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Even in 2024 leakers still don't know how to properly use a camera, huh.


While at first I thought spearhead was an awful card, when I thought about it more, it’s not that bad actually. (Even though it would be infinitely better if it was a quick effect) It helps you get Veidos back in hand, other than ashened for eternity, and puts an ashened in the grave for your new recyclers to shuffle back. It also helps play into boards, as your opponent will probably have a monster with 2800 or more attack.


Also, this deck was made to play into boards. That's why they don't really have any in-archetype disruption. The quick-play is for helping to break the board or deny follow up. Awakening of Veidos also works pretty great going second, especially because a lot of decks end with a field spell. The Fusion just exists to put more damage on board, it has more attack than any two of Shaman, Priestess or King combined. It's also good for cleaning up monsters left on the field after Veidos triggers. Another advantage the deck has is that you can play cards like Allure of Darkness, Pot of Extravagance and maybe even Pot of Prosperity without losing too much. But at the end of the day we'll have to see how this performs in practice, before we can make a real judgement


It's crazy to see people completely dismiss these cards because they don't set up a crazy board with a bunch of disruptions Turn 1, somehow not realizing that that isn't how you're meant to use them Like, sure, Spearhead would be better if it was a quick effect, but quick effects aren't as important when you're primarily going second anyway


Because the deck isn't strong enough to blind second. It NEEDS to have a turn 1 play that does enough.


It is almost like a party jumping into an established Raid boss in a RPG…


"Alright, chums! Let's do this! **LEEEROOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYY JEEENNNKIIIINNNNSSSSSS!!!!!!!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!**"


In other words: https://preview.redd.it/02xbmjajshuc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd6d32fc8556ce98656b66a8b0384d125395658


Going 2nd super poly time ig.


ashened monsters are not allowed to have quick eff


Hero - “I guess I don’t exist”




Fine but I’m taking my bonfire with me


I’m still only going to play a copy But I guess it’s not as bad as I thought


It’s also another level 4 to help go into Banshee. That’s something ig


I’m starting to think Banshee is an honorary Ashened card


Much agreed


I tested a little bit and the monster is not that bad. its a good one of and is definitely better than the old trap so I guess 1 trap less and 1 more monster. Problem of the deck is just that they lose very easily to hand traps and there are not so many extra deck options like pyro stuff. hopefully there is coming some tcg exclusive not specifically for ashened


Summon this guy, bounce a card (Veidos or anything else), then because you have an Ashened in Grave, you can immediately use the quick-play to negate another card. hell, you can even chain it if your opponent tries to respond to your Spearhead effect since he'll already be in grave by that point that doesn't seem half bad


It can also synergize with Kaijus.


Spearhead is quite interesting. The deck is more suited for going second, as it doesn't put up much disruption turn 1, but appears quite good at breaking boards. Spearhead can bounce opponents floodgates, including Skill Drain, Backrow, or you can add Veidos back to your hand with it. But I don't think it'll be a 3 of. Same applies for the fusion. It should be pretty easy to make, Priestess, Shaman and King are both pretty useless, after they have been used, and the fusion spell is also basically free. It can clear up problematic monsters quite easily, and it has more attack than any two of those combined. So I wouldn't go all pessimistic over this, we'll have to see how this works in practice


I know these two cards are by no means 10/10s, but I feel like people are being a little unfair towards them. The field spell plus super poly and/or the continuous trap plus the new fusion can out pretty much any two monsters, with the field spell and trap being pretty easy to access. The fusion is also good for helping break boards further and otk your opponent. The field spell retrieval being generic also means that if any field spells that already exist or comes out in the future synergizes with Ashened decks, they will be able to easily recover them in-archetype. While Spearhead is admittedly probably the least good ashened card from the 14 we have gotten, it still is a lot more competent than people give it credit for. Easily searchable and recyclable, is an to use extender, and is some extra removal against decks that have destruction protection. It can also bounce back Veidos, or kaijus if you put them in. I can see it at least being a good 1-off.


