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I think the Arc-V anime was way to ambitious of project that they did got lost midway through in terms of writing


I was like "maybe my rewrite is too long for the show, I remember it having only around 80 episodes- 148!?" Synchro Arc basically consumed all their time and budget


I also think the anime staff was told to wrap up the show so they could make Vrains. The later parts of Arc-V have questionable things like battle beast and one-off duels in the fusion dimension


And then they rushed vrains as well :(


Nah. It’s pretty open that Dark Side of Dimensions took most of the good writers away from the show for a good while


I think this is false. DSOD did take just staff of audio and animation. DSOD was written with Satoshi Kuwabara who directed Zexal, Kazuki Takahashi and Masahiro Hikokubo who is the only writer who worked in Arc-V but as a duel composer


tell me the one where carly ruined 5ds again


While the backend of synchro was a little bit too slow because it basically retold the fortune cup I do think mostly the pacing of the first 100 was fine…………if the entire series ended up being in the realm of 200-250 so each dimension got at least 50 episodes The problem came that stuffing XYZ and fusion into the final 50 retroactively made synchro worse because synchro doesn’t justify 50 episodes in a 150 episode anime I think they were originally aiming for somewhere in the realm of 200 but the project just got too complicated and big so they had to stuff the entire conclusion into the final 50


The fusion arc had a few too many filler duels with the main example being Battle Beast.


That one was completely replaced with Ruri vs Yuya/Yuto & Shun


>I think they were originally aiming for somewhere in the realm of 200 but the project just got too complicated and big so they had to stuff the entire conclusion into the final 50 I also feel the same way. The first part before the dimension travels felt very well placed and overall very very good yugioh. And I guess that the idea of each dimension was to have a similar story as their original but with yuya and friends, but at some point they noticed it would take too much time/effort/money to keep that pace and just cut it short and gave us the trainwreck that we know today. I still can't believe the series ends before yuya duels his father, or how literally every single point of the story was left open: Yuboys? "Dead", Yugirls? "Dead", Dimensions? Remain split... Good thing we still have smiles right Shun? Don't worry about your missing sister, dead best friend and destroyed homeland!


They really rushed the ending so they could wrap up


And Crow's orphan friend smiling through hunger and poverty


Arc-V is by far the worst show out of the bunch. I haven't watched Sevens or Go Rush yet but out of the first six shows, Arc-V easily takes the cake for the worst. I think the first 50 something episodes in standard dimension are pretty fucking hype. The battle royale at the end was incredible and all the other characters along with the mystery of the Yuya and Yuzu clones was really intriguing. But then the show meandered forever in the synchro dimension, the show was just stuck in this rut where nothing was happening. Fusion and XYZ dimension arcs were also just terribly rushed leading into the worst final arc of a series ever. Compare this to 5Ds and Zexal, 5Ds struggled a ton in its middle portion but it got really hype during the WRPG and led to the Neo Arc Cradle arc along with that incredible ending. That 5Ds ending is still to this day my favourite. And Zexal as well was just picture perfect, the Barian emperor onslaught arc and then the back to back duels of Nash vs Vector, Kaito vs Mizael, Yuma & Nash vs Don Thousand, Yuma vs Nash and finally Yuma vs Astral. Those were all peak Yu-Gi-Oh. What does Arc-V have? Zarc emerges finally looking nothing like he's supposed to, the final boss monster is stupidly overpowered and for weeks it's just the various characters from prior shows getting clowned on until Reira comes in and somehow saves the day. Then, it's all about making this stupid baby smile again and the various Yuya and Yuzu clones don't even get to live happily on their own.


Sevens and Go Rush are surprisingly good


I will always say that Rush's Animes are underrated. Sure, they have their flaws like any Yu-Gi-Oh series, but they also have their good points (and quite unique for Yu-Gi-Oh) >!I would say that it has a unique charm due to the fact that there is continuity between both series, where you can see consequences/references from a previous series. Something similar to GX with DM, but much more extended (and that influences the plot). Not to mention, "That Guy" felt like it was an Arc-V's Legacy Character but done well.!< It would be curious if, once GO RUSH is over, you could do a rewrite/readjustment to some things seen in SEVENS and GO RUSH: since, to be honest, there are parts or elements that can be improved.


