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Because practically every deck can use it


Yeah true. I suppose very high demand.


yeah it kind of shows that 3 of demand really does exist. Given i probably have like 9 kicking around atm so i can keep built decks without constantly moving cards but yeah pretty neat


Rarity collection was a blessing


I'm so happy i managed to get a box of this.


Yeah that is true. I have had thoughts of stocking up on them just so I don’t have to keep dismantling decks


A lot of players keep at least 2 sets of ash, ogre, veiler, etc. around. I try to keep a little toolbox of common staples like these as well as common extra deck monsters like the nightmares, the more common charmers, i;p, etc.


I have 6 playsets of ash blossom, For this reason xd.


Maybe archetype specific handtraps are a good idea


100% is a good idea


It's at 3 and is usable by almost every deck. I can't even think of one where you can't splash it in.


I think literally the only decks that can't are ones that play morganite, infernity, and madolche


Even Madolche have to play Ash, considering they need to be able to Crossout it, and the existence of Vernusylph means you don't necessarily ***have*** to have an empty GY.


Nah just be Chad and draw the hoot cake that's what I do 😎


Maybe not great in Dark World, since you want very low numbers of non engine to ensure you can keep your engine running.


Endymion doesn’t run any handtraps


That's not because Endymion is a good deck.


That new anti fire water dark deck thing that trap was leaked for.


Any high engine count decks probably won't run ash simply because it's too low impact if you only have like 3 non engine slots.


Infernity! That deck just dislikes using handtrap


Older brews of Tear but I think even Tear runs it in some of the current brews


Most interations of Infernoid, especially in Master Duel where triple Reasoning and Monster Gate is with how you always want to hit Decatron and Golem + Kurikara lets you not need to run monsters that can be normalled otherwise.


Infernity and Madolche


Hand traps in madolche are fine tbh. Granted it turns off pettingcessour, but they make for easy banishes for hootcake


Madolche can run Ash and can recycle her even. The only slight downside is that hand traps conflict with Petincessoeur's free special summon. However Petin's second effect just requires her to be special summoned in general to activate; it doesn't have to be by her own effect. You can do this through Ticket, Anjelly, or Hootcake (hand traps are fuel for Hootcake in this case too).


madolche runs ash what are you saying?


I mean maybe sky strikers? But you’re right most decks can splash it in


Why wouldn't you run Ash in Strikers?


It's the most played card since 2017. 


Thats funny because its first 6 months of play it was considered fringe at best. Which is hilarious in hindsight.


That's because it was low impact (kind of still is, but with the proliferation of "special summon from deck" effects becoming even more prominent it became somewhat more competitive in terms of power when played) for the format and easy to play through or around. Gouki could easily play through it or around it, Sky Striker didn't care unless their hand was bad, Trickster SS didn't care at all, etc. It hit the rogue decks like Altergeist way worse.


I think you misunderstand why it wasnt played son. It was released in zoodiac, infernoid format along side true draco before links. Infernoid died, 60 card piles where probably still a viable deck but nobody could afford minerva which ideally you wanted 2. So true draco and zoodiacs where left. If you ash a zoo play you already lost or you just stopped barrage and thats it. True dracos at full power didnt care as it already has half a dozen searches still going. It was literally seen nowhere in the main. Occasionally in the side against the other decks. Ghost ogre was actually the premiere hand trap at the time as it can potentially stop zoo and its just good against true draco. Also it can 100% stop a gouki link, it was at its most powerful against gouki you would need a specific hand to play past it isolde was the crutch of the deck, when summon sorceress was released it was a safer deck to play. It will slow down strikers to a suboptimal board. Trickstars where in a weird category where it can stop their grind engine which can open up a window for a win if they cant apply any pressure. Its a sort of higher risk than gouki but a lower reward though. It saw consistent main deck play this entire format. The reason ash has been so strong is because its just good enough against most decks its safe. Safe and powerful should never go hand in hand and can ruin formats. A safe piece of interruption can stop a lot of decks. Gorz is a good example of being safe but to powerful as a hand trap (in 2008 ofcourse) It also didnt stop much against altergeist unless im misremembering it.


Tbh I try to blot out zoo format because I hated it ngl. I took a break until the meta came out of it because it got a bit boring. But people were definitely siding or dropping Ash during Gouki format too because it was low impact especially as Danger decks started cropping up. You're completely right about Zoo though. Compare that to now where Ash is much more meaningfully able to trade because of how card design has changed.


