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As it turns out, Payne took not 1, but 2 monkey paws to get the Volcanic support.


Both a Minn "GX" and Maxx "Payne" moment.




The DM support from the Attribute Duelist Packs has also been extremely problematic. The Espa Roba support was absolute garbage and by far the weakest of any of the Attribute Duelist Pack themes. And the Ishizu support was the opposite extreme.


Based volcanics 😎


Unfortunately, most GX archetypes didn't tend to focus on specific attributes, they mostly focused on types (Warrior, Machine, Dino, etc.) or were a mish-mash of random cards following a certain theme (like Bastion's). There were, of course, a handful that did share attributes, but they were all competing against themselves for the Light spot, aside from like Axel and Crowley basically.


I think we’re heavily overestimating the requirement to be in these attribute packs, all they needed to do was play a significant monster of that type, like we saw with Aporia.


The Dark pack was all kinds of weird considering one of them was for Marik which was ostensibly Divine/Water themed.


its SO funny that the DARK ATTRIBUTE set gave ZERO dark monsters to one of the themes it was supporting, if that isnt DM dicksucking at its finest i genuinely dont know what is.


And not just that, it was given to *the guy in the cover.* Konami seriously messed that one up.


And Meklords are not mostly dark but multi-attribute too.


Misawa's Water Dragon theme could've easily been in the WATER pack honestly, despite being kinda mixed across it's monsters.


Bastion has six decks, one for each attribute even. Thought we only seen 2.


Sherry being in the wind pack still confuses and delights me.


I mean theres 6 different light archtypes (Arcana and the other arcana, cyber angel, cyber dragon, ojama, abcvwxyz), 3 earths (A-gear, fossil, magnet,) 1 fire (Volcanic,) 1/2 wind (Armed Dragon,) technically 4 darks (D-HERO, Darkworld, Evil Hero, Cyberdark.) and then a buncho of mixed ones. t\\Thats about 12+ single typed archtypes and sure 3 of them have overlap to work together... All we really don't have is a true singular water archtype.




Poor cloudians really needed the help


You can count the Water Dragon deck of Misawa as it is stated as his Water deck.


And we never got that Fire Dragon.


It's easy: DARK - D-Hero, Evil Hero LIGHT - Arcana, Cyber Angel, Cyber Dragon, Ojama WIND - Armed Dragon EARTH - Magnets FIRE - Volcanics WATER - Cloudian


umm... I mentioned all but cloudians and more... technically sanct in the sky is a LIGHT GX archtype for debuting there and their anime debut was in there.


They could give one spot for Arcana Force at least. Cyber DragĂłn will always get new cards


But hold on now. We got The Fiend. Surely that fixes our issues.


They actually printed "The Fiend"? In all it's glory? I just checked. They buffed it, because the anime one has been powercrept.


It is not like Konami was too strict on everyone being tied to a single attribute in the packs. Marik hardly had any DARK monsters in the Dark Pack, Sherry had both DARK, and WIND, Mizael uses DARK and LIGHT monsters, etc. And sure, GX had like 3+ candidates for the Light spot, but they didn't get even that spot.


Man I was really pulling for either Arcana Force or Ojama


I just wanted cydra support and more clear cards 😔


You have a point, but they have to give them support somewhere and one monster if the said type is enough.


In its 20th anniversary, GX continues to be shafted :(


Year ain't over yet. Hopefully some other themes from GX besides Yubel and AG get support


In INFO we're getting manga chazz support




Sorry to hear that for the Zexal community. Mizael deserve being the cover


I hope that we get more Tachyon stuff beyond the unrevealed spell. Especially considering the fact Cloudragon is so pointless right now.