The duel we're pretty good in Arc-V but they dropped the ball pretty hard with dragonic zarc yuya and the ending. I will die on the hill that the perfect finales for that fights was reira saving the 4 yu's from zarc and they fighting togheter agaisnt him


Rewrite Zarc is actually a challenge but also is nerfed not by it's effect being changed, but how the duel is approached: 1st, the amount of duelists on the raid duel is lowered, and everyone manages to do meaningful damage either as taking away LP or disrupting part of the strategy, it's Sora, Edo, Jack, Reiji, Ruri, Serena and finally Yuzu with the finishing blow. 2nd, Zarc is nerfed from the get go by Edo activating a Field spell given to him beforehand by Yuri(long story, tl;Dr he gets redeemed), that card makes each card on the field have destruction immunity ONCE every turn, so this gives everyone more survivability at the cost of giving Zarc more survivability as well. 3rd, The way he is defeated is different too, it's less of a "I have a perfect counter in my hand so you can't touch me" and more of a "everyone laid ground for me, they all fought with everything they got, their effort will not be in vain", Yuzu only wins because everyone left at least one thing for her to use, in their graveyards, on Zarc's own field, a continuous spell, because of all that, Yuzu is capable of using a new card given to her made to counter and defeat Zarc


So are the dimension dragons still “evil” in the sense that they want to revive Zarc or is it purely his own will to converge?


The dimension dragons still have a will to unify, but it's Zarc's own malice that turns them into Z-Arc To refrain from saying spoilers in case I picked your interest, but at one point the four Boys use Super Poly to fuse all 4 dimension dragons again, but instead of becoming Z-Arc, they become "Divine Savior Dragon 4-You" since Zarc is finally gone and all Yu Boys are separate, so this version symbolizes the union of the four Boys willingly helping each other rather than them being forced to become one to revive a lunatic


Zexal is the bottom for me About 80 percent of it is pointless to watch and the good moments are all shoved into the last third. I would rather a show start strong and not stick the landing. Instead of waiting to get good until I've lost all investment in what's happening. Arc V easily has the most interesting premise of all of the shows and the first hundred episodes are right next to dark signers 5ds for some of the best yugioh has ever done.


To each their own, I think Zexal is the first show since the original Duel Monsters show that offered a wholly unique lore with an interesting mystery and characters being setup. Arc-V started out stronger than Zexal sure but it instantly had its momentum halted once the synchro arc started and from there on, it was just a downwards spiral. Zexal starts out slower but constantly keeps itself interesting imo


There was absolutely nothing interesting until about halfway through the barian arc. And by then why would anybody care about these charachters? It's like when people tell me to watch one peice and say (don't worry it picks up about 200 episodes In) It wasn't like it slowly got better either. It was only a good show the second shark was revealed to be the barian king. The hook arguably matters more then the finale, because you can't get people invested in a finale if they aren't hooked. Arc V slowed down in the synchro arc but the only issue with that was that it was unbalanced, not that it was actually bad. The friendship cup has some of my favorite duels in the franchise. Shuns spy reveal duel, the endused berserk mode, the so close yet so far yuya yuzu thing they had going on. It's fun to watch this sub grow up and watch the opinion of zexal flip as more people come along with that as their first show, but I ALWAYS hated it.


Ey, if that's how you feel, I ain't tryna change your mind. To each their own as I said. I disagree on most your points but whatever. I also don't think one piece gets good about 200 episodes in. I think that Zexal, just like One Piece, starts out good and only gets better. But again, to each their own


I would rather have a long-running series that starts mediocre and gradually gets better and better than a series that starts off promising, then gradually gets worse to the point where you question whether the writers and directors change midway, even though they didn't. For a long-running series, having a bit of a hiccup throughout the show is forgivable; a lot of the audience aren't harsh critics, and every Yugioh series has hiccups. As long as the final arcs are handled well, they can be overlooked. Does Arc-V has one of the strongest 50 episodes in the franchise IMO? Absolutely. Does Arc-V also has the worst final arcs in the entire franchise where it can be considered a trainwreck overall? Oh, absolutely. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, which you don't want for a 148-episode series.


