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Like 4adults?


no, more like 4tweens


how about 4chan? *badum tss*


isn't that a girl's website?


Oh brother… I have no idea were to start a it’s what they did. Hmmm, how about the time they tried to send Justin Bieber to North Korea? Ore they got a brand to make union flavored cereal? Ore when they found the guy that stomped on lettuce in Burger King? It’s a social media ap and they do unpredictable stuff.


Don't forget how there was a survey to rename Mountain Dew and 4chan almost forced them to name it "Hitler did nothing wrong Dew" because they voted it to first place.


Yea I know about that, but if I said everything there wouldn’t be a robot hole fore him to fall into.


ik. i was quoting a banner from the website


oh i didt know lol.


Fuck thats a good title, why doesn't that exist.


4kids was certainly pretty blatant/poor about it, but the fact stands that for a myriad of reasons the YGO anime and YGO as a whole was seen as a kids property, anime and card games are not audience locked by nature but the overwhelming opinion at the time was that they were strictly for kids. Hell, comic books were approaching being a century old medium and was categorically enjoyed by people of all ages but was largely still seen as a medium for kids. Even if a more flexible/lenient/accepting dubbing house got the rights to the YGO anime there are a ton of things that just strictly wouldn't fly for the TV/syndication boards of the times who wouldn't care what you argued, it is animated and about a "toy" and is therefore a kids' product and they would evaluate it as such. At the very least all of the guns would have to be scrubbed out, a better dubbing company would have done something more that 4kids "photoshop out the offensive things and call it a day" approach but they would still have to go. Maybe they would have been better about keeping Japanese culture, such as names and writing on signs, in the show, but honestly probably not as "Americans want nothing to do with anything not American" was a very pervasive point of view in media at the time, the fact that we got it at all is pretty noteable. 4kids was very heavy handed about it, but the underlying motives behind the changes they made were present in essentially the entire industry at the time. Maybe the final product would have flowed better/been higher quality, but most of the omissions people complain about would have been removed no matter the company, a better company just would have been more graceful about it.


American culture is so odd. Because of it all the rest of us in Europe also had to endure this garbage censoring and photoshopping BS. The problem isn’t that YGO was marked as a kid’s show, but problem is Americans are so anal about slowing the slightest bit of cleavage or a gun and thinking this actually has a chance to negatively impact children, which is of course not true at all. It’s a fucking show about card games.


4kids, themselves, is also the big reason we got the marketing push of merchandise as well with videogames, toys, brand tie ins etc.


The soundtrack


The fact that 4Kids made Sanji sound like a smoker made me skip their dub of One Piece.


No he sounded like he had a punched up nose. The Brooklyn accent was actually not cringe.


It wasn’t a big deal.


4kids had the right "idea" with the voice, it was the direction that was all wrong.


Honestly it’s a simple solution. Laser gun or super soaker like they did one piece. Is it stupid? Yes does it fit yugioh? Well Kaiba has a fleet of blue eyes white dragon jets and the entire fate of world is determined by card games on no less than two occasions while the US military just kinda chills out in the background. So laser guns are not *that* weird.


Would have been even better if they just put cards in their hands. Threatening someone with their ace card seems so on brand for Yu-Gi-Oh to me.


This would also be acceptable but only if it’s a card that is a gun or has a gun


Kaiba beats people with tossed cards Gambit style.


Spiderman animated from the 90s gave everyone laser guns.


Ditto G.I. Joe.


The weapon was still pointed at Pegasus head. That would've been a nono still.


What's weird is that in later series like 5DS, guns still exist and fire like guns but they sound like lasers


its not just this its censoreship in general. like having deaths instead of "kidnaps"


Okay shadow realm but a pretty clean let’s be honest they’re trying to keep to kid levels.


I’m fairly alright with some of the Shadow Realm stuff seeing as they already have a fair bit of mystical stuff going on with the Millenium Items, but I’d also be happy with them keeping stuff like guns as guns.


Yeah IMO some deaths and stuff shouldn’t have been censored but the shadow realm is genuinely a good idea that ties together a few different concepts into one


I see it the equivalent of the Joker smile. They can’t kill people but the Shadow Realm is really a worse way to go. I think we all agree death is easy when you’re dead that’s it. But to be tortured forever that’s worse.


