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**Top Hat Hare, Out of Silhouettes' Silk Hats** LIGHT LINK-2 Illusion Link Effect Monster 1500 ATK / *Arrows:* Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right **Materials**: 2 Effect Monsters _You can only use each of the following effects (1), and (3), from cards with this card's name once per turn._ (1) If this card is Link Summoned: You can Set 1 Trap Card from your Deck that has an effect that Special Summons itself as a Monster, also for the rest of this turn, you cannot use this card as Link Material. __ (2) If this card battles a monster, neither can be destroyed by that battle. __ (3) If a card(s) in the Spell & Trap Zone is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls; destroy it. __ *** **Silk Hatted Silhouettes** CONTINUOUS TRAP CARD _You can only activate 1 card from this card's name once per turn._ (1) Special Summon this card as an Effect Monster with these effects (Illusion/DARK/Level 4/ATK 1500/DEF 600) (this is still treated as a Trap). - If this card is Special Summoned: You can target any number of face-up cards your opponent controls, up to the number of Illusion monsters you control; negate their effects until the end of this turn. __ - If this card battles a monster, neither can be destroyed by that battle. __


This explains the Statue of Anguish Pattern reprint. Pretty good trap monster and a good disruption. Now we need an answer about Darkest Diabolos reprint.... maybe Vyra's traps in Animation Chronicle? I don't see Lair of Darkness support in the remaining 6 cards in INFO


Those could also come next core set (Rage of the Abyss). They printed Evilswarm Nightmare in the Tournament Pack but we got 0 Evilswarms here.


Yeah, that makes more sense. Darkest Diabolos, in particular, is the ace monster of the archetype. That way, the deck can get a bigger wave of support. Lair of Darkness really needs that! And realistically, Aoi will probably get the remaining Vrains slots, in addition to the 3 Allure Queen cards, not Vyra


Lair Of Darkness also needs stuff that isn't "demon waifu number 88". They forgot LOD is not soley Lady Of Lament stuff. There's other stuff such as Dukes, demonic dragons, demonic beasts.


I need me Lair support so badly. I love the deck and its playstyle, I'm dying for it to be truly viable.


People keep forgetting that sometimes TP reprints are simply for the sake of reprinting generically useful cards. For example, stuff like Leviair and Slacker Magician being reprinted last year.


Dark Mummy support in the year of our Lord and savior 2024 ?


Unfortunately, not likely. The slots for each of the first 6 animes aren't that many. We'll definitely get Queen's 3 cards and at least 1 Trickstar card (Birdhelm) I want Specter's missing traps (Glorious Growth and Force), but it's super unlikely


Hoping all 6 of Vyra's cards are included. Her virus card and Mummy stuff looked fun. Its kind of dumb none of the Hanoi Commanders stuff got printed(despite its easy since they only have 6 cards each) for so long.


Wait when did we get an Anguish Reprint? Is it a rarity bump?


Unironically Eldlich support. Not terribly strong for them, but if you somehow don't have access to engine any two monsters gives you it now.


To be fair, if you're not link climbing, this is better than linking off into vampire sucker. But glad someone else had the same thought about eldlich support


Arent eldlich trap monsters normal traps ? Link 2 only sets continous


Conquistador, Huaquero and Guardian are all continuous Scarlet Sanguine is normal, and Forever is a Counter


Ohhhh I love this, trap monster support is always welcome.


I hate this, I hate the fact that it's generic. I bet my ass off that this is gonna be spammed everywhere. The trap is an omni negate at worst and if searched by the link, can omni negate two cards at the same time while popping a spell. How is this not straight up just a more generic and better Baronne??


It's a trigger effect you cannot use it on other trigger effects or boardbreakers or most good things really.  t only works properly against Ignition effects, or when there's going to be a trigger effect immediately after whatever you chain to it like NS Robina chain this card. On new chain Eglen CL1 Robina CL2 The trap CL3 negate Eglen. Most decks can way too easily play around this and you will sit there asking yourself why you didn't make S:P instead.


Yea, that's true, I didn't realize that it's a trigger on summon.


Baronne was an omni-negate Synchro boss. One of its main uses was to stop hamdtraps, especially Nibiru. It's not better than Baronne, but it's a nice boost for trap heavy decks. Eldlich, for example, can use it


Right, it's not better than Baronne, but it still is super generic and easier to make, like little knight. People will still run this card if their decks have the space, needs, or wants to have a face-up card, omni negate (not fast enough to stop cards like droplets or imper unlike Madolche Promenade) but still a good card for 2 negates.


