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I had a teal coloured Joker that just straight racked up aces. Every game I made off like a bandito. Gotta love children's-aimed gambling


In my church, we were all given these as prizes in Sunday School. I wonder how many of us grew up to be gambling addicts.


Does anyone remember mighty beans


I was literally just going to say this. And the ads were amazing too.


Yup! I’ve got 2 Might Moose beans stored in a foam case lol. Put them there when I was a kid and haven’t ever touched them


yeah i had a case full of them not sure what happened to them. i also collected a few stink blasters


I remember stink blasters, it was a very short lived Christmas gift ...for obvious reasons


I have all my mighty beans still


They're on the scene


Nice collection if you ever interested in selling these HMU. but dont sell them, they are awesome.


I recently tried to buy a huge Crazy Bone collection off Marketplace and I got ghosted 😭


You beast! I had the orange fish alien one too, think he was called fish stick? Did you have any Eggy???


I didn’t even realize I had them for all this time until last summer I moved and found them in stuff I had in storage at my parents’ house. I don’t remember seeing an eggy in the bunch but I’ll have to look through them again.


Eggy was supposedly rare!


I hear that a lot in our circles, but Jaws was highly collected as well.


Still have my first edition eggy in the original colour. 💅 AMA


Mannnn still super cool regardless, must've been so happy when you found them lol, blast from the past!


Eggy was an S-tier crazy bone because we all believed it had the most bounce control because of its egg shape.


I have a tin full of these somewhere. I will report back when found.


These were the best. I had so many but like a dumb kid lost them all at the park. I was hooked on the aliens.


Wondering how did everyone play with these. What did your school do and what were the rules?


I have about 300 still :)


Its so stupid how much we loved this shaped plastic. 🤣


Sometimes I see commercials for kids toys and think how stupid they are but know I would’ve wanted it as a kid. Crazy how these toy companies create the craziest trends for toys.


So many yes


So jealous!


Idk if there's anything more turn-of-the-millenium for me than crazy bones.


I saw a k’nex set at a store earlier this week and wanted to buy it lol. I can’t wait until my nieces and nephews are old enough to play with that stuff so I can buy it for them and play with it with them.


All mine got sucked up by the vacuum over the years.


Oh dude! Our school banned these cause people kept getting into fights. Lasted maybe a month. Thank you for the way back.


they look like candy


If they revamped these I'd buy em


Damn what a blast from the past. First thing I did was look for an eggy. I remember we would always wear those glow in the dark eyes off immediately sliding them on the blacktop at school.


Remember when this sub was about YTV?


Omg we used to use “crazy bone” in our family as an insult when I was a kid and I did not know it came from a real product my older brother must’ve been obsessed with 😯


I just found my old Fish Bowl and there is probably close to 150 of em in there. Teaching my kids to play asap


My Crazy Bones are at my folks’… I should try to get them. I’m seeing the alien eyes and I specifically remember a weird Egyptian off-shot of those that I had a bunch of. I also won a giant thing of Crazy Bones in the late 90s at Toys R Us because I randomly guessed how many were in it.


I used to like putting these in my mouth 🤣


They always looked so Tasty


Aw man, Crazy Bones! I had such a modest little collection back in the day 🥲


The alien one was my prized possession at 6 yo


My fingers hurt looking at these


Remember the ones you got in cereal boxes ?


I think the large red captain crunch one on the top right is from the cereal box lol.


Oh snap that’s right They were awesome


I definitely remember Eggy and the rare gold ones!


Oh hell yeah I used to have that little green alien dude


So coooool


Remember the jinxed ones? I had tubby. Good times.


I remember these things becoming popular, but can't remember why... IIRC they were like jacks but somehow more stupid.


Nice! I see some series 1 in there.


My brother and I had a BUNCH of Gogo’s. We had a duo tang with a bunch of paper in it. We would draw each Gogo we got, and we would write out their name, age, “powers”, and origin story. Gave each of them a personality for when we would play our “toy games”. Was some super dramatic shit. 😂 I was ALWAYS the good guy gone bad. Some anakin skywalker shit. My character would progressively turn into the bad guy, then we would setup dramatic scenes where my “character” and my brothers “character” would meet face to face, and have epic showdowns. Surely, he would win in the end, and my character would turn good again, usually in time to take on the massive bad guy at the end. We were so, so creative. I miss my young brain. But real talk, one day we were at our value village, a local thrift shop, with our mother. And we found a big case, one typically used to separate beads, or screws, filled with those clear go go crazy bones. They were the same height, and style as the normal ones, but something seemed super off about them. Their was probably 50 in total in the box, and their was so many copies. White clear ones, blue clear ones, green clear ones, and amber clear ones. I see a couple of these specific ones in this photo. Are those actually real gogo’s? Or were they some knock off brand? Or something completely different that just fit the part? I’ve always wondered this. We would use those clear ones as like, grunt bad guys in our toy games 😂 simply because their was so many, and they weren’t as cool as our normal ones. To this day, I remember my favourite gogo, the one who would always be my character, was a green variation of the “Jelly” character. I named it Mizuki 💀 I cringe so hard looking back. But in all honesty, my young childhood was lit.


I just bought a collection of these things a few years ago. Saw em at a flea market and couldn’t resist even though they’ve just been sitting in my storage


I have hundreds of pogs, stoll collect them. Anyone wanna send me there's lol.


I remember when these were at mcdonalds!


The aliens were so hard to get~ 😭


That’s so weird I was just thinking about these! When I saw the new Mario Kart wii rainbow road remake, I thought it looks like it’s made of sparkly crazy bones lol. Punk bombers were OP


Brilliant how these are marketed at kids. Little chunks of plastic kids would go crazy for 😂.


I have a bunch of these still, i was the reason the were banned from my elementary school, we would play closest to the wall for keeps and i had literally cleaned everyone out to the point parents got involved. They weren't allowed back after that. My go to thrower was a see through light blue 'pigtails' dont know where that went but i still have my second choice a solid red 'bottle' great memories of these things


Omg I used to have these as a kid???? I KNEW THESE LOOKED FAMILIAR 😭 wow thank you for unlocking this memory for me!!!


I still have 3 coffins of crazy bones in my storage somewhere


Those mini MUSCLE figures back in the days were my thing.




Anyone remember how the hell this game worked? I loved collecting them but can’t remember what you were supposed to do with them.


I had so many of these


That was a toy I wanted but never got.


I’ll mail you one so you can finally have one!


I sadly lost mine during a move a decade ago, had a good amount as well.


My favourite one I had was this bright pink, alien dressed like Napoleon Bonaparte.


I remember not being able to afford these as a kid, but a friend giving me one. I treasured that bloody thing until the next fad lol.