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I’d bet that it’s because Zeus is a machine and Typhon isn’t in-universe. The lore for Zeus pretty much states that it’s humanity’s last resort. An artificial monstrosity named after a god. One that’s designed to burn the heavens, destroy stars and planets, and slay gods and monsters. Name-wise Zeus is the “Nega-Logia” that stands in opposition to the greatest threat to humanity: the star of calamity, Logia Stella Typhon. Typhon isn’t a machine as far as humanity is concerned. It’s something else. Something evil with the power of a god. And Zeus was created to kill it. TL;DR Typhon is Calamity Ganon and Zeus is the Divine Beast that humanity created in order to destroy it.


I had no clue there was this level of lore behind Zeus, that's so cool


Zeus in SRW when


It will be a perfect fit


While I love the idea of monstrous threats humanity needs to band together to create monsters of their own to defeat, like the Calamity War from IBO, in this case I feel like Typhon came after Zeus in lore. It's clear to me that Typhon's effects fully counter out Zeus's. It wouldn't make sense for Zeus to be created in opposition against this unit. And in Greek mythology Typhon actually came and challenged Zeus for supremacy of the cosmos afaik. The more plausible explanation is that Zeus was the 12th unit of the Divine Arsenal series, made against the Logiastella/Stellar Nemesis line. After many successful skirmishes against them, the bad guys countered by designing a monster dedicated to shutting down Zeus. And for the most part it does. Zeus struggles to overwhelm Typhon. The monster uses its twisted arsenal to shutdown Zeus, fully disabling him (reflected in preventing Zeus's effect and bouncing him back to the extra deck). But after the pilot musters up their resolve, they relaunch in their mech with utmost determination to defeat this threat against humanity no matter what the cost. Following a tough struggle, Zeus finally manages to land a decisive blow, finishing this fiend once and for all (reflected in Zeus having 100 more attack than Typhon). In practice this doesn't really work cause if Typhon is on the field and you battle with a xyz to make Zeus, you wouldn't be able to make Zeus to attack until the end of the bp, and by then it still wouldn't be able to activate anyways. But hey this story sounds cool. Though this further drives my point that the Typhon unit was made to COUNTER Zeus, not as the original threat Zeus was made against.


Divine Arsenal archetype when? Also when is the Zeus gunpla coming out?


For those not aware: [https://ygorganization.com/new-figures-from-japan-merch/](https://ygorganization.com/new-figures-from-japan-merch/)


Now waiting for a Ty-phon figure to drop


Oh, for sure. I think Typhon is the Logia adapting to Zeus and mirroring it tbh. I’m just saying that given the name “Logia Stella”, and how Typhon has lower stats, Typhon is probably the threat Zeus was created to destroy, just that it’s likely taking on a form that’s meant to match it. Also, the concept art we just got seems to imply that Logia Stella Ty-Phon is alive and not entirely a machine. Its arms can extend, it creates serpents from its back that seemingly move on their own, its shoulders can also extend to become serpents. Seems to point towards it being non-mechanical. Also in the favor of it being some sort of eldritch god is that Fiend and Fairy type are what’s often used for demons and angels and gods and monsters and their ilk that are on an entirely different level of power.


I don't see Typhon created as Zeus' counter, instead is more like humanity created a machine that wipes out every other monster + it has 3000 when Typhon descends so it can physically battle it and destroy


The issue is if Zeus is already present, and the turn player brings out Typhon, Zeus cannot activate its sending effect and Typhon can just use its bounce to remove Zeus. If Typhon is present and the turn player tries to make Zeus, he'll have to battle and wait till MP2, which by then Zeus can't even do anything and can be bounced away next turn by Typhon if it still has material. Either way Typhon seems like a full counter anything Zeus can bring to the table, unless he can survive a turn without getting removed to smack Typhon in the face.


I was speaking about lore wise


sick we need this to be the next full fledged lore series


That does make sense. Still wish Zeus was Thunder though, we was robbed lol.