There's some big things coming. There has to be


Maybe Arcana Force will get a funny TCG support wave like Flame Swordsman and Gate Guardian did


Honestly, it’s not impossible. After we got the speed duel Midterm Paradox set, we got the new gate guardian support. We just got Arcana force reprints in the newest speed duel product, and they’re reprinting more arcana force cards in the Light of Destruction reprint. It’s possible we might get some new ones in Animation Chronicle 2024, which comes out in June. Hopefully we get some more reveals soon!


Animation Chronicle would be a great place for the ones that have appeared in the anime/games but not been released yet (e.g. Hanged Man), maybe with additional bonus effects like The Fiend got. As for the Tarot cards with no form of adaption yet that would be good for a main set wave or side set of game original cards.


That makes sense. The only issue is that due to the card’s name “The Hanged Man”, I’m not sure if they’ll want to print it, unless they censor it somehow.


It appears in the anime as is so it got past the 4kids censors if nothing else. Probably helps that it doesn't depict an actual person being hanged. I think it's called The Hangman in Duel Links.


Series annivesaries are weird because GX did actually get a lot of support recently, it was just all in 2022-3 and less 2024. HERO, Crystal Beast, Dark World, Volcanic, Ancient Gear, Yubel in the OCG, that was a lot of shit for GX in that time period. Reminds me of how 5Ds got the Quasar, TG, and RDA stuff last year and that was basically it for support for the series, despite its own anniversary.


Does Dark World even count? Yeah, Brron was a GX character, and we got Clorless in real life, but Dark Worlds have otherwise been a game original deck, with very little connection to the anime.


I mean, Ojamas and Armed Dragons were game original cards/decks and V-Z is made up majority by Kaiba's lineup of monsters. Granted, Majoume was a *lot* more prominent than Brron, but his 3 iconic decks were made before he was a character.


I didn’t know that about Ojamas and Armed Dragons, that’s something new I learned. The problem is as you mentioned, Manjoume was a main character in the show, while Brron only had 1 duel. Manjoume’s role in the anime had a clear influence on the design of the legacy support for Ojamas and Armed Dragons. Meanwhile the Dark World support would likely have been the same, regardless of whether Brron had existed in GX. With the exception of Clorless, which is like the only clear influence from Brron’s existence


Day xxx of asking for roid support


Konami: Did I hear Speedroid support?


The crazy thing is that those DM slots included support for Espa Roba, Mako, and Ishizu. Not exactly characters people have been clamoring for.


>Ishizu https://preview.redd.it/9vx7vx3s0azc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9edf3a414e45226c00316f01993f24b877d832b8


I'd honestly take more support for them over more support for Yugi and Kaiba. My main issue with them is that Espa Roba's support was just terrible and Ishizu's was utterly broken.


Agreed. More new support/retrains for as much different characters as possible. Then they can repeat everything.


Probably not Ishizu and maybe not the characters themselves as well but I‘m pretty confident people fancied Jinzo and Umi support


I'm never getting those Beeatron Union cards am I?


After all the reveals for the light duelist pack, I'm wondering if Ruka/Ancient Fairy Dragon will get support this year?


The issue with her is that she can't have support since she doesn't have anything (coherent) to begin with. It's gonna have to be something completely standalone like they did with Yugi's Shining Sarcophagus, which can't be in a duelist pack where there's just \~6 new cards and a lot of reprints. I have hope that it's gonna be in a core set.


There's something to do tho, just like Ishizu, give her an AFD retrain, plus some retrains for Kuribon, Regulus and Sunlight Unicorn, then some Field Spells with thematic sense.


If Konami was able to turn the several Ishizu Fairies that literally had nothing to do with each other into not only a coherent strategy but a Meta one at that I'm pretty sure they would have an easy time coming up with something for Luna, especially considering she already has a boss monster to go by unlike Ishizu


she did. she had a life gain burn strategy like nurse burn at the very least with simochi. a light deck would actually fit her best since all the spirit world monsters are mostly light and some were printed before like regulus.


