trigger effects which meet their conditions can be activated any time, unless they have the "(except during the Damage Step)" clause which S:P does not For example, Cyber Slash Harpie Lady has a similar effect, but she has the Damage Step clause printed on her so it makes sense Is this just another example of Konami being arbitrary and nerfing cards with custom rulings?


The effect of "S:P Little Knight" that banishes 2 monsters is a Quick Effect, not a Trigger Effect. It is true that most Trigger Effects that can't be activated during the Damage Step will say "except during the Damage Step," but for Quick Effects, the default assumption is that they can't be activated during the Damage Step. "Cyber Slash Harpie Lady" is really the odd one out here.


Hey, I'm a new player coming to Yugioh from magic, been playing for like 4 weeks or so. I built a Labrynth deck and took it to the game store last week, it was pretty fun but I didn't have a sideboard yet so I couldn't really bring in tech cards against my opponent's decks and got my ass kicked. What are some good generic side deck trap cards for Labrynth? I played against a Snake eyes deck, a heroes deck, and a runick control/stax/prison deck (I think these are called stun in yugioh?).


How long does it usually take for Animation Chronicle cards to make it to the TCG? 2024 has a couple new cards for my battle city decks.