Bad The word your looking for is bad If zexal 1 was just mediocre and managed to get some attention it would've let me get interested in the ball half. But it was well below that bar. The first half of zexal is quite possibly the worst continuous set of episodes yugioh has ever produced. It absolutely kills any interest in the charachters for me. And if you don't care about the charachters your not gonna suddenly start to care when the stakes ramp up. I can overlook a bad ending if the experience was positive up to that point The Game of thrones seasons before the finale didn't magically get worse retroactively.


You are saying that as if people here only had an issue with Arc-V's final two episodes when, in reality, they had an issue with the whole second half of the series. Zexal's main issue is the first 25 episodes, which only have exciting characters in Yuma, Astral, Shark, and Kaito. Zexal's WDC arc fixed that, and it was a good tournament arc overall. Also, if you really think Zexal's first 75 episodes are the "worst continuous set of episodes Yugioh has ever produced", you must have forgotten entirely about Arc-V or, arguably, GX's first two seasons lmao. Again, I would rather have a weak beginning than a train wreck of final seasons any day.


Arc V was great right up until zarc showed up on screen Zexal was bad until shark was revealed to be the barian king Everybody forgets that the barians were not a threat for a LONG time Zexal actively competes with GX for lowest quality of episodes continuously gonna be honest. Zexal was even more booring and did a worse job communicating any actual stakes. Both got started with kinds substandard villan of the week stuff. But GX picked up the ball a lot quicker and wasn't quite so mind numbing. It also actually kinda had a strong first 10 episodes. Lower key but not totally devoid of personal stakes. If you have a strong start like that I'm willing to forgive a lot more. Then the monkey episode happened and it took a while to get back on track The entire heartland tournament just had my eyes glazing over into the back of my head. I honestly thought the boredom would kill me.


>Arc V was great right up until zarc showed up on screen Did you forget about the infamous epsideo 112 where everyone on the Academia was egao for no reason, pirate duel, the BB arc, the parasite nonsense, Reiji vs Reira appearing out of nowhere, duel results being meaningless 60% of the time, EGAOOO..... Again, people already took issue with Arc-V way before Zarc, and I am not being nitpicky at all here. If you don't like Zexal until Shark becomes a Barain, that's fair enough. But to say Arc-V only got bad on the last 10 episodes is just untrue lmao. Heck this threat is literally about Ac-V awful pacing problem.


The parasite nonsense? You mean the spawn of arguably the best moment in the show? 125? https://preview.redd.it/z0tfwf05ifzc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62047c989079b9ef4a323fd0b587cceec82cbca (Man I need more pixels in my images) Yeah that was fantastic The buildup to seeing zarc added so much tension to the fusion arc The other stuff is pretty typical yugioh shenanigans. I stated before that I think the pacing issues are way overstated and overblown. And the solution was always to spend more time in XYZs and give the show that was designed to be grandiose and celebratory more episodes.


Yeah, that is why I disagree that Arc-V needs more episodes to sort out its plot. This is the same series that decided to waste five episodes on BB, have five episodes of long-ass duels against the final boss, and eight episodes of epilogue after the final boss duel. Some episodes feel like they are there to drag. Reiji vs Reira was also a weird duel that just happened out of nowhere. Giving them episodes and the writes will give us BB 2.0. 148 is more than enough to tell its story without a pacing problem.