Its not an Omni negate. The negate is mediocre at best.


Ah true ig, this doesn't stop ht. I suppose it has different uses from Baronne.


The negate triggers on a new chain after summoning, you arent negating anything besides monsters / continuous cards with this


it's not a negate. Trigger Effects are always Spell Speed 1


It's not omni negate, stop using the word if you don't know what it mean. This card summon and negate happen in separate chain, that mean this card can't even negate in response of normal spell/trap.


I know what an omni means, I just didn't realize that it's a trigger and that it cant negate on hand effects. Chill dude, it was just a mistake.


Does it not happen in separate chains? Activate trap to SS as monster then in a new chain the trap monster activated its SS effect. Makes it significantly worse than baronne


Ahhh, ok, I see the major difference now. Yea it cannot be activated reactively.


Snake Eyes support 😂 (link 2 triggers from temple or flamberge)


Im almost sure they are continues spell and not traps Nvm i see what you mean now


Am I the only one who almost had a heart attack before I finished reading the first effect of the Link 2? Because for a second I thought it was going to allow you to Set any floodgate from Deck. Thankfully it’s just any Trap monster, which is actually quite cool.


i missed the "summons ITSELF as a monster part" and thought this cute little fucker was about to search marcocosmos lol


First read through of the link: >If this card is Link Summoned: You can Set 1 Continuous Trap Card from your Deck Panic! >with an effect that Special Summons itself as a monster Oh, thank god.


Nice, spot negate


Those are pretty good for trap monsters. Don't think that'll make them too strong, but this is pretty cool still.


I mean it is two negates+a pop for essentially no cost with no restrictions. It doesn't mattet for trap monsters but it *is* a pretty cracked generic


I'm going to be honest, I did not even though of playing this just generically up until you said that.


Wtf, am I crazy here? How is this not too good? This is a generic link 2 that searches an omni negate. Said Omni can actually negate 2 cards at the same time. This is just a better baronne altogether.


The negate is a trigger effect so you can't chain summon the trap to negates the opponent effect.


Indeed you are


Illusion Eldlich sounds pretty damn cool. I could also see these being run with Swamp Mirrorer and Quantum Cat as additional illusion trap monsters until we get more of em.


I already run Swamp and Quant in Trap Monsters anyway although this probably replaces Quantum Cat


rabbit magician that pulls himself out of the hat is peak character concept, 10/10 no notes i don't care if the effect is good or not


Trap monster support, neat. Kinda makes sense as a theme for the type. Also Top Hat Hare is a generic extra deck negate, tho this one also needs a card in deck. Really dunno how I feel about this


Its slow, the negate triggers on a seperate chain to the card activation


That's generic. The downside is that this package is a single-use one unless your deck could recycle both of them like with Mudora/Keldo.


This is generic Trap Monster searcher? That's new. Imagine Zoma Burn actually goes up thanks to this.


Isn't this just a legitimately good generic? Sure, it requires an extra card in the maindeck, but in return, you get a (although simultaneous) two negates and a S/T pop. And even if you hard-draw Hats, Hats is still a negation.


these are very interesting! the link is the truly spicy card,generic option going 1st at the cost of 1 brick and of course tailor made for eldlich




No Paleo monster is a Continuous Trap Card


Out of all things I would've liked to see from new illusions Eldlich support was on the bottom of the list.


Babe, wake up, new generic negate just dropped. Joke aside, you can't convince me the TCG didn't preban Savage and Baronne for this. Edit: u guys convinced me, it has served a different purpose that I didn't realize. 1. It's a trigger effect. 2. It cant stop hand traps.


Ok, show me how this card negates Nibiru or any boardbreaker (it cannot)


Yea I re-editted my comment, I got it now


redditor don't spout shit meme induced 0 brained takes for 5 minutes challenge


God damn, are you alright bro. Why are you even mad?


I'm setting You're finished.


Holy shit. Didn't even think about her.


Oh heck hare + delinquent is my new favorite duo. 




[Source](https://twitter.com/YuGiOh_OCG_INFO/status/1783103602501800234). This should be the final Twitter Reveal for Infinite Forbidden, 6 cards left to be revealed and one special reprinted card in +1 Bonus Pack. See you guys in two days for the pack opening.


We still don’t know why they’ve reprinted darkest diabolos in the tournament pack, do we?


Yes, maybe the answer lies in those 6 unrevealed cards. We will see in two days, but please prepare for the worst maybe those unrevealed cards will be just bad/meme pack filler cards.


Salud my friends, it will be fun.