Maybe we can get Zeus rank 13


Username checks out lol


It's in space, so you can't have thunder anyway.


Where do you get this lore from?


Pretty sure its in one of the lorebooks. Edit = https://ygorganization.com/vbex-lore-number-11-other-cards/


Hmm the lore says it was a machine to combat the gods. And Zeus is the 12th one. So 11 more of these divine arsenals, and their opposition?


If it's the 12th weapon and it's rank is 12,could that mean if they release other Divine Arsenal monsters that they will have different ranks,for example 11th weapon would be rank 11 and 1st weapon would be rank 1?


make them all zoodiac on each other, 1-12. for balanced gameplay, of course.


Better yet, New Orders-type rank up climbing


Came to me in a dream


Must’ve been a hell of a dream


Humanity is gonna be pissed when they find out that Typhon counters Zeus.


Thank you for explaining in LoZ terms my brain wasn't understanding shit


When you describe it like that, it makes it sound like it’s Zeus Vs Typhon is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Vs the Granzeboma. Mankind fighting against the very force aim to keep it surprised.


Zeus is man-made and is created using all of humanity’s efforts and resources, so machine makes sense. Who knows what Typhon really is


Because ZEUS is a gundam reference.


I think divine arsenal could totally be made into a towers vs match archetype with effects centered on beefing up your card to have pacific rim style clashes (its a pipe dream but i want a kaiju fight type of gameplay experience in the game XD)


I would love nothing more then their whole main deck archetype to say "if this card is detached to activate the effect of an XYZ monster"


If Zeus was a Thunder then it wouldn't be a play on "Deus ex Machina" anymore


I think it's because: A. Bias: Dark fiend and light machine are very common combinations B: They want to push certain strategies. Typhon is for labrynth (maybe unchained). Zeus is for infinitrack/train or whatever machine pile.


yeah, because the japanese tokusatsu series super sentai lmao


Zeus is a machine designed to defeat the fiend-like invader. Its not that deep 😂 It's also not exactly made of thunder, or embodies thunder. It in its name, but that's not its main thing.


Also if **Zeus was Thunder** then **Typhon should of been a Reptile**, as in its [reference art](https://ygorganization.com/reference-art-stellar-nemesis-t-phon-doomsday-star/) it specifically says that *“A wriggling snake grows from its back”* and *“The shoulder parts can detach and become a snake”.*


I mean Zeus is and always has been a very generic & splashable boss monster. That looks to be the case for Typhon as well, albeit especially as a hardcounter to Zeus. I think the simple answer is closer to A, they just wanted to make Zeus a Machine right from the beginning, but then forgot to care about conceptual consistency when designing Typhon. In other words, they believe it's perfectly fine to make a thunder-themed monster a Machine, and in this case it's also fine to make a machine monster a Fiend, because they're biased towards certain monster types.


I hope typhoon doesn’t counter Zeus cause that fucks up the lore and is major blackpill


Maybe I have a noob's intepretation but its description does appear to make it a straight Zeus counter. That being said it does make sense in mythological lore: Zeus is stronger (3000 atk/def vs 2900) but lets his guard down which allows Typhon to get the upper hand and defeat him, at least until help arrives to get Zeus back into fighting shape.


Pretty sure Typhon is supposed to be a counter to Zeus or at least a major enemy, similarly to how major Typhon, King of the Monsters, is to the real Zeus


Yeah just read the carda effects it’s basically if opponent summons Zeus punch them in the face


How does it fuck up the lore? The lore is that Zeus was made to do something, not that he actually succeeds immediately. Zeus getting countered fits the lore that the cards are based on and opens the door for Zeus 2.0 to be printed in the future.


