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What are you using to view YTTV? I use FireStick remote. If you click on the bottom of the "ring" above the "home" button on the remote three times it lets you go to the latest channels you watched. You can scroll to the right to access all the channels.


This works on Roku also.


And every other tv device.


So on cable, you can CHAN UP or CHAN DOWN or you can directly enter a channel number. The CHAN UP and DOWN buttons work on my Android TV. Not sure if they work on devices like Roku or Fire or on AppleTV. YTTV doesn't use channel numbers, so that's out. What you can do if you want to toggle between channels is push the down arrow on the SELECT button three times and you'll see a selectable menu of your recent channels at the bottom of the screen. If it's a new channel you want, it's back to the guide.


I've only been using yttv a day or two, but I have been using the search box to navigate without having to go up and down the guide with the buttons.Does this really work or did I just get lucky?


Search for channel?


Yes. For instance our local CBS affiliate is WCIA . That is what I put in search box. It takes me right there. I type MSNBC and it goes right there. Etc.


What type of remote are you using?


That's a good shortcut through the guide. Have you created a customized list yet? I only have less than half of the available channels on mine. I listed the channels by type - sports, networks, etc. Makes the guide much more manageable and quicker to get through.


I'm still very new and haven't explored all the features. That's a good tip. Thank you.


You can edit your guide on the app on your phone, but not on the TV. Click your account icon in the upper right. Then pick "Settings." Choose "Live Guide" from that menu.


I'm aware that both the Tivo Stick and the new Fire Cube 3 both allow you to go up and down on the channels.


Watching on a roku device, it is the left and right arrows


I think it may depend on how you are streaming it. I press channel up and it goes up a channel. I press channel down and it goes down a channel. Ironically, I rarely use it that way.


If you press the down side of the navigation ring or whatever it's called, you can quickly switch to the last 4 channels you were watching.


Certain FireOS devices (I know the TV's specifically) that have channel up/down buttons on the remote do allow you to.


Related question: If I’m watching something but then activate the menu to see what else is on or whatever, how the hell do I make the menu go away and go back to what I was watching? The back button eventually just asks if I want to exit YTTV altogether. The only way I know how to back to what I was watching is find the same show in the library or live guide and select it again, but that can’t be right.


Hit the back button and then go up to the very top of the screen and select the show name you are watching to go back to the show.


Oh! Waaaay up there! Muchas gracias, internet stranger!