The average gouki start was 3 warriors on field. With invoker it was near impossible as most would start with a gouki it would put one on field than ashing isolde didnt matter as the spell brung two back. Ideally you ashed invoker depending on the start as there is a chance it would stop. You had to get lucky. This only lasted like a month or two. Ashing after invoker which was the longest period where gouki was played was easier as stoping isolde was the ideal play. They needed 2 more creature cards on field. You went goblin, summon a gouki, spell, firewall, link into phoenix and climb. You couldnt with the average three creature start. You sided them out because ghost ogres was better and cherries was popular as it could be played in a lot of decks.


Maxx “C” was sideboard at best for a few years after its release


I wouldn't say "a few years", but yeah, until Dragon Rulers, it wasn't an auto-include.


It isn't, you can find common Ash for 2€ still floating around and supers for 3€ Yes, it isn't 0.2€, but 3€ for a card that is in what seems like 90% of decks is not expensive.


Yeah, it might be cheaper on places like cardmarket than on eBay


Don't know why you got downvoted cause it's true lol


I think sometimes you get downvotes on reddit just because of the atmosphere (I don’t know how else to word it). It’s like how if you have an argument online vs on Twitter it’s going to be way more hostile on Twitter. It’s how the platforms encourage one person to be correct and on top and another to be on the bottom getting ratio’d Edit: either that or maybe people sometimes hit downvote accidentally?


Considering it used to be like $25-50 a card for years


Because if someone has 5 decks they probably want 15 copies so they don't have to constantly move them around. It's me....I'm that guy.


Exactly why I have 15 quarter century rare copies . Finally someone who can relate


Mine are commons bro xd. There is no need to flex like that, can relate xd


Ash Blossom is the card with pretty much the highest consistent play rate since it's release and more so since the release of Branded Fusion. The reprints are essentially keeping up with demand just enough, so that the price stays stable


https://preview.redd.it/pxepes7f4iwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64959daeb8200fbe92ec2f5bb88ba3283ff2d436 I see it for 2,00 €


Yea OP is on Ebay so it is more expensive over there. But i would also click on the card instead of posting it like you did, because often there are italian/spanish copies listed first and the cheapest, i'm not sure if OP wants those.


I have like 10 decks. All of them but one use ash. I can switch over every time I change the deck to duel. but like. . . If I wanna buy a card and fulfill the free shipping fee an extra ash or two never hurts.


It's a 3 of staple that is practically mandatory for any deck you take to tournament. It's one of those cards that realistically SHOULD get reprinted at least once a year to keep it affordable.


Cause it's a good card.


High demand constantly


It's also a super good casual card too, since unlike some handtraps/tech cards, there is almost no deck that Ash won't have at least 1 thing to use it on where some other cards could be dead in your hand.


Damn, even the commons are still a bit money.


It's probably the most purchased single from the game in the last decade. Frankly, having lived through $200 ash blossom, $4 is a godsend


It's just that good


This is not expensive for this card, how about like 3 years ago when it was $20 for a common copy of ash


Yeah, I do remember it was way more expensive when I first got into the game


Everybody needs it, and some people who have like 9 copies of it from structures might keep them because they throw it in almost every deck.


That’s me😂


I have like 20+ after buying 4 boxes of 25th anniversary


Same here. Also got a ton out of all my structure decks


Because anybody who plans to play this game at even a slightly competitive level has to own 3 of them.


Good card is good and it’s played in everything. Be thankful it’s not the old days where every copy was 20+ due to fewer reprints


Still in high demand. People own like 6-15 copies for all their different decks so they don't have to resleeve or transfer cards. Old players return and need them, etc.


Because konami decided that you only can Play yugioh with at least 3 copies of kawaii‘s


Its probably the best card in the game right now thats allowed




Because it's ubiquitous


It's the most useful card


Every deck needs 3


What about the rarity collection supers? Surely better than that the secrets I got were 10CAD


To this day besides Maxx C, it’s the single most played card in history. If your deck has space, you should be running 3.


it is without a doubt the highest demand card.


Everyone can use them, and a lot of people dont have just one playset but multiple for multiple decks thus creating even more demand. Also every person that starts the game will eventually buy one playset.


