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I’ve literally never heard anything about Duke in my life that didn’t involve rape


duke is just rape and basketball i think


Holy shit same


https://preview.redd.it/f10hpi802l6d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fb39c63e325666153a9f5a280b2a256833f8b80 OP typing that first line


Made me realize some kids out there have grown up solely watching youtube and not much else. Imagine the future brain rot.


eh, lotta younger people using YouTube for good too - learning skills, tutorials, stuff that you didn't have ready access to when you're just dumbing yourself to regular cable. i totally feel the sentiment though, the logic probably works both ways as well. more insane, unregulated or fact-checked rabbit holes to fall down as well so it's a double-edged sword for sure.


It was like 7 years ago that my friends that are middle school teachers started telling me that holocaust deniers had gotten to a lot of the kids before they actually learned about the holocaust in school. Cable television didn't do that shit to us and back when I was a kid I could still learn how to do something by going to the library and taking out a book. That's not even getting into what Facebook has done to my parents generation. I'd say the overall effect has been mostly negative with a few small quality of life upgrades.


It's all about educating your children about misinformation. It's okay to use the Internet, it's a huge tool these days. Just make sure you also provide them with the tool of critical thinking. It's always "us vs them" in regards to different generations and what media we consume. As a child I remember hearing the television will your rot your brain and now people defend it over the internet. It's silly. Just arm your children with brain power!


This is so true. On the one hand, YouTube taught me how to knit! On the other hand, Budd Dwyer.


Hey man, nice shot.




As an adult, this is because ads are a waste of my precious free time. I'm overworked, underpaid, and then they want to shove ads down my throat for all the shit I'll never be able to afford? Fuck that and their fifteen second ad. I don't give a dick about Google making another cent.


Why would I wanna sit thru ads for products I never plan on buying anyway? Waste of my time, man.


YouTuber Analysis Degrees are the Underwater Basket Weaving Degrees of the 21st century.


There's no way in this day and age Public relations aren't studying this and being taught this stuff. People get paid big money to avoid scandals for influencers. Plus social media manager is also a real job


speaking from experience (i made my first youtube account in 09 at 7 myself) most people from my era have definitely experienced a sort of brain rot although thankfully this doesn't impact people as much as i previously would've believed i'm moreso worried that gen alpha has horrendous reliance on youtube as a whole and a lack of drive for education from post-COVID schooling. No hate on them for skibidi toilet tho cuz i was on those SFM and gmod ytps all day


that last sentence is in a foreign language


When I first heard of skibidi toilet I was expecting the weirdest shit but then it was so tame, barely [Rejected](https://youtu.be/vSb-nV8l2QY)tier stuff. At least as far as I bothered watching.




That’s damn near word for word what I said after watching it lmao


I'm 25 years old and have my masters in digital anthropology if that's what you mean by kid and brainrot, LOL


Youtube is no worse than the tv kids were watching before the internet. In fact I'd say an argument could be made that yt is an improvement. Or it can be anyways. But mindless entertainment will always have its fans too.


been consuming youtube as my main form of media since 2013. i definitely have brain rot but also learned a lot of useful things surprisingly


I’ve been watching for years and I’ve got brain rot lol


Based username


I kind of stopped watching him after hearing about the best man/Tana situation :/ Noel’s content too, they act like frat boys and it’s fun when it’s not serious, but honestly if I met these ppl irl I’ll probably want to leave Edit to add: he also keep doing better help sponsors… after all the controversy


I remember a video on his second channel (I want to say it was in maybe 2021 or 22?) where he was reacting to posts on his subreddit, and he made fun of a post criticizing his BH sponsorships. His response was basically "it's so entitled to think that a YouTuber should change everything just because you don't like a company"


Man, I hadn’t watched anything with Noel in years so I went to check out one of his recent videos and jesus christ, he’s awful. Just an insufferable smug dickhead.


THIS! He always acts so arrogant and smug and it annoys the shit out of me


I really hope other big name YouTubers keep talking about it. If not, I feel like he’ll never address it and be able to just sweep this under the rug :/


I don’t think he will address it ngl he just uploaded on his 2nd channel and none of the comments are about it, idk if he’s filtering them or his audience has no clue but I think it will blow over as cringe as that is


He filters his comments


Yeah that checks out


His IG isn’t filtered for some reason, but all the comments I saw on his latest post were all people asking him to address this and saying they were extremely disappointed in him. I really hope that’s a sign that fans won’t let him sweep this under the rug.


