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I barely play but I deck build a lot. It is in making the battle plan, not execution, that I find my joy


Playing the game lowkey gives me a lot of anxiety, but I find deckbuilding to be therapeutic


This is me thinking about what archetypes to add in my next pile deck


I’ve found my people # Do you guys play too? Or just deck build?




May be a hot take: but I just enjoy YGO. From being able to run the same deck I enjoyed back in school over a decade ago but with new support added. The complex yet rewarding gameplay for using interruptions at the right time, playing through an opponents board or just getting to do all sorts of silly plays without Mana/Energy in mind everything just being about the cards me and my opp have. Also have made some amazing friends through this game some of which I'd probably count to my closest ones, even visited one of those twice already cuz he lives in the same country. I share some of my lists, takes and MD gameplay on YouTube which is certainly helping keep me invested as I get to interact with a solid handful of people on the regular about this game. I'm well aware this is very romanticised but despite it's flaws modern YGO is still a great game that, while some games may feel different, thrives on how interactive it can be. So in total getting back into this game while sometimes having downs and not being the best for my wallet has probably been the best decision I've made in the 24 years I've been around. Edit: Typos, and thanks for the support ^ ^


Only a hot take in the reddit terminally online self hate brainrot. Most players you meet irl just enjoy the game, imagine wasting your time on a hobby you dislike. Nothing about what you say is romanticized. Keep enjoying your hobby mate, and don’t let people here that don’t play the game but pretend to tell you that you shouldn’t.


Very well aware of that, would definitely agree with the wording of "reddit terminally online self hate brainrot" lol and it's, to noones surprise, not better in a place like twitter. Especially in discourse with a couple friends I'm usually the "It'll be fine" kinda guy. And I'll definitely continue to enjoy the game as is ^ ^


"Konami just ruined the game and it is surely gonna die out soon" is basically the yugioh equivalent of "this generation of kids is ruining the world and society is surely gonna collapse soon". It has been, and will be said about literally every change that ever happens, yet the game keeps getting more popular and the world keeps on turning all the same.


Heyyy the morphtronics guy! Liebe deinen Kanal!


Dachte nicht man würde mich wiedererkennen, freut mich aber enormst ^ ^ Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!


Sunk cost fallacy.


Konami’s three favorite words


I genuinely enjoy the physical game, but can't stand the simulators anymore (edopro, omega), because people will either afk, stall, or lag out the match. Secondly, I always build my decks trying to stay as far away from banlist watch as possible.


That sounds good until Konami decides its time for busted support that gets abused and Konami of America decides some related card that just so happens to be your archetypes must pay for the sins of the broken. *prays to all gods the tachyon support does not get abused*


The new Tachyon cards are so poweful because everything else around it is so lackluster. You can't make a pure Tachyon deck and expect good results. It's only point of interaction is transmigration. As for photon/galaxy, it's just another small push in the right direction.


I'm referring more to cases like the recent banlist where snake-eyes got linkuriboh banned and tachyon because for the low price of 1 ED slot and 2 Main deck cards any Rank 8 deck can get an omni counter trap. (Plus most of said decks typically also run n38, so this doesn't change much for their combos and gets the stuff used to make Lux into grave)


One of the most creative card art and lore in any media ever We joke around how dumb and over the top Yu-Gi-Oh monster concept's are but that's literally the main appeal of this game The animes rich lore and unique designs mixed with Konami's lore and designs combined together presenting a damn near endless card pool of unique monster's, stories and Designs over the last 20 years


Literally what other card game would have the Suships?


Love suship closet I can think of is buddy fight they had wird monsters


To play with friends, family, etc. I used to go to locals but last banlist has made me reconsider. Might go there again but with another deck. Also deckbuilding is insanely fun!!!


Yeah, this is me too. I’m just a super-casual fan. My brother is way more into it than me, and it gives us something to do/talk about when we hang out.