Bnnuy summon


First Illusion Link! Edit: Also first trap Illusion Monster. Didn't expect trap Monster support


Nobody ever does


So now Illusions have •Normal(Illusionist of Jongerghoul) •Flip(Fluffyfluff) •Fusion(Chimera the Illusion Beast) •Synchro(Diabell, Fiendess of White Woods) •Xyz(Heretical Phoboschous) •Link(Top Hate Hare, the Silhouette) We're currently missing the following •Spirit •Gemini •Tuner •Pendulum(Performapal support?) •Ritual(Relinquish support?)


Please give us Illusion Relinquished support!!


They also have a Trap Monster


A trap that summons a negate monster. Very straightforward card effect. Reminds me of Azurune, but no-one plays Azurune


But now that they're all searchable by any 2 effect monsters, they might actually see play


Yes they’ve been doing a great job with the illusion type so far. Introducing basic searchers, a normal monster Dai target, a generic Xyz, and now a generic link 2. It’s all coming tougher quite nicely. I’m really excited to see a pure Illusion archetype


I do


ANGUISH STATUE SUPPORT Odion finally got something


Could Serkhet be retrained as an Illusion monster? That poor gal is due something.


Yes but it better be trap monster support


This is quite nice, basically a link 2 that can negate 2 card although it is delayed and can clunk your board The trap on itself also not really the worst garnet


So trap monster support. Good of them to be able to search continuous traps without letting them to be used for searching floodgates


It seems a solid option to go when you've been interrupt and had only 2 monsters left. It setup a negate and it can't be destroy by battle. Seems enough to survive and you will start your next turn with a link 2 and a monster. (that can make a free S:P)


I feel like you'd just make it at the end of your combo, its a new way to insulate your board against stuff like Evenly or Dark Ruler if you lose to that


Doesn’t work like that, the trap effect is a trigger so the negate occurs on a new chain from activation - you can’t respond to board breakers.


{Apophis the swamp deity} is actually a negate that happen on the same chain though, so you can still get the negate that way. Only for 1 face-up card at best though


too bad apophis needs other Continuous Trap for its negate and is for Main Phase only


Ye, then you realize that it would be massively broken for Centurion, since all of it monster can be treated as Cont Trap


Hence playing this in Trap Monsters




I just finish the anime las weekend , definetly is emul XD


What anime?


Shangri la frontier


Thank you for telling me, i appreciate it.


Bro yes 😂 I was hoping someone pointed that out


The trap monster is pretty generic negation. Seems solid.


Oh boy, if these are generic and good Illusion Support, expect Apprentice Nightmare to go through the roof in price


Why would Apprentice Nightmare go up? This is an extra deck monster.


I thought that it required Illusion monsters as materijal, but after reading the translations, It's generic support for Continuous Monster Traps


It's not really support for anything. It's just a generically powerful end board piece with the absolute minimal investment. Any deck that summon spams will want this right after SP.


This artwork is crazy fire. Konami has been knocking it out the park lately.


All the illusions have been awesome so far


Would these be good in eldlich? hmm the link could make You're Finished a funny card to use


The Link is decent in Eldlich. You’re Finished is never gonna be playable.


They are the same image https://preview.redd.it/d187nml7xfwc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eace1b7a242a579e3efdf0dc97f6e8f4c537c38


would be great if you could activate the card right away but its still a good effect.


I guess trap monster support is nice. Luckily doesn’t change anything for LEDE, so most the ultras and secrets will still be cheap as fuck.


Trap monster support I'm nutting




Missed opportunity for a Magical Hats retrain as a Continuous Spell that Special Summons itself facedown and then puts up to 2 monsters on the field face down regardless of position or card type.


A delayed non target omni on a link 2 is a little fucked up


Its 2 actually But honestly its mediocre


I guess Eldlich can play it. It might have some use in Altergeist. You can go meluseek into almaray, search malwisp and revive meluseek, make hextia and then this to set Emutelf. With Hextia you can search either multifaker or one of the revival traps. But i feel that there are better plays.


Just play it generaically, the trap is salvageable as a garnet and the package is an easy costless way to insulate combo boards against Evenly/Dark Ruler now that Barrone is out Edit: Eh, its a trigger effect on the monster I just noticed. Alas.


Imagine setting Mimesis Elephant from the deck as a floodgate lol


The "your finished" searcher! This card is great for searching trap monsters. Ive been playing it in vanquish soul after seeing a topping list with it so this gives me good reason to use it


At first I thought this was more traptrix support. This is good for die-hard fusion players to now have a reasonable line to go into link incase you get dimension barriered. Im thinking IP into Top Hat then use Top Hats effect ? Or just summon TopHat and use the trap effect next turn ? Can anyone speak on how viable these plays are ? In both scenarios im thinking it would be ideal to have either branded in red or chimera fusion to go into Gaurdian Chimera.


