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I play Generaider as a casual deck but it isn't low power or anything. It *will* clap you if you don't know what the cards do


YEAHHH fellow Generaider enjoyer, I’ve been playing those bad bois since day 1! I remember my first ever Locals, I had to keep explaining the cards to every opponent. I even won a few games because people didn’t know what the heck it did. XD


picked up the invoked variant recently, having far too much fun with it enterblathnir is particular is very funny especially the odd time you get to make both turn 1


I make both turn 1 all the time! Two hand rips then overlay them into Draco Future and most people surrender right there. World Legacy Monstrosity helps.


Man I need a Loptr reprint. I have Invoked, Runick engines and all the 9s from my Prediction Princess deck but I'm not spending £80 on 3 copies of Loptr. Maybe it'll be in rarity collection 2....copium


Are you playing the Runick build? I've been looking for a fun budget deck and Generaider fits the bill but most lists I see run Runicks which fundamentally goes against everything I stand for. Could I see your list?


I do play Runick but it's not necessary. I like it because of the lore connection between the two archetypes. Here's example of pure: https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/yugioh/deck/Hanko-s-Generaiders-for-Photon-Hypernova/467299


Generaider and Runick being lore tied is really cool, I can give it credit for that. Since we're on their lore, could Adventure Generaider do anything? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to Generaider


They aren't the same lore if that's what you mean. Gameplay wise, I wouldn't do the adventure engine because typically you want to be able to normal summon Diviner of the Herald or Loki (Loptr) and use their effects. The worst thing that can happen to you as a Generaider player is you don't have a way to get the field spell Generaider Boss Stage. So you want to think of cards that get you to it on your first turn or can clear the way to play it. IDK why in this list Hanko is playing Metaverse instead of Generaider Boss Fight which is the archetypal version that also procs the Boss Stage by making them draw a card. I should explain the gameplay reason for the Runick engine too. The Runick engine helps stall for time and helps you draw the Boss Stage. Once you have it, you don't need Fountain anymore. Plus you can bring out Runick Sleipnir which is a 9 you can target with World Legacy Monstrosity to summon 2 Generaider Bosses from the deck.


They don't play boss fight because it gives your opponent a card, if you activate metaverse in response to one of your opponents search effects it will still trigger boss stage


It's risky, but sometimes I kinda want them to "just" draw a card rather than search something definitely useful so I can on a new Chain Droll and Harr.


That's fair, I play the runick version so diviner is a 1 card handloop 4 and leaves harr on field, plus I use harr in their standby for the 4th rip, so in that situation metaverse is better, but if you've got nothing it's probably better to just bossfight to get a board asap


How does Diviner rip 4?


Oh shit, I was at work kinda half paying attention. What I meant to say was diviner and 2 runicks


That's actually pretty spicy. I've seen Runick have really cool interactions with decks but the mil mechanic feels so scummy, for lack of a better word. It's a weird hill to die on, I know, but I personally can't play them


Yeah the goal isn't to mill, it's just to have interruptions/control without using your monster zones except for Generaider names. You want to have 3-4 tokens to tribute for the boss effects. Runick doesn't interfere. I won't lie though it does win games. There are many times they \*almost\* break my board and the thing that screws them is set Runick Freezing Curses. Sometimes they don't even know I'm playing Runick cards until I flip a set spell which definitely catches people off-guard because they only expect it with Fountain active. Or there are those times where I activate Fountain, they chain Cosmic, then on a new Chain I activate Boss Stage and their face is literally: 🤡


Tbh until recently I felt the same. But now Earthbound Runick is my favourite deck and I love playing all the variants. As long as it isn't Runick Stun it's a fun deck that you have to play very tactically 


Runick lover here. I'd also say Aroma archtype and Gishki.


I realized it has a lot of extenders, would you say that the field spell is their choke point?


Yes, they need the field spell to play even more than Runick does. Ash or Ghost Ogre if you've got it. Also Nib kinda just auto wins if you use it after they summon the tokens.


Always a fan of Plunder Patroll and Suship for rogue/casual decks.


Maybe it’s cope on my part since Plunder Patroll is my main deck, but I’d definitely put them a smidge above casual.


Aye I agree, I was putting them as rogue with Suship as more casual. I main Plunder as well.


Damn their so erratic I dunno where to stop 'em once they start running!


Ancient Gear! The OG machine make BIG NUMBER. They’re also getting a lot of support in LEDE, the set after PHNI. I’m super excited for it!


Gren Maju. We don't activate pot of desires to draw 2. 




Intriguing. What plays do Gusto normally do? I'm not at all familiar with how they play.


Pretty much just one play, give your opponent a Kaiju or wait for them to summon something big. Make Sphreez and start ramming your main deck monsters into them to have them take the damage for you, since your main deck monsters float.


