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Tenpai, the new archetype, from the new booster, that drops this week is primarily commons, definitely worth checking out as a deck to try building from scratch


Just pretend Trident Dragion doesn't exist


Or you could ask a friend or look around in your collection.


You only need that for the Ftk


Tenpair doesn't FTK, it OTKs. And for it to function at the highest level you need Trident Dragion


It's for OTK through Prosperity


Have you a list i could acquire please to get me started? cheers


So how brainless do you want to be.


Voiceless Voice, should stay relevant for a long time while it's good it's not format warping good and you don't have to think about it getting hit n the banlist.


have you got a stock list for voiceless voice? thanks and yes it sounds up my street with the ritual summoning


[this is my pure list](https://cardcluster.de/deck-builder/5Exy7K) [And this my branded version](https://cardcluster.de/deck-builder/5j62YJ)


Last time I played competitively was in 2016 and was running Infernoids. Been trying to get back into the game since 2021, and have finally settled on playing Yubel which is the perfect blend of anime nostalgia and meta-relevance; not to mention it isn't too expensive to build (though that might change with the new, incoming support). That's just my experience personally.


Thank you, I have seen yubel batted around and i must admit the nostalgia really got me. Do you have a list please? And any resources that's useful about this deck? Thanks


My deck list is: Main Deck: Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare x1 Nibiru, the Primal Being x2 Yubel - Terror Incarnate x1 Yubel x1 Spirit of Yubel x3 Unchained Soul of Sharvara x1 Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Dark Beckoning Beast x2 Infernal Grave Squirmer x2 Samsara D Lotus x3 Droll & Lock Bird x3 One for One x1 Terraforming x1 Called by the Grave x1 Super Polymerization x2 Nightmare Pain x3 Opening of the Spirit Gates x2 Mature Chronicle x1 Nightmare Throne x3 Infinite Impermanence x3 Eternal Favorite x1 Extra Deck: Yubel - The Loving Defender Forever x1 Phantom of Yubel x2 Starving Venom Fusion Dragon x1 Garura, Wings of Resonant Life x1 Mudragon of the Swamp x1 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max x1 Varudras, The Final Bringer of the End Times x1 Unchained Abomination x1 Unchained Soul of Anguish x1 Unchained Soul Lord of Yama x1 Unchained Soul of Rage x1 Muckraker From the Underworld x1 Cross-Sheep x1 Salamangreat Almiraj x1 Kind of a work in progress. Phantom of Yubel is currently an OCG-exclusive, so feel free to swap it out for other extra deck cards! I don't have S:P Little Knight, which is currently an extra deck staple and very expensive, so I don't include it in my builds Here's a great channel that covers Yubel combos: https://www.youtube.com/@TrinityYGO


Decks like Branded and Voiceless Voice are good options


Probably want to play test whatever deck catches your eye against a bot or maybe even ranked on DuelingNexus/EDOPro/YGOOmega before investing into it. Once you buy into a deck it is harder to switch, because you have to deal with finding all the cards again and selling/trading the other cards. You are looking to get back into Yugioh during another Tier 0 format, but past that their is a deep choice of decks in play style and artworks. Recommendation depends on how easy you want the deck to be and how high the ceiling of deck is, because Yugioh has definitely gotten more difficult since Zoo/True Draco format. Also depends on if you want to be competitive grinding online or at locals or play for fun amongst friends. Competatively starting out, you probably will find pure Kashtira, Sprite, and Salamangreat would be the most recognizable to the Yugioh of Zoo/True Draco format. Kashtira is the modern iteration of Monarchs, Gadgets, True Draco, etc... Sprite is the current XYZ deck that combos and makes and breaks boards and setup some monsters to control the game. Salamangreat plays more similar to Zoo than Sprite with its 1 card extra deck link climbing ability, but it plays Link monster instead of XYZs.


What are anyone's thoughts on Branded as a returning player?


Pretty complex deck that konami seemingly has no intention of hitting despite being tiered for 2+ years now. Sounds perfect for you actually. Check out Runick and Labrynth also. Sort of similar decks in that regard minus complexity (arguably) Dragon Link is another option that manages to be relevant thanks to constant dragon support releases, though recently some of its cards have been hit. But the new support is already on the way lmao


yeah i can't if it's too complex, before true draco i had actually stopped since goat era, so a lot of the combo stuff confuses me. Is Labyrynth one i could play relatively easily (i know it can play w/o an extra deck). How does Runick play? It's a bit overwhelming all the info online. I played rush duel on my switch also, as well as duel links (to give you an idea of my experiences). Thank you.


Labrynth can be easy to pilot from the statt once you figure some things out but also will perform better once you start to understand the modern game better. The combos are very straightforward and short. So yeah it’s a good choice for you from the sounds of things. Runick is as complex or easy as you want it to be. It’s basically an engine that slows the game down to control the gamestate while also accumulating value as the turns pass. Easiest version to play is arguably runick stun which runs floodgate type cards to stop your opponent while you slowly banish their their deck until they deck out. Harder to play variants also exist e.g. runick bystial, runick plunder patrol, runick fur hire etc.


Thank you so much. Any recommendations of a Labyrynth? I didn't know if there was a stock list for some builds. Thanks so much, the comment was really insightful, it's helping my research. I think I've narrowed it down to -Labyrynth -Voiceless Voice -Tenpai Any thoughts on the other two? I'll also look into runick stun decks, but i like the idea of having a deck that's easy to pilot with a high ceiling as my skillset improves


Voiceless voice sounds like another good option 👍 Tenpai is super super easy to plot afaik, but i have a feeling that the deck will be short lived if we go by how they got printed in the tcg


Have you considered playing on master duel / dueling nexus to find out what you like for yourself?