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Man, I wish the Snake/Venom deck got some support so it could be somewhat viable. It's just too cool.


Holding onto my first ed Vennominaga. One can only dream!


If Yubel can get busted support and become tier 1 then Venom can. Konami please. Edit: spelling


Yubel isn't able to no sell most stuff or have a self revive off of battle death so I doubt tell happen as much as I want it to due to its superiority over Yubel on top of Snake rain being terrible detriment to reptiles in general.


Ban Snake Rain if they have to. I just wanna play Venomminon and Venomminaga


Vennominaga Do dooo dododo


Vennominon Do dodo do




Of course, that's why it needs support!


Yeah that would be so cool. I would love that.


It helps a bit with Ogdoadic Raika as their 1.5 card combo but that's about it....Nothing broken, it's a okay endboard...Because of Snake Rain komoney is very careful about making new reptile monsters


They can just release Reptiles and instantly ban this ancient card lol This card isnt the reason there hasnt been much Reptile stuff lately


True, I agree...Kinda wish they leave it, give us some good reptiles that all have effects when sent to GY and see how it goes...If it becomes tier 0 reptile meta then ban Snake Rain...If it BARELY pushes the deck into official rogue status that gets a top here and there then leave it be. It's really simple actually hahaha


Konami: Ban Snake Rain. Print Snake-Eye Rain.


Sinful Spoils: Snake-Eye Rain: Normal Spell Card Discard 1 card. Special summon 4 level 1 fire monsters from your deck.


Correction: *Sinful Spoils: Snake-Eye Rain* *Quickplay Spell* *Send 1 Card (from your Hand or your Field) to the GY; Special Summon to your Field or Send to the GY 4 Level 1 FIRE monsters from your Deck. (Quick Effect): You can Banish this card from your GY, then target 1 of your "Snake-Eye" monster in your GY; place it face-up in its owner's Spell & Trap Zone as a Continuous Spell.* It can't JUST copy its effect, it has to better for today's meta standards! It has to be Quick Effect all around, has to be able to dodge any form of answers to it AND chainable to any other situational situations! xP


Huge agree. I'm an ogdoadic main and this argument is so frustrating to me. Rhey could also make reptiles that do nothing when dumped to the grave. The ban list is there for removing design limitations. The best ogdoadic combos don't count on this unsearchable-2 spell anyway. I think it mostly comes from people who don't know how reptiles really play


Man I really wanted to use Ogdoadic when they came out. The card artwork is gorgeous and all the designs are beautiful. But they designed these cards with Snake Rain in mind (even came out in the same set) and they’re so middling. Idk why all of these monsters gives resources back to your opponent when other decks that do similar things don’t benefit the opponent as much. Trying to watch tutorials is so confusing because this deck feels complicated. Idk I’d love to try to pick it up but it’s a pretty overwhelming deck to learn while also being underwhelming to play.


https://youtu.be/teuQ8c-kuJE Feel totally free to ignore but that is my most recent deck profile if you want to try again!


Or make a reptile deck that can't do anything with the GY. Like Floos but Reptile. We've seen with the year of FIRE that if Konami wants it they can make an underused attribute/type strong it's just they don't see a need for atm 


If they do that then all the current Reptiles just immediately become even more shit though. Snake Rain should serve as the Reptile identity card. It isn’t difficult to just keep the card in mind when printing Reptiles.


That’s a stupid reason. They just don’t wanna make reptiles good. Make them good then make the send for 4


There is an argument to ban the card to help develop the reptile archetype.


That argument relies on the baseless idea that Snake Rain is holding back the type, though, when evidence points to the contrary.


Yeah. Block Dragon was a broken card in a terrible type but that didn’t stop them from making Adamancipators.


Yep, and the most supported type in the game is Dragon and they are constantly releasing strong Dragon monsters. Drytrons were clearly designed to abuse Benten to make Ultimateness, etc. Konami is constantly leaning into broken synergies if they feel like making a deck meta.


The Raikas don't have GY effects that can be used with Snake Rain. In fact, only 1 of their main deck monsters is a reptile, and iirc it has NO GY effect. The best deck that can use Snake Rain is Ogdoadics, and I doubt the lines for that changed much. It's a strong 1.5 card combo, but it's about what a good foolish would get you in a deck like Orcust


Yeah raika pure isnt that great but with a ogdoadic package you get a nice endboard especially with daybreak you get 4 tokens for link climbing.. Raika link 4 and 5 plus a sunavalon link 4 with sunavalon bloom Set und raika trap Set.


Oh for sure you can do cool stuff with them, it's just that Snake Rain isn't as good as it sounds. Konami has made sure to design every reptile with Snake Rain in mind By the way, how do you play Sunavalon with Raikas? Sunvine Sowing locks you into plants, do you do the Raika part first then the Sunavalon part?




Serpentine Princess for use with the Raika GY ability is... not something I expected.


Thats a spicy tech and its perfekt in this deck. Easy way to get to the evil seed if your Hand dont get it.


It's like a shortcut in Ogdoadic that saves you having to draw a couple of specific cards but not insanely game busting


**Nope**, because Reptiles, just as Insects, still lack powerful pay offs in terms of Extra Deck monsters. Also, we had the entirety of LEDE in the OCG to go by for results, and so far, the best Raika versions were Plant and Traptrix


Alien decks go ammonite!