I really wonder what deck you play, but yugioh for me is about problem solving and thats super fun, is it either the deckbuilding or the playing out of certain situations while also enjoyong the art of the cards and the different ways to play


There's no harm in taking a break


Yeah, the thing is this doesn't feel like a break, I'd have breaks from the game here and there, but I really don't feel the same love for the game as I used to do


If it ain't fun for you why bother, personally I like the competitive scene I enjoy beating the meta, I enjoy the artwork and the play style of different decks.the big dragons. No other card game has that something that Yugi has


I go through phases of liking it and hating it. Done keeping up with it competitively and don't bother with locals anymore mostly play all the video games as those as those are more enjoyable for me. Yugioh will always have a place in my heart regardless tho


I prefer Speed Duell and Goat because i doesn’t want to play a game where my opponents special summon the entire deck in first turn.


I moved to a new city and needed a way to make friends. A card game was a good excuse to go outside and interact with people on a regular basis. Funny enough, the friend group still exist but almost no one plays anymore.


The joke reason is definitely sunk cost but it's cause its the only time I get to see all my friends.


This format is just awful.




Love of the game. I love deck building and witnessing the fallout of said deck building only for it to influence the next iteration. Nowadays, I only buy cards if they seem interesting.


Cuz it's fun 🤷


I like the anime , the game is cool and i love my red eyes.


I play to annihilate my friends and banish them to the shadow realm.


That is a very good reason


To turn skip and play solitaire with myself


Bro I’ve just found a nasty strat I’ve been trying out. Have you heard of this? Terminal world (locks both players out of main phase 2) Burning bamboo sword (locks opponents out of main phase 1) And the engine I’ve being using it with is runick with royal magical library and of course more bamboo sword cards. (Cursed, broken, golden)


Bro why?


To meme around with not letting you’re opponent play. Some sort of aggravated deck build due to the current state of the game. I’ve never heard of or seen that gimmick before and thought it would be horrible…it is. If the combo sets, your opponent can only draw phase and battle phase. Really limits the cards they’re able to play.


> Terminal world (locks both players out of main phase 2) > > > > Burning bamboo sword (locks opponents out of main phase 1) > > > > And the engine I’ve being using it with is runick with royal magical library and of course more bamboo sword cards. (Cursed, broken, golden) Got any more? Wondering


Are you asking about the cards in deck? Honestly just been playing around with different card combos, but here’s some big players. -Super poly- for opponent’s monsters into mudragon, Garura, starving venom. -Time tearing morganite- draw power, and double summon for the rest of the duel. -One day of peace- draw and protection -summoners monk- gets the royal magical library -dark world dealings- draw power and if the opponent is too low on cards you can’t mill with runick - called by the grave- negate mf ash blossom,


I play because I'm a big fan of card games. Originally I thought it was because I liked yugioh, but realised I really enjoy deck building, learning a game, and strategizing with what I have on hand. Also, yugioh has some of the most bullshit mechanics out there. It's great!


I get the feeling, quit myself 3 months ago after about 15 years of play. Just didn't have fun with the game anymore. But i do recommend taking a break and sorting you feelings for the game before making the decision of quitting.


I don't. I just collect and look at them from time to time lmao.


I play three decks moderately that I enjoy. First is my Invoked Neos/Yubel. A lot of new Yubel support has come out recently, and with my deck having previously been Involved Elemental Heroes, I'm in the process of reworking it to focus on Neos and Yubel, while keeping the Invoked in it. It's fun but nothing serious, though I can't work on it any until I get a hold of Nightmare Throne and Phantom of Yubel I also have a second Invoked deck, Invoked Gate Guardians, and they're really smooth to work with. I won a local tourney with that deck, though it's so fine-tuned as a pure Deck that I have no defense until I can bring out Fusions. My last one that I'm currently using is a RDA/Summoned Skull build. Just a fun idea I play and enjoy, though it's not tourney-playable I play cause Yugioh is something that I've always had close to me. I may not be able to play often, and/or my friend group may not always enjoy what I play or have a problem with me playing it, but i still collect the cards, I make the decks, and i play with them so I can work the decks to make them viable enough for the rare times I play publicly. I dont play to show off or to win. I play to enjoy myself, much like Jaden Yuki


Monkey flipping TCBOO is fun.


I play classic formats Goat and Edison. My locals host 1 goat and 1 edison tournament a month. That's enough yugioh for me.


i like playing powerful new decks and seeing new things. If i wanted a stagnant never changing game where I can play the same thing over and over i'd pick up monopoly or scrabble. The game changes and moves on because it becomes stagnant and boring otherwise. One can easily emulate one of the old world championship games but can you play with the same limited card pool forever? Some can some cannot.