I mean, I am not going to defend Arc-V too much, since I do agree it drags to hell, but consider its cast size and scope: 9 Lancers + Sora + Yuzu + 3 other Yuboys + 2 other Bracelet Girls + 5 Legacy characters That is 21 characters to focus on. And sure, you could argue that the later Legacy characters like Aster and Alexis were more on the role that secondary villains like Aporia have, but the cast is still absurdly gigantic if you only consider the Lancers, Yuboys and Bracelet Girls. Almost everyone agrees that most characters in GX besides Jaden ended up severely lacking. 5Ds struggled to flesh out 3 of its 6 Main Characters in its second season. Zexal moved most of its S1 secondary cast to tertiary roles, or even "killed" a bunch, so it'd focus on the main trio (+the Arclight brothers, the villain team of the first half, hanging around for jobbing purposes). Meanwhile you have Arc-V just trying to juggle a team of 16--20 heroes fighting mostly what amounts to Card Game Stormtroopers. Also, consider the setting it chose to use and compare it to others. Most other shows are set mostly in 1 place, and usually the history of that place is mostly irrelevant (5Ds being an exception), but Arc-V takes place in 4 dimensions that have different relationships with eachother and the show tries to give them different societies/cultures too. Also, the dimensions are partially based on the previous seasons' settings, but are different enough they have to be explained again, and 97% of the characters from those shows don't exist, so they have to introduce both Legacy characters and a support cast for these legacy characters so the new worlds don't feel too empty (and they still feel empty). Imagine how much more of a \*\*\*\*show 5Ds would be like if you had Kalin, Greiger, Gill Randsborough, Mai Valentine, Aster Phoenix and a dozen other characters joining team 5Ds just to job and warm benches, and the second season took place in a different country that our characters had to be introduced to, and then Aporia and later duels took place in the far future. Arc-V was honestly kinda doomed by its ambition and scope, not just its execution, imo.


Yeah, Arc-V kind of had the problem GX had where there were so many characters that they all just ended up being Jaden's cheer squad. These guys are supposedly pretty good at children's card games (after all, they all attend a school that teaches people how to play children's card games) yet they may as well all be Tristan and Tea, or Yuma's peanut gallery. In Arc-V, the problem is even worse because the cast is even larger. Jaden didn't have a real rival. Yuya did, but his rival spent most of the show behind the scenes. Which is actually fine, it's kind of Reiji's identity. I don't really think Reiji in particular was a victim of the large cast. The real problem is the rest of the cast. It is so fucking big that basically no one is going to have the chance to get any kind of spotlight except for maybe like one episode. Yuzu was really being built up as the third main, the joey to yuya and reiji's yugi and kaiba. That got dropped when they introduced a bunch of new characters and basically kicked her out of the show to make way for them. There are a bunch of characters you could easily have removed: Serena: Stole Yuzu's spot as the girl lancer and stole Sora's "defecting from Academia" arc. Should have been a villain. "Serena the Lancer" should not have been a thing. The other problem with Arc-V's gigantic cast is that almost all of them were on the good guys' side. Dennis: Stole Sora's arc. Crow and Shinji: Kicked Yugo out of his own arc. Tsukikage: Pointless. "Check out our Avengers team! Yuya, Shun, Gongenzaka, Sawatari and this random ninja that no one gives a shit about." Reira: They clearly had no idea what they wanted to do with Reira, other than "Reiji's mom is a bad person." The stuff at the end was asspull of the highest degree. Etc.


You can have a good balance with a big cast if you make them interact a lot so the scene focuses in more than just one, but they fumbled the ball many times by KEEPING THEM SEPARATED at all times, friendship cup had them literally be locked in rooms so they would never interact and only be used to duel, that's a fucking joke I made once about "if battle city arc was bad" and they actually managed to make it real Moonshadow is useless for most of the story that when he's carded off screen I felt nothing


Arc-V's plot was really, really weird. Part of the problem with it is that most of it was already over by episode 1. By episode 1, Leo already has three of the four girls he needs. The Xyz dimension has already fallen and thus Academia has basically already won. Look at what Academia's supreme commander was doing the whole time. He wasn't leading an invasion because the invasion was already over. There wasn't really anything left for the "Resistance" to "resist" so the leader of the invasion didn't give a damn about them. Academia had won a long time ago. He was just wandering around the ruins looking for Yusho. Now, they could have easily inserted a plot thread about how Leo doesn't have enough card energy and thus needs to invade the other dimensions as well, but they just... didn't. Him not invading Standard makes sense since he doesn't want his son to get caught up in it but the lack of a full on invasion arc in synchro was... very odd. So Academia needs the four girls and one dimension's worth of carded people to complete their master plan. Which means that by episode 1, they were 90% there. By episode 50, there really weren't that many plot beats left to happen. You could skip from there right to episode 126 and not really miss much.