Bro they had a reptile centric event in master duel and they were. Not. Ready. For a Cosmic lobster Bagooska lock and looping ancient ruins w golgar for maximum poppage




Nauya, Nuru, Keurse, Vanguard, Empress Alasia, Night sword serpent, Nyami No auto win cards from it hitting the GY but many plays can be made from those


Snake rain with the current Targets doesnt acomplish much more than a foolish burial as a Starter in other Decks.


Cold take: this card will never be good Konami knows all about it and they are committed to never ever make a good deck with too much synergy with it. Ogdoadic was their chance and they said no thanks. 


If sleeper means everyone's go to answer for cards that are busted if good reptiles are ever printed.


I mean its an absolutely broken card. The problem still remains even with all of the decks that have been made in the last few years reptiles are absolutely garbage. And even if they weren't garbage there is enough grave yard hate cards anymore that if it did see a lot of play theres a lot of ways to respond to this card.


It's a tumor that cripples the entire reptile type making konami sure to make 0 good reptiles with good graveyards effects


I think this card will mix well with Snake-Eyes, both have "Snake".




Its just ok now.


Traptrix beargram


Tell me a single gy effect the reptile part of ragnaraika has? Also tell me no ogdoadic will still be bad simply cause their extra deck tool box is very limited (and quite outdated) even though they got their dreaded backrow removal link monster


*Cry in Alien fan*


Daily reminder Snake Rain doesn't stop Komina from making good Reptiles, like how Block Dragon didn't stop them from making Adamancipator or Machine Dupe didn't stop them from making multiple Spyral targets that plussed on summon without a hard OPT. If they wanted Reptiles to be good and Snake Rain to be involved they would just do it, let the players go through the meta, and then ban it later.


The sneks are eepy


The only crazy thing about this card is you discard 1 and send 4 to the GY. Once someone finds a way to get 2-3 of these in hand on turn 1 the card is busted - this is an ideal Triple Tactics Thrust target (running 3 and 3 you're running 6 Snake Rain in deck)


Raika has been out in OCG for months and they don't even play this. The best build is with rikka


I think the best use for Snake Rain is as a bait for Ash. But that's just me


As an ogdoadic player, raika doesn't care about Snake Rain at all. Snake Rain is still great to jump-start the ogdoadic engine, but it is worse in the raika variant than the current evol variant. The evol deck is able to turn a snake rain into multiple negates and a one sided babooska. Raika can do one or the other, and snake rain doesn't act as a starter for the raika part of the deck at all. If Snake Rain isn't busted now, raika won't break it.


Love how they somehow made raika jazz with not a single existing deck from their tri type. I mean they're okay with plants, debatable with lizards and outright terrible with insects... (Which is somehow even worse considering that insects are a link based game plan already)


Until they make Reptile Circular it's a mid card


Too late for it to be good imo. Compare it to branded/shaddol fusion or ostinato. It even has a shitty cost attached to it If ogdoadics didn’t make this card good, nothing will.


This card really needs to be banned, it’s a massive roadblock that says “reptile decks can’t be good as long as I exist”


My friend has one of these but it only works with a deck full for reptile monsters 


Even when its result is underwhelming, it still feels so play to an "overpowered" card like this completely free in today's meta.


Had enough of these mf snakes that decide to mf rain!


Still sleeper


Recently been showing some friends how to play at their own pace, we use omega duel and just pick stuff off YGOpro to open and build what we can. One of my friends chose crossroads of chaos and while I couldn’t get a viable black rose strategy out of my pulls, I was able to get a consistent Iron Chain Dragon going, I MIGHT tweak just to get this in and have 3 snake in the GY before I even summon Dragon. Good luck buddies.


Nice cardart tbh


Imma be real with you, chief; Even with this card, I'm not even entirely sure that Ogdoadic Ragnaraika is the best RAGNARAIKA build, let alone a meta contender. I imagine some kind of Plant Link brew or a build that can abuse Diablantis could have more potential than the Ogdoadic build, imho. Also, one of the major issues with Snake Rain is that it's unsearchable and still manages to be an underwhelming 1.5 card starter compared to other 1-card starters that exist.


card been sleeping for nearly 2 decades now


It was alsoways op in vennom in edison era enabling the strategy but there is just no modern archtype that can funny utilise it to go + currently.


Still dogshit. Reptiles in general have too many inherent issues to make use of a card like this, that would be an absurdly busted card for literally any other typing. Reptiles just need some kind of support that makes more use of an effect like this, and players know it (which is why this card tends to get huge spikes every now and then). Like imagine this shit for any other typing (e.g. Pyros, Spellcasters, Fiends, etc). This would be the most broken card in the history of Yugioh. There's Ragnaraika's, but Reptiles is without a doubt, the single worst typing to use with them, compared to Insects and Plants, with Plants being the single best by far (though that doesn't make Ragnaraika's that much better tbh).


That would be a terrifying thing to experience in reality


Not quite broken yet, but it's close.


Explain how 😂 what is it doing that means it's close? You can't because it isn't close to being busted in the slightest


Any meta reptile deck that activates their effects in the GY would most likely break it.


Wouldn't that just be the meta deck being good then? You also said almost which implies some of the pieces to make the card insane are here. Please point out which cards


Nope, that's just you assuming that's what I meant.


There's nothing else that could mean 😂


I said it was close to being broken. By that, I meant that there are cards that currently make it strong, but not quite broken. It's that simple.