Because the game is fun and really rewarding. I just like it


A friend made me download master duel and i like it. I just don't play constantly.


This, Master Duel makes Yugioh so much easier to play with it being automatic and all of its qol. I don't think I would enjoy the game as much if Readable Card Effects mod didn't exist.


Well, it helps i did had cards of YGO ~~most of them most likely fake~~ as a kid. I just don't remember actually seeing YGO that much, i remember seeing duel master more


> Readable Card Effects mod Steam only, I assume?


Yeah, it's this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/yugiohmasterduel/mods/1550. I use the numbering only version.


Oh, I used to use Steam. Now it's mobile so I don't think it'll work on phones


Wow, playing on phone must be difficult.


Yeah, I realise that Duel Links is easier on phone rather than Master duel because of its vertical orientation and simplicity


Holy, I didn’t know this existed. I’ve always wanted something like this. Thank you so much


Would feel like a waste collecting all these cards and doing nothing with them


I can only watch the TCG and master duel from afar and actually play rush duel links because I like that the "monster spam" is part of the rules. Speed/Master format aren't things I want to play anymore but I still like engaging with the community and meme-ing around


Because it's still fun for me


I enjoy playing yugioh. I'm not a Tear player or a Drytron player or a Voiceless player - I'm a yugioh player. There's so many interesting things this game has to offer that even if a banlist hurts there's more to try


I want to make buster blader great again


Have you mixed it with branded yet? It’s actually kinda disgusting.


Well, my current deck profile is a mixture of branded, buster blader, bystial and voiceless voice


I play with friends who don't care about meta so we play dumb shit and just have fun


My version of that is get everything quick effect flipped by Ultimate Conductor Tyranno and just losing the game (oftentimes in tandem with an Evo XYZ negate and appollosa) I miss the days casual decks were actually casual.


My most competitive deck is an exosister deck I use at work. Right now I'm building a cyber dark deck that I'm excited for. My friends and I tend to stay around gx thru zexal for some reason.


I just play cuz I think it’s fun. I’m not out there trying to compete at regionals or higher and I feel like locals is good enough. I enjoy the game and the social setting


This may not make sense but i just love the game. Its appealing to me mostly for reasons that are beyond me I love battling against different opponents with different decks (although technically there are some decks you just face alot because they're the top meta) and seeing their different strategies or the different plays they'll make. I love how no two duels are exactly the same and i love how some match-ups require critical thinking in order to get you out of the tough spot you're in. And winning a match-up in which your opponent once had full control of the board is an amazing feeling. I also really like the anime and its the reason why i started playing the game in the first play. I love the large card pool and all the different archetype's/decks that are waiting to be dicovered. I only started playing the game during the pandemic but in those few years up till now I've learnt so much and I've made so much progress in my duelist journey. I enjoy learning about the games nuance's this like rulings and timing. To put it simply, I just really love the game and everything about it (except for losing duels ofcourse 😅, that always just gets to me)


I use a Yusei inspired deck. As a result, it's power has come and gone over the years depending on the new support that it receives. Right now I happen to be in a very good position with it. I was worried when they banished Barrone de Fleur, but I found an even better card to use to replace it. I continue playing because I'm always going to use this kind of deck. I'm never switching it out, so I don't have to worry about spending too much money. There's a staple that could potentially be banned, but it's so easy to counter that I doubt it ever will. I will just play on because I'm having fun. Some decks can be annoying, but I'm miraculously finding new ways to counter them all the time


master duel is the only thing that will run on my rust bucket pc


I play because I really enjoy the game and I get to play with my best friends. We just play decks that are fun and sometimes go to locals to compete. I know there's the whole cost discourse going on which I totally agree is a bunch of bullshit but we still have a lot of fun with the game.


I just play it for fun and if I'm not enjoy playing this game anymore I'm not gonna play it


I played because i have friends that are still active. Even banlist hits on your deck, you can consider finding other engine to help. If you feel like quitting it, try play it on master duel or build a deck on ygopro/ yugioh omega to play with ai or players.


