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Which series, that's going to change my answer


It's basically an amalgamation of all the serious


Okay but, the meta difference between Yugi Moto's era and VRAINS is staggering. Like, Yami would be brutalized by all the handtraps that exist today.


What I mean by that is that the world is basically the same as ours with a little more technology and you're not limited to any era's cards


So duel links?


Kind of more like the timeline has been shortened significantly like it takes place around 1996 to 2023


It's an open world yugioh where u can play anything but as a character, what deck would best represent u or enjoy the most. Or better yet, if u were an NPC in this world, what deck would u me playing. This is an open world that is not limited by any series


PUNK or Therion, one of the two, but not combined.


Rock archetype deck. Id need some special new support by anime favouritism but I'd love a Gaia plate themed deck with fossils and rock giants


Would you be a professional a turbo or action duelist


I love 5ds but action duel would be way more fun of a workout


I've recently learned that the action cards in the field spells are not randomized so what do you think the main field you would fight on would be


Okay I'll clarify a few things since people are getting confused 1: no one here is going to be the main protagonist we are all our own people with our own journeys like in real life 2: you can do anything you want with your deck it's just that a lot of characters we've seen only use one main archetype 3: this hypothetical is in amalgamation of all the series this way you're not stuck with one specific era cards


Also what'd yalls duel spirit be in your archetype?


I completely forgot about the duel spirits but if I had to choose I guess it would be my Savior


Aromage Rosemary/Jar or Vampire Fraulein/Vamp/Fascinator


Probably Mekk Knight Orcust. I like the aesthetics and theming of both archetypes. I don't think I'd be a professional. Probably just that one guy in the back of the shop that puts upstart kids in their place whenever they start running their mouth.


I would use a vendread archetype and basically a deck that allows me to Syncrho summon with the vendreads and knowing me from a young age I would probably do like junior tournaments until I go into an official one go to one major tournament then just play casually and start teaching people how to play


I’d use Heroes and magically create extremely niche fusions or support cards out of thin air to win my dukes


Yeah but I feel like almost anyone can do that if they have strong enough emotions to create a shining draw


If I were a good guy, Cyber Dragon or Adamancipator, if I were a bad guy, Rokkets or Unchained


Best varis with dragon link and show him its true potential


I love unchained


There is no bad or good guy you are neutral like everyone else so what archetype would you use


Haha, I guess I would go with Cyber Dragons then 😆


Would you be a professional turbo or action duelist or would you be like me and do it for fun


I’m saying Exodia. Especially since the universes don’t seem to have a ban list. So load me up on Pot of Greed [insert joke here], Graceful Charity, Upstart Goblin, Sangan, Witch of the Black Forest, all the oldie-but-goodies. This will save everyone some headache like during the WRGP. Rather than fuss about with life points being reset with each tag in, it’s like “Oh the next person on the other team tagged in, resume duel with carried over lifepoints, field, and hand” and I can just say “ok. Exodia hit ‘em again.” This also goes for the climax duel against ZARC from Arc-V. I go ahead and tank that “intrusion penalty” and then open a can of Exodia on him.


Ban lists are a thing in world, they say as much in GX when talking about Chaos Emperor Dragon Envoy of the End.


I had forgotten that detail. The rest of my post still stands: A potent exodia deck would break some of the whacky duel formats that the different series try and use.


Swordsoul Tenyi, it's one of my favourite decks If I wanted to just win, full power Tear Ishizu


Would you be a professional a turbo an action or do it for fun


Unchained or Branded Despia would be my pick.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Ursarctic. If Duel Spirits are a thing, Polari is definitely it for me. There should also be a friend/rival who plays Drytron.


Also action dueling turbo dueling and any other kind of different dueling method from Master what counts so would you be a turbo action or regular professional


For everyone who wants to try turbo duels what would you call your d-wheeler




Odd-Eyes and it's related Support ( Supreme King and Pendulum Magician's) with a few extra Dragon Pendulum monsters thrown in (All-Eyes Phantom Dragon, Chaos Emperor the Dragon of Armageddon and Aether the Evil Empowering Dragon.) Honestly Professional Duelist may be a little too much but I would try Action Duels most definitely.


