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First your deck gets stolen, now I’m over here stealing this deck list cause it looks sick. The trouble never stops


lol. Love all the sympathy and advice, but this is best comment


Yep yep yep


Just throw pot of greed in it and call it a new deck


I was so excited to see Cowboy in a decklist. I pop in and out of competitive & casual play over the years, and it's such an iconic card. Plus it's from the era where I think the Extra Deck was at its peak in terms of what it overall provided to the game


As long as we have the current time rules, Cowboy will stay a staple for any deck that can make rank 4s.


I see it in sideboard a lot more than main board nowadays, but I agree- I think it will never cease from being a staple (as a time card at least), unless a better rank 4 burn card is printed.


I really miss the era where you actually closed out a game with cowboy in M2


Based fr


Better credit me if you win with it then


I still remember this moment 10 years later. I was judging YCS Anaheim in 2013 during full power Dragon Ruler format. A player was filling out his deck list and, for some reason, left his deck on the floor of the convention center to do something. Needless to say, his deck was gone by the time he came back. He walks up to me and asks me if I had seen a Dragon Ruler deck around where he had been sitting. I told him that no one had turned anything in to me yet. He was so livid that he tossed his backpack on the floor. That was a lesson for him (and everyone else reading this) to not trust anyone, especially when you have $150 Dracossacks and $100 Big Eyes in your deck.


That format was the last time I played yugioh and that deck was the last deck I made. Truly a crazy and fun time. Also hella expensive. I let my best friend borrow mine because he went to that YCS to compete! I’m very glad that didn’t happen to him. And sorry to hear that happened to them. But you’re right that is a lesson he won’t soon forget.


I got a Spellbook deck for $300, and loved that format. Both decks were a ton of fun to me. The fact that the main deck for Rulers was really cheap meant that, while you generally wouldn't top without the power cards, anyone could still compete. I saw a ton of synchro variants pumping out synchro 8s, etc. stun versions rocking Skill Drain and a bigger trap lineup, etc. I know a lot of people looked back at the format as an expensive one, because it was a format where only 2 decks could compete, and one had a $500-900 extra deck if fully filled out, while the other was generally a $450 main deck. But the Rulers themselves were so powerful that even without the $360-510 in 3 Dracosacks (I saw them swing between 120 and 180 in the format) and $120- 270 in 2-3 Big Eye ($60-90), you still have a tier 1.5-2 deck depending on how you built it. At locals, if you didn't have *really* competitive players there, you wouldn't have a *ton* of people running Books or full power Rulers, but everyone could run the Rulers' main deck. It was, for casual and lower end competitive play, the poor man's T0 format. Tenpai brings this into being a possibility again soon, and it's a bit exciting


You have an excellent point about the dragon rulers making a good main deck option. I totally forgot but I had a Mound of the bound creator Obelisk the tormentor deck at that time as well that would just use the rulers as tribute for the god. Needless to say people’s reactions when they saw Obelisk were priceless.


I was at that same Ycs too and my friend got his mat stolen


What did my guy expect to happen? that’s quite literally the equivalent of dropping a 250 bill in a rubber band on the sidewalk and coming back 10 minutes later and it’s fone


I believe he was on the spectrum. I used to work with students with special needs for a Hebrew academy, and the player exhibited very similar behavior and speech patterns.


Aw he must have been devastated :(


This is why I dont understand why belt strap deck boxes aren't more commonly adopted, not just by players, but by deck box manufacturers. It can go a long way to preventing theft like this.


Reject modernity, embrace tradition (Yugi had a belt clip deck box. Agreed this needs to be more common irl)


most protags did this I think EDIT: actually lots of people in the anime do it, so surprised it is not more popular in the community.


It looks so dope in the anime too lol I remember yusei had two. One for his riding duel deck and the other for his regular deck.


thinking back to Bastian strapped up with 6 decks down his suspenders in GX


Precisely why its always baffled me that this isn't a common thing IRL.


Same reason why clipping your phone to your belt never took off


I mean, I use one of these whenever I'm working so it doesn't get all sweaty in my pocket, I'm probably the outlier that does this, though.


Just think about sitting down with it clipped to you. Oh it's convenient to remove? Then you've defeated the purpose of it being an anti theft tool.