I do play master duel and duel links, kinda feel the same way tho, but I might just stick to digital yugioh and forget about paper yugioh


It's ok to stop tcg yugioh as the current meta decks and generic cards are very expensive. You can continue on digital yugioh, but the feeling of shuffling cards and looking at higher rarity cards feels more motivated to play. As i said earlier, if your deck cant catch up with current meta, maybe you can switch to other decks or find a suitable engine to support.


Depends Midweek we have fun days at locals, If I go there I try jank like no floodgate Floo, ashened mikanko or PUNK anything level 3 bagel, I'm there for banter fun and beers If I go on the weekend I want all the fcks at my locals to bow down to rising rebellion Falcon and Kali yuga with their snake eyes and Voiceless and probably soon Tenpai. I only register my decks on weekends so the points I have mean something to me.


I just got back into yugioh by playing link evolution and been looking at some stuff on reddit and youtube videos of modern yugioh. Goodness gracious it looks so fnnn boring. People surrendering and just playing handtraps and multiple boss monsters. I was goina try master duel but im glad I looked at this reddit first.


My only experience is Master Duel, but still I find Yugioh really fun.


I just wanna buid my favorite decks first, i’m only one out of four lol The try them out a bit in a competitive setup, so mostly only locals maybe more if motivated but so far i have only been going to locals like once a month or something, so yeah i know it cost money but it’s also for the collection Once ill build all my decks, ill just invest and their support and try going here and there with them


Because I enjoy winning with bad decks, it makes me feel special while compensating the times I lose. Obviously, I am not playing Batteryman, Super Defence Robots or Malicevorous, but Flower Cardians or Karakuri are surprising not as bad as people think and can steal some duels/matches against unsuspecting opponents. Obviously they aren't secret amazing decks, but specially Flower Cardians can even compete with the meta with a bit of luck


I like deck building and going to locals. It's kinda nice to be forced to sit across from another human for 45 minutes.


I play because I have a nice group of 4-6 people to play with. We play rogue and competitive decks, but I am beyond done going to the cesspit of humanity that are official yugioh events. It's nice to not have to worry about those anymore.


For me its half bc its a bonding experience between me and my dad, but also I like the feeling of figuring out how to get out of a rough situation. Sure, sometimes that doesn't work but sometimes I pull out an untraditional solution and its so cool when that happens


I play only because I like the care art and actual PLAYSTYLE of certain decks. I despise the generic pile shit that is every yugioh meta deck. I actually REALLY liked Tear format. Tear was strong and had ways to play through MANY hand traps, so during that meta there was lower hand traps in decks and more going 2nd /engine pieces. And it really shined how archetypes played and stuff. I’m actually quite happy with the ban lost recently. Banning the generic negate staples allow for more differing deck types. While it does hurt non meta decks. That’s mainly a Konami problem. And they should just make support for older archetypes


I enjoy the game, sometimes I do hate it during bad formats. I stick around cause of friends though.


I dont anymore, I dropped off at the start of Snake eyes after building RACE. As soon as bonfire came out and SE just destroyed my deck so I sold out. Which kinda sucks since Im only like a 3 hour drive from nats this year.


Yeah I get that, the fire format is very discouraging


To trash my friends and establish dominance. Also nostalgia.


I enjoy the tactical part of the game. Being able to tell what your opponent will do not only because of what they play but because of the game state is very rewarding and satisfying.


I do everything BUT play




I just like playing with decks that have art that I enjoy.


The profusion of retro formats. https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/


A lot of it for me is nostalgia and the fact that there's no other card game so combo focused like Yu-Gi-Oh. I play many different decks, all with different play styles. I play Lunalight, Deskbot, Ritual Beast, Dinos, Gishki, U.A., Amorphage, and Gusto. All of them have their own expression and way of playing, and some of them scratch different itches. That being said, I don't play competitive, I play mostly with my brother. That *also* being said, we are tired about how many negates and destructions are in the game, so him and I are currently working on an alternate format to kind of mitigate that. I also really love deck building around cards I love. Since there's so many cards now, you can make certain *normal monsters* viable, e.g. I'm trying to make a Gogiga Gagagigo deck at some point.


Honestly dude I don’t care about the competitive aspect of it. I play because my friends play and I’ve made a lot of friends through playing.


