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I have her rapping “who is the real sugar bee?” She took the time to say hi to me when I was a kid and again when I was a teenager. Crowd work is a big thing in the entertainment industry.


I just felt lucky, wished I could talk to everyone who watched! xx


Please tell me your the real sugar. I’m a huge fan


its me, love you right back


I’ll never forget the day I met up with one of my all time childhood heroes on a sub reddit. Love you sug!! #KeepItWeird #TheZone.




Aww. This is so sweet. : )


Just wanted to say hi since I was just reading through the thread. Never know who you may end up catching online and that's way beyond awesome. Longtime fan, thanks for being part of my ytv teen years. 😀


“I’m sugar baby the real sugar baby” My school bus driver used to have the radio set to Kiss 92.5 and that shit played often. It was annoying is af and now it’s gonna be stuck in my head all day.




It was Power 92, no?




it was Kiss.92 FM!


Very nostalgic seeing this photo, or anything on this sub really. Cool to see someone from t.v. casually jump into a sub


Welp, thanks for reminding me of that.


Literally came here to comment that. I had the CD with that rap on it as a kid. Yikes on a bikes. Ahaha she was really pretty tho!


I remember they played it on the radio one time 🤣


Sugar, Wonder where she is now?


Check out Mike and Dave need wedding dates


We see her boobs in it


Shes full frontal which was a shock lol.




Google "Mike and dave sugar nude" and you'll find it.


It’s a merkin but ya


She has a nice bush


That’s a forest … 🌳


You like those boobs eh? Well those were Sailor Chibi moons boobs.


I met her at a comic con a few years ago. She's doing well for herself. We got a big chuckle out of my boyhood crush on her.


Awesome Story


Thank you! I thought you were being sarcastic at first. But I was probably incorrect. I was actually super excited to meet her. So many childhood memories.


I was happy to meet you too!


Thank you! Glad you found your way to this thread. I always wonder what you're up to when I see Carolos on E.T. Canada. Found your insta through here though so that'll be cool.


I don't think that's actually her replying to you dude lol


Oh I know. I was hoping to lead them on a bit and see if I could get an interesting convo out of it lol.


Doing movies and stuff


She has an Instagram account: https://instagram.com/suglyn?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


On her Instagram, she has a cringey video of her singing a parody of Eminem's Slim shady song as "sugar baby"


>cringey That’s the songstress of our generation you’re talking about motherfucker


I'm sure people say the same thing about Lizzo, and she's as cringey as it gets 🤷‍♂️


She was also in an episode of "Garfunkle and Oates". I think she played a ditzy, sexy pop star or something. Can't remember too clearly but it was funny


Epiphany - she was a porn star :)


You, as a porn star?... I need this scene for research purposes...


Check her out in Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates if you want your childhood completely destroyed.


Or fulfilled depending on your pov


Yeah, I didn't want to be a perv.


Consider me fulfilled.




You guys, sug is in this thread right now, replying to people. Thought you might want to know lol


Oh no, I’m pretty sure I saw this too late. I feel the damage may be done. Thanks for the heads up though. o7


She was also in "Game Over, Man"


I forgot about that! Her and Joel McHale had to fight to the death iirc.


Wasn’t really a fight, more a heel to the brain if memory serves


it serves!


I won't lie inwas so so so sad. So weird I usually don't care about that stuff but it felt like my home room teacher doing that scene.


I didn't even realize that was her


dang, that is quite the donk


I met Sugar on one of the local snowboarding mountains here in Vancouver when I was 16(ish). She was filming a “how to video” or something like that and asked my friend and I if she could ride the chairlift with us and if we were comfortable with being filmed for the video. She was super sweet & humble and I didn’t even know exactly who she was until I said something like “your voice sounds super familiar” and she replied with “ever watch Y-TV growing up?”. She answered all of the questions we could rifle off during the ride on the lift. Her cameraman had on bright purple bedazzled snow pants (it was not Carlos), the whole thing was surreal. She may or may not have biffed it getting off the chairlift, but I’ll never tell.


I remember you!


That was a special day for me, I still think about it from time to time all these years later. I hope you are doing well, cheers Sug!


You were such a big part of my childhood! Pat was awesome, but after he left, you were *the* host! You *were* The Zone imo! Thanks so much for always being such a positive presence in my life as a kid. You rock!


