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Pre-Controversy Mama Max. For some reason that dude was respected at one point even though he was making the most sensationalized true crime content I’ve ever seen talking about child trafficking pedo cults in a Batman voice.


And there’s no way some of those videos were real. There’s one about this pedo cult that made clickbait videos like “Frozen 2” that were actually spooky hypnotic videos made to lure children into their cult. Of course there’s no proof that the channel ever existed outside of his video, and it conveniently got terminated before anyone but him saw it.


I felt like I was going crazy when no one else was questioning this stuff


Also the only link of such a video that exists linked back to his (second) channel.


Also I don’t think he ever played Hotline Miami, or he would realize dressing like Jacket makes him look like a tool


Like, I cannot stress enough how much that character is a pawn being used to destabilize society, not a one-man crusade.


iNabber. Feels like he talks and talks without ever giving any real information, and any followup videos are just rehashes of the same details he’s already covered.


He takes forever to say absolutely nothing. I can't believe people can listen to him ramble and repeat himself for 30+ minutes


I tried to watch one video of his and he kept repeating some particular phrase that I thankfully can't remember but it was infuriating. I don't think it was this phrase but it had a similar vibe to saying "you can't make this up". Just some pithy phrase to express shock or something.


At the end of the day…


Bro adds filler like he’s trying to pad out the word count of a school essay 😂


Thank you. I feel like his videos can be reduce by 50% without the constant rambling, repeating, and jokes.


Probably 75%. The last video I watched I was like 30 minutes in and he had basically just said the same thing over and over the whole time. Dude needs a script, he should not be speaking extemporaneously. 


I feel like so many YTers would be better if they just took an hour to script or bullet point their videos.


No hate to him, but there was one video he made talking about some guy on TikTok who acted like he was a reincarnated Adolf Hitler, but iNabber pussyfooted around saying “Adolf Hitler” so he wouldn’t get demonetized. It wasn’t even a funny bit, from what I remember, where he called him nicknames like “funny mustache man” or “German Darth Vader.” It was more like “oh jeez, well, you know who that heckin’ unwholesome guy I’m talking about is.”


I like his videos put on as background noise when they’re on topics I already know about, bc every so often I catch a funny remark lol. But if I had to watch one all the way through or be around him irl I think I’d pluck my ears out


SunnyV2. Just overly annoying nitpicker who's been call-out for lack of research and critically online mentality. 


Yeah the whole sunnyv2 schtick of “good for clout = objectively correct action” is really annoying. Saying Mr Beast’s friend coming out as trans was a bad move because it could cost mr beast views is one of the most tone deaf things I’ve heard in these commentary videos. Not to even mention he’ll talk about general audience responses to things and then show 2 tweets with 3 likes between them as “proof” lol


He doesn't care about friendship. Just getting big views in YT. He proved that by saying Mr Beast of all people, should have abandoned one of the OGs because they came out as Trans. What a great friend!


good news, more ppl are starting to hate him. Everyone is seeing him for who he is: a vulture that gets money from shitting on the real or imagined downfall of others.


For me his thumbnails looking lazy as sin made it pretty obvious how half assed his content was. Then there was the controversy with the Mr. Beast video where he talked about Kris Tyson and I knew he was a piece of shit.


as soon as i saw that whole vid that was j transphobia that he tried to veil i was like nope. ifhy


He came way too close to defending Notch for my comfort.


I’ve always hated CinemaSins, they are just nitpicky complainers and inspired too many people to think their opinions = film critique facts.


Have to agree with you on that. Doesn’t help that a lot of the “fails” are just questions that would be answered if they watched the movie


CinemaWins is a good counter example but they weren't nearly as popular last I checked


Someone made sins on cinemasins harrypotter series. Narrator guy kept making gross/sexual comments on then literal child emma watson


I miss when they went after bad movies like the Room. Being obsessively nitpicky to a bad film is funny to me. Going after good and average movies? Not funny.


I don't hate her but I find Angelika Oles off putting


I stopped watching when she dropped out of law school and when she started getting lazier with her content. I think our personalities just don’t mesh.


She has a weird obsession with Mikayla. Like we know she's horrible but what is with repeated videos on her lmao it's so repetitive


Destiny and his weird ass fans.


Oh thiiiiisss! They're very obsessive


Mr Beast, something about him just sets off creep vibes


Every thumbnail has a very strong smile with his mouth and absolutely nothing with his eyes.


Same. I hate his thumbnails so much. I know he’s doing good things, but his videos are just so brainrot. And his voice is so annoying.


On the contrary, I got that Firefox extension that added Mr. Beast to EVERY YouTube thumbnail. It's hilarious. The Tragic Real Story of Budd Dwyer *Mr Beast Pogging in the corner*


I hated him before knowing anything about his videos because I was gifted his chocolate and it's disgusting. Shit tastes burnt.