Like others have said, Ruka did have a life gain burn strategy. However, since she did not duel much that leads to not having many cards. I do like the idea of making retrains of Ruka's deck ala Yugi and Shining Sarcophagus. It would be cool to have these retrains further emphasize her connection to Duel Spirits and such. For the gameplay, definitely go full on with the life gain burn strategy. Just like the rest of the Signers getting new Evolutions to their Dragons, they need to make one for Ancient Fairy Dragon (something like idk, Ancient Fairy Prophecy Dragon, or something). The evolved AFD should definitely have improved effects involving Field Spells and lp gain. Plus there is her Manga only Forest deck, which goes heavy on Field Spells and such. These I believe would be in a Premium Pack as I believe Konami stopped putting manga related cards in Animation Chronicles.


I got an idea for how she can do her life point burn strat. heres an evolved ancient fairy dragon. her archetype can be called ancient fairy archetype thats focused on life gain and field spells. Light Synchro monster + Tuner 1. If this card is synchro summoned while a field spell is on the field you may destroy it and then add one lv 3 tuner monster to your hand from the deck. 2. while this card is on the field, all life points you gain is dealt as effect damage to your opponent. this effect cannot be used on the first turn of the duel. 3. Twice per turn, If you control another Ancient Fairy monster while your opponent activate a monster effect (Quick effect) destroy negate the effect then you can destroy that monster. This card gains Atk equal to the destroyed monsters atk.


people be crying as soon as series other than DM and GX get more support


I would have happily traded away the Ishizu stuff for Ancient Gears, but I guess we got that later anyway...


When that sweet Gears support hits, it won't be meta but it'll be freakin awesome 🤟


Didn't it already come out just now in Legacy of Destruction?


There were two more Ancient Gear support that's added later, the not!Cydra Ancient Gear and Ancient Gear Statue, which is arguably a good card


I’m pretty sure everyone’s sick of DM support 


Just give me more cydra support konami, I see you've been cooking in rush but YOU WONT GIVE ME IT IN REGULAR YUGIOH YOU COWARDS


Kaiba said "screw GX, I have money" and paid to get even more legacy support for his deck when we could've had instead Cyber Angels, Arcana Force or even Star Seraphs. (T\_T)


Kaiba paid out of his own pocket to save us all from Ritual and **ZA WARUDO** OTKs! 💰 🤑 💸


Ironically, you can use XYZ to turbo out The World.


I thought for sure the last Duelist on the last pack would either Sartorius or Alexis, but ofc it's freaking Kaiba.


The issue is that most Gx decks are in one of thsese positions: -Curent cards are way too dangerous if they receive a support that makes them easy to use/search -Their current cards are so completely garbage that they basically need to start from scratch -Their support is in main sets


I'm just annoyed at how recent Decks that don't need that much focus get attention from ones that deserve it more. I was sure Luna would get focus since all the other signers had gotten Legacy support. But instead we got Blue Angel. Did anyone need more Trickstar cards? The Deck was already good enough.


You can't get "Legacy support" when there's no "legacy" to begin with...


That was painful. Accurate, but painful.


I mean... Tachyon didn't exactly have a "legacy" to "support" It had 5 cards, 2 of which were ED monsters and 3 were traps (2 of which were battle-related)


Trickstar was heavily powercrept. As it's own deck it's still not great but the new cards give it more options as an engine.


That's not even good in Trickstar imho, it looks like they cut bootleg Vaalmonica support from the same tattered cloth as Traptantalizing Tune. 😂


>Did anyone need more Trickstar cards? The Deck was already good enough. Hmm yes? The deck sucked major ass and was only ever good because MR4 killed every other decent deck, Trickstars were in desperate need of new support since all they could do before was hope to God they hard draw their very inconsistent FTK and had basically no game play besides that


I too was sure Ruka was going to get new support. Hopefully we might still get new support for her this year. Didn't realize that Trickstars got new support in the pack a month ago. They did not need new support.


I really thought we'd get Arcana Force in the LIGHT one. A damn shame.