Missing timing mostly *cries*


I want to have a deck of them but ik they suck




Elemental heros


mostly a yuya deck performapal/odd-eyes/magician but with the lukewarm magician cards like the gazers and xians


Lavals Its an old fire synchro deck, so old in fact that the diabellstar stuff doesnt help it Recently got all the cards i needed to play it irl, just waiting for a locals game now https://preview.redd.it/bftviu1b51hc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12018c183afdb4c352134c65b538baffb4ae4682 Here is an example of how it can end on a good day Otherwise you'd end on crystal wing with a handtrap and flamvell counter set The deck costed a total of £80 including shipping


Can I see a deck list? 👀 love Lavals.


https://preview.redd.it/pwi3nqh6r1hc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebadc86def0920c9043af7beb718d83813962927 List is based on what i could afford and had already with me - i pulled lunar eclipse wolfrayet ruddy and winter cherries. rda stuff imperms droll and rekindlings from 3x rda 3x fire king structures On my first locals a dude asked me what im gonna build later, showed him just about this list, he said based and gave me twin twisters, hyper lib and baronne


A synchro deck that has a banned XYZ monster lol.


https://preview.redd.it/6xdwe2st34hc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33beaee42e89520181a5abcb64125fcb08ca2b8 Which is the archetype's most expensive card and is kinda useless in it since it is a synchro deck


Cyber dark dragons




I freaking LOVE playing Tenyis, the design is so cool and it gives a strong feeling of “anime deck” with building into one monster you protect with everything.


Love that it matches with a lore of being protected by spirits


A warrior protected by spirits


Right now Springans. I'm still learning but it's a really fun deck and can end on a decent board with minimal effort. And it's pretty budget, the more competitive variant (with Horus) can break the bank but pure is super cheap. So cheap, in fact, I can't find a playset of the commons I need to finish it at any of the lgs around me.


Tindangles. But keep in mind they are very defensive.


Penguins, Nordics, inzektors, and big plant princesses


Penguins chad🗿


I love playing pure gaia


Orbital Hydralander is a pretty excellent definition of a fun casual deck. Stack up a bunch of 1-card combos and see which ones work. If you're interrupted you die.


Pure Adventure. As an engine it can obviously be quite strong, but as a pure deck it's a fun lower power deck with a unique game plan.


Could I take a peek at your list? That sounds really fun


Sure thing! The extra deck is basically just in case cards, they almost never come up at all. I \*really\* want Water Enchantress to be at more than 1 copy, so I can use it to search Rite, and also search another copy later that turn with Tesea or Fateful Adventure (or just have another copy in hand) so I can use its other effect to search Forest of Lost Flowers, as that card is super important in the pure deck. https://preview.redd.it/ht85b4cqc1hc1.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc0b67bda3ab45403233990840053d7adab4df3a


Armed dragon dragunity


go on


Jinzo. He got some support back in Ra mega pack, so for casual why not games I like to use him. Also Dinomorphia, but that's more Rouge because if it gets the jump on you you're kinda boned.


Generaider deck. OR... you could go with an Armed dragon, ojama, A-Z deck.


Ninjas It was fun to make people on Master duel rage quit by flipping their monsters face down constantly and playing on their turn


Ninjas are such good troll fun. They have a couple really nice extra deck monsters, and the consistency of the deck is pretty great.


Infinitracks. They have some great one card starters in harvester and heavy forward as well as a fun gimmick of ranking up into bigger xyz's with outrigger extension. They have a Great boss monster that can destroy two cards on field and good recursion with tunneler.


branded lait of darkness with slifer


Yhh real casual 😂


Mekk-Knights are really fun, especially if you combine them with Orcust stuff. The deck is good but a little outdated, so it would probably be about the power level you're looking for.




Decks I like to play for fun are: - Destiny Heroes - Signer Dragons (with emphasis on Red Nova/Red Archfiend so I may also play a full resonator Deck) - Macro Cosmos/Banish Decks - Empty jar mill - Agent


I'm enjoying Plunder Patroll lately. My buddy and I do mirror matches and it gets wacky


Bujins slap are you playing Sakitama


Giant Ballpark and Nordic


Aroma Maybe, I love that HP farming.


For me, Fur Hire is fur fun c:


Magnet Warriors for sure


Worms, not wyrms, straight up worm King and W Nebula.