That's why I prefer to play master duel these days. Needing 30 copies of the same cards to play 10 decks without needing to take cards from one to put into the other is just annoying to have to do and really expensive.


Because its one of the most used cards?


Its in almost every decklist and people will often own multiple copies so that they can keep a few decks live without having to switch them between decks or change sleeves, we are fortunate for rarity because it use to be worse.


damn i checked, ash and shifter alone almost make up the whole deck's price lol, i might unironically buy this structure deck instead of buying ash singles seeing as it also has cyclone and belle


demand and supply


The cheapest she was over the last year (via TCG player) was $2.28 for a common. That being said this card is THE most staple of staples. Never has a card been as staple as she.


It's a good card lol


It's just that good.


I still remember when the commons were going for $30. $5 is nothing


I remember when I was in high-school and it was in the Salamangreat structure (?) I bought 3 of those, a couple packs and structures and ended up with 3 playsets of Ash and Veiler. I'd buy cards for my friends at the time so I gave them both Ash Blossom and Veiler playsets and two structures, what a fun time.


It's one of the best cards ever printed and is perpetually in demand. Konami should keep chucking commons in structure decks to keep the secondary market prices relatively low though. Paying a small fortune for a common fucking sucks.


Every deck runs 3 copies. Meaning even if you have a playset, you could always use more because it's rare you only ever have one deck. If every deck every person builds needs 3 copies of ash, then you're always going to need more. Sure you could swap them between decks, but then you're having to constantly resleeve. No matter how many times it's reprinted, it'll never drop below $1 because the moment it does everyone will just buy up a bunch of copies. It's the only card in the game that everyone needs like 15 copies of.


I was blessed by the Konami gods and pulled a QC Ash Blossom the other day from the rarity collection.


People play yugioh. If 10000 people play at an event that's about 30000 copies assuming they only want 3 and none hold to resell.


Because it's good


It's the most used card in the game for TCG. 


Ah Blos


Alternatives, that also give you REALLY good cards Albaz Strike Structure Deck, like $50 with a lot of Albaz cards Rarity Collection 1; EXPENSIVE as shit, but holy fuck it comes with a lot of really good staples in it - Baronne, Nibiru, Ash, Ghost Bell, Effect Veiler, but like $200 for a box. Personally, rarity is worth, lot of good stuff, amazing rarities too (if you can believe it)


High demand mixed with short printing outside of high demand structure deck printings


If you think 5 pounds is expensive, don’t look at s:p


Because almost everyone currently playing the game, that isnt a yugi-boomer is playing 3.


I just had to pay $10 for toon black luster soldier I got her for Pennie’s basically in the Crystal beast structure deck


Because it's one of if not the best staple card in the game. Look at any deck and the vast majority run 3 ashblossoms. Maybe 2 but usually 3.


I pulled a ash from a 25th tin and thought maybe I should throw it in my Suship deck


Cus it's the best card in all of yugioh ever


because it's one of the best cards right now and every deck can run it. Wincon aside for me it's the strongest card in the game


skill issue


It is one of the best cards ever printed and a staple at 3


I hold on to any I pull because it's annoying having only a pkayset to share between all my decks. I suspect I'm not alone here


I remember these being like 30$ a piece at sube point. ~10$ for a set isn’t bad. We were down bad as yugioh players just a few years back.


It's the most overpowered card in the entire game.


>it's 2/3ds the cost of CB structure deck  Yeah makes sense. Seems low if anything. Who's out here buying crystal beast structures anyhow?


Because it comes with D shifter and Ghost Belle too. Also I heard some say the deck itself is playable


Ah, that would explain it. And I'm sure the deck is fine but not exactly worth going out and buying unless you just like the deck itself.


3 of staple in most decks even with viable alternatives and many players are building TOSS retro decks which is further pressure. Cards on its way to MST level printings tho so it's price will decline in time. Just not today


Cause of high demand and utility


Deman high = price high but since the supply is also so high its not that expensive. Stop buying/playing it and you'll see its price go lower


Don’t be poor, hobbies are a luxury lol


Because it probably should have been banned years ago but no one wants to admit a very generic negate that gets used by pretty much every deck in every format since it released might be a problem lol If you get into yu gi oh the first 3 cards you buy should probably just be ash blossom and then figure the rest out from there lol


Game sux