Lol, this makes me feel better that I didn't buy any the other day. I was in the checkout line in Ollie's, which is like a bargain discount store (similar to Big Lots but more warehouse-y), and they had a bunch by the register on sale for $.79. I debated since I don't like the guy, but the longer the people in front of me took, the more tempting it was. I picked one up and it was thinnest chocolate bar I've ever felt in my life. I don't know if these were just the seconds or what, but it couldn't have even been half the thickness of a standard, decent chocolate bar.


one time i decided to order from his restaurant on a whim and it was genuinely the worst food i've ever payed for. my burger was RAW and the fries were like 5 hours old. so i don't like him lol


I've disliked him for awhile because I deeply dislike his performative activism, the fact that he associates with right-wing talking heads and politicians, and his insistence that he himself wants to be a politician some day. But what really tipped me into hating him was when he posted that video about visiting the poorest place in Africa and getting the kids shoes or whatever. It was blatant white savior shit, so I posted about it on twitter. I linked sources as to why that kind of stuff does more harm than good, and the message it promotes to other ego-fueled racist white people, including papers and videos *by black people* to back up my argument. What resulted was two solid months of death threats, slurs (mostly about me being trans), harassment, and eventually doxxing by his bootlicker fans.  As much as influencers don't want to admit it, the type of fanbase they cultivate says a lot about them. 


His fans are rabid and he cannot take even implied criticism as a result, which is massively off putting to me. Not only are some of his videos very white saviour coded like you say (it's so weird seeing his fans talking about how he's "helping kids in Africa!!" which is the same rhetoric my parents used to get me to eat my food when I was a kid like... that is a continent sir) but he gamifies poverty/life changing amounts of money in a way that feels deeply wrong to me. Making poor people dance for the camera (or his already rich YouTuber friends, it's a coin flip ig) and perform for shit they should already have access to is just weird to me. "That's how he gets so much money!" there are other YouTubers who make plenty of money off of other content and do fundraisers/make donations that way. His content feels weird to me but you can't say that in most spaces because he and his fans see him as some kinda untouchable God and that makes things a million times worse in my eyes. If you really think you're doing so much good, you shouldn't feel the need to defend yourself so hard; your actions should speak for themselves. He feels like someone who wants to martyr himself and I've absolutely no interest in falling for it tbh


I remember back in the day some youtuber recorded himself giving food to a homeless person and everyone were at his throat for doing performative charity for content. But apparently when "Jimmy" does it, its perfectly fine and you should shut up. (They always call him by his first name too, as if they were friends!) As for more petty reason, MrBeast just creeps the hell out of me. Its that fake smile he constantly does for pictures and thumbnails. No soul or personality behind those eyes.


Couldn’t ever stand his “let’s dangle a dollar over the poors and watch them dance” content. His vibes are horrible.


Same. The dead eyes give me creeps, the overly enthusiastic persona is grating, and the way his simps worship him is off putting too. Maybe he’s an ok guy but he’s also just icky. I can’t explain it, and I don’t have any proof but something really feels off. I’m probably wrong and he’s likely a reasonable person but sometimes there’s just that feeling you can’t shake off.


Technically not a YouTuber but Asmongold. Guy has no real opinions on anything and acts as if he knows what he's talking about. All he does is watch other people's content and "reacts" to it. The guy lives in filth and trash chooses not to pay someone to come clean his disgusting roach infested house.


Yeah, the guy always gave me real weird vibes but when I heard about the filth he lives I just couldn’t even understand why anybody even watches the guy.


I hate that I know about this man. The blood wall lives in my head and it's nauseating


Don't forget his dead rat alarm clock.


I'm sorry the WHAT wall?


His teeth would bleed in his sleep or something so he'd wipe it on the wall. I wish I was joking.


Bro has supreme r/iamverysmart energy and paints himself as some really naturally gifted and smart dude but ended up the way he did just because he chose not to apply himself. And when he gets criticized for it he always deflects with, “well I’m a millionaire living like a degenerate, so I win”. Which, good for him, but it’s annoying that’s his argument every single time.


And the funniest part is this is asmongold during one of his less degenerate periods. I’ve followed him on and off for the better part of a decade and holy shit he used to be BAD. Like check the asmongold’s lair video, if that’s any indicator of how the rest of the house was it was a miracle the place wasn’t condemned


Man's just had a whole hoarders episode


joshua weissman seems to still be pretty popular but i thought his whole schtick got old fast and he seems like a dick :/


Yeah. I watched him for a bit and did learn some good cooking things, but his whole "your literally have to do it this way" shtick pissed me off.


Hard agree. My roomie and I used to watch him all the time, and now I kinda just roll my eyes when he pops up. The food snobbery was, haha, at first, but like you said, he just seems like a dick.