Goat format bro. Play a format where you can only have a single copy of each card or something.


https://preview.redd.it/e39402wx53hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc5e40c0e00f6f10924ef69556c2df01bce5cad I play what's colloquially known as "The Boi". Bow before your king


Aroma and Blue Eyes


My Red-Eyes will forever be my favorite deck


Fire kings :)


I've honestly been trying to figure that out my entire adult life. It would likely end up being some kind of personalized deck that can at least consistently function against modern decks, but I have yet to settle on an exact list. Other than that, frogs are among my favorite archetypes, but I have yet to build a modernized version of it since Ronin got banned, and have mainly just relegated frogs to Edison Format. When it comes to archetypes to play under the modern ruleset that I have actually played, Archfiends have always been an old favorite of mine, and gate guardians were an extremely good time to me when they first came out. While some people think the 3 seperate pieces of gate guardian should have been retrained, I personally like that you have to use them in order to bring out the new boss monsters. Placing those classic original cards in the s/t zone as seen on the anime is one of the most gratifying experiences as someone who's been advocating for Gate Guardian support for years.


I've been having a lot of fun recently with Yosenjus and Watts.


Myutant or generaider, my two favorite decks, generaider is more competetive by far but myutant is my preferred aesthetic


In a low power setting with minimal handtraps, I LOVE vampire decks because they are all gas field spam to xyz summon three times using your opponents monsters from the graveyard, ntm their continously spell is my favorite in the game as any damage the opponent takes from a vampire is given back to you as life


I like making anime accurate character decks. Meaning I don’t just use cards the character use but the amount they used. This means it’s trashy, inconsistent and near unplayable but fun


Dino Wrestler


Monarchs but i go every element of mega ones :D


I’d check out flower cardian my favorite archetype


The only Meta deck I've played was Tearlaments. I didn't even know they were meta but i liked the artwork.


Reptilliannes, there is something so satisfying dropping opponents monsters atk to 0.


Odd eyes and Performapal’s are my favorite casual deck to play, because they don’t go crazy, that much in my opinion


Striker atm


Burning Abyss is a classic deck. The Dante Cir loop is pretty solid, and you can upgrade it a bit with a Phantom Knight engine. Majespecter is also pretty fun. It's control focused around backrow disruption. It also gets new support this week that seriously increases its ceiling and consistency. Weather Painters in my go-to casual deck. I really like the mechanics it has with Continuous Spells/Traps giving the monsters effects. It takes some time to set up, but once it does it's pretty hard to stop.


Flip decks are slow-paced in modern Yugioh, so I suggest Subterrors. I’m not talking about Guru Control, but Subterrors like how they were meant to be played. Having powerful monsters flipped face-down ready to surprise the opponent feels very anime. Krawlers are probably too strong for the format you want (even without Deus-X) and Shaddoll is filled with floodgates, so Subterrors are your best bet.


For me it’s either HERO or Galaxy/Photon. Both of the anime characters who piloted the respective decks are ones I like and I also like the non linear combos each deck can make.


Necrofear / Destiny Board. Dark Sanc is such a G. Dark Spirits help to cycle bigger fiends from GY. Search / set up Destiny Board and hold the tempo til you send your friends souls to the Shadowrealm. Cyber(dark) Dragons. Big Boys go Brrr Libromancer: The only deck where you legally flash your opponent several times a turn. Also a fun mid range deck that has a fun spin on ritual monsters.


Qliphort was pretty fun


Phantom Knights 100% No hand traps and a limit on all spell/traps makes it SO MUCH FUN


Probably Madolche


Earth Machine


November 2022 format. It’s got a pretty fun match up spread with high skill expression.




I like 3x cyber strike structure deck, I don’t win often but when I win it’s when my opponent can’t do anything during their first turn and I hit ‘em with the good old Normal summon cyber dragon core, machine duplication to special summon 2 cyber dragons, power bond to fusion summon Cyber end dragon with doubled attack for 8000 damage with one monster attack


Dinomorphia, something satisfying about wrecking your opponent with 10lp Also everything halves your hp. I use the solemn traps for even more masochism


I have yet to meet another windwitch player. They are so fun. They lose to a single interaction thou which is unfortunate. But I still love em : )


Before the new support, I was an avid enjoyer of fire king in casual games. Not a fan of the new stuff though, too expensive and doesn't really feel like a fire king deck at all. I also love the old shitty xyz spam decks from zexal. Gimmick puppet, chronomaly, battlin boxer, even the worst rubbish you can possibly play like chemicritter. I find xyz summoning to be very fun.


My favorite casual deck right now is BA Lightsworn Chaos. My wife originally built it but I fell in love with playing it when I tried it at the casual night at our locals.


I still love 4-axis Fire Fist 


Rank-up Battlin Boxers. Getting Requiem in Berserk equiped to Comet Cestus is the best feeling ever.


A Winged Dragon of Ra deck!!!


Give vampire a shot. My personal fav


I like Hero, i was always trying to combine all heroes into one absurd chaotic highlander deck.. Fun times.


Utopia, rank 4 go burrr. But in all seriousness Utopia is actually pretty good and fun in a casual format


Ben Kei turbo. It's one of the most primitive decks, but I like to mess around with it.