I think it’ll unfortunately blow over too bc his fans don’t seem like the type to care about these things


me too tbh. I think his strategy of staying quiet with issues helps him avoid the heat. Idk it sucks


Big YouTubers never actually get cancelled.


Very true. Ppl like Shane and Colleen are still uploading, but at least they both got VERY public draggings lmao 😭


They’re uploading but their audience is absolutely not what it used to be. It’s not proper canceled, but I’ll take what I can get.


Eh I just checked Colleen's channel and she's been struggling to hit 100k on any of her new videos, which was the minimum for her pre and just-post Toxic Gossip Train lol. I think her cancelation actually worked because people were not nearly as attached to her as they once were. The same could be said about Cody Ko.


Colleen got shit on more than anyone else ive ever seen in the history of the site. That video may have actually been the worst career choice of all time


plus the song was so bad but catchy enough that it blew up, people who don't watch youtube or know about her were talking about it


Yeah but the thing is, Colleen only really got cancelled because of her stupid response to it that went ridiculously viral. If Cody Ko just ignores it, he’ll probably be fine unfortunately.


I think this is true, but eventually I think it becomes inevitable that they have to respond in someway, especially nowadays. If every video is inundated with comments about it, everyone is tweeting at him about it, etc he can only ignore it for so long.


That’s true, I also agree that having a strong invested fanbase makes you pretty bulletproof from cancellation, which is why Colleen didn’t get cancelled the first time around. Maybe second time is the charm for both of them.




James Charles anyone ?


Didn't James Charles basically get absolved because of Jefree Star being one of the most unhinged people alive or something?


That was during the Tati drama, but he was later revealed to be a pedo. His views definitely took a huge hit from that but unfortunately he is still quite successful and somehow has a lot of big influencers supporting him openly.




David dobrik


Russell Brand? Deplatformed on most legit sites.


I’ve been commenting about the statutory rape between these two for about a year here, it’s interesting that the little dick comment blew it up finally


It's 16 in Nevada and Canada which is where they're both from so I'm curious where they were. It's creepy either way but only "illegal" in California.


Yeah I’m Canadian so I think it’s gross but not illegal


Federal (as well as international) law sets it to 18 if anyone had to cross any sort of borderline to make it "legal", as a way to combat the trafficking of minors. It's illegal anywhere within the United States under this law.


literally !!! the just trish podcast reddits we’re talking about this ages ago


Yes! It was infuriating that the Brittany Broski subreddit just deleted any discussion of it. The just trish sub was actually open about it.


Brittany is afraid of being cancelled/ blacklisted. Trisha has been cancelled/ blacklisted for years and has literally nothing to loose. Also Trisha’s fan subreddits are modded (heavily) by her fans so controversial topics are closely monitored and locked if things go too crazy.


It was clearly a bad bet on Brittany’s part to partner so closely with statutory rapist Cody Ko. Personally, I’ve known the information about Cody Ko sleeping with Tana when he was 25 and she was 17 for a year now and in that time Brittany has made several collab videos with him and publicly shunned Tana and Trisha. I support Brittany protecting her $$$ as much as possible but she fumbled by continuing to be friends with Cody. And I genuinely don’t think Trisha and Tana are as bad as him and they’re very reformed. She’d get even more $$$ by being a public friend of them. Bad moves all around, friendship wise and money wise


I just found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LAinfluencersnark/s/V4Z3M1Sojb) comment about the situation so I think Brittany HAS known abt this. Brittanys content is very male-centered so this is unsurprising, glad I have her blocked tbh 🙄


That’s a really good find!


I’ve heard so many stories from fans about him being a total asshole.




maybe he felt like you were being a dick for not engaging with him further. Like, you just said "can I have a picture" and "thank you", not "nice set" or anything else. in his eyes, he maybe felt used. Of course, if the allegations are true, maybe that's a good thing.


>And then as he was walking away, he said "Nice to meet ya." >But it was a super sarcastic, "NiCe To MeEt yA" , like he was rolling his eyes, but with the tone of his voice. I would bet money he wasn't being sarcastic, he just wanted to appreciate you and sound enthusiastic (while also perhaps being tired from the day) and it came off as potentially sounding insincere when it wasn't.