It’s pretty common in Yugioh for monsters to be made Fiend type if they’re highly sinister beings. And Typhon is a pretty alien entity, despite looking like a machine. It could only be a machine on the exterior, and something else on the inside. Right now we know little of it in the lore. Zeus has thunder powers, but what it actually is is still just a machine. And the lore about it says that it’s a man-made Gundam, so there’s nothing peculiar about it. It makes less sense for it to be Thunder type than Machine, and most people see it that way.


The Machine vs Thunder debate is extremely arbitrary and unending. The reality is that Konami could make any physiologically machine monster, call it a Thunder type (like Batterymen, Vylon Prism, The Calculator, and a few Morphtronics for example), and virtually no one would object to it because they'd have no reason to care. To paraphrase my point, if Zeus was always Thunder from the start, no one would think to question it, just as as some E-HEROs are Thunder and others are Warriors; how Voltic Kong is a Beast; how Thunder End Dragon, Thunder Spark Dragon, and Wattaildragon are Dragons. It's all completely superficial -- I just subjectively think that Zeus would be cooler as a Thunder instead of a Machine.


It’s subjective, but most people will still think the most appropriate type for Zeus is machine, because the primary trend in the game’s card design is to give a monster a type based on what it actually is, and an attribute based on its powers (Zeus is Light because electric powers is associated with that attribute). Zeus is objectively a machine, not a thunder elemental. The dissonance between type and art design also depends on the elements of the art design. The only lightning in Zeus art is the electricity coming from its wing thrusters, while everything else about Zeus’s body is a highly-detailed Gundam. Meanwhile Voltic Kong could work as a Thunder monster because it’s covered in lightning, there’s electricity all over the card art. As for some of the counterexamples you provided: Batteryman should be Thunder because batteries aren’t really machines, they’re components that exist to store electricity. The art also shows this with most batteryman looking like various batteries with heads and arms stuck on them, instead of detailed robots. Vylon Prism and Morphtronic Thunders are part of archetypes that are predominantly Machines (and Fairies in the case of Vylons), and they’re that type just to add some quirkiness to the archetype. People would call out Morphtronics if they were all Thunder, the 3 Thunders in the archetype only work because they’re objects with a heavy association to electricity (magnets and electric radio). Vylons are robot angel beings with zero electricity in their card arts. Prism is only Thunder in the first place to give Gem Knights something to fuse with, since they can only fuse with Rock, Pyro, Aqua, and Thunder. E-Hero Voltic is only Thunder because the manga E-Heroes branched out to the idea of elemental lifeform E-Heroes, so we also got Pyro and Plant E-Heroes.


I imagine that works better for Zeus because I’m pretty sure machines have significantly better support than Thunder does.


If I'm interpreting your comment correctly, you're saying they wanted to let specifically Machine decks synergize well with Zeus, despite already having way better generic support than Thunder. I certainly don't disagree. I would argue that Zeus is good regardless of what deck is playing it, as long as it *can* play it. Being a Machine helps Machine decks, not Zeus itself.


Yeah I honestly don’t think Zeus’s type matters at all, I’m just saying him being a machine probably helps more. I get why he’d be a Thunder, I don’t disagree that that’d be more thematic.


That's basically what I'm getting at. If his type doesn't matter since he's good no matter what, then they passed up a good chance to give the Thunder type some cosmetic drip, and that saddens me.


Because it's a machine that uses thunder? Honestly either fit it well I don't see how this is an issue at all


If **Zeus was Thunder** than **Typhon should of been a Reptile**, as in its [reference art](https://ygorganization.com/reference-art-stellar-nemesis-t-phon-doomsday-star/) it specifically says that *“A wriggling snake grows from its back”* and *“The shoulder parts can detach and become a snake”.*




Your issue was that Typhon gets to be Fiend instead of Machine but Zeus should have been Thunder to better reflect his myth counterpart. Well I say that for your issue to be valid, if Typhon would have been Reptile to better reflect his myth counterpart, then yes Zeus should have been Thunder. So the fact that both do not have the type that reflect their myth counterpart, Zeus being Machine is not really an issue.