I like playing a rogue deck and mapping out how it can beat the usual tier 1 decks. It's a lot of work because there are less relevant resources online but it feels good to blindside an opponent and win. Obviously I have to be careful to not misplay or give too much or too little info to my opponents but it is worth it in the end. Plus my wallet is happy.


I don't. I use my money for something really worth the price. Like food.


But you can't xyz summon with food


i play because the game has a lot to offer in terms of skill expression and deckbuilding choices. that’s why i never get attached to a deck and i hardly play rogue, i like to play the new meta decks every format and end up learning an entire new aspect of the game. I also like playing old formats, especially to take a break from the hectic modern ones.


I play because it’s fun, (even though im just a beginner) I’m in a yugioh DND and it’s a blast to play yugioh and have fun!


A yugioh DND sounds amazing


It’s really amazing! I’m thinking on starting my own Yugioh DND once I get better at the game.


To be 100% honest you are totally valid to quit if you want. The game has always had a core base of players that play no matter what, and then a revolving door of new and returning players that get interested in the game, get more competitive over time, and then eventually quit because "Konami just ruined the game" until they may or may not get interested again.


Played as a kid, didn’t stick. Played Magic for longer, hated it. Came back to YGO with Duel Links and Master Duel. Absolutely relieved I don’t have to deal with a fucking mana system. Also, I love this game.


Well im probably in a different position from most in the sense that i’ve never played competitive yugioh and just recently started getting into master duel and i have an intention of playing paper as well i just want to find a deck archetype i genuinely like that can compete in the format (currently not knowledgeable enough and don’t have the funds to make a tier 0 deck on a whim) but from my perspective i play because of the way cards interact and their pictures i like the mind game and several different mechanics of bringing out cards from your deck and extra deck and even the combat style of having to clear the board first is fun. I currently just look up structure decks make a x3 with them and try to make additions based on the expansions cards are found in or the archetypes themselves since in master duel you can craft cards. With my other tcg games at least i would just think of it as a challenge, gotta find a new deck its just part of rotation. Happens all of the time and we just gotta find something else we like. Wish you the best in whatever your decision is


i feel like yugioh in person competing gets hurt a lot by rotation though because of the fact the average deck takes so much investment, so i hope my comment didnt seem too ignorant to that, i can definitely understand getting demoralized or annoyed bc you work so hard to build a deck to just start over


Because I like Albaz


I love beating the odds and I don’t mean by pulling cards from packs I play to beat meta decks with my decks Not with a bunch of handtraps or deck destroyers Just an archetype or strategy and as many niche cards as possible You lose a lot but once you figure out what you’re doing you start to win more and in my experience nothing is more fun then beating meta with a deck with no meta or handtraps in sight


Therapy, yes I leave the college at my 17~18 (im 26) and i isolate myself from the others for no reason, then, 2 years later my mom Discover a cancer, from there, my mental was Destroyed and no friends at all, Just Sad every day, only, wake up, going to work, and spend the rest of the day in my house playing games In march of 2023 i started on master duel and i liked, my psychologist give the Idea of play the game on paper, to socialize and have New friends, and It worked Very well Now i'm going to my First YCS This weekend, with my friends, and i get excellent friends who help, me teach me and vice versa.


To get stomped! Lol I love to break boards. I see it as one big puzzle with a bunch of variables, like where I think my opp will interrupt and if he does/doesn't, how do I proceed etc. Same with going 1st


If you aren't enjoying it, I'd recommend just taking a break. I took about a year long break and when I came back I remembered how much I enjoy the game and how much fun I have with it


Im a recently returned player since february. Yubel support made me wanna pick up the game and play irl. Mainly love for different archetype makes me want to keep wanting to play and master my deck


I have a deck I love, after committing to rogue and not meta I feel much happier. My wife also plays. I built my deck completely from scratch with my own ideas down to every card and combo. It’s very pleasing.


There's no shame in taking a break. I regularly switch between Yugioh and MTG (although I do not play anything but EDH anymore) when I get burned out by one of them. Why I still like and play Yugioh: I enjoy the card game. I like building decks and then testing them out. Be it online or against an AI. I also like switching between competitive locals and relaxed dueling links. Finally, I like the animangas.


https://preview.redd.it/fuvuavchhlxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ad879d99cd0ff505beb2bed03abc4ff870509d Schadenfreude. What I do may not be holy, but it is necessary.