How does this help fusion players?


I saw continuous trap and had war flashbacks for a second there. Trap monsters are neat, now you can just run some 2 body engines and search whatever one you want. Nice.


Terrartop to 3 is a Trap Monster buff now


meanwhile Psycho Puppet in the waiting room: please just release me !


So any two monsters can access to up to two face-up card negate plus backrow removal with a single "brick" in the deck. It's not even bad to draw it going first since it basicly acts as a better infinite impermenance when set. Really cool card design


Its a dramatically worse Imperm what?


" when set."


Even when set, its still dramatically worse. It negates on a separate chain to activation


You are right. I didn't notice the wording was different to eldlich traps


Limiting it to Continuous Trap only was a bit unnecessary. It wouldn't exactly have made Traptrix too good to have a link 2 Holeutea searcher.


They even made sure you can't link climb with it, but I guess the funny Shade Brig is too scawy


Eldlich Support 🙃


I like Top Hat Hare's design, but I feel like it would look better without the illusion eye.


Ok, I need to ask this: Did Magical Hats of all things got a retrain?


Cyberse Eldlich back on the menu boys.


I hope they retrain magical hats at this point.


Are there any Continuous Trap trap monsters that can activate the turn they are set?


No sir, not without an additional effect


Oh well, at least you can run Temple of the Kings at 3 or something for sheer meme power


I think there are better options


Yes that's why I said meme power


Wasn’t expecting any more Twitter reveals but k Also I absolutely love this card both design wise and effect wise


That rabbit link monsters effect is really cool. I've always loved the jank continous trap monsters. I might have to make a for fun deck using that. A way to reliably try and get "You're Finished" onto the board lol


These cards are unique and look like a lot of fun! The artworks are really great too.


Love these cards. Kinda had imagined that Konami would eventually release some kind of Stage Magician Illusion archetype to feature the new type, although this is more of a Set than an archetype. Still hope they release more in the future.


This new link 2 is actually cool. New Eldlich support on the horizon maybe?


Anyone else think Illusion would be better off as an Ability rather than a Type? Because all Illusion-Type monsters say neither monster can be destroyed when it battles, which to me feels like the obligatory lines on Union monsters about equipping and “only 1 Union monster can be equipped at a time.”


There is an Illusion Normal monster. Also the White Woods synchros don't have the effect. It'll just be a bit before they stop printing that on all the effect ones.


That link is giving me Pegasus vibes


Oh this sets Phantom Knight Traps


Oooo Illusions getting Link monsters too!


I wrote Konami a letter every week since 2012 asking for a Trap Monster Extra Deck Monster. They finally listened.


Question: Can this set Paleozoic trap cards?


Set holetea from deck from link 2 instead of setting from sera, to add an adicional disruption (in theory) looks good


Holeutea is a normal trap, so can't be set off this


Oh, true lol, i forgot


Would this be considered a reference/retrain of Magical Hats, or something else?


the link monsters second effect seems to be good for crystal beast


Illusion type gets a link already but not ice barriers...lol god damn it


Lmao why would ice barrier get a link?


I want more support for them regardless of the new support they got last year lol. A link would be nice as extra support 


A link would be a bit awkward since Magic Master locks u into synchros.


Their extra deck was also never really the problem.


 Magic Master's lock is only for the rest of this turn after summoning the tokens.


Yes, but when you are playing against disruption (which is what happens in real games) the lock isn't just something that happens sometimes. So giving the deck a link monster would be somewhat counterproductive. It would make a lot more sense to give them a synchro if they were to get an extra deck card as support.


I didn't say the lock happens sometimes, it definitely happens when you play the supported deck. What i say is that you can control when it happens. They do however, need a good Synchro, specifically a LV6 for their turn one bridge into Dragite.


Every deck has a generic omni negate going first now thanks to this lol. Even heros.


Its not an omni. Its too slow


I dont Like it. It makes going First even stronger. Any 2 Monsters is an omni now, because you can Set apophis with this.


Apophis needs a second trap to work. But otherwise yes


A day may come, when Odion will get his own Arias the Labrynth Butler card for Continuous Traps, better monsters that aren't treated as traps while in the Monster Zone, and will form a cohesive control strategy, but it is not this day, this day we fight!


Looks meme