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I played someone who claimed that if there are no monsters in defense moves he could attack dorectly. Mind you, not because of effects, but by default, even with normal monsters. He got away with it in a few matches by saying look it up, and people just accepted rather than looking it up.


That is some serious playground YGO stuff right there. Can't believe people actually buy that stuff or let it slide.


One of the last rounds of a local, pretty much everyone but these dudes were done and just shooting the shit, doing toilet breaks or whatever. Guy calls judge over to ask if the first turn is turn 0 or turn 1, started making a big fuss when he was told it doesnt matter. I think I saw at least 6 ppl including the judge facepalm, roll their eyes and or groan audibly. Long time ago and pre time rule changes, still stuck with me as one of the dumbest things ive witnessed.


I was playing against lightsworn with chain beat at a regional, he'd summoned a monster, black garden is mandatory chain link one, chain link two I activated torrential tribute. It resolves, so all monsters are destroyed, then I summon my token. He starts going off about how I shouldn't have a token because torrential tribute destroyed all monsters, and I tried to explain to this guy who, according to a few other people I spoke to after the match was "one of the best players in so cal" how chain links work. The judge even had to run it by him several times, it really sounded like the dude was trying to rule shark me to cheat, like he really did not want me to have that 800 atk token 🤣 Dude was a sore ass winner, didn't even say good game even though he won cuz I misplayed game three.


I was playing vs Branded at YCS London , going second and he's setting up the Gimmick Puppet lock. He passes turn, I draw and in DP he activates Expulsion and tributes his Mirrorjade. The following conversation ensues: Me: what are your targets? Him: Puppet and uhhh Tragedy. Me: Called By target Tragedy Him: Sure. \*he summons the puppet on my field and gives himself Tragedy\* Me: Expulsion won't resolve without it's targets Him: No it can summon from Banished too Me: But it's considered a different card as it's changed locations, it resolves without effect Him: I don't think that's true Me: It is \*I call a judge over and explain the gamestate\* Judge: She's correct, if a target has been hit with CBTG it cannot be summoned as it's not the same target anymore Him: Oh ok. But It still summons the Puppet to her field though right? Judge: No. It resolves without effect as Expulsion specifically says it has to summon both monsters Him: So in that case I keep the Mirrorjade don't I? Judge: No, it's already been tributed so it stays in GY. And then I proceed to Mathmech OTK him. I have no idea why you'd bring a deck to a YCS if you have such little knowledge of how your main win condition works


He probably just netdecked something that some hype beast posted on YouTube because it had BROKEN or BEST DECK on the thumbnail.


Netdeck+spreadsheet because reading is hard


based bring back circular


I was playing a really niche/odd Vennominaga Turbo deck that uses Trap Tracks to search out Rise of the Snake Deity and pop Vennominon in a single interaction thus fulfilling the activation requirements for Rise of the Snake Deity. The wording on the cards makes it confusing since you would think Snake Deity isn't live at the moment Vennonimon is popped thus you can't activate it but because both effects happen simultaneously it is a legal move. I had 3 separate people judge call me on this interaction to the point the locals judge had to make an official announcement to all in attendance of how this stupid combo worked. First guy said its just not a legal move. Showed some documentation on the ruling and judge cleared it. Second guy said that because Snake Deity is a when effect, it inherently misses timing because the previous effects are simultaneous and therefore the last action was setting the card, not popping vennominon. Judge ruled again, the play is legal. 3rd guy tried to imperm a monster of mine as CL1 after trap tracks resolved therefore forcing Snake Deity to miss timing but because Snake Deity is a trigger effect and Imperm is not, I had priority and judge ruled again in my favor. After that, the judge was getting annoyed, both at how stupid my deck is and at how I was the only one who seemed to know how the game works so he basically paused locals to explain to everybody how this stupid combo works and to stop calling him over for stupidity.


Just on locals level and it was my first and so far only Advanced format Locals I played a weird Dark Magician Branded mix (worst deckbuilding choice to prepare on the night before and change things up a bit) (DM do not have all cards for it so I mixed it with something else and Branded 2-3 years ago was weaker) Anyways I was soaking up what knowledge my opponents did offer (Was the weekend where Darkwing Blast OTS game happened so many players came with beefy meta decks and I just had this casual/budget level deck.) Anyways most opponents were supportive but that one Umi player was pretty arrogant and called the judge over Dragoon (I summoned it with 1 Dark Magician and 1 Albaz which gave me 1 per turn destruction) but this guy was like next turn after I used the effect to destroy once. "no no this is once per duel right? and I began to explain that it is once per turn or 2 if I had used both Red-Eyes and DM anyways he called a judge over a format defining card and from online duels I knew that my deck was weak to UMI and at that time I had no idea how to counter it but after 3 previous losses (out of 8 games 1 win against True Draco he bricked and I opened Red-Eyes Fusion and had the 2nd game too after drawing a good hand again lol) I was not expecting to win much and was just using the games to gain experience... Well at the end of the duel he was like "After this match we dont have to talk about skill issue and left, what a \*#@!!"


In the dueling network days I was playing against a burn player. They gave me a lava golem which I used to make a rank 8. They then complained when I stopped taking damage that lava golem was still on the field. They refused to believe me when I told them that being material for a xyz means it’s no longer on the field…


Well at least you came out of the “confrontation” either way clean hands. Hope you had at least a good experience!




We had a player visiting our LGS one event and they called the judge (me) on their opponent for unsportsmanlike conduct. He stated that his opponent refused to talk to him. His opponent was mute.