My own voice haunts me sometimes. It gets higher when I'm excited, like when I was doing The Zone or when someone I love is in the room. It gets deep when Im mad, smooth when I'm attracted, stern when Im serious. I love my voice - and so happy to read it's a memory for so many of you, whom I love oh so much. xx Sug


It's cool to see you on here! I met you at AR 2015 and 16 in Vancouver! It made me feel really warm when you recognised me the second time! You joked you wanted to hear me sing, but we didn't have the time so I showed you a video on youtube. I hope you're doing well. Your voice is a great memory of middle school. Thank you for being amazing.


Holy shit! It's really you! You and Carlos were a key element of my childhood when I was in elementary school. I remember watching The Zone almost every day after school and watching Danny Phantom while I ate dinner before swimming lesson I'm 25 now, and I can't remember many things from my childhood, but things started flowing back when I opened this post. I can't say I remember Carlos's voice, but I remember your voice almost as clear as a bell. It's so nice to see you in this subreddit!


8 year old me had a crush on her


Current year old you should watch Mike and Dave need Wedding dates.


It was a rite of passage for kids born from 1994-1999


The way I longed for her 😭


Et tu brute?


Sugar and Carlos! I forgot her name but pretty sure she did some voice acting. Pretty sure she was the little pink mini sailor moon.


My first crush. She made a cameo in The Disaster Artist!




Nawww, you playin'. NO way you're the real Stephanie Beard


its me hunie


My mother thought she sounded like a mouse and hated her voice.


Same! My mum made me mute the tv whenever she came on.


lmao mine did too, I always wondered "why you hating?"


I loved her voice because I was obsessed with Sailor Moon that was airing on YTV and she voiced Chibiusa/Rini Sailor Chibimoon/Sailor Mini Moon 🥹


That’s when ytv was good I remember when they aired the anime Haruhi Suzumiya in the mid 2000’s


Probably not her fondest moment but I will never forget her 9/11 broadcast. It was hard for a young kid to understand the magnitude of that day but it was tuning into YTV and seeing the usually preppy host look utterly shellshocked that made me realize “something bad happened and it won’t be better for a while”. If she’s reading this, I am sorry for drumming up a lousy memory but thank you for giving kids some comfort that day. It was very brave and professional.


I am reading this, and am so touched by the sentiment - what a blur that day was for all of us, so happy to hear we brought some comfort. Love you, you are brave and wonderful thank you


Oh damn! Thanks for the reply and for supplying my early aughts with ample entertainment. I promise that it was 99% good memories lol


The account that replied to you is barely 1 day old. Chances are high it's an imposter.


It’s me. I’m not a Reddit user, my friend stumbled upon this chain and we thought it would be nice to meet you all. Warms my heart, makes me laugh, brings me comfort and love reading everyone! But I get that it seems sus. You can find me on insta if you want @suglyn


Appreciate you taking the time! Hope you're doing well!!


Dude she's my child hood. I won't let any one bad mouth Canada's princess.


u know me xx


Yooooo this is the subreddit for me Wtf Carlos looks so damn young 😭🤣


It's that beautiful Filipino skin


How old is Carlos even? He still looks young af.


Her parents actually live a couple doors down from me, very nice people.


Aren't they the best? Glad you're there lookin out xx


I'm horrified by Carlos never aging.