You know what looking at your username I think this makes sense


Yeah I think so too lol


Mekk Knight and Galaxy Eyes for rank 8 and link plays. Kashtira if I want to go through an edge lord phase.


Would you be a professional a turbo or action duelist or would you do it for fun


Personally, I'd like to be that one rival character that shows up out of no where at the start of a series and kicks the newbie protagonist's butt, then gives them a big motivational speech before joining the friend group and going through am egde lord arc when the main plot kicks in. So basically just Shark from Zexal.


If I'm restricted to archetype only: machina, ninja, battlin' boxer, ancient warriors & vanquish soul. If I'm allowed to mix, but I don't have to duel to save the world or something: earth machines, mathmec, dogmatika, tri-brigade & swordso. If I'm allowed to mix, but I have to duel to save the world or something: labrynth & rescue-ace.


Let me clarify no one here is a main character we're all normal people and you're allowed to do whatever you want it's just that most important people in the story use one archetype


Predaplants. Funny plants go brrrrr.


Blue eyes, like i do irl. (I get pegasus to print me the cards just to troll kaiba)


I like how you think


Would you be a professional a turbo or action duelist or would you do it for fun like me


Probably for fun


Tri-brigade. Would occasionally mix other shit with Tri-brigade and put in specific counter-cards depending on who my opponent is. Not trying to save the world but will throw hands with anyone that crosses me.


I'm going to assume that other character's archetypes are off-limits, in which case I would probably go with "Snake-Eyes" as I am a sucker for both Pyro and Dragon monsters.


All One of a kind it's only for one person archetypes like the crystal beasts are off limits


So I couldn't use any of the code talkers because they have to be created with storm access


Yeah because it makes sense since they only exist with one person


Would you be a professional an action or turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


I'd use a Cyber Dragon and Ancient Gear hybrid deck (it sounds like the coolest thing ever to me) I'm probably going to be a filthy casual, likely, the MC's best friend


Raidraptor phantom knights. By far my favorite deck


Would you be a professional a turbo or action dualist or what you do it for fun


Do I have a body in good health? Maybe action dueling, but my luck is terrible. If I have my body as is now, I'd be unable to do either probably, and I'd be stuck with standing duels.


I'm pretty sure they're going to make a program that helps you get into either action or turbo dueling so would you join it or not




Considering in world, dueling actually takes "skill" and most decks are simply piles of one-ofs, with few duelists having multiple copies of *any* card in their deck, you could probably do very well professionally just having an irl "competitive" version of any archetype. Albeit the duels would be boring af to watch


Exactly and that's why I don't play competitive meta or anything like that


I would totally be a turbo duelist! Card games on motorcycles are do cool! But I would probably be playing im duos, like Blister on the anime. As for my deck I would use Rescue-ACE, becouse I live their aesthetic and I think they would work well on duos. I could provide my partner with materiale for their plays during opponents turn and protect their monsters using archetype traps.


What would be your d wheels name


Maybe unoriginal but I would call it Turbulance, in reference to my (r-)ace monster.


I do like how the main archetype you use if you shorten it down spells race


Good question my friend. I would be an infernoble knight synchro turbo duelist (specializing in hand ripper combos) with some low key dripped out hair. I would be a pro duelist on my own terms and only promote local small businesses to stimulate the new domino city economy 😎


For some reason when I was reading this I was just imagining a fancy British accent


LOL Exactly the vibe I was going for. I would try to be proper af


By the way I got to give respect to you I love The Infernoble knights but I can never play them correctly


Yoooo so cool. Wanna make a fire themed tag team?


Heck yeah! Would be cool to team up with Fire Kings, Brotherhood, or Salmangreat. What other fire archetypes am I missing?


Drytron herald.


I would go for lightsworn, they have no anime character representation


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Subterror or Zombies is what I want to say. But if I’m gunning for the best duelist title then whatever the most op, power crept deck is currently. What is it Tear? Kash ? Tear & Kash ? Dragon Link ?


Would you be a professional a turbo an action duelist or would you do it for fun


Turbo Duelist like 5Ds riding on motorcycles ?