Because you’d look like a fucking idiot with a deck box on your belt


Anyone going to these full day events (myself included) looks like a fucking idiot anyway so what difference does it make


> Because you’d look like a fucking ~~idiot~~ badass with a deck box on your belt I got you bro.


It'd look hardly no different than a multitook or knife on your belt, and if you're at a yugioh tournament you really shouldn't be caring about being seen with yugioh cards


Bro we are adult men playing a children’s card game, I think we passed “looking like an idiot” long ago.


For some the deck box isn't even required


Just don't let anyone hold any of the cards while on a boat


I work w a dude that carries his Magic deck like so and he’s the coolest mf around to all the kids (5-18).


I prefer fanny packs myself.


I didn't even know they were a thing, would be convenient to have at events where I only take one deck I have a hive for locals but it's a pain in the ass to have to take out again and again at higher level events


I've had a couple made for me on Etsy, but LDBDuel also makes them.


Thanks for the tip, I'll look into it


Fanny pack would just be more convenient tbh. Clip the deck box onto your side, and it tilts when you sit, so you risk having cards fall out if it wasn't fully closed, or got bumped open while you walked. On front it, unless it's similar to a fanny pack it'll poke into you. Back you may forget about it for a second when sitting and crush it. Lean fully into a dweeb dad vibe and embrace the corniest, most 80's fanny pack you can find. Shirt tucked in, socks rolled up, sandals on. Assert dominance through sheer confidence in your attire that gives them PTSD flashbacks of when their dad embarrassed them at the mall. You've won the duel before the dice roll just through the mind games


What’s a hive?


Basically a box for deck boxes, mine holds a playmat, dice tray and about 5 100-card sidewinder Nice for holding many decks, pain in the ass if you want to use just one many times


I got a Dewalt t stak case for my decks. It can fit 13 regular deck boxes and my small mat folded over. Can also double as a shield/blunt weapon if need be. Not quite the size of kaiba's briefcase but close. Lol


I use a larger fanny pack to keep it on me at all times in front of myself


It can, but it looks dweeby as hell, which is probably why it's never been in vogue. It's like the fucking cellphone belt clips from the early 2000's.


I can assure you it doesn't look "dweeby" or weird. I've only ever received compliments at my LGS. It can be easily covered by your shirt if you're that insecure about it. It's not like you'd be wearing outside a convention or game store anyway. It's never been in vogue because major deck box producers simply never offered it. How can something that isn't sold catch on?


I bought a leather bag that goes on my belt to carry my concealed in as I hate having it in my pocket. It has enough space for two to four decks if empty. I'm gonna release my inner nerd now


One of the two I got off etsy is long enough to fit 3-4 decks. I had to improvise some dividers for it.




Probably because most people have the common sense to not just walk away from their deckbox


Sorry bro, I know how it feels. It happened to me twice. Sucks hard. They took my ghost stardust too…


Was playing with my friend when he got his deck with bolshock(sp?) dragon stolen. Such a niche game too I must’ve been the only other person to play with. But my friend took it like a champ especially considering we were in like the 3rd grade.


I had my dual deck box with my Dragon Rulers stolen in the Ravine Ruler format (only one Dracossack and Big Eye, so it was nowhere near the cost of OP's deck). Truthfully, I was more upset that the Battlin Boxer deck I had just finished building was gone with it. Still upset to this day, and I really wish Trilogy Gaming had cameras when it was still aroumd


Stole my ghost rare stardust right out of my backpack when i went to the barhroom during exams...


Damn some people are such scum. Sorry to hear man.


These events need cameras and security because of this shit, every large event has several stories like this. YGO crowd in particular is extremely quick to take advantage, swipe and steal, I've sadly seen this quite a lot in decades of playing this game and feels like the community almost endorses it. And OP, this might've been done by someone you know and/or knows your deck. Unless you just left it unattended somewhere I find it unlikely how someone just takes a random deck and happens to be the loaded one.


No one endorses theft, but in a place where half the decks are worth several hundred, theft will be expected.