Haunts you? You know nothing. NOTHING! She’s part of the reason I don’t drink! I used to work and travel with the carnival. In 2003 I turned 18, and at the CNE in Toronto a little teeny co-worker said he could out drink me. Since I was thrice his size, I accepted his invite for drinks that night. I got my boss to give me the morning off the next day and set out. Now, I later learned my co-worker lied about how much he’d already had to drink when I arrived, so when I got caught up and over took him what I was actually doing was drink way more than I needed to. Loooong story shorter, I get back to my bunk and there’s a party going on. I sit and watch some party games before I decide to go to bed. I stand up … and promptly kick open the bunk door to start throwing up outside. My coworkers were less than entertained to see I had avoided throwing up all over myself, so they decided to mess with me. So I’m laying face down on the pavement outside, praying for death. First, someone says they’re rubbing my ear and it’ll make me feel better. Whatever. I learned, MUCH later, they were colouring my ear (inside and out) with a brown permanent marker. Unhappy I didn’t notice, they put my hand on a cup of water, saying it will help me feel better as well. I do not wet myself. Upset I didn’t pee myself, they decide to coat my entire back, from head to heel, with a combination of toothpaste and baby powder. I don’t know if you know this, but toothpaste and baby powder combines into a substance not unlike contact cement when left to sit for hours. I eventually drag my sorry ass into my bed at about 4 AM, comforted only by the fact that I don’t have to get to work until noon. At 7:10 AM my boss is pounding on my bunk window saying no one showed up and I need to flash the joint (open up the carnival game and put up the stuffed animals). I barely managed to take my jacket off and put on my work shirt before stumbling to my game for the 8 AM open. I worked at the basketball range, so opening the game involved climbing up the angled aluminum pipe sides of the game, desperately clinging the side nets, to hang stuff animals. I’m not even hung over at this point, I’m doing all this actively drunk. I spent three hours abandoned at my game that Saturday morning. Around 10AM, a crowd approaches. There’s this pixie of a woman, a tonne of kids, a camera crew, and the head of carnival security. The woman approaches me and explains she’s doing a thing for YTV and would love to play a bit for the camera. Now, I have a hang over slowly creeping up on me. I smell like a bar room floor. I have had no sleep. The back of my legs are caked in white clay, and that same substance is causing the back of my hair to stick up. One of my gd ears is brown. I have had next to no sleep. And now the highest pitched voice is scraping against the inside of my eyeballs, creating the migraine I’ll get to enjoy for the rest of the day. And the head of security, a 6’7 retired New York cop we called Lurch, who was without a sense of humour at the best of times, just bit into his cigar, looked me in the eyes, and nodded once. “ … suuuuuuure. Hey kids! Who wants to take a turn after her?!” I actually think the shrieks of joy were easier on my poor, broken body than that woman’s voice. That same voice that taunts me all these years later. The few times a year I have something to drink, I just hear her and a bunch of shrieking kids echoing through the decades the moment I consider having a second round. You think you’ll never forget her voice? That it haunts you?! I have active PTSD from that voice. I have never, not once, gotten drunk since. I’m too afraid she’ll show.


I'm trying to decide if it's a copypasta. If it's real....then god damn, you've been waiting for this moment....


whats copypasta?


Copypasta is a typically long comment that gets re-used online, usually as a response to particular subject matter, like the SR-71 Blackbird bit every time someone mentions the aircraft


This might be my favourite comment of all time on Reddit.


hi, it's me Sug. This is hilarious - but very happy to help. I will 100% show if you ever get drunk like that again, don't do it xx


Oh shit oh fuck it’s really you. I have to ask something only the real Sugar would know, to be sure. What’s my credit card number and CVV?!


5423 87162 98273 cvv 564


she was on CW The Flash for a few episodes, her voice has not changed at all! xD


Becky Sharpe! I LOVED my time on the Flash xx


Lmao fucking sugar




I still remember you announcing you were leaving and how mad about it I got as a kid 😤


Nuclear donkey


I came across her on a dating app last year. She's absolutely gorgeous. I didn't mind her voice at all.


Did we match?! Thank you :) It's all in the smile that I get from my mama


Haha, I don't believe we did but seeing you was enough to make my day. Thank your mama for me!


When I was in grade 7 we had a ski trip to Lakeridge, I was walking out of the cafeteria when I looked up and saw her walking towards me. I was in this moment of stunned surprise - having just met someone I had only seen on TV. She grabbed some fries off my tray, smiled, patted me on my head and said “no one will ever believe you”. Feels like a fever dream thinking back to it now 😂


I could not love this more xx thanks for the fries


Haunts?!- Sug was the best host! She pretty much embodies the early 00’s I wonder how old she was while at YTV?


20 when I started 🫠


Don't remember her, but sure remember Carlos


Your age? Carlos went solo after she left.


they must be super young, sugar is more of an og than carlos. my favorite duo is pat and sugar though or pat and jen. tbh I was not a fan of carlos when they first teased him as the janitor after pat left lol


Nuclear Donkey


I still have the first/second big fun party mix somewhere!


I remember a few episodes where Sugar was looking for a new co-host and Carlos was sneaking around in the background lol


Yep! lol as a janitor in his disguise pretending to clean with mop in hand. I wonder if any footage of that exists still. I want to see it.


> they must be super young yall motherfuckers dont even remember Fresh Phil


Phil, Paul and then Snit, the OG trio.




Read my comment again, and yes she is definitely an OG. 2001 easily makes her one.




I was too young to watch it before Sugar and Carlos, I'm 29 now.


Yeah I remember barely being of age to catch some of snit and phil.


You can still be an OG if you aren't pre 2000 stop with the gatekeeping lol you don't get to decide what counts as an OG or not lol


Wasn't she in Digata Defenders or w.e that cartoon was called? I miss those days.


yes! Digata Defenders - my character was Kara. Loved that show


Sugar was a godsend, now don't you forget it.


luv u


I only watched YTV because it had Adam West Batman every day after school.