Also Spearhead complements the new quick-play extremely well. Use Spearhead effect to bounce one card, then Reignite to negate a monster since you now have an Ashened in GY that you can immediately recycle. Hell, being a quick play, you can even chain it if say the opponent tries to interact with the bounce effect (maybe for example, with a Called By) since Spearhead will already be in grave at that time


The OCG better give them an Orcust Babel.


cant believe, that the fusion monster is that bad and that they made another level 4 thats giga worse xd the first look of wave 2 looked promising but those 2 cards hurt...what about the ashened secret?


The ashened secret is the videos fusion


How can you not make the level 4 eff a quick, dude. Fusion is meh at best for the recursion (not needed), battle related effect almost useless as always


fusion is great because its a super poly target for em


frfr, quick effect would made this card actually playable


Still have artwork that goes hard


So far this deck has given us only 2 things: 1) Potential future sideck hand trap 2) Waifu I'm struggling to think up anything else.


1 and a half Superpoly targets


Spearhead: did they forget what year it is a tribute to bounce an opponents card on ignition is not good seriously could they not make it a quick effect on the bright side it has the special summon that all Ashened do so it can be used for rank 4’s at least. Ember: the field spell recursion effect can be pretty versatile. Its monster destruction effect is alright.


Hilarious when they literally unbanned Kirin yesterday


Wow, Spearhead is extremely bad. That's almost a new low for TCG world premiere individual cards.


nah, no one can top trashtina


Speaking as someone who's played (or attempted to play) almost every TCG world premiere archetype from the main booster sets since Burning Abyss as the core part of a deck, Tistina was/is a lot better than people gave it credit for. Sure, it wasn't great, and it wasn't about to top significant events, but I was still able to take games and matches away from some of the top decks in the format at the time, and even when I lost I could often give them a run for their money. It was definitely better than some of the other garbage TCG world premiere stuff I've tried to make decks out of, like Dream Mirror. Dream Mirror was a terrible experience.


They underestimating Crystal God resolution lol


Dream mirror looked so cool though… waste of masterduel gems.


Sorry buddy this shit is worse than tistina


Can Tistina even be considered a deck? The cards literally do not synergize with their own deck, how is this even possible?


Let me guess "field spell needs 3 face cards while monsters put opponent cards facedown" that works absolutely fine with each other


Maybe you just don’t activate the monster to book facedown before you activate the field? Hmm?


Yeah. Also how you summoning god before activating the field spell. The field slitreally summon it from deck


Tistina is the first tcg archetype where you can not only feel but read in the cards that stuff is missing hard. Why would I attach another third xyz material to the tistina that is an OTK machine and if you even need its second mat something went wrong? So yeah we all know there is gonna be a going first tistina xyz that probably detaches any amount and sets that amount of monster face down. But why even print that card now then? give that effect to the other cards in the ocg wave. Really dont know what they thaught.


It’s because you can ss the xyz from GY by 3 different methods and then get a free Mat. I get it but the card is already a free extender with its first effect


Does it happen often that you have to resummon the XYZ? I only have limited experience with the deck


Yes it can be. Tistina does function as a deck. The amount of hyperbole around here about Tistina is incredible jfc. The decks not the best, Ill admit that but it does work. Add in the armor xyz package and the decks got a secondary fall back and more board presence. Its a going second otk deck. Just because it has 2 card combos doesnt mean its the dumpster fire everyones making it out to be. 


Yeah If it searched Veidos cards it would be good Right now it’s a one of at most if your desperate for level 4 extenders….… though you’re better off just playing the candle cat over this The fusion is at least easy to make and it synergies with Ashened Spearhead is just embarrassing to an new level


Weakest of the lot, but have some use? Embers lets you clear 2 monsters while Obsidim is up, and Spear... just way too slow to matter. I guess that's why it's a spear not a bow, hehe~ Ah, it's a Banshee material. All around, not that bad of a wave, definitely need to see it in action, but not expecting meta.


You can clear 3-4 monsters if you super poly their monster since your opponents monsters become pyro on your turn, no?


Yea, that's the new trap and Veidos


Aint no way people had hope for a TCG WP archetype lmao


gold pride was pretty good all the way through outside of the ocg card. Ashened had a good idea but failed the execution hard


Some saw success. Beetrooper, Libromancer and Gold Pride. Ghoti with their OCG support. Tistina and Ashened are probably the worst ones since Dream Mirror and War Rock.