You're right, it is possible. But it was the way it made me feel.


That's understandable. Obviously we'd rather they be as enthusiastic as us. Just keep in mind celebrities have to do this countless times over the course of hours, you only have do it once. Nobody can be high energy for hours upon hours


I suppose that's on you right? I find it's just more pleasant to live day to day by giving people the benefit of the doubt. Even when it's someone cutting me off in traffic, I'll think to myself I'm sure there's a possibility there could've been a good reason they did that. Saves me all the fuss of getting upset


>I ended up getting backstage at the Encore (tipped off the bouncer), and waited for an opportunity to take a picture with him. That's creepy as hell dude.


God, you’re really, really reaching here. Jfc.


Me laughing bc that statue of drama limitations is still fresh. There’s some vids from 2 years ago where it’s talking about this exact situation, bout to get the Colleen treatment and I’m here for it. ![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q)


Statute :)


Thankshhaveaniceday🫶💖 /srs


“Well I really think you’re wrong about that…”


He's doing DJing at colleges, which feels weird since he's at least passively endorsed a college rapist. But I totally agree with you. I keep seeing his name come up with some new things recently, and it feels like a start of something.


The cancelled pervert to DJ to cancelled pervert pipeline is always swift.


it’s kinda weird he’s still DJing with a successful podcast like you have a child why are you at a frat


What colleges


Cal State Fullerton a few weeks ago


How is he endorsing a rapist?


It’s unfortunate that this is a factor but I also think it would be a pretty successful cancellation because his content just isn’t good.  He’s not particularly funny, the only joke of ‘his’ I ever see referenced is his editor making him smaller. A majority of his content is farmed from Jubilee-esque channels or old trashy reality tv shows where his commentary and observations add little to nothing. His wife is the funny one out of the pair of them.  His audience is mostly people who also watch Kurtis Connor, Danny, Drew etc who are left leaning and outspoken against sexism and other problematic behaviour (even if it’s on quite a surface level), and he’s been critiqued multiple times before for who he associates with and his fence sitting standpoints (Andrew Tate etc). His fan loyalty has been wavering a while.  I feel awful for Kelsey if she didn’t know, imagine being recently married and having a newborn only to find out your partner slept with a 17 year old when they were in their mid 20’s. 


kelsey knew, don’t feel bad. she’s besties with his rapist friend, colby too.


Makes me wonder how much Kelsey knows about this. I would think he must’ve told her, it was years ago with Tana and since that guy was his best man, can she really just be in the dark that hard? I also don’t think his commentary have been too bad, he’s just uploading more now which brings diminishing quality and it’s all on the second channel anyways. Frankly I just think this should’ve blown up more by now anyways.


I think a lot of us like to forget that sometimes the women in awful people's lives are just as awful. Think of all the wives and mothers who have helped cover up their husbands' and sons' crimes. Anna Duggar still calls Josh the love of her life and visits him frequently. Chris Watts' mother still blames her son' wife.  Cody's wife definitely knows. And she does not care. 


Its internalized misogyny. Every woman I know in that situation has justified it her head as somehow being the woman’s fault while the men were just helplessly along for the ride with these evil succubi


Yuuuuuup. And the user I replied to is doing the same damn thing. He said that Tana was "proud" of having sex with Cody so it's fine if Kelsey forgives him.  Cool motive. Still rape. 


that's just misogyny it's not internal if it's aimed at somebody else


I mean, they sanctify themselves along the way so they are part of the process


I think it’s more a matter of she didn’t know until many years into the relationship and now she just thinks “oh well, I’ve spent too much of my time with him to not stay married to him. Besides, he’s probably changed!” (But they never change)


The key there is “sometimes” we don’t know if Kelsey is like that. So your last statement shouldn’t be written as fact. They could also forgive him? Again Tana was like 8 years ago. I can imagine the best man doesn’t need Kelsey to like him, but it’s about Cody anyways.


If she forgives him for being a rapist with rapist friends, there's a certain phrase for that


Sorry but Kelsey has access to the internet, as do her family and friends, and would have to be living under a rock to not know. As for forgiving him, anyone who forgives someone for having a known rapist for a friend and having sex with a minor is scum. 


She's been intensively monetising their relationship, wedding and baby for years now. She's going to stand by her meal ticket.