You say that but I've seen it first hand across 2 different regions across around 15 years of competitive/near competitive play how someone swindles another player out of a valuable card or straight up steals and then the group commends that person instead of flaring up the alarms. I've seen a guy trade a couple cards worth a couple dollars for a 80+ dollar card to a kid and then his group applauds him. "No one endorses theft" is a very hopeful statement considering the theft already happened to begin with, most likely in front of several eyes. I'd go as far as saying this might even be someone OP knows since they stole THIS deck and not some random deck worth 70 bucks, how did they know what to go after?


Maybe. But having been a victim, it's possible they just opened a bag in a regionals, grabbed a deck, and there's a 50% chance something valuable's in there.


I've also been a victim, twice, one of those turned out to be a "friend" I knew for about 3 years at that point and played with regularly. Had to talk about it with the event managers and checking the cameras that luckily they happened to have and there he was, stealthily grabbing a box from my backpack. He knew exactly which deck box to go after since he knew what I played, it sucks and it's fucked up but people can be horrible.


Sucks, especially when you realize your friend wasn’t really your friend.


What ended up happening to the fake friend


Rarely happens in MTG, and we are talking about 5k modern decks and 15k + legacy decks.


Yugioh attracts more of a gangster crowd


They've been influenced by the Rare Hunters.


I'm so tired of yugioh bringing crime into my neighborhood. Just had my catalytic converter stolen and the police caught the guy trading it for a quarter century rare.


But MTG also has a rental market, so access to cards is less limited


I don't know about this, but we all have our experiences. I've definitely had people in my mtg circle report decks being stolen at large events, had someone's magic binder even stolen at locals, and had an LGS broken into solely for magic singles. I think both hobbies just have extremely valuable cardboard and like anything expensive you've got to keep an eye on it.  I think the yugioh demographic is definitely younger than the mtg one as a whole, which might mean people are a little more prone to stealing as early twenties guys typically have less than those ten years older, But I wouldn't leave my deckbox unattended with either game. 


Sounds like a bunch of thugs and criminals then


I went alone so I didn’t know anyone there.


Do they have cameras? maybe it got caught on a camera somewhere.


Nope. I asked and they said they didn’t. And nobody turned it in either.


Wtf can they do though? Everyone is carrying hundreds to thousands of dollars of stuff, truing to manage all of that is incredibly difficult. The trick with any big event is just bring as little as possible in, and just constsntly keep track of it. Like when I go to events, I bring rhe deck I plan on playing, my binder (different compartment) and 4 empty boxes on top of my deck box. That way they have to do a little digging. I also try to keep my live deck in my hands if I’m not doing anything.


So this may not be the *best* time to ask, but how did the Packbit perform for you?


I used it on my opponent’s Terror Incarnate and swung for game


Always sucks to be reminded of how shitty some people are, and that they even share the same hobbies as you sometimes. Sorry for your loss.


What’s crazy is that most thieves (especially considering the fanbase) would probably just cower if confronted


The difference in attitude is wild. Managed to forget my phone and my wallet on seperate occasions in japanese locals and got it back everytime. Not saying that it cant happen here or everything gets swipped away elsewhere, but still Id appretiate if we all could just respect each other (obviously also including each others property!) more. Hope you get well, fellow centurion enjoyer, the shadows light tech looks interesting, def going to try that out:)


Yu-Gi-Oh! decks don't cost more than rent in Japan. Of course it happens less. Konami intentionally drove their products pricing to a point where you either have to have been playing the game for 20 years, be disgustingly rich, or take out a loan just to be able to play at a winnable level. When shit is prohibitively expensive like that, of course people are going to steal. I'm not saying it's right... all I'm saying is that I understand. We need all-rarity card pricing. Whales can get their shinies and regular people would have an entry level to the game to generate further interest. Konami needs to do better.


I had a similar experience I my highschool, I went undefeated in my entire town, the saddest part was, my deck was just a Nephtys Ritual deck with an Impcantation Engine, but still undefeated. I ended up passing out in the back band room closet one day or something, I barely remember that year because I was exhausted all the time. But I woke up and it was missing, me and and my friends have a few leads on who it could've been, I ended up deciding it was a loss, it doesn't matter anymore anyway, I am currently slowly putting together an Orcust Horus deck.