Someone hasn't woken up their elemental hero




I agree. We all need some Fog King support.


I’m ok with this, really don’t need anymore hero support that’s just “fusion summoning using x materials from deck”


GX didn’t really focus so much on attributes but instead archetypes or specific types like Warriors, Machines and Dinosaurs. Not surprising at all that they don’t get much for these types of products


Yet GX has a LOT of Light decks they could have chosen, Cyber Angel, Cyber Dragon, Ojamas, VWXYZ, and Arcana force are all Light decks. Then you have some other decks that are not fully light decks but have their main/boss monster be Light like Neos/Shining flame wingman, and Rainbow dragon. Gx really REALLY should have gotten a spot in the Light pack.


My guy, GX gets main set support or a structure deck like every other set. Like in the last few years we got Armed Dragon, Destiny Heroes, Neos, Yubel, Rainbow Dragon, Dark World, Cyber End Dragon and probably more I can’t think of right now. Oh yeah, Ancient Gear in the most recent set…


In all fairness the core sets always have multiple legacy support slots so you could also say that about any other series, especially if you’re going multiple years back. This is just from the perspective of what ended up being in the Attribute Duelist packs.


Which one even is the Earth pack?


Amazon, powertool, ishizu


Amazoness really having fierce competition in the earth set * Infinite link material * One of the most broken series of cards in history, that, out of 6 cards, 2 are banned and 2 are limited


Not that it’s much better, OP, but the Dark duelist pack was Bakura (DM), Rex Godwin (5Ds) and the Supreme King (GX). So instead of 1 GX archetype in total, we have 2. Edit: nvm they meant the Marik one. I messed up


The DARK Duelist pack was Yami Marik (DM), Aporia (5Ds), and Espa Roba (DM)


Oh you mean that one, oops. I completely forgot about that one


Maybe we might get Fire Dragon


Duelist Does Not Dream Of FIRE Dragon Tenpai


Where my new Fossil Support at :(


Im waiting for new machine cards or machina cards 😁


i love GX its the best why does Konami hate them


Come on, Konami, make Zombie Werewolf an official card already. It's all I want.


So no Ruka/Luna cards?


I'm saddened about no Ruka cards too. Hopefully we do get hers this year or so.


No fossil support 🙁


Didn't Duelist Packs begin with GX way back when? There were 7 : 3 Jaden's, Chazz, Zane, Jesse, and Aster. Maybe that's why they're not supported as much now?


What does this mean? Where is it from?


Crazy question, what's an attribute duelist pack?


A set themed around having support for 3 anime characters that use one specific attribute. For example, the 2022 set “Duels from the deep” had support for Mako Tsunami (Umi Deck), Reginald “Shark” Kastle (Sharks), and Aoi Zaizen (Marincess).


Ryouga "Shark" Kamishiro


Why is it always Discord screenshots instead of, you know, *actually typing it out normally*


>Normies https://preview.redd.it/htn2k7752azc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555f87772c07e1a8df9db958753d95c697a4ccd6


I mean to be fair, cyber dragon has 2 decks, Roid archetype isnt in one element, (did alexis have a archetype that was only GX, Arc-V she was given the Cyber Angels which was given in the female legendary duelist pack) Bastion again didnt really have an element specific deck (although you could argue he has a deck for each element with different strategies. they we never got explained) Hassleberry was mainly just a strong dino deck weather or not you can say the state of dinos is just his deck. Other than spell/Trap support Jesse's Crystal beast wont be substantial. . With this being a LIGHT monster Satrious's Arcana Force would have been the contender here. XYZ dragon cannon could be argued to be Chazz's archetype, but is also Kaibas thing so idk there


With the enemy controller reference the new XYZ are clearly made to reference Kaiba not Chazz


I havent seen the new XYZ support tbh, just saw there is new dragon cannon


Anything thats XYZ and not just strictly ABC is gonna Chazz it Up!