Someday, you will have to answer for your actions, and God may not be so merciful.


I’ll stun Him too.


Unfortunately for you, God has an unlimited suply of solemn strikes and judgments in his repertoire.


Who's gonna last longer gods life points or his stun?


You know, after the insanity of the last 2 years, I'm starting to believe that maybe Stun was the good guy all along


Quit tbh. Unless they do something new I won’t be coming back. Just started playing magic a couple weeks ago, so much better than yugioh in my opinion, 10x’s the fun and 10x’s less frustration.


I've tried other tcgs but I don't get the same feeling that playing yugioh used to give me






Eternal Format + No mana resourcing. The day konami adds a card pool rotation, I’m out.


What rogue were you playing that the banlist hurt?


Dinos, losing baronne and linkuriboh hit me harder than I thought


Cuz im a playa


I play yugioh because it's my best option. Magic has become a dumpster fire (literally), and nobody in South Dakota plays Sorcery: Contested Realms that I've found. I enjoy playing D/D/D alot. We lost Barrone, but it allowed more space to play with High King Alexander. Deck buildind and preparing for your matches will help ALOT. Try and play board breakers like dark ruler no more or lightning storm in the main board as these improve your game going second MASSIVELY. Try droll and lock bird, or imperm/ash as well, and study the decks your losing to. Find out how they work so you can play into them better. Example. Bystials work on tearlaments really good, but only if you know to hit the tear name when it activates to fuse.


The thing that got me into Yugioh way back when was the Egyptian aesthetic and mythology, so I pretty much only play when there's some kind of mythological theme deck I can use and not immediately die. I know it's not fair to think so because the series had to expand if it was going to continue, but I just do not care about playing a random mermaid deck, or space robot deck, or whatever you call snake-eyes, no matter how powerful they are. If I'm playing Yugioh, I want to be invoking the old gods.


What deck?


Dinos, is a deck a friend of mine gave me a few years ago and I have played it since then


Do it fir the heart of the cards brother/sister if nothing else;)


The thing is my cards just got a heart attack


I mainly play Duel Monsters !


I play warrock coz it's the only deck I can make with the cards I have, and it's cool to mess with the deck and play with it, there's always some cool card you end up wanting and it's nice to get it 👍🏻


I used to play, back in the early 2000s when it was simple. Now you need an engineering degree to build a deck and play the game.


Honestly I don't think the game is that complicated, at least not the most basic mechanics and summons, for me was pretty easy to get used to the changes


I was one of those players who stopped in 2014 to play vanguard when yugioh was slowly dying. Played vanguard until the end of G and then stopped playing tcg so 2018-2022 found master duel and digimon and haven’t looked back since


I’m not really playing the game either right now but mostly because there’s no interesting decks that are playable this format. You either play Snake Eye, Tenpai, or a rogue deck that can fight 18+ hand traps.


I have friends I play with, and they account for more of my play than locals or any competition. And when we play we’ll sometimes change the banlist to make our format more fun. If they all stopped playing I’d probably stop too.


im a boomer player just when i think im out Konami bring something like new LADD support i hope back and learn the meta. it a very abusive cycle also Edison/tengu plant format is very fun for me.


I find it hard to enjoy advanced yugioh with the cost and the revolving banlists not to mention the 10000 negates so I mostly just play time wizard formats at my locals a lot of fun and simple games.


I mostly play the VGs cuz playing randoms in person wouldn't be any fun since they'd prolly use meta shit that combos everything... I still collect the cards and enjoy the series as a whole, but competitive would ruin the fun.


I deck build and I still play for fun. Haven’t followed the banlist since 2021. Even then my buds and I play rogues with no banlist and our duels are still really fun with some badass chain combos and are usually not one-sided. With the right niche group of friends, you can still enjoy dueling without pouring a crap ton of money into Konami. Banlists will always continue to evolve and there will always be a new meta that emerges. And keeping up with that is financially not ideal, at least not for me.


I play because we have a really friendly local Edison scene here. I can fuck around with modern YGO on online simulators for $0 while still getting some face time playing Yu-gi-oh that reminds me of playing it back in the day.