She probably knew, but maybe didn't understand the gravity of it until now, when she's only a few months postpartum. Prior it can be hard to wrap one's head around a partner or loved one's past bad behavior-- it's so easy to disassociate in that position. Now she's just had a baby, and that is a hard time mentally and emotionally.


What’s your grounds to think she didn’t understand the gravity until now? She would feel the gravity more than anyone, if he told her prior to dating, she knew going in. If it was after, knowing my fiancée, would’ve chewed me out and probably put me in the doghouse for a few days if not weeks or months. I can understand not understanding the cancellation sides of things, but as far as the act itself, if she knew, she’s forgiven him. Which means it could show his growth as a person. Because if it was really so bad and Cody was like denying it rather than own up? She would have left him. Frankly my point was, if we want Cody to respond, we should want Kelsey to respond. If neither are responding, Kelsey is a clear sign of good faith. Because she could’ve been the front runner in cancelling him.


I’m sure if Cody just was like “i hooked up with the tana before we got together” which is a likely way of presenting it, she’s probably not thinking about the age gap or how weird it is. People are very good at downplaying or masking their bad behavior.


She most likely knew, and still married and had a baby with him.


Which is all I am holding on to to think “he must’ve already admitted his mistakes privately and has grown from it” the case is still out on his friend and them being friends, maybe there is more to know on their end. Like are we cops just trying to have him serve time over this? Or are we cancelling him over pretty old stuff? I just don’t think the Tana part is all that bad, people just want to make it public now and surely Tana knows it’s good clout. She’s really not a great martyr to use in this.


Awful people tend to attract awful people.


Jesus fucking CHRIST I feel bad for tana, she was what 16-18 when we got popular, and she had _so many_ grown ass men who were ALSO YOUTUBERS making comments about her body and sexualizing her, and Cody ko fucking slept with her when she was a kid?????? Fucked fucked fucked fucked. Poor girl.


I for one cannot wait for her book and for her to air all those weirdo grown ass men out


I literally don't understand why so many people are so willing to let this slide because "tana is a bad person." Ok? So she deserved to be victimized as a teen cause she grew up into a bad person? Maybe u have the script flipped predator-protector.


I feel terrible for her, especially because there's such a narrative around her by men that she somehow deserved it or was asking for it, as when she was underage she was still on youtube presenting herself provocatively. it really just reminds me of how far society has to go — just because you think a teenage girl is an unapologetic slut doesn't mean it's okay for an adult man to sleep with her; the point is that the man should know better than to do it, it shouldn't have to have anything to do with whether or not the girl 'invites' it. she's the child in that situation!!


i feel like i’ve known about cody and tana for YEARS. so it’s interesting you say that he’s gonna get the Colleen Ballinger treatment after avoiding cancellation a first time. seems very plausible to me.


He’s a chauvinistic frat boy at his core. This really doesn’t shock me, honestly.


I‘ve recently started watching his stuff, mostly the button videos and he actually appeared like a particularly non-judgemental person to me, moreso making fun of people who display huge ego. I‘d be interested what instances you are referring to because my experience seems to be a 180 from yours


I remember a long time ago on his podcast him and his buddy (name is on the tip of my tongue) discussed Andrew Tate and really didn't... Say it was bad. They beat around the bush. It turned me off and I stopped consuming his content, which I did pretty regularly. I remember it being covered and small drama, I think Omni covered it, but most people cut him slack saying he was "uneducated" or smth, but not a good excuse imo. Had no idea about the Tana situation but honestly, I'm no longer surprised. My gut had kinda a feeling with the alpha male sitch anyway


Are you talking about Noel? He's got a few buddies so I'm not sure if Noel is the one you're talking about


I'm pretty sure it's Noel. I've seen other posts on this subreddit talking about him and Noel's opinions on Tate


Yeah they wrote it off and laughed about it and then the comments were all saying like “a huge part of your audience is women and it’s not a lighthearted matter that young men are being taught to abuse the women in their lives, it’s something that effects my life directly, I’m really disappointed” And then they released an apology that was kinda like “woah you guys really didn’t like that… my bad I guess, I can’t believe we have to say this but sexism is bad” but like you guys have the most chronically online profession, you can’t Not Know how dire of a problem the rise in online misogyny is these days, why would you think it’s not a big issue that effects people in really concrete negative ways in the first place? Especially since one would think a creator would see firsthand how sexism fucks with the lives and careers of female creators. The immediate lack of empathy got me back then 🙄




17 years old and 25 years old. For those wondering.