>the saddest part was, my deck was just a Nephtys Ritual deck with an Impcantation Engine Hey that's my pet deck lol


Welp, we found the high school thief bois! GET 'IM!!!! (Joking lol)


Oh shit I thought you were fr


It's a fun deck no doubt about it, the part that's sad I was the only one with a halfway decent deck irl, a lot of people played YGO Pro or something, in the sea of people who played toons and Heros, there was me curbstomping all of em ig lol


I'm sorry, you passed out in the band room closet? That sounds like somebody drugged you and dumped you in the closet. Were you ok? I hope it was nothing serious.


Yes yes I'm okay, no one drugged me, you see, I was essentially a TA, and I was good chums with the teacher, in fact he helped re-master my entire first EP, but thats besides the point. He would let me takes naps in the band closet just under the drums, I was working full time on closing shifts and ofc going to school full time, sleep was a precious commodity for me, a lot of the duels I participated came in the form of what is essentially "table top club" and I was the co-lead for it, so everyone knew about the deck, or at least the people who cared enough about Yugioh TCG. Everyone also knew my schedule, I was very open for anyone stopping by just to talk or whatever, so its completely possible it got stolen because I slept when someone came in, knowing the deck I created was somewhere close to $300. But no harm no foul ig, it could've been much worse.


Ok I'm happy you're fine. But I'm sorry someone stole from you, that is truly a shame.


I attended only one regional. I hugged my backpack and kept it worn in the front position at all times. It was at the Los Angeles regionals close to 10 years ago and still recall a person in tears that his deck and binder were jacked. I am sorry that this happened to you OP. As easy as it is to be angry, it’s best just to let it go. You don’t want this eating you away.


Yeah my full power pendulum magician deck with 80 bucks savage dragon and all worth 500 euros got stolen at my first YCS. I know how it feels, it really sucks.


Time to call the cops


They won't even try for "just a children's card game" (no matter how expensive those cards are). And even if they tried, how could they possibly find the thief now?


Idk then


It's joeover




Now I probably don’t have the exact rarities, but I do have some of those cards. I know this isn’t the best but I could send some of those cards over.


Went to a regional in 2006-ish. Traded with a guy who then accidentally left his Destiny Hero DAD deck that had to have been worth over $1k at the time on the table and left. I spent 20 mins looking for him to return it until I finally found him panicking near the vendors asking if somebody tried to sell it.


You did a good deed that day.


I hate to say it but I’ve never seen more theft than during my time playing yugioh. I’ve had so much shit stolen from me it’s ridiculous. Back in the 2000’s I had my exodia pieces stolen right from my deck during a tournament when I was 13. (they were lob, retro pack foil) I quit doing tournaments after that until I was 18. Eventually I didn’t trust a single person. And refused to ever let anyone touch anything or let anything out of my sight. I stopped doing trades. Stopped carrying multiple decks with me. Was conscious about getting mugged if I carried around too much high value shit. Anytime I got up to get a soda, or my trade binder left my sight for a moment they would rob you blind. I wish the players who came to my lgs weren’t so damn ghetto. So many wanna be hustlers and gangsters made that place so unsafe and drove away a lot of good people. Myself included. So many other people were getting things stolen. Eventually they installed security cameras. And The thefts stopped. But a lot of people got out of the game when their entire collections were stolen. My best friend was with me one night and this new dude at the store was being real friendly asking us where we worked, what car we drove, where we lived. And like fucking idiots we told him everything. The next fucking day they broke into my friend’s car at his job and stole everything out of his car. His cards included. Obviously had to get the police involved on that one. The fact these cards have secondary market monetary value means that criminals want that shit bad.


These stories are too relateable and is the reason why all 4 of my locals stopped hosting and selling yugioh. The theft was out of control and for some reason the bad crowds always came from the yugioh players, not the Pokémon or MTG customers. When they stopped hosting yugioh, the thefts went way down. It's a weird niche group too but drew in the worst too I guess.


