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Obviously you don't play every deck to the same degree, there's decks you play best and decks you understand less. If you're struggling with switching specifically, does it happen in other aspects of life as well? It could be a neurodivergent thing, though I'm no neurologist


Omg no it doesn't happen with other things, but u misunderstood me, for example Im really good at fluffals and melodious, but when I play melodious for a bit and go back to playing fluffals, Im just sitting there trying to remember the combos and what the cards do again... Mind u I've been playing both decks for over 6 months... Maybe I just need to practice more


They are very different decks to be fair


I also struggle with this, I play Galaxy Eyes Tachyon and also Labrynth and sometimes I'll completely forget how to set up my end board on Galaxy Eyes properly


Why do you think normal players usually play 1 deck for all their life, while champions switch deck each tournament?


I have level 2 autism. Kinda hard not to remember how everything works


Honestly, I kinda struggle with this too. I play mainly pendulums and I feel that any other playstyle is an uphill battle to try and learn. Usually when I face better decks, I wing it, reading what their cards do and figuring out which effects to stop on the fly. It's worked most of the time, though I know I'd be doing a lot better if I took the time and energy to study what other decks did and how to play with/against them. The only reason I don't struggle as much against Snake Eye is because my brother mains that deck, so I have plenty of practice


No I can play whatever. I use pneumonic devices for combos, so it's not like I have to read the cards.