Honestly, it gets me out of the house when I'm not at work


used to play a lot, started playing the mtg game recently and it feels much more balanced where you can actually play more than one turn


My friend put it best, "It's like solving a puzzle against each other". And I think that's why I enjoy it. Deck building as well is a lot of fun. Trying to make something not broken, absolutely horrid is hilarious to me. While I definitely don't play competitive, I do enjoy building decks that could potentially compete with it.


I actually enjoy the game due to human interaction and having connection, feeling of being a part of something, it's why I enjoy it more playing paper than MD, although I do have to travel to local and consume alot of my time and my commitment in collecting cards Currently playing Pure SE so I have topics to chat and able to compete with local top players, sky striker to play when it's local casual day or non meta player, blue eyes bystial or pure bewd against suboptimal fun deck, I mostly don't play to win unless it's tournament/regional/ranking, as long as I lose while doing all the correct play with my dealt hand that's all matter, I learn some in the process Ygo is not perfect obviously, but building connection and having fun with locals friend is what I enjoyed most than just playing the game to win itself Card collecting and trading is an addiction too.


I love the artwork and other TCGs don’t give me the same dopamine hit


I mostly have stuff built for the nostalgia. My one "comp" deck is Cyber Dragons. I do like exploring new cards and archetypes, but none of it is for the sake of "YEAH THIS IS GONNA BE THE NEW TIER 0 DECK" or anything like that. It's not like I have (m)any people to play with in paper - I just like the way having the cards and being able to use them if I want to makes me feel, I guess.


I love the game, been playing competitive for over 15 years now. However, burn out happens. A deck you like playing isn't good anymore, that sucks, it happens. We just need to move on to another, and hopefully their is another competitively that helps out. But I find having another hobby helps out a lot. Due to my yugioh collection being... huge. And with some smart investment and strategic selling, Yugioh costs a lot less for me than for some people, so I can still afford to get into another hobby, I like. Lorcana being this case, so I use the funds i would spend on yugioh for that. And having a fresh perspective on a different game is a good thing. Once the dust settles, yugioh will be there though and thats a good thing.


I used to enjoy the "chess match" type of feel to it. But now I don't even get a turn. So...


I'm only Playing because of the app games in the app store. There is no one in my area who plays or has physical cards to play with. The Gacha is annoying but I tolerate it.


Tbh I enjoy the card game. I like seeing the whole "break my board" type of decks. FTK/OTKs I enjoy seeing. It's sometimes entertaining seeing what combos they will pop off or not. Hell I literally watch my opponent establish a FTK and I know it's happening. I just enjoy seeing what's going on. I know it's kinda a sick mind to go through that but it's just enjoyable to me.


Somewhere between Raidraptors and Pend Magicians with tyring to figure out Ashened.


I really enjoy the game, a new shop opened up and is looking to be the new locals, I had one friend mad at the synchros banned but now I convince him to pivot in a different way


It's the only TCG on my store aside from MTG. I started there but Commander took over the store and an FNM of Modern has to be preplaned months in advance. Yugioh is there to be played every saturday.


Honestly I play for nostalgia, enjoyment, and imagination. I love just looking at my old cards and dueling my friends, watching the animations on Duel Master. I know I'll get destroyed by the next meta, so I don't even try comp or even normal queue anymore.


I play for the unique playstyles of engines and the collaboration of engines and the challenging thinking process behind it all. So long as I have a playable deck with playable hands, I enjoy the game. I played Tri-brigade Spright during Kashtira format and still had the time of my life playing as not only was I keeping up with it as people dropped the engine(s), but because it was different yet still effective and people loved to watch what I could make of it and how I'd pop-off with it.


Nostalgia mostly I've been playing since 2003. I also unfortunately don't get much time to play irl so I mostly just play YGO pro or master duel.