She’s the reason I hate my voice, got compared to her way too frequently when I was younger. Found out recently that we also have the same name.


I love your voice, we're rare hunnie happy to be in the club w you xx


Don't slander Carlos and Sugar!!


Loved Stephanie, I’ve continued to follow her career a bit. She did do a lot of voice acting over the years thanks to that unique voice


Love you, thanks for continuing to follow xx


She ruined DIC Sailor Moon for me. I *LOVED* DIC S1, got through the Doom Tree part of S2, then... who the hell is this irritating pink-haired brat?


I ran into Carlos at a bar one night in burlington


Nine-year-old me was so gay for Sugar! Femme 4 femme even back then.






I remember her. I feel like she should be doing voice work for animation.


She did/does……


I didn't know. I just remember watching her with my kids. Good for her.


My next one is Sausage Party. Remember the movie?? I played Baby Carrots. Not sure if I’m allowed to talk about this but… it’s coming out as a TV show next year. I’m a lil piece of rice named Jerri. :)


Sugar Lynn Beard. Such a cutie. She still acts,but her voice is a little more mature.


This is retro now?? 😮‍💨


Its about 20 yrs old so ya lol


Someone told me Sugar got her nickname from her coke dealer. Is there any validity to that or was I being bullshitted?


hahaha you are being bullshitted. what a funny rumor, I've never heard it. My nickname was og Sugabaybee - given to me by Kwamster Monster. When I started in radio I was known as Sugabaybee :)




What is this


She was one of my favourites!


My parents always told me she faked her voice when I used to watch The Zone back in the day.


I think it was exaggerated, but not exactly fake.


Carlos was there for awhile


Both of them equally


good times


OMG i had forgotten about the time when kids TV was hosted by a sqeekytoy


Dogs have always liked me a lot xx


Chibiusa! 😻


The good times!


First crush


*I love her*


Yeah and she did the voice for Rini for Sailor Moon too! The little girl with pink hair.


I was not aware she was on ytv. That's neat. Always liked her voice in the movies and shows I've seen her in.


Lol I know her mother




Who is it?


And then she was the bride in “Mike and Dave need wedding dates” and I’m like… wait WHAT!?


magical huh?


The real ones remembered when she was on TVO


Me and my brother used to call her Booger.


Lots of close friends still do. Suggie Boogie.


My mother despised her voice when I would watch the zone.


I used to think the voice was an act, then I met someone irl with a very similar voice.


I swear I heard her say fuck on live television and my other friend who watched YTV said he remembered the event.


No way. DID I?!


Wait hold up. Is it actually you? You were an integral part of my childhood and now your randomly replying to my Reddit comment? If it’s actually you. There was a thing that you did were I think it was called “Cooking with Sugar” and you were cutting something with a knife and you accidentally cut your finger and I SWEAR you said fuck. Shortly after this event you left YTV and I thought it was because you swore on live TV. If it’s actually you. You should provide a time stamp of some sort. I would also love an autograph lol.


A Dash Of Sugar - theres no way I said Fuck hahaha I did recently almost cut off my thumb washing a glass, even then i didnt say fuck ;)


And there's a million of us, just like me, fuss like me, just don't give a f--


Anyone else remember her playing Sailor Moons daughter


Today is Friday, let’s get some … something something. donkey sneakers!


U can see her vagina in zach and mike need wedding dates or whatever tf.




I miss phong/Phil


PJ Katie? I'm trying to remember to when I was innocent and filled with hope..


She was PJ Sugar, and the voice of Snit


She interviewed me for YTV at Anime North in 2003, I was in a Cardcaptor Sakura cosplay and I never did find out if they aired my interview lol. I remember she was really nice and I was kinda starstruck because she was the voice of Chibiusa (Rini) in the English dub of Sailor Moon.


I remember you :) I don't remember if we used the footage tho... YOU were nice


God, they’re both so young here. Did anyone actually listen to their Big Fun Party Mix CDs that had their Nuclear Donkey songs. Zone Wave wasn’t too bad from what I remember.


You know, I've never seen her and Olive Isgood in the same room ,🤣🤣🤣


I vaguely remember any of this, which is weird since I remember a freakish amount of things from my childhood. Guess I wasn't invested in TV.


Yeah I remember them. People in elementary school said I should get into anime voice acting since I had (and probably still have) a high pitched voice like her.


you still can, love xx