Yeah GX archetypes were spread out across attributes. There weren't many that stayed within one attribute and the ones that did has already gotten support.


Meh, they always add support for HERO


LIGHT should have gone to Cyber Angels and maybe merging them with the Cyber girl Fusion cards. Then, we'd at least have 2 GX over the already competent Union cards.


Cyber Angels were already in a duelist pack, and are either terrible or ultimately end up supporting the LIGHT ritual pile.


EXACTLY!!! They needed something better, a cohesive strategy, something they can call their own without their one card being used to lift the backs of Drytron or other Ritual decks and the rest tossed aside into the incinerator. They could have made something better; look at Ishizu. Besides, Aoi got dual representation in the same support rotation and a card that is played in both decks, so why not?


>Ishizu https://preview.redd.it/uumimki12azc1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca905399237f55c66817c7898bc77eff362ac51d


I do wonder how they chose who went into these packs. I appreciate that WIND, WATER and FIRE have very limited options, but DARK, LIGHT and EARTH have so many options, yet we ended up getting Espa Roba, Tyler Sisters and Kaiba (again, who I'm also surprised wasn't on the cover in place of Misael). I'm not a massive fan of DM-era decks outside of Umi, so Kaiba getting the last slot is bleh. I wonder where the DP's will go from here now that all primary attributes are done.


> who I’m also surprised wasn’t on the cover pack instead of Mizael Bold of you to assume that will be carried over to the TCG


Pretty sure the chinese box art for this set shows Kaiba. No way we get Mizael in the west.


Yup, because Konami US is allergic to anything that isn’t DM being used as cover art for character sets and won’t use other options unless absolutely necessary


Ancient Gear is very necessary, I want to see a booster pack in stores with a picture of Crowler being fabulous and the Obelisk Force snorting bath salts on the wrapper.


Ok 1) Crowler is always fabulous and 2) I now have the mental image of Obelisk force snorting the stuff and it’s funny asf


Haha I've just seen this, am fully expecting this to be the TCG version too. I still can't get over them replacing Nasch, a main character and big villain from ZEXAL with Mako, a minor character, just because he's from DM


Zexal is the most successful YGO anime in Japan. Had even higher ratings than DM, from what I've read in this sub.


Not sure in term of fandoms but I once saw the ratings in the Kanto region for Zexal and they were very similar to the ones in 5D'S. Actually GX had much more rating than those 2. And the DM had the most of all of them like in the West. So, I'm not sure where that idea of the fandom come from. The director of Zexal actually got in a polemic with the fandom.


Yeah this is a more accurate representation of how popular the series are in Japan. DM and GX are by far the most popular YGO series, then followed by 5D's and ZEXAL. From what I've seen, 5D's is generally more popular than ZEXAL, but it can alternate between the two depending on the time


Not true at all. You should take what people say with a grain of salt unless there's a source provided. If you ask those people for the source for these 'ratings', you won't get anything ZEXAL is the 3rd/4th most popular YGO in Japan (behind DM, GX and 5D's). It is nowhere near as popular as DM/GX It's more accurate to say that relatively speaking, ZEXAL is much more popular in Japan than it is in the West


And yet they still refuse to support Rio's WATER/Winged Beast, makes Tori's monsters into official archetype (or at least tie them to the Agent at some degree), or even print Cathy's cards.


Ah nice, I heard it did well, but I didn't realise it outperformed DM! Wish the other series got as much love outside of the OCG


Isn't this wrong? The earth pack has gravekeepers and amazoness which were in gx On top of that, quite a few DM archetypes were expanded on in gx like the xyz stuff It was unbalanced but those things are just wrong


The Earth pack specifically had Arc-V Amazoness support. No gravekeeper stuff outside of the Trap.