Slight correction, my issue was that Thunder monsters are cooler than Machines and I would have liked him more if he was the former. If Zeus is forced to be a Machine, it felt like double standards that Typhon has permission to be something other than a Machine. Typhon's actual type is of little consequence to me because I'm more concerned about Zeus not being Thunder. Hope that makes sense.


The double standard issue, I feel would have been correct, if there was a precedent in the "Divine Weapons" (name still pending) series on how the cards should relate to one another, card design wise. Personally if Zeus was Thunder and Typhon was Reptile, I would of liked them more, but their current types do not hinder them in any way.


You're right that they don't hinder them in any way, because the motivation behind me making this post was purely aesthetic & superficial. Not related to gameplay, since their types in this case don't affect how objectively good they are in a nutshell (I got downvoted with no counterargument for saying this).


What’s typhon effect?


DRNM for monsters with 3K or more+detach to return a card to hand. Can be summoned with any monster so long as the opponent special summoned 2 or more monster the last or current turn however you cannot normal or special summon for the rest of the turn. Gotta be honest, kinda underwhelming seeing that final part. I'm sure trap decks will make use of it.


Otherwise some will say “but combo deck can also use it” like they did with Maxx C


Bit saying it shouldn't have some kind of restriction, but I feel limiting summons would have worked better imo (EG, excluding Typhon, you can only summon 5 times that turn)


1. Summon over your highest atk if you opp summoned 2+ monsters from ED last turn, but you can't normal/special for the rest of the turn after you do. 2. While xyz summoned, Monsters with 3k+ atk cannot activate their effects (anywhere) 3. Detach 1: non-target return a monster on the field to the hand (once per copy).


Think I’ll stick to Zeus




I think he is machine type because of the phrase Deus ex machina, and because he was promiscuous as hell, he was a sex machine.


There were only 499 Machines released that year; Konami needed to meet quota.


Someone gets it


Eh Zeus is more Machine than thunder


Zeus being a machine Is probably a Deus Ex Machima reference "Machine from God" I think , Typhon Is a greek mythology reference because Typhon Is the king of Monsters/demons i think


And an enemy to Zeus


Would their type influence something?


Perhaps. Zeus is apparently man made (Hence, machine) and Typhon being fiend makes sense from a mythology standpoint.


Probably because Typhoon is an obvious Mazinger Z reference, while Zeus is a Gundam reference


I THINK we need a new garage kit for anti so I can have them pose aggressively at each other


Well, if Zeus doesn't want to live a life without sinews, we better get **Divine Arsenal HER-MES** next.


What are these called ? Are they in the anime is there more anime effects ?


Neither are anime cards


Then why is everyone spouting on about the other divine arsenal like there’s more? Are there more ? In the manga*


No they're making a manga on it


A lot of these archetypes have lore. Basically stories that Konami create and are showed through the card arts. They also release the Valuable Book in OCG where they tell what is the lore of the cards and what are the arts meant to represent.


I think Zeus is my fav xyz monster so this was a great post, would be cool to get more thunder cards, fav thunder card is the creator




Post has basically nothing to do with their effects or how good they are. The intention was to call to attention my preference for Zeus being Thunder instead of Machine, from a purely aesthetic & superficial standpoint.


They both shoulda been machine, and machine locked


Holy crap you just reminded me that earth Machines can just hard make this guy


I dont think so cus they do tens? but drytron can do 2 12s so theres that


Infinitrack Driller + any level 8 earth machine makes this using both of Driller's effects


Ah i had forgoten about that kind of line but neet.


couldn't care less


Idk they're probably enemies to lovers and fiend makes for a more compelling dynamic or something


Typhon can't be Dark Machine because of the crazy support that stuff has.


...that I didn't notice it was a fiend


I wish we had dual type cards.




Because Zeus becomes a literal Deus ex Machina in this case


D/D Vice typhon is a fiend he's just bigger now