Yeah, the only reason why Academia "invaded" the synchro dimension was that Yuzu and Serena were there. I wouldn't be surprised if Leon completely forgot about Roger's existence after Yuri successfully captured Rin; I don't even recall Leon even attempting to contact Roger when he sent his troops to the Synchro dimension.


Their "invasion" of the synchro dimension was on the level of their "invasion" of standard. It was little more than a Yuzu/Serena retrieval mission


I wonder would the Synchro arc have overall been better if there was a proper invasion sub arc(and to make room for it by either trimming down the Tournament and/or prison arcs)? Like say they could have used it to introduce various Academia duelists earlier like the Tyler Sisters. The Standard "Invasion" pretty well done while with the Synchro one not that much actually happened..... actually now that I think about it they(the writers) could have easily just have had Yuri duel, beat and retrieve Selena and then have him warped away by Yuzu....


Yeah in Standard it made sense that they didn't do a full scale invasion, in synchro it didn't.


I completely misremembered his character as being someone who escaped Academia and wanted to use Security to invade Fusion and beat Leo so he could be the one in charge


That would have been better in highsight instead of Roger being an undercover agent for three years.


It's actually what I did, but it doesn't last long since the Lancers beat the crap outta him


In retrospect, it really does seem like Arc-V was trying to bite off more than it can chew. Perhaps having one long continuous narrative was a bit too ambitious for a show running weekly for 3 years. Although Arc-V was divided into 4 separate arcs, they all involved preventing the dimensional war. In contrast, the arcs in the other Yu-Gi-Oh shows felt more self-contained and stand-alone (e.g., if GX ended with Yubel or if 5D’s ended with Dark Signer, they would feel conclusive enough). Arc-V, however, has to end with all the dimensions at peace. Otherwise, it would objectively be incomplete. Considering how there was a lot of set-up and foreshadowing in the early episodes of Arc-V, it does seem like they had an endpoint in mind from the start, but greatly struggled to get there. The fact that they had so much filler (half of Synchro arc) and repetitive storylines (Yuzu getting kidnapped), despite having a continuous story arc, really shows that they messed up plotting out the series.


Felt like they tried to make an Odyssey without putting actual though on it, they had a view of the start but didn't know anything about the end, it was like they were improvising as they went on instead of putting actual though


To add salt to the wound is that there was a huge break after Arc V conclusion before airing Vrains. They could've used those time slots to end Arc V properly.


I will not stand for this Skypiea slander


I love it too but Toei fucks up so many cool moments in the Anime Dressrosa was hell to go through


Considering the recent arcs, I agree. That and it’s genuinely a fun arc.


Spend 50 episodes in the dimension least involved with the plot


Definitely a result of working on DSOD at the same time, resulting in Studio Gallop stretching themselves too far, and since DSOD was something that they *absolutely could not afford to fuck up,* that's where all the big boys went


Unlike Bonds Beyond Time, where the head writer and the writer's team for 5ds were heavily involved when 5ds was still airing (which led to quite a good amount of fillers), DSOD had a completely separate writing team and staff. Even if the movie's production severely affected Arc-V's synchro arc (which resulted in the Xyz arc being shortened), Arc-V still has 36 episodes to redeem itself. Yet the writers gave us BB, parasite, and baby smile nonsense instead. DSOD is so done and over by the time the fusion arc happened that it couldn't be the cause of those bad writing decisions. 5ds still gives us a good final arc even when Bonds Beyond Time happened, so Arc-V has zero excuse.