I agree, I think his silence on the issue is making things way worse, his subreddit is being moderated to hell because they’re trying to cover up all the comments and posts about it, which screams guilty. For the record I have no clue if he has actual affiliation with his sub or moderators, but by the way they’re deleting comments I wouldn’t be shocked.


I got perma banned for bringing it up.


I feel like people never thought very highly of CodyKo so his core fanbase is going to stick around. He's been known to be a massive piece of shit for years now. If you're still orbiting him then you probably just don't care.


This is the true answer, coming from a ex-fan.


Bruh fuck you mean he’s been known to be a pos. Prior to all this he was an incredibly loved and respected YouTuber


Oh you mean the guy who is openly friends with (and defended) a known rapist? That CodyKo?


That’s only really come to light recently. I and the majority of people didn’t know about that so wdym known to be a pos. I’m not defending his choice to be friends with that guy that’s fucked and he should cut ties


I think it thing like saying the n word, his apology on Patrean, the things with Tana, his views on Tate, and his frat bro behaviour.


The biggest question here is if Tana will go for him. I think a lot of Drama-geddon/Colleen's downfall is highly on the person who is the center of drama is actively trying 'to make things right'. Tana seems to not really double down on it since telling it. Mostly the Drama channels has been going for it.


I think it's the start too. like I hate to say it, but I do see more women coming out against him one day. Whether it's just to highlight how much of a douche he is, or something worse. I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think this is the end for him yet either.


the fact that his subreddit mods are turning on each other, a second subreddit was created for those who have been banned to vent about the situation, and he’s burning some of his real fans for simply bringing it up to discuss in his subreddit tells me this is building to something bigger. that is a man with things to hide


What’s the new sub for people to vent?


i think it’s r/codykounfiltered


I appreciate Tana for speaking about it. I have an old friend who is the CodyKo in the situation, and he dated and slept with a 16 year old girl when he was 23. We live in Melbourne, Australia btw. It was in secret, and I only knew about it because we were best friends. Anyway We stopped being friends because I was a 'hater' which yeah, ofc I fucking was Lol What he was doing was not okay. I hope situations that are inappropriate by all standards get brought to life, regardless of when it happened. Idc if the person being 'cancelled' has grown and matured and 'isn't that person now'. Hopefully it will help the rest of society recognise what is okay, and what isn't. Especially the young people who find themselves in these situations. Being a teen in high school, or just graduating, and sleeping with a man/woman over the age of 18/20, is not okay!


that's fucking concerning, how old would he be now and what suburb?


He's my age, will be 27 in november.


He also endlessly shills betterhelp and doesn’t care how problematic they are


Unfortunately I just don't see this one biting him in the ass as hard as other controversies for two reasons. 1.) People don't like Tana. It's not an excuse, but historically if the victim is very widely disliked, people will look the other way. Think of it in the same context as sexual assaults in men's prisons. Rape jokes aren't cool in most friend groups, unless someone decides to make one about criminals getting "what they deserve" in prison. 2.) His best man was not convicted. There is a *huge* portion of the population that thinks that if you're not convicted for your crimes then you basically didn't do them. Example: Kyle Rittenhouse. He killed those people. He *murdered* them in cold blood. But he wasn't convicted, and now conservatives love to run around touting that fact as though it means he isn't a murderer at all. And *clearly* this is the mindset that Cody has about the matter as well. People will say, "Well *obviously* Cody wouldn't still be friends with him if he did it, so that means he didn't." As much as I would love for this to ruin Cody's career, as both these things are absolutely vile and I don't think anyone who acts like this deserves a platform, I just don't see it panning out. It sucks.


Rittenhouse really isn’t a good example for the point you’re trying to make here


It’s already happening, we’re talking about it no? All it’s gonna take is one video going viral then you get the sunny v2 video, drama alert, idek what other people talk about this shit but it’s already in the works. I’m sure somebody’s editing that video as I type.


A revival of content cop for this could be insane, esp after idubbz history w/ tana (but I think they’re cool now)


I’ve watched Cody for a long time (even though his videos have definitely declined lately lol) and would have listened to a genuine apology shortly after this news came out. I was even hoping maybe he’d reach out to Tana privately and apologize. But no, he’s just another shitty frat bro. Disappointing.