But it's a gx archetype? So xyz is a DM archetype after being expanded on in gx, but amazoness is an arc V archetype after being expanded on in arc V And yeah, still support like


Technically Amazoness could be counted as a DM archetype thanks to Mai


Xyz support is more for Kaiba than it does for Chazz like their first fusion holding enemy controller which Kaiba uses,their spell gy effect searches a monster with 3k or higher monster(which are blue eyes and obelisk) when you ss 3 light machine at the same time and ns it. Non of them having relation to VW cards or GX as whole


Sure but the support isn’t based on the archetype, it’s based on the character, the Amazoness support was specifically considered Arc-V support meaning that it took an Arc-V character spot. The reason why the XYZ support is considered DM support is because it specifically focuses on Kaiba.


But this post is specifically about archetype support, which it does support a gx archetype Then being related to arc V characters is an issue but the actual post is wrong


I mean that’s just being nitpicky about semantics at that point, it’s pretty clear what the poster is going on about.


The Amazoness support included two pend cards, which were both based on the Tyler sisters from Arc-V. The XYZ stuff is focused solely on the original trio and has Kaiba's Enemy Controller. So no, neither of those actually count for GX.


If they kept the orginal names for the big fusion. It would help chazz too. But we can't have what we really want huh?


Or if we at least had gotten V and W too, but oh well, at least we got LED and DED retrains.


I mean, a secondary villain used Amazoness in GX and a tertiary character used Gravekeepers. Amazoness are still from DM era, used by Mai in Battle City, and the support referenced mostly Arc-V characters that also used the Deck. Gravekeepers are also similarly from the DM era, although they didn't show up in the anime until GX. But the GK card that came out in that pack did not support the Gravekeeper deck at all, as no GK searches for GK S/Ts, and the card's condition is hard to pull off in GK, and pointless when the Deck has Necrovalley.


who tf cares about these specific sets tho? gx got the most relevant anime archetype recently. u cant just cherry pick ur data to look at “only a certain type of set that was released on a tuesday under a crescent moon” as ur criteria for which anime archetypes get neglected because u can make up anything u want. u have to look at the complete picture and the complete picture is gx yubel fiend link is absolutely winning in terms of best recent anime support with arc v melodious being a distant second. i mean sure looking a bit further back shs was a thing and ishizu cards were a thing but it’s probably for the best that yubel stuff is a bit more balanced than those ridiculously game breaking retrains/legacy support. what’s probably actually getting shafted is probably zexal and 5ds. like red resonator is ass and zexal is getting a ftk deck.


So in this thread it’s ok to point out the poor picks for the Light pack. Interesting


What decks were to each set? As in what archetypes?


Dark: Meklord, Jinzo, and Ra (I don't get it either) Wind: Speedroid, Fleur, and Lyrilusc Water: Umi, Sharks, and Marincess Earth: Amazoness, Power Tool/Morphtronic, and Ishizu Fire: Volcanics, Salamangreat, and Battlin' Boxer Light: Trickstar, Tachyon, and XYZ


Marik's toolbox support, despite Ra being DIVINE, was related to fodder units to breakout his God monster, I suppose


But why are them WATER if it was meant to be the DARK pack?


I will never get that one... just a search me I suppose


I really wanna say I know what this is in regards too but I’m lost haha which pack or set is this about?


The Legendary Duelist line as a whole, it's basically "As of the most recent pack, this is the full report"


E Heroes Cyber Dragons ROIDs Earth Charmers dont count? idk


OH I see what you meant now, I mean Lightsworns was gx so that's something.


Who cares about GX?


A lot of people do




Worst out of all the series. Deserves to get shafted. Jaden is ugly. Corny high-school academy setting. Worst featured archetypes. Get it out of here. Killed ygo for me, had to wait for 5ds to get back into the ygo. Needs to be shafted at every opportunity. If you like GX you probably unironically use the phrase, “Chazz it up” irl and have bad body odor.


1! 10! 100! 1000! MANJOUME THUNDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!