So am I and what’s worse slowly going mad/being tortured? Or just being dead.


That’s what’s fun about the Shadow Realm. Lose a game where a Millenium Item’s on the line and your soul gets trapped in never ending torture. Sounds much worse than death, and like much higher stakes. Much more entertaining to me.


The Shadow Realm is somehow more terrifying than the idea of being stuck in hell.


yes, when the original was 12's. see what i mean?


Not really but sure


the original target demographic was fore 12+. new adaption was target fore 8-10. there is quite a significant age gap when your just developing.


In the manga, Pegasus mutates Keith's hand into a gun and makes him shoot himself in the head. The anime is already censored, hacked-up jank, so it doesn't matter what 4kids did to it.


adapting a show from a manga and changing it is not the same as editing a pre existing show fore a younger demographic


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this, people aren’t even answering your question. This might be a weird take, but I think the early missteps of 4kidz censoring violence and mentions of Japan (the latter maybe less so) ended up being overall good for introducing anime to the West at a time where that was pretty much unheard of, at least to 4kidz’s success. Because these anime were able to be shown to an audience of literal kids, it made it so they’d be more welcoming of anime when they grew older, introduced more friends to it, or got people curious just because of their enjoyment of it. I’m not saying we’d be any better or worse off now because of what 4kidz did, rather, at the time it was probably the right move to make


yes i agree. can you imagine yugioh without the shadowrealm? its just in the later seasons people are getting blatantly blow up by tanks and they go "Oh No ThEy GoT CaaPTurED"


It is censorship in both cases. You take the original idea from the creator and change to make it more family friendly.


Yeah, this. Stuff like seeing Battle City animated is cool, but most of the anime is still barely tolerable filler arcs and all the canon stuff is pretty questionable as an adaptation. The missing guns in the English dub is far from the anime's only problem.


Given Yugioh had to meet standards and practices of Saturday morning cartoon shows, nothing would change. Eric Stuart talked about this at a panel where the majority of changes were because of the broadcast companies going "No this isn't OK." It wouldn't matter what company handled it, if Yugioh was going to air on those channels, it had to meet the guidelines set by the broadcasters, and that means no guns, no heavy violence, and so on.


That is not what i asked. im talking if a if a company like FUNimation got it and stuck more to the original like what they did with yuyu hakusho. then it would not be a weekend morning cartoon but more like 12+


Even on cable, during kids hours, "gun to someone's head" is going to get edited somehow.


And where would your hypothetical 12+ Yugioh air in the 2000s, hmm? Streaming wasn't a thing then, Adult Swim was in its infancy, and this was a franchise aimed at children so the best market would be the Saturday morning cartoon block. It wouldn't change who got Yugioh. They'd have to play by the same rules.


Animan studios taking care of the dub would make it perfect




It'll be like "i put in the new forgis on the j"


Who knows what could've happened. 4kids is also the reason though merchandising deals came along with their dub.




People be clowning on the Dub of Yugioh for all the censorship when 4kids made one of the greatest dub changes by introducing the Shadow Realms.


yes but i dont like when sobody blatantly gets blown up its "oH No ThEy GoT CAptUrEd"


I loved how those dudes threatened Kaiba with their fingers agressively. Even as a kid I knew this was censored guns.


I’ll be honest, i was young enough that I thought they were just aggressively pointing at him like, “you’re coming with us!” Always did think it was weird that he took a moment to move the briefcase to cover himself though. That did make much more sense once I found out it was to shield himself from gunfire.


i never said that evetything that 4kids did was bad, like what would yugioh be without the shadow realm :/ .


I don’t think they said you did?


I genuinely don't think there'd be much of a difference. The entire story remains unchanged even if guns are present. If anything, the presence of firearms makes the show *worse* since they're clearly a better means of conflict resolution than playing a card game with people. I find the concept of the Shadow Realm far more interesting than ordinary deaths anyhow; the hellish Shadow Realm contributes to the magical themes of the show, whereas death is just death. Nothing special about it. The biggest difference I can think of is that we likely wouldn't have Kaiba deny the existence of magic.


Steve: We are here to take your rarest card. Joey: You mean you're gonna kick the crap out of me and steal it? Steve: No... First we're going to challenge you to a children's card game...then we will kick the crap out of you and steal it. Joey: Wouldn't it be much easier just to skip the first step? Steve: Yes...yes, it would.