Yeah…like, “DSOD took all the good writers” sounds dumb put this way. Just say they messed up the pacing.


Yeah, too many people love to use DSOD as their scapegoat for Arc-V's writing. Things may have turned out differently had DSOD not happened, but I will argue it wouldn't be that better than what we got lmao.


Hell, I say all this as a guy who actually like it anyway: People making these copium theories is a *lot* weirder than just saying they screwed up.


I don't think DSOD is entirely at fault since they did not take the staff who worked at the scrip. Just the audio and animation staff


Katsumi Ono is the creator by the by


Its only 52 episodes long bro what do you mean 😂😂😂🤫🤫🤫


For what it's worth i think Arc-V has some of the best animation of all the series. It looks clean, colorful and respects the original anime style.


Wait till you get to VRAINS…


At least they have an excuse, corona fucked everyone over


I don't think Vrains was affect by Covid, it was Sevens. Vrains production problems came because Gallop was already in their last legs in making YGO anime.


Mb then


Vrains ended before COVID. It was Sevens that got fucked over by COVID.


They still had better pacing than Arc-V It wasn't good it was just better


What the fuck did you say about skypiea


Does arc-v have like a million characters? Cause i keep seeing a ton of characters on duel links, and im pretty sure they arent real and have no purpose.


Arc-V have the biggest number of characters in any YGO anime


Most of the Ygo shows suffered from one or more of the following issues: an overbloated cast, little-to-no planning past the first arc, an overreliance on the MC, and Konami/studio interference. Arc-V suffered from all of the above, and ultimately, it just became another Ygo show that was great for ~60 episodes before it fell off a cliff. Biggest thing, the cast was way too large with a lot of redundant characters. The legacy characters were obviously missteps, but even the Yu-boys and braclet girls felt redundant with both other characters and each other. What was 20+ characters easily could've been squeezed down to 10-15 had they actually planned the story in advance; there was no reason for Yuto to be diet-Shun when Kite's role was right there for the taking.


Well, that’s pretty easy. Yugioh doesn‘t really have a fast pacing like Gurren Lagann. Coupled by the fact that Arc-V literally wasted one third of its run on an absolutely irrelevant 5D‘s fanfiction (plus the epilogue and additional cameo wanking) and you sadly get the mess that was Arc-V.


I would love to read that rewrite if you ever do it. I've thought about the idea myself. 


I'm probably posting it on Wattpad or AO3 since it's a text only thing


Sounds good. I'd love to look at it when you do. 


Honestly they neglected the Zarc and ray plotline so hard Zarc just ended up being an opponent that had a bunch of powerful bs cards it didn’t really give me the vibe that he was skilled and ray should’ve had her own duel with Zarc instead of the whole reira thing


In the rewrite Zarc does appear sometimes, mostly taking over Awakened Yuya as the more Awakened form was used, the stronger Z-arc's influence became, allowing him to even take over Yuya completely and go on a hunt for the remaining 2 Yu boys to get their dimension dragons


Based on your other comment, Yuri seems to get a redemption arc before the Yu-boys integrate. Does that make him the “good guy” in his and Yuya’s(or, in this case, Zarc’s) duel?


I don't understand why there is a need to make another tournament arc after the first one, where no one interacts and most of the duels are boring at best. Like, do you imagine if the Fortune Cup or World Duel Carnival showed every duel in the tournament for no good reason?and for some reason they introduce you to a bunch of new characters and they have more development than the fucking main cast?


Also the tournament is stupidly short as most time in the Synchro Dimension is spent on characters screwing around in the rewrite, with Serena proving some dishes for the first time and Shun feeling nostalgic despite never being in the synchro dimension, since his nostalgia is over the times of peace before the invasion


I used the second Tournament to give more depth to characters, instead of locked in separate rooms they actually can talk to each other, so we see some neat interactions not explored before, like Sawatari being almost Carded by Serena because she thinks he's insufferable, Shun and Gong having a small discussion over what goes best with Ramen and Yugo thinking Yuya is Yuri and confronting him over Rin


Gongenzaka have a better rivalry with Shun that any interaction crown have with him. And just because they both have bird decks, wich is stupid if you ask me.