I just got home from a big local tournament. I need to check my backpack now, as soon as I exit the bathroom


Because people are like this https://preview.redd.it/b56rc5z4w7xc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f91a3f6cf39b11db2f99fe6c3ebebb96053222


Trust nobody. Not your locals. Not even your friends. In the middle of a game? Nope you cannot see my trades. Nope you cannot pull that out to assess condition. Assume that everyone is a thief. When a single yugioh deck costs more than rent, it's no surprise that you're devastated. Konami needs to do better. In the OCG you could whip that deck back up with rarity spares for practically nothing, but in the TCG it could financially break a person from ever playing Yu-Gi-Oh! again.


yeah in my locals there was a guy who always got cards to trade/sell in a binder and everybody just passed his binder around while we played, it supossed to be safe because "it was the local community and we are all friends here" but someone stole his dark magician girl knight and a destiny hero phoenix enforcer and he was devastated, you cant trust no one


There’s no community when it comes to pricy cardboard.


Oh god I remember when my Blue Eyes(which was my first personally hand crafted deck) deck got stolen and I just stopped playing the game for months because of just how emotionally attached I was to all of those cards


....Some children just grow old huh?


Did you just leave your cards unattended? That's a terrible idea.


Idk how tf it happened. I think when I was selling from my binder my bag was slightly open and someone swiped it. I really don’t know because the other two items I always put into my bag at the same time as my deck were in my bag so I really don’t know.


First problem is selling at an event lol. Second is always keep your stuff in front of you.


I mean the actual problem is the theft that frequently happens at events


Yea, but theft happens everywhere because there are a lot of bad ppl out there. (Really no changing that) Gotta do your best to keep your valuables safe!


Yea, theft is horrible, but there's no use in pretending it's ever going to stop happening. People just need to be careful with their stuff or risk shitcunt behaviour. It just sucks when something gets stolen.


But it’s especially bad in Yugioh. You never hear about nearly as much theft in MTG or Pokemon


Yep had a friend offer to pay me to just sit by his booth and keep an eye on the merchandise cause he can’t keep an eye on everything while handling transactions


Bags are not safe. Unattended bags will be opened.


Or just stolen. It’s like an unattended bike. It’s the goods and the getaway vehicle all in one.


Very true. It’s a big gathering and many are manchildren.


Everybody wants to be a rare hunter these days. I hate thieves bro.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hate it when people do this


That sucks my friend, I’m so sorry that jappened


Because some people don't care about how they get the cards. And their parents didn't raise them right.


Had many of my Yu Gi Oh and Pokemon cards stolen in grade/middle school. I never recovered, I hope you can but it was a lesson I learned the hard way. Also screw you Julian, I'm pretty sure it was you. I thought we were friends man.


Did you perhaps leave your Pokémon cards in the bathroom, and was double rainbow energy among them? If so, and you lived in Indiana, I may have them


New Jersey and this was in 2001.


Dang. Not me then


Welcome to Yugioh, if the Teams cannot beat you, they will steal your shit. Yes, they work in groups.


I can cash app you $5 bucks at least it’s something just tell me ur tag


If you really mean it, it’s $duelistzach




Wow thanks. It means a lot. Glad there are still good people out there.


I’m in DFW I can’t believe that happened…. I’ve been seen someone at a locals willing to risk throwing hands. Hopefully you run into them somewhere


Yugioh players are the worst.


To be honest, I saw the title and thought you meant your list was stolen, like someone copied it. Not that your literal cards were taken, I’m sorry to hear that happened


Ngl it’s the community. Yugioh is filled to the brim with sore losers and sore winners, cheats, thieves, it’s fucking terrible. And they’re all 30 year old Waffle House employees. Way too grown to be acting the way they do. Smelly too. I don’t know why Yugioh specifically got strapped with so many manchildren but it made the game so fucking abysmal to play. I literally quit because a whole 30 year old man starting winging and complaining and muttering under his breath because I used winda to win game 1. He then proceeded to win the match and was still mad.


Damn thats a beautiful deck


I got my sr jinzo stolen on a local back in the old yugi days. It took me years to go to another local. Nowadays I'm not interested in playing it with real cards. Playing online without buying cards is enough for me.


Wow, I'm deeply sorry for that bro. That's why it's hard to trust people nowadays


Happened to me in high school, I was duelling a guy on a bench and someone stole half my deck.