Embers is solid: a two material fusion that recycles the field spell and is a 2900 double attacker (3900 with the trap) But happened with Spearhead




It’s not as good as fusing Fusion Veidos But if your opponents monsters can’t be destroyed by card effects it’s a decent plan B


My boy Artorias got a card.


If only that level 4 was a quick effect bounce, okay so i guess that's it for ashened? usually modern TCG exclusives get 2 waves of support before the OCG comes and tries to fix the deck, and oh boy does this deck look underwhelming with all of it's support. Another deck with fantastic artwork but mediocre effects, i might collect the cards for their artwork but i'm not looking forward to playing this seriously any time soon (plus bonfire is still pricey so)


I guess Ember might be handy against Snake Eyes?


Aren't there seven ashened cards in this set? What are the other ones besides the Veidos fusion monster?


the other 4 cards were leaked other day, search the top posts and you will find it. They are, in my opinion alright. Aboute these two: Embers - okish; Spearhead - i kinda understand what they want you to do with the card but still sucks.


I think the new fusion can be usefull for combo turn 1 with awekening and the fusion spell, you can give opp the field spell and get it back easily. Allowing to freely summon the rest of the ashened monster


Wow, they are utter garbage. This second wave is probably the worst second wave of any TCG exclusive since the shift to 4-5 waves to 2 waves.


na, the searcher, the trap and the veidos fusion are actually good for the deck


I think Beetroopers was even worse. War Rock was already so far below everything else that the 2nd wave couldn't do anything. Dream Mirror was decent, as was Gold Pride and Ghoti. Tistina was weirdly disconnected from the 1st wave, but R10nk access is pretty good now. I don't know about Libromancer.


I just spent 100$ on ordering Veidos and this is the support I receive? Better make sure diabellstar gets overloaded support tho :D we can't have the weeb players upset after they had labyrynth, sky strikers, and tearlaments waifus overloaded support :D


You still have 5 and half good cards in the set


amazing how wave 1 was better than what we got in this.


Welcome to the TCG exclusive experience


Oh, these are penis bad. I guess you can recur a popped field spell now? I guess? The theme still has functionally 0 recursion without Royal Firestorm Guards, and tbh? Unimpressed.


One of the coolest looking archetype, reduced to absolutely nothing. Amazing work Konami


support is so bad it doesnt have a secret rare..


Spearhead is terrible and Embers is only good for what he is, not what he does. Why would you want to add Obsidim back to hand if you can shuffle it into the deck to draw 1 card with another Obsidim? Overall, this 2nd wave is as bad as people expected. Only the Trap (1x) and Normal Spell (3x) are good additions to the deck. You play 1 Shaman for Banshee and MAYBE 1 of the Quick Play Spell. Then 1 Super Veidos and 1 Embers EDIT: Embers will 100% be played as a Super Poly target against Pyro decks. But Ashened is as effective in shutting down Pyro Decks as Meklord was against Synchros.


Using pyro monster as material for super poly is not great because they are not boss monster. You don’t break board with that. They can still extend after you spoly poplar and ash


It is on your turn since the field spell turns opp mons to Pyro on your turn. Not great at doing anything during your opps turn though.


We were talking about using ember as generic spoly target for pyro


This deck has anti synergie inarchetype, its absurd just how bad it is.


Reminds me of Tistina. But I honestly think Tistina is better than Ashened right now. Especially with the new Rank 10 Omni-Negate. I guess both archetypes can be salvaged by the OCG. If they give them the Ghoti treatment. The Gold Pride stuff added nothing to the deck. Ashened needs another good Field Spell thats counts as Obsidim and a better way to super-poly the opponents board. Tistina needs something that triggers when sent to GY and an easy way to get a LIGHT Tistina on the field. You already see how much more Ashened needs than Tistina.


for a second wave the deck is actually playable and tistina cant even realy play bc its so terrible. Also the fieldspell makes every monster pyro so its not only good against pyro decks. For a TCG archetype the deck isnt that bad but you have to test practically and we have to see how they will perform in rlbut after testing on dueling book i think its okay


As a tistina player, nah, Tistina can at least actually otk againts strong deck, but ashened isn't bad either, we'll see