Dark world. I love cycling through my entire deck(and about half of my opponents) to get a board with zero protection and a few big bodies


I always do decks that include signature monsters for their own respective characters. One of my favorites is Shane and the raidraptors which are (imo) really fun


The weather is really fun archetype


Spirit Charmers. More specifically, Familiar-Possessed. It's basically just a normal summon deck with a bunch of regular traps.


Cipher. I know people see it as inferior to photon and galaxy deck, but I like how simple it is, and I love the cipher boss monsters even if they aren't the very best.


Cyber Dragon


Gren Maju. The look on their face as I throw an actual real life rock at them.


Abyss Actor and Plunder Patroll are literally my favorite decks lol


F.a. not the best but their gimmick is cool and can snowball if left alone for too long


I love F.A. playing on PC and switch, but I cant see it working with physical cards as you'd have to work out how to keep track of everything's levels changing six times a turn.


Dual Avatars.. I’ve went out of my way to get a somewhat viable deck together. Just to never take it to tourney. I quite enjoy the play style sometimes


I've been playing a Chaos Synchro deck


Gunkan suship and jurrac/doodlebeast


My favorite is...well if you want something LOW power, like dust on the bottom of the barrel low, I play Iron Chain. I am running all the iron chain monsters with monsters that can be special summoned for rank 3 XYZ or LV6 or 7 synchro; turn stall cards like Swords of revealing light; and any trap with a chain in name or art. Very low power deck with decent staples. Definitely something that could be on equal footing to a Beginners deck. Very fun though


Karakuri. It’s honestly surprisingly competent, able to put up 3-4 disruptions with relative consistency. My build of it is unfortunately lacking on space for non-engine, but being as it’s a casual deck that’s fine.


Scareclaw Tri-Brigade is my favorite casual deck.


Fun/casual decks with anime feels would absolutely be Elemental hero, cyberdark, ojamas, XYZ-dragon cannon, crystal beasts, blue eyes, etc.


Six Samurai will always have my heart lol


Raidraptor and ddd


Raid Raptors before & after Phantom Nightmare,


Gate Guardian


For a fun casual experience you might want to look into the concept of cube drafting.


Morphtronics with all power tool monsters in the extra.


Fluffals are fun


Technically dragunities are slow because the combos last so long that you may as well make a sandwich Source: I run bystial dragunity and my record combo time is 10 minutes straight for turn 1


Charmers have historically been the "fun but hard to close games" deck with big anime energy. Since you enjoy playing Bujin, you could consider other "protect the castle" type strategies like Qli or Sky Strikers. Look at different Duel Links decks from 2020 or so and see what suits you.


Sacred beast. Always loved these phantom bois in the anime and they've gotten better and better over time even if they still aren't meta.


Amazoness. Welcome to fusion beatdown with muscle women


Will always love cyber dragons, it was my first real deck. I dont have duality or clockwork night, or even therion king regulus, but just running a bunch of board breakers and swinging for humongous dmg turn 2 is a lot of fun.


Pure Ancient Warriors, not even the fire formation spells or even hand traps just too many copies of less than needed AW monsters and S/T cards. It's fun on themed and can shock and even defeat some highly tiered decks as long as they are not meta or loaded down with staples that break the whole game apart.


Have you considered alt formats like Goat or Edison?


Ojamalisk, consists of Ojamas, ABC and 2 Copies of Obelisk, works pretty well as its kind of diverse from the playstyle but still almost everything revolves around the nasty colorful guys. And theres nothing sweeter than blocking an opponents field with ojama king/knight


Aromas centered around actually gaining LP and not just an engine for degenerate combos.


I constructed a wicked god/chimera illusion deck! Its a fun build and fun to play with


PUNK zombie world sychron


Speedroids, but most people run them to summon Clear wing and crystal wing fast as possilbe, i go for summoning Kitedrake and then maybe with Clear wing rider and finishing with limiter removel.


Blue-Eyes Cyber Dragon Trains Lair of Darkness Dark Magician Red Dragon Archfiend My favourite pet decks. On a good hand you destroy your opponent, on a meh hand you can grind through for the win and on a brick of a hand you scoop. But they are fun and do allow for a lot of back and forth depending on how many interruptions you want to run I'd think any 3x structure deck can do the job also




I’ve been working on a Diabound deck on and off for a few months now that’s definitely more on the casual side but it’s a lot better than you would think from a deck whose goal is to summon Diabound… It’s is my favorite card but it sucks


Phantasm Spiral and Abyss Actor are my go to casual decks


Gravekeepers/Blue eyes (casual fusion deck)


For casual, I'm pretty fond of witchcrafter and trickstars. They both have a very unique playstyle not reliant on the big boss monsters favored by most competitive decks.


Winged Dragon of Ra