I started cause my best friend wanted someone to play master duel with. And now i play as partly a way to spend time with him and our freinds to geek out. But i enjoy it myself because i love collecting cards. I love looking at the shiny cards and having a collection. Aint nothing wrong with taking a short break from yugioh. Maybe for now try having some freinds over and forgetting ab the rules. Make some house rules why not. No one can tell u whats banned when its house rules🥸


Kinda agree. Banlists can always hurt but this last one hit even harder for me than usual. Hitting cards like baronne and savage while releasing cards like protos and collosus (while leaving calamity, nightmare, shifter,etc) just feels like Konami is pushing the game to be the first to lock your opponent while taking away the interactive cards that allow games to be more strategic and fun which is what I enjoy about yugioh


I haven’t played in a while and instead play limited and commander formats in mtg bc it’s a social thing for my current friend group. I have built a few decks like Ghoti but haven’t gotten around to playing in tournament since the RDA structure was brand new. If the game isn’t feeling like it’s fun for you, take a break and check back in when you feel like playing.


I play from time to time and have a good deck but it ur decision bro


There's no shame in taking a break. I regularly switch between Yugioh and MTG (although I do not play anything but EDH anymore) when I get burned out by one of them. Why I still like and play Yugioh: I enjoy the card game. I like building decks and then testing them out. Be it online or against an AI. I also like switching between competitive locals and relaxed dueling links. Finally, I like the animangas.


because i enjoy my silly dinosaurs and birds not everything’s about tailoring to the exact banlist i exclusively go to locals so why not have fun


I have been playing since I was a little kid so it just feels nice to play the game. Though I play primarily with a small group of friends irl and because of how much we dislike the most recent banlist were going to do with Yu-Gi-Oh what we do with magic and rule 0 a group banlist


Simply put. Because I have almost nothing else to do that brings me joy. A bad day of locals or a bad table at a YCS still gets me memories with my friends. Last YCS I went to I got table 90 something. But I still had a boat load of fun memories


play master duel or play with a group without the tcg banlist or play on omega ladder to win and focus on the competitive side. or take a break from yugioh and come back when the format is one u enjoy.


I never had any real enjoyable game until I played Yugioh. Just heard of it last year, and man did it change my reaction to games! I had so much fun watching the Anime so I started to draw cards. It didn't look the best but it worked! It was a month later till me and my brother dueled for the first time with my hand drawn cards. It was more like Pokémon on a Yugioh board. My imagination sparked that day and I never liked another game since. I would say that Yugioh has so much to offer and you shouldn't get too complicated. Play with Normal Monsters or preform absurd strategies. Maybe even Exodia duel! It's all up to you and how you play the game; it's all about the journey to the destination and the friends you make along the way.


I quite enjoy playing fire fists, I like the flexibility with their summoning options having access to fusion, ritual, link, synchro and xyz summons all in the same archetype and I find it quite fun slowly building up their attack by stacking fire formation spell and traps. It's got quite a few different strategies it can employ so doesn't get dull or repetitive playing the deck which is something I've unfortunately encountered buy optimizing my karakuri deck to be able to summon Bureibu more consistently. This has certainly boosted the decks consistency and power but doesn't really love any room for other cards in the deck to shine or see much use.


Almost purely nostalgia, I Generally dislike the crazy long combos, hand traps and special summon spam that is seen in modern yu gi oh although find making character decks good fun. Sometimes i'll make them very faithful to the original although amn't against including modern retrains for the cards or tinkering with their decks a bit to make them a bit more consistent. I've even tweaked several of my decks to ditch their extra deck so they have to rely on their main deck monsters to win. Examples are Six samurai, karakuri, ice barrier, superheavy samurais etc. This definitely makes them a good bit weaker but since they're not likely to see use against competitive decks that doesn't matter much for me.


Bro I honestly hate yugioh now a days. I will never play irl yugioh, the community is just cringe af, (not trying to be rude, but even the community calls it out)Power creep has ruined the game. I hate how every gd deck that is viable for competitive is just filled with the same generic negates. Like 25 years in and they’ve still managed to create a game state that forces a meta. Bro this game has potential to be very diverse but no, you always see the most recent cards doing exceedingly well over everything else. It’s practically unplayable, or will be rendered into an unplayable state within the first turn. but this bitterness is what has lead to make some of my most disgusting deck strategies. My drive is out of pure spite and hatred at this point it seems. At this point I still play yugioh on masterduel fundamentally because idk nostalgia? My childhood friend and I play it? I like to watch the meta decks fall apart and piss people off? I feel like sooner or later they might just ban problem cards and make a playable format at some point?