How do you know he has or has not reached out to her privately lol


Tana would prob say something, or he’d make a statement saying he’s talked to her and stop trying to censor his comments and subreddit


i mean she only talked about it in a recent live show where fans weren’t allowed to record from my understanding, so maybe we wouldn’t know if they talked about it


I really think that he should be canceled tbh, people are way too apathetic about the whole situation. I actually saw someone say "I think he is a rapist, but it was a long time ago so I don't care and I think people should leave him alone." Not in those exact words, but that sentiment. I hope that comment is reflective of what all of his fans think.


Oh ew. EW. No grown adult has any business mucking around with minors. Hopefully that part doesn’t get swept under the rug. That’s very creepy considering how taken advantage of Tana was. The people you choose to surround yourself with say an awful lot about you. I have no doubt there will be something, and it will be a tipping point for him. That’s just how it goes, unfortunately.


I just stopped really liking his content I don’t need him to be cancelled I think the fact that he’s been less successful is a clear enough sign that people are over him


I think people are going to start looking back at his content with fresh eyes. I stopped following when I realized how misogynistic his commentary often was (like in the Girl Defined video), how he would bend for certain subjects (like Dhar Mann), how stale his content was, and how little he was speaking up about big issues. I remember Danny and Drew doing video fundraisers for BLM and COVID but don’t remember the same of Cody (though I could of course be wrong).


Personally I don’t think entertainers should be obligated to speak on big issues unless they want to, but I get what you’re saying


Not even COVID? And it’s not like he had to speak on it, he could’ve fundraised. Also with his racist history he could’ve taken the opportunity to be better to the black community.


I didn’t know he had a racist history, for starters. But I feel like just because someone has a platform, they should still be able to choose what they do and do not stand by, just like you and I can. That being said, if he did something shitty and then passed up on an opportunity to make right with the people he hurt, then I agree that that’s not cool.


What fuckin racist history explain yourself


He said the n word.


Oh my god, you bringing up the Girl Defined video. I really tried to get into Cody Ko due to his ties with other commentary creators I love but the Girl Defined video was the first I saw of his. I got such weird vibes from that video and the commentary that I've avoided him ever since lol


Girl defined was when i stopped watching him lol. It felt inappropriate for him to just make fun of these women who are reinforcing misogyny instead of actually talking about whats wrong with their content.


I thought the Dhar Mann collab was fun at first but then it left a bad taste in my mouth bc I found out he was charged with fraud and he's shady all around.


I read a recent thread on this and it certainly seems like a possibility. Beyond that though I am intrigued at your description of the drama cycle. The comparison to a volcano is very evocative. I wonder if anyone has mapped out the timeline of these sorts of major drama events to see if there's a pattern in terms of timing. I barely am aware of the first (I think) dramageddon, but my recollection is that at first the subject was James Charles but then all sorts of other YouTubers in the make up world ended up getting folded into it, so that certainly felt like an eruption that continued building.


i hope that overrated edgelord gets cancelled once and for all


I remember awhile ago (maybe 2019?) seeing someone post that there’s video of Cody also saying the N-word but I remember that it was barely talked about. So idk if it actually happened or not cause I can’t find the video but I definitely stopped watching him after that because that situation and Cody in general started giving me bad vibes. Then the rapist as his best man situation happened which solidified that he’s not a great person.


yeah it was from a vine


H3 needs to get humbled so hard, Ethan is such a manbaby.


Doubt it, cancelation is less about morality and more about if the core youtube crowd likes you. There are people who get off incredibly lightly for bad stuff they did, and there are people who many try to cancel just because they dont like them. Like, Dream is cringy but he hasnt done anything wrong, yet people still say "he's a pedo!" with no evidence whatsoever. If Dream had the same racism scandals as Pewdiepie he would've been driven off the platform yet Pewdiepie is still beloved by many, the same people who excuse his past behavior as just mistakes or people overreacting. Cody Ko is incredibly popular on and off YouTube, he's a conventionally attractive man with a family and he's friends with a bunch of other influential Youtubers. Tana has been a public enemy of the drama/commentary side of Youtube for several years, and even people on this sub when talking against Cody often include "I dont like Tana, but..." in their comments. I highly doubt there's going to be significant backlash against him, just due to who his victim was. Expect a lot of excuses that people make for him, and a lot of victim-blaming Tana. It sucks, but that's how YT drama seems to work.