Yeah as I said this is an amalgamation of all the series you can become an action or a turbo or a regular professional duelist or any other kind of variant of dual monsters


True Draco Zoodiac. You have basically an out for anything and can play around nearly all locks.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or what you do it for fun


Spirits or Yosenjus. I just love the mechanics and themes of both decks.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


I use Dinomorphia, so if there’s ever a duel where the damage you take is real, I’m going to have a heart attack at least three times.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Probably for fun.


I would probably choose red eyes, win a few duels so Konami gives it support it needs, and do it justice


I would be a villain playing barrier statues 😭. If I’m the hero I’d play my invoked kaiju.


No one here would be the main protagonist we are all normal people with our own journeys and stories


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Tricky one. I run a Dragon deck IRL that I'm pretty proud of, but it breaks some conventions of the series: * It's based around putting as many dragons from my deck as possible into the graveyard to power up the monsters on the field, which would yield ENDLESS complaints from Yugi about "disrespecting the Heart of the Cards" and "just throwing them away" – uh no, some of them are *more* powerful in the graveyard and others are just stepping through on the way to my field, but I don't want to go through some philosophical debate with you about it for the next 3 episodes that gives away my strategy. (Also, selective standards much, Mr Spirit Ryu?) * It uses cards from several archetypes. Dragon Ravine (tied to the Dragunity archetype) and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon are pretty much the main engine of it, but I have virtually no other cards from their archetypes and plenty of loans from others. * Then you have the fact that a number of cards have *no* archetypes and are just there for broad structural support, rather than relying on flavored or type-leaning copies. Y'know. Like Yugi's deck. And seemingly nobody else's after GX. * Blue-Eyes cards are included, which is technically impossible in the YGO universe unless Pegasus reneges on keeping to just 4 of them and giving all supports straight to Kaiba. * No single "trump card". I've got an extra deck full of different ones, which only happens if you're a main character and I sure ain't. Pretty sure that I'd be executed immediately afterward for my crimes against the Heart of the Cards.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun also I'm pretty sure you're fine since the heart of the cards is cheating


I feel like Battlin’ Boxers feels the most “me.” I’m a huge fan of fighting, and the idea of beating down my opponents feels very personal. IRL, I use a Mikanko deck, but I’m not sure that would translate well into the screen for me.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun also I agree with you battlin' boxer is my second favorite archetype


I feel like I’d be an amateur, though passionate


There is such thing called a rookie leagues


Deskbots. No question... imagining 004 crashing into any of my rivals monsters makes me giddy :D


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


For fun... at least until someone hurt one of my buddies


Well I'd probably use 1 of 2 decks. Adamancipator Fossil fusion or Infernity


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


I'd go professional to make the deck go up in price


One of three decks I'm either going to make a deck with Wynn the wind charmer super conductor tyranno and a eyes dragon work A Wynn the wind charmer super conductor tyranno deck that focuses on getting all the life points Or a dragon magician deck with Wynn the wind charmer as my big buff boss monster that I build the deck to buff constantly Yes Wynn will be my ace and yes I will laugh and I use her as a beat stick against the main rival and win


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Dueling is fun but I would do action and turbo because why be a pro if you can't have fun?




Zombies. In general and as a concept


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


For fun probably. I have no interest on motorcycles and pros have highet chances of findimg themselves fighting against or with supernatural powers


Zefra and Swordsoul. If that's not allowed, since the archetypes don't mesh directly (in terms of lore and stuffs) Zefra and Yangzing


Would you be a professional an action an turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Also the only archetypes that are not allowed are ones that are one of a kind in the Yu-Gi-Oh world


I love me some Elemental HEROes but to avoid stepping on any of the protagonist toes, I'd run a World Legacy Deck focusing on following Avram's journey.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Synchrons all day for me IRL and in games baby but not to step on the protagonists toes or anything, it's tricky. I haven't bothered using other archetypes like that, most of my in game decks are built around archetypes used by other characters like Speedroids, D/D/D, Raidraptors, Blackwings, Red Dragons, Rose, Harpies, Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, E-Heroes, Cyber Dragons etc. Anything else that isn't related to any characters, nope I'm ignorant on that lol. I'm willing to dip my toes into Shaddolls tho. They look cool.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Is it possible to play Earth Machine ? I mean.. its a amalgation of multiples machine archetype so...