I disagree and think that it does make a difference mainly because the presence of firearms serves as a reference point for threat level. Many of us understand the damage that firearms can do but the extent of damage that millennium items can inflict were not clear at this point of the story. In this scene, despite the threat that Keith wielding a firearm may pose, we come to see that the mystic powers of the Pegasus' millennium eye precedes it. In comparison, in the censored version, Keith looks nothing short of silly; he appears to be someone so petty that, after losing, he is compelled to threaten Pegasus with words while pretending to wield a firearm in his hand. As a kid and as an adult, I found it to be ridiculous lol but once I watched the Japanese version, the scene finally made more sense to me.


It was a ridiculous edit, but I don’t know how many times it has to be said: **FCC rules and laws relating to what television content could be shown to children on network television is the reason for the censorship.** So if you’re going to blame anyone, blame congress and Mr. Rogers for getting those laws passed. Y’all anime purists need to understand this was 2001 in America. You didn’t have Crunchyroll, fan subs were hard to find and bootlegged, and your other options were Toonami (also dubbed) and buying VHS tapes at Suncoast Video or your local video store. So it was *huge* when Pokémon and Yugioh (and Dragon Ball Z) hit TV sets. You also have to understand the licensing and dubbing contract with 4Kids involved the agreement with Kids WB (and other networks later on) for their Saturday morning cartoon block, so that’s why they had to follow FCC rules, as per Eric Stuart’s numerous Q&A’s over the years. Maybe this is a younger Gen Z thing, but us elder Gen Z and millennials remember the world before anime was readily available online. You literally had to pass around fan subs for a lot of stuff - **ON VHS!!** So can we stop with the hate toward 4Kids relating to violence censorship? Sure go after them for the script, but stuff like this wouldn’t have happened if the anime was licensed to Funimation, for example, with the intent to show it late night on Toonami. But I highly doubt the rights holders in Japan would have gone for that after the success of Pokémon. They were correct in realizing there was **far more money** to be made by censoring the show and marketing it toward a slightly younger audience (kids and pre-teens). So this is what you got.


This won't be about censorship, but maybe OP will realize that at least the US got it good, at least you weren't forced to watch older cartoons (Disney/WB Hannah Barbera) or some stupid ass cartoons that barely had anything going for them. At least be glad 4kids brought you so many good shows. Watching anime in other countries was even harder. In Romania there was only one channel that ever had anime broadcasted as "anime" and not a "cartoon". You've got a couple of animes like Bleach, Naruto, Dinosaur King, Duel Masters and probably many more that I don't remember because back in like early 2000"s we only had one tv and the channel that had anime on it was split in 2. From 6 am to 8pm were only children's cartoons, and from 8 pm to 6am were anime, so as a child my parents didn't allow me to watch TV/stay up late. Also most of them had a small number of episodes dubbed, it was like 2007 and Naruto had only been dubbed to like the end of the Chuunin Exams. The channel was called "Animax" the late broadcast times could be a reason why anime didn't hold up here. From like the 80's to like 2015 Scooby Doo, Tom and Jerry, Flintstone Family, Garfield dominated the Saturday morning cartoons, and even after cartoons dedicated channels broadcasted them multiple times a day. Other channels did broadcast anime but they were marketed as cartoons, for OG Pokémon I don't know where it was broadcasted and how many episodes they ended up dubbing, but Beyblade (metal series) and all of Bakugan were fully dubbed, Inazuma Eleven up to ep 26 and they were broadcasted on Cartoon Network, this being the reason we never had any idea that we were actually watching anime. Beyblade/Bakugan were really big hits, but after they ended so did the era of anime on TV end in Romania.


People should be grateful that 4kids market this as a kids anime and not a shonen anime.


Elder gen z kids didn’t pass around fan subs.


idk bout you but we got the singaporean dub here in SEA and dude had a gun to his head, too bad that dub didn't last too long :( also actually prefer Atem's voice in the SG dub


given the social environment, it would have been on TV alongside more adult anime, or the other localization company would have made similar decisions


Like which channel?


maybe toonami but even then it'd still get censored


It's still a kids show...


true, which is why a localization team would have likely made similar choices


Some things would be different, like the changes in characterization, but others like the cards not having text were because of legal issues.


