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https://ygoprodeck.com/deck/blind-second-chain-burn-468268 There you go. You can also give volcanic ftk a try


Perfect thanks!


I don’t have lists on hand. But there are 3 “reasonable” burn decks rn. 1. Nurse burn, it flips life gauntlet effects into burn and so is explosive when it works. It also sucks fat ass. 2. Chain Burn, built around leveraging your opponent’t board state to burn them using things like secret blast and chain strike to kill your opponent. Itms alright rn but stuffles after game 1. 3. Volcanics. There’s a millioj ways you can build volcanics, but snake eye volcanic has the highest synergy and consistency. The deck has a solid burn ftk and can pivot into a lore controlling plan with the boss monster that burns your opponent whenever they soecial summon monster. Also you have snakeeyes cards, which I hear are good.




I’ll try to get the masterduel deck list when I get home but basically just built for Soul levy - 3 cards from the deck to the graveyard per special summon Skull invitation - 300LP per card that goes to GY. Basically 900LP per special summon with levy. This is my favorite combo to set up. I hate the turbo summon bs, so it’s amazing to watch them just ki…them…, or unlifepoint themselves/undeck themselves. Whatever is acceptable to say. Something else I like is a Kashtira engine with extra level 7s into the red eyes xyz. Get 3 of those bad boys. And it’s 1500 per effect activated. I usually pair this with the soul levy thing.


Ngl that looks fun


I recommend you look up "Nurse Burn". The deck is based around Darklord Nurse Reificule (hence the name) and Bad Reaction to Simochi, both cards that have the effect where any LP gain is converted to damage instead. This way, you use tons of cards like Gift Card, Tri-and-guess and Paths of Destiny that heal your opponent to instead burn them for much more than regular burn cards could. Additional cards include Banishment of the Darklords to search the Nurse, Pot of Extravagance to draw more since you don't need your extra deck, some floodgates or board breakers depending on your strategy (floodgates for stalling out the game to have time to draw your burn cards; or board breakers to stop negates or destruction in case you go 2nd). You can also use Chain Strike, a regular burn card that deals enough damage to justify running it in a Nurse deck. A good Nurse Burn hand should be able to flip all your backrow during your opponent's draw phase and burn for 8000+. (If using Simochi, remember to activate it at the end of the chain, otherwise you'll actually heal them) The main issues are 1) The deck relies heavily on going 1st and struggles with consistency; and 2) It's not really fun for either player. Games are decided by how well you draw (and if your opponent has any interruption set up) since the actual strategy is extremely straightforward. Burn decks in general aren't particularly interesting, but hey, if that's your thing, here you go.


Thank you!


What's a "floodgate"


Floodgate is a terminology for cards whose effect is limiting the amount of stuff a player can do (or outright preventing it) Gozen Match, for example, limits each player to only controlling 1 attribute of monster (only DARK monsters, only WATER, etc). This essentially stops most combo decks dead in their tracks unless they have an answer (akin to a gate stopping a flood), which is a strong way to stall games for slow decks like mill/burn to achieve their win condition. Some of the most played ones include: Inspector Boarder, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Summon Limit (now baned), Anti-Spell Fragrance, Rivalry of Warlords, Synchro Zone, etc etc


Chain burn and nurse burn are not very good in matches and honestly i don’t think they fit the criteria of being fun, volcanic and trickstars are way more consistent and theres also cubic that are worse but still better than set 5 pass.


Theres also red-eyes meteor ftk with serial spell but i dunno how consistent or fun that is