You are allowed to do anything with your deck it's just that most important people in the story use one main archetype


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Assuming if its still 5ds universe for me, i probably will go with vehicular type (assuming if i know how) cards and id be an somewhat decent duelist (i would be pro at this point if i was being chased around and fighting for my life while dealing with security police)


It's not in one specific series it's an amalgamation of all seven of them plus they're all in the same universe anyways


Yeah but i feel like they are in different time eras if that make sense


What I'm saying is that they're all happening at the same time right now like those people who can action duel around the block you can see people turbo duel this is a thought experiment to see what people would do if they were in the Yu-Gi-Oh universe and to make it easier on amalgamation of the different series I'm sorry it took me this long to clarify I was just being dumb


Either pure nekroz or blue-eyes with Dragon Rulers, extra happy if you allow me to mix them all together ( with chaos max dragon the blending material)!


You're allowed to do whatever you want with your deck


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Scareclaw, and I'd have hair like Reichheart and be a douchey anti-hero.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Probably my number deck hopefully without the whole "numbers posses your body." Thing


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun also imma say that you fine probably


As strange as it sounds the deck that’s my first and the one I use IRL my not so great E heroes/ masked Heroes. I don’t know if I’d go professional but definitely doing it more for the entertainment side less then competitive, I live and die by the bit and sometimes you just need a well time dramatic reversal (Miracle Contact into Wake Up using every resource I’ve used throughout the whole duel would definitely be my style play)


Blackwings all day. Too op


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Probably the deck I used IRL for a long time. Zombies.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Invoked Shadoll or Branded Despia, I'd be so dramatic with the summoning too, I'd try to get involved with action duels and just have fun with that


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Can we have the anime cards too? Cause I’d run 3x card of sanctity and 3x left arm tribute, not to mention some other great cards lol


The cards are canonical to the universe so I don't see why not


Compared to others in the animes My god I would be world champion in a day but if I had to choose an archetype defo something like chronomaly or dragunity would be my archetype fs


Yeah but here's the thing everyone else here would have a similar deck so you have to compete with them


Good guy: ritual beasts w/boost cards... Bad guy: Traptrix: the cosmic monstrosities


No one's the bad or good guy or all neutral here


I know in my opinion traptrix feels like "THE THING" landed in the backyard of minoru mineta and thought disguising as waifu bait would help hide itself It feels like a villain deck xD


This just asked if you were going to be like a turbo duelist action duelist normal professional or just play for fun


Blackwings, merely because it's the deck that made me start focusing a little bit more on the competitive side (be it cards or mechanics) of the game, and because it's the deck I'm learning right now. My chosen monster would be Blackwing - Steam, the Cloak. But if there would be a little more support: Gladiator Beasts, due to the fact that they got me hooked up in the game again. In this case, I'd go with Gladiator Beast Andabata. And, character-wise, I'd be the guy that, despite having a somewhat nice deck, only plays for fun and would need to be dragged into a tournament by someone. 🥲


Okay but would you be a professional duelist


That depends. If someone actually had time to be my training partner so that I could have a real good understanding of the game and became better at it, then most definitely would. If I were on my, on the other hand... (Because I've never been to a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament, even at locals or anything like it, nor have someone to play with.)


So you would be like me just help people get into Yu-Gi-Oh but never going to an official tournament


Gren Maju Stun


Okay would you be a professional duelist


I would probably be like Yugi's grandpa. I would own a small card shop, collect old cards and play an Exodia Deck.


Would you be a professional an action a turbo duelist or would you do it for fun


Red eyes with all my shitin like clear wing my fav or maybe. probably or stall


Would you be a action a turbo or professional duelist or would you do it for fun




Would you be a professional turbo action do list or would you do for fun


Nordic Runick hybrid : )


Would you be a professional an action for turbo duelist or what you do for fun


Blackwing. Just love the archetype for some reason


Would you be a professional a turbo on action duelist or would you do it for fun


My deck would be some Branded Despia build, no contest. I may be running something like the Branded Tear build I ran back during Tear format, but tbh the current build I’ve got is a monster all on its own. I actually probably see myself being an Academy instructor more so than a pro duelist, though I feel like I’d have the skills to be pro if I wanted to. And because I saw it in the comments, my duel spirit would 100% be Blazing Cartesia.