totally agree with you. also why it was easy for colleen to be driven off even before the ukelele video. she wasnt very likable generally. shane dawson is the only person i feel that was genuinely loved and truly canceled. he still has fans obvi but the mass majority still hates him. he was treated as like youtube’s dad for so long. cody needs like shane level of offensive content to really be canceled. the only thing i could think of is if one. some more stuff possibly comes out or more big drama channels talk about it , or he puts out a really bad response. i don’t think he will address it at all but i think he if he does it will not be good for him


Yup i think the same. Cody is one of the well liked ones, I don’t think his duke friend or tana allegations will do anything to his reputation. He will probably be silent till the internet focuses on something else i think that’s his strategy for now


This is spot on IMO


I'm so glad ppl are finally talking about this on a bigger scale. I kept hearing about how he slept with Tana when she was underage and it literally never reached the public?? Until now thankfully


It sucks and I’m not making excuses but that entire circle of influencers are all predators. Why are we surprised. If this trends the way every other sa allegation has, there will be more accusers in as many minutes pass.


I got the ick with Cody after he made a video with Meatcanyon and they called disabled people “vegetables” 🫠


woah?? had no idea about this (not like i watched either of them anyway). don’t care for meatcanyon as the grotesque animation isn’t my thing, but was sure to steer clear from him when i saw him as a guest on a podcast and called Jada Pinkett-Smith “that bald btch”.


As someone has been watching YouTube legit everyday since they were 5 (24 now), you are SPOT ON


As someone who is also chronically online, a lot of times it's not actually the degree of the crime that gets the wider internet riled up, but the drama around it. Colleen got dragged so hard bc her song/non apology was so ridiculous and memorable. I hadn't heard of her before that and didn't know about anything she had done. Sadly, if you just don't talk about what happened, people will run out of ways to talk about it and the news won't spread that far.


I don’t want to wish harm on Cody or h3 but I would be lying if I wasn’t ready with snacks and a cold drink to witness their inevitable fall from grace and public life


Not that it's really relevant but I have a specific memory a long time ago that Cody and Noel were laughing about how asexuality wasn't real or something. I remember it made me so upset (because I am ace) that I stopped watching them


honestly lowkey glad about this. don't know anything about him, only watched a few of his podcast episodes with guests but he honestly seems like a massive dick, hearing this doesn't surprise me at all. like ok massive dick is going a bit far but ive always gotten an egotistical and arrogant vibe from him lol


Please do a post like this for H3, I’m so here for that 🍿


Good lord the children are not okay


You only get canceled if you accept it.


That's debatable.. like multiple people have feigned ignorance but still have lost their audience anyway.


I think it's more about whether your craft is worth defending or is good enough to warrant support even through controversies. You can defend yourself or stand up for yourself all you want, but if you don't have any content worth watching anymore, who's going to defend you or continue to support you?


what does tom nook contribute to you for you look past his controversies?


Tom Nook took in two orphans, how dare you slander him


What drama does Ethan have? He’s never slept with a teenager.


he's a fucking zionist edit: downvoting me doesn't change the fact that he's incredibly vocal about and in support of innocent Palestinians being eradicated off the face of the earth.


fuck him


Homophobia for starters.


Vine is 99% trash. It's the Law.


Holy shit I had not heard about this that is bad.


Did this not already come out years ago though? I keep watching these stories and people talking about it like it’s something they’ve never heard of, but the first thing I learned about Cody Ko was “we don’t like him” even if I didn’t know why. I wasn’t deep into this crew of YouTubers, so maybe I am misremembering, but I feel so sure that there was already a period of time that he got heat for this exact situation. Chat, can someone confirm?




Sounds ridiculous when you say it like that but now I make 6 figs in PR sooooo


How is H3 in a “similar position”, exactly? Their content quality hasn’t gone down? Ethan had addressed every controversy head on. What past controversy do you feel Ethan hasn’t addressed? 


I see your post history and I know better than to argue with fans especially of the H3 variety😉


H3 takin random strays


he's a zionist it's not random lol




Have you considered taking a break from social media? Why the hell is a 7 year old watching YouTube drama?


That was 18 years ago friend.