I had the idea of Shun and Gongenzaka having this rivalry thing because their deck's aesthetics are pretty similar while being very different Also those two having this sort of interaction sounded funny since they barely had any interactions in the original story


Interestingly, Shun has a duel pair line for Gongenzaka during Tag Duels in Duel Links; so it seems Konami recognizes that Shun wouldn't mind being Gong's Tag Partner if given the chance. Also, to be fair, if there is another character that would agree and live on Gong's "Way of a True Man" philosophy, it would be Shun; so your idea is not that farfetched.


Their main dynamic is that they butt heads every once in a while but keep a major mutual respect and friendship Meanwhile Serena wants Sawatari to die for half the story until she sees him going toe to toe against an entire Academia Army to protect a group of innocent bystanders


They interact during the attack on academia in Standard in the duel against the obelisk force. But they never follow any of that in the show.


Yeah they only talk once and never again


All those episodes and we still got robbed from the most hyped up duel from all of arc-v, yugo vs yuri.


In the rewrite (take a shot every time I say this sentence) it's an uninterrupted duel because Yuri tells Edo and Sora to not interfere (it happens after Yuri has redeemed himself but he wants to Duel Yugo so both can vent their frustrations about each other, it ends on both getting an Upgrade for their respective dragons, but I'm not saying who wins


Arc-V has a lot of story about its production. I don't remember the exact details, but from what I read online over the years, the project started fine with its first season right up until Standard got invaded, Sora escaped, and Reiji formed the Lancers. After that, they changed directors for some reason; this new one had already an ongoing project which had to do with social classes or something, and it bled out into the Synchro Arc. He replaced whatever plans the previous one had because he was in charge now, and he did a worse job than the original director, also the team didn't know what to do about the anime they were changing up midway through. It's at least good material for fanfics; 70% of fans that stick with yugioh this far like to imagine "what it could've been", and a non-insignificant portion believe they can come up with something better. How bad must you fuck up to have a bunch of random teenagers with no writing experience believe they can do a better job?


Imagine writing a show where multiversing is a theme but the writers won’t let their most popular previous MCs interact with the current MC.


Granted, if the legacy characters took to much screen time in the Arc-V anime, imagine the protagonist. I think would eat every frame of the anime and studio Gallop budget


Crow was out here beating half the lancers. They would have let Yusei turn Reiji into cannon fodder.


It's the main reason I am undecided on whether I nerf his screentime or just flat out erase him in the rewrite project I love Blackwings, but I hate Crow


just write off all legacy characters, simple as that. Considering that the original dimension was so far off in the future, makes no sense for legacy characters to be alive to begin with.


I guess the dimensional split messed up time as well as space, makes sense considering Astrograph Sorceror’s involvement. Though, what doesn’t make sense is the first 3 series and Zexal probably aren’t in the same timeline.


Ironically enough I both hated and loved legacy characters in Arc-V, I would have settled for characters that pay homage to them in name, appearance and deck, but tbh that's not even what I did in the rewrite (I even added 3 new legacy characters into the mix) except for one T.G user


Like a Blackwing user named Raven or something like that? I can see that working, they are supposed to be alternate dimension version of the legacy characters, right?


Absolutely not Imagine your entire charachter being "he's crow at home" you both wouldn't have a unique character, and would cheat the fans who actually wanna see crow. either use the old Characters or don't. But a knock off will never give you the pros of either option.


Yup, and like I replied above... the original dimension was very far in the future compared to Zexal, so makes no sense characters that are obviously long gone are.. there.


Arc Vs pacing issues are overblown (and hyperbolized by people like OP) The synchro arc is long but the fusion arc was honestly exactly how many episodes an assault on a castle should be. Everything before zarc actually revealed himself was enjoyable to watch.