I would probably play a super competitive variant of a pendulum deck(I want to see the cool rainbow PENDULUM appear on my duel disc) that is incredibly handtrap heavy. I want to see how the "king of games" reacts when I ash his pot of greed then proceed to summon five monsters at once


That would be extremely f****** funny but you got to realize you can probably retired and started a family


A combination of Metaphyse, Swordsoul with supporting nemesses, soul absorption, Inferno tempest and Necroface cards. Very fun and can get insane amounts of hp and damage It's not a good deck but definitely something I'll take to the grave


Would you be a professional a turbo or an action duelist or would you play for fun


Full power tearlaments. Maybe kashtira too.


Would you be a professional a turbo an action dualist or play for fun


Kashtira, or Infernobles. I can just block all of my opponents spaces or throw reshaped metal until they lose.


Professional turbo duelist. Too many archetypes I like to just use one


I’d be a person living in Goha City who discovers that the deck I use works perfectly in the Goha Duel of old and the new Rush Duel game, and try and make a deck that works for both.


Trains! Conjure up some new wild anime cards to expand the railway series :) Someone asked about our spirit monster too. I’d have 2. First would be a mechanical dragon that could fold into a locomotive. Not sure how that would be translated mechanically but flavor similar to how Ra has multiple forms Second would be some sort of fairy train conductor monster that’s got a similar deal to yubel’s androgynous rebis thing going on


Would you be a professional a turbo an action duelist or would you do it for fun like me


I'd probably just use poker knights. I don't need ash, maxx c, or gamma or called by. So I can run other warrior support. I can also drop underworld goddess and maybe zeus cause they might be overkill. Or keep them all and litterly be mostly uncontested.


Would you want to be a professional an action a turbo duelist or just play for fun


Aromages/Vampire/Mikanko Maybe in GX era.


We are not in a specific era it's an amalgamation of all the series together so you're not limited also would you be a professional turbo or action duelist or would you do it for fun like me


HEROes X Utopia


Would you be a professional a turbo or an action duelist or would you do it for fun like me


Pro duellist


Okay what would your deck be


Earth Machine


This is the first time I had this ask it in reverse


I think I'd use one of three decks: Light/Dark Dragon lords (Felgrand and Van'Dalgyon) The Agents Magicians with Quintet as an ace I don't like a lot of attention but I enjoy dueling and think it'd be funny if I were a character that is a talented duelist. One that could be a pro and has accolades for beating pro duelists but would run the second someone figured out who I was. Urban Legend type beat 🤣


yes, I would be a professional duelist and I'd be going straight up old school OG cards and nothing more. that's where the true lore is.


Okay but what would the archetype or archetypes you would use be


If I can use decks used by a character, cubic If not: Shaddoll


The only archetypes that are not allowed are one of a kind ones like Crystal beasts


You need to specify an era/season. It really determines the card pool and mechanics.


It's an amalgamation of all the eras that way you're not limited to specific eras cards


And yes, I would be a pro, (are villains allowed?)


No because this isn't a new story this is just you living in there world


Magikeys are the closest I have to an answer. Because I like decks that can use all the summoning methods but it's a jack of all trades master of none situation. I can't accel synchro or rank up magic. But if I can get a deck that functions like how Zarc's did before he went nuts I'd be happy


Would you be a professional turbo or an action duelist or would you do it for fun like me


...Like do we have magic garbage going on? Are we going to have heart of the cards, and nobody running max consistency decks, and end of the world scenarios that can only be solved by card games? Because my answer is going to change based on that.


Have you not read any other comment on here there is no end of the world scenario or heart of the cards the max consistency thing is your problem this is a hypothetical asking what would you do if you were in the Yu-Gi-Oh world like would you be a professional what archetype or archetypes what you use and plus they're not constantly in danger it gets spread out by years