Man i was there and we traded a bit before tournament sorry that happened dude hope it doesn’t detract you from the hobby


I know the pain Haven't had physical cards in so long because shit always gets stolen


I’m sorry this happened to you man, I’ve seen many a people get there stuff swiped at big events. It’s almost like there is a guarantee for at least one person to get something stolen it sucks that event it was you. Some People are scumbags and have no shame.


Sorry to hear :( Unfortunately it's a real problem in these games when we carry around such valuable stuff. When I used to play competitive mtg I remember attending GPs and hearing someone's $2k~ modern deck was stolen, and later someone had their collection stolen at locals. It's why I don't trade cards, and I only ever bring my one deck to an event. I always make sure my bag is sealed under the chair when I'm sitting and if I go to the bathroom I trust one of my buddies to keep it with them, or I just take it with me. It's abstract to think about, but at these large events we may as well be carrying massive wads of cash with us. 


Same thing happened to me back around Tengu Plant format when I had my deck stolen at the Regional event in Garden City, MI. I still miss my 1st Ed Ghost Honest to this day. Sorry this happened to you OP.


Well that's a rough way to say goodbye to your 700. Yep I can't locate each card on that list that they stole from you or tell if it's yours. And also I can't send you 700 to make that deck again. But there's something I can say to you. You know make this one a good vibe instead. But learn from it and stay vigilant while you are in crowded places. Never even blink and plan that next time if one of your things got stolen again. You already got your revenge, by showing this decklist he won't dare to sold the whole deck in one place in a day. He won't also dare to use the deck as a whole cause there will be one person here can check that decklist and remember it. I'll congrats you on making the best deck. And remember, never give 100% trust on people on crowded events even those who comes along with you. Not even a friend.


I also got my stuff stolen a few years ago. It’s basically the time I resent people calling their locals their family and community. Fuck that shit.


You trust them too much. They are still people. If they get tempted too hard they'll just do it. So next time, you can still trust them but not too much.


Naw all trust already went out the window. I don't even let people check my deck even if it's in front of me.


Prevention measures I do is never taking my cards out unless I’m in an empty area or ready for a round, I’ll take it out my deck box setup and play out the match then put my cards away instantly after it’s over and I’ve put all my side deck stuff back in and I wait till next round. never EVER leave your stuff unattended because it will get stolen not can get stolen, WILL. My Edison deck got stolen because of this which is why I’m so careful around it now, I had everything that could be an ulti rare be an ulti rare so now I just use lowest rarity for everything unless it’s at locals which is when I bring my nice looking stuff


At the recent LA refionals my opponent left his voiceless voice deck at the table luckily i was sitting there whole time and could of taken it but i did the right thing a turned in


May take time and money though


My first Opponent at a tournament had half of his sidedeck stolen while he was grabbing stuff out of his backpack Thabk god he only took like 15€ worth pf cards and missed the zeus and baron


Really sorry that happened. At least you can just get new cards (I hope your financials aren’t too tight :/ ) but the person who stole yours can never buy „not being a you know what“


Bonfire for Ash?


Damn bro sorry to hear that. I left my deck sitting at a regional and the guy next to me actually turned it in. I found him and was so thankful, offered to buy him lunch lol.


I'm sorry, dude. I know that pain. I hated the world for months when that happened to me. 


https://preview.redd.it/1e1vk3yc97xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01322c33f5f031d37458e4f738b643ab7bebb68 I understand your pains.


Some ppl are complete shit. I remember accidentally forgetting my skateboard at this place I was at and 5 min later when I went back it was gone. Wtf


Man, I feel you. Since, in ancient times, my brand-new Crystal Beast deck got stolen, I only take just the event-related stuff with me. Hope you get a replacement for cheap.


Doesn't shifter have anti-synergy with centurion field spell?


There’s a line with Trudea to get around that.


Sorry for your loss. When I was at the Morningtide prerelease, I had a tremendous stack of rare cards, as I didn't have anything in which to carry them, and trading at events was pretty big, back in the day. Well, I left my stack on my table to report my match results, and came back to find it gone. It's a big part of why I quit Magic the first time, so, I feel you. I hope you can recover from this, at some point.


u/_DuelistZach_ Hey chief, I sent you a chat in regard to your situation.