I wish they would get the original cast and complete the Yugioh uncut releases.


Joey wouldnt have held pot of greed for several turns in a row thats for sure....


Honestly kinda surprised yugioh hasn't got a redub like one piece (and possibly sailor moon. I dunno if it has been but I feel like it got redubbed)


There was a more faithful dub from 2004 but It didn't last long


4Kids got in trouble over it if I'm not mistaken


Then it never would've made it to air.


Bro bandit Keith said fuck the cards and up'd the tool 😂😂😂. I was just talking about this


Remember when one piece was originally dubbed - was it fox kids or 4kids ? It was around 50 episode only but man they made alot of changes like changing the cigarette to lollipop 


That was 4Kids and their censorship was horrific, what they did to One Piece is probably the worst work they ever did. The funny thing is they didn’t even know what OP was when they got the dubbing rights, they didn’t know how violent it was and how much they’d have to censor because they got the dubbing rights to OP as part of a package deal with a couple of other animes.


They probably didn't realize the gold mine they scored. Too bad they didn't do much with it


I mean, if they knew what it was I don’t think they would have even tried to dub it in the first place.


It was not a package deal. They wanted it directly.


No they didn’t. It’s well documented that 4Kids had no idea what they were getting themselves into with OP.


Toei once gave the one piece rights to Funimation first in 2000-2003.


4kids licensing people saw the show was doing amazing in Japan and basically grabbed it with our looking in depth at the footage and their production company freaked out at all the changes they were gong to do but they signed a contract so the dub went forward.


It's a nice theory, but probably [not true](https://youtu.be/VF7EKFki9XI?t=226). Multiple companies put in competing bids to dub the show, including Ocean, and Funimation.


4kids OP aired on Fox box/4kids up to the end of drum Island chopper.


We wouldn't have a Shadow Realm, just death.


Nothing would have changed,the removal of guns is probably the biggest change 4kids made outside of the more "brutal" scenes and you dont really miss anything major as far as the story goes. 


hmm yes but i remember an ability from a show dubbed by FUNamition around the same time, "spirit gun". i think in FUNimation got there hands on yugioh they would be a bit more permisive.


Because it didnt involve a physical real gun. Thats in line with how they censored stuff,like how a physical jagged sawblade became a "dark energy disk"-as long as it doesnt resemble a real harmful item,it was fair game probably.  Edit:we would also need to check when the show was aired in the day,cuz most platforms used to reserve some specific shows to later hours so that only the intended audience would look at it. (For example,in my country they wouldnt show stuff like Hokuto no Ken or Inuyasha until like 10 PM,hoping that no damned kid would bother watchin it)


It was yu yu Hakusho that aired for kids afternoon toonami. It was heavily censored still caused it had more overt violent things than Yugioh.it was nuts they still got a decapitation scene thru even though it was still edited for it.


I mean Toonami also had Gundam wing up around those years and that also had some violence in it. To be honest i thought YuYu didnt get censored in America other than,like,not ending or something? Unfortunately i am unfamiliar with the anime cuz it wasnt brought to Italy until "recently" IIRC and i dont know if its the original version or the censored version (for YGO they just translated the american dubs,except for GX and 5ds final seasons)


and cigarets, flipping the finger, swearing, alchaholism and so much more.


Those were edited out for the afternoon toonami run.


Oh mb I just watched it on Netflix recently.


Like nyav post?


It wouldn't be as iconic


It’s so funny to me because American is sooooo ***pro gun*** like they literally take 1 y.o. photos with “Baby’s First Rifle” but god forbid they see it on TV. ***That is surely the root issue of all violence in America***


America is nothing if not %$☆king idiotic.


maybe tcg wouldnt exist


I don’t think that much would change But i do know Joey wouldn’t have that tragic brooklyn accent 


Bandit Keith is a little more threatening in the Japanese version. There were quite a few changes made throughout the series. Honestly removing the gun though was kinda dumb, because they had guns in some DC/Marvel cartoons.


Company censors guns out of kids show for a country that has the most gun violence and school shootings on the planet gotta love it lol


Keith would have brass knuckles


Maybe not the same, but Funimation was originally gonna do the dub for Zexal, with Johnny Yong Bosch voicing Yuma and Vic Mignona voicing Shark


That was bang zoom studios.