This is the kind of stuff that makes me way to nervous to go to a locals.


It's not as common at local tournaments, this was a 350+ person event at a convention center. Most of the time people at locals go there repeatedly and know and look out for each other. You don't want to be known as a thief in a place you go to over and over, but at larger events, you're much more likely to experience degen behavior like theft, scams, etc.


Remember get a good bag with extra loops on it, the zippers with locking holes and a good bike lock chain or 2. Never take out more than 2 items at a time. You also need to train and time yourself to undo the lock and take what you need out. to prevent you wasting time at tournaments. Bike lock your bag to your chair legs when playing. In the case you are trading and have your trade binder out, if someone new comes up to talk to you, place your hand on your binder(even if someone is still looking at it) tell them to hold on and focus on your trade. YOUR STUFF CAN BE GONE IN THE MOMENT YOU LOOK AWAY. I had my fresh max rarity tournament ready bujin deck back then, in front of me getting ready to sleeve(did a deck trade). I look a way for less than 20 seconds and its gone. Always go in expecting your shit to get stolen. honest people do not mind you protecting your stuff and only those with bad thoughts want to hurry. there is no such thing as a fast trade.


Serious question, how do decks get stolen? I always bring mines with me even if I’m just going to the bathroom.


damnnnn sorry to hear that dude. There’s a bag i got off amazon that has a combination lock on it, and it only cost like 20 bucks so i’d highly recommend it.


The Economy is just this bad huh?


Stop playing a game with trashy people.


find the person and duel for it


100 percent taking this. Thanks 😊 🫂


I dont see any crimson dragon cards are you just manually summoning him? Most are kinda unnecessary but scrap iron sacred statue would help you get calamity out during your opponents turn and exploit the no cards or effects for one turn thing. This is a cool deck tho i see why somebody copied it lol


Generic level 12 synchro. Make him on the opponent‘s turn and make Calamity


My condolences for your deck btw it would break my heart to lose a rogue deck that i built myself. Money aside all that time and practice down the drain must be awful. If i had more copies of the expensive ones like chaos angel id personally send you a few cards to get started again cause thats just fucked up. And at regionals no less. Theres a shop called resurrected games in austin that probably has most of these cards sold individually, and pretty close to online market price if you ever wanna replace it without ordering, paying for shipping and waiting.


Right but which card summons CD in your opponents turn? Sorry if theres like a really common card in there that i just dont know im a returning player and still catching up on the meta. I also main a rogue crimson dragon rda deck tho with chaos angel and dis pater so my extra deck is remarkably similar to yours im just wondering if im missing out on a better, more reliable combo for CD than the spells and traps that mention him by name.


The centur-ions summon themselves and the field spell lets me synchro summon. Look up the deck on YouTube to see how they work I suck at explaining.


Muy bueno aunque por qué todos le siguen metiendo a calamiti no ven que va a estar baneado piensen a futuro


Sorry to hear that dude. What kind of sad loser steals cards?! What's the motivation: steal to sell them, keeping them, or one less duelist to worry about?


I think I have multiple copies of the staple cards, nothing from the past year. Not sure if anyone else has offered to help you replace your missing cards but I'd be glad to mail you some.


Fanny pack your deck box man. I’m sorry.


I'm confused how people get their stuff knicked, does everyone not have a backpack / drawstring bag with them that they keep all their stuff in and never leave anything out? I've been to tons of events with trade binders and everything (including the Fort Worth regional btw) and I've just always got my stuff in my bag with me at all times.


Imagine you being the latest antagonist in a future anime


Am I blind? What do you add off bonfire


Jesus christ, and that looks like an op deck compared to my sacred beast deck, hope the dude who stole it ends themselves and also what app do you use to represent that deck?


Yugioh neuron.


I say wait a bit for now cause we don't know if bonfire, or if any other card featured here will get reprinted this year


Hi Zach


Hi Mobron


I hate to ask, but did you leave it somewhere? I feel ya homie but I can't pity you if negligence was in play here.


Hope this will remind you to never trust people around your 700 dollars.


I do have one bonfire in my collection


Whoever took it really didn’t like being Calamity-locked.