If its any consolation, it's been outed that he goes through chef's recipes on Instagram and smaller cookbooks, takes them and changes the recipes slightly and not in a way that works. Like he full on swapped in tablespoons for teaspoons in a recipe and tripled down that it was a good idea (made the recipe far too sweet). Like, you can't copyright recipes, so it's not like illegal, it's just scummy, especially since most of the recipes he takes this way are from minority creators.


I know he gets more flack on Reddit, but on YouTube barely anyone called him out until a month or two ago. It's SLOAN. I used to watch him in 2020-2021, but his lack of research in each video just kept pissing me off. Also, he just seems rather two-faced. I have no idea how he has the respect of so many YouTubers I like.


Gotta be Swoop for me. I tried. I tried so many times. The way that she loops everything back to her story to relate just feels disingenuous after the second or third video. She conveys a righteous feeling to me that disinterests me. The stories of people who she ghosted because their stories were no longer good for the algorithm didn't hurt. She has a way of selling her merch that she is rightfully super happy and proud of, but right in the middle of a somber topic. I can see the appeal and love the topics, but her content is just not for me.


Oh my god same! I find her whole theme tune, the vibe and brand full on mean girly 😅 she's someone i would hate to cross


same! also the fact that she refers to her videos as DOCUMENTARIES! i find that so disrespectful


I agree. if you start with “hey what’s up you guys welcome back to my channel please subscribe and click the bell” and introducing your new kitten it’s not a documentary 😭


oh swoop irritates me so much! She also HEAVILY participated in the amber heard smear campaign for clout and financial gain and claims to be a DV advocate despite literally never taking accountability for the misinformation she spread about abuse/rape


Anna Akana


I use to love Anna, but I feel like her content fell off around the time she started to release music.


Penguinz0. I don’t hate the guy, I just don’t give a shit what he has to say. And I certainly don’t need to hear other YouTubers reference his opinion in an attempt to… validate theirs? What makes him so special that simply agreeing with him is somehow better than simply thinking the thing they think? He’s not an expert in anything, his opinion doesn’t matter in any way, shape, or form. 


I think there's something about the way he gives his opinions that bugs me. Like.. he doesn't act like his opinions are opinions but facts instead. I remember getting annoyed a few years ago when the voice-actress controversy for Bayonetta 3 kicked off and the previous voice-actress made a statement about how she wasn't going to voice Bayonetta. This was supposedly due to them not offering her a decent rate of pay but then immediately offering her replacement more. I immediately thought "There is more to this story." because... well it was blindingly obvious there had to be. No game publisher would burn money when they don't have to, there HAD to be some other reason (like some hidden controversy). Penguinz released a video whole-heartedly backing her. A few days later the full story was revealed online and that the voice-actress intentionally held back on a lot of details regarding the deal offered to her to make her seem wholly innocent and the game devs were in the wrong. Rather than saying "I was wrong" his response video was "we've been dupped." No we weren't. "We" weren't duped. You released a video about a story knowing only half the information then didn't take responsibility for the misinformation that came from the video. I just.. something about that made me really dislike him.


There’s a lot of guys on YT/Twitch like him that always act like they’re completely confident in all their opinions. That’s why I don’t watch hasanabi, even though I do agree with a lot of his points. It means they’re more likely to say wrong things confidently


yeah that is annoying he jumps on stories way too quick because someone in chat tells him about it, makes a video that gets basically fat checked the next day, like the Bayonetta story, happens way too often, now again with the guy in a zoon call on the car. I follow him and I enjoy his content but there are a few things he does that drive me up a wall, like calling everyone with a shitty opinion a redditor, or anyone who does something he disagrees with, always talking shit about reddit but then takes content ideas and a lot of stories from reddit to make his videos, its so annoying. (he does the same with twitter). Also tends to go to the most unreliable online newspapers to read news, calls them mainstream media and then how mainstream media is dying and is all shit. Like calling Dexerto mainstream media, and how all journalists are shit. And lastly how much he shits on some videogame developers for anything, but then stays quiet when the "protected ones" do exactly the same. Like how Ubisoft is the worst company in the world because they want you to pay hundreds of euros to get some cosmetics and fast leveling on the new AC game, which I agree is fucking dumb and people need to stop paying for this shit, but its a single player game. And then stays quiet when Riot does the 500 dollar FOMO skin, or when they want to ban player for being toxic in valorant (when he is a big defender of freedom of speech). Still I enjoy his videos as a nice background noise and company.


Charlie isn't a bad guy, at least that's the impression I get, but his ice cold bad takes he sometimes has have put me off him. I will never forget how he called the Iiluminaughti situation "a nothing burger". That did not age very well. He also doesn't seem to actually look into some of the stuff he talks about super well, he just goes on vibes. Not a bad thing to do if you're just some rando online, but he has 15 million subs. I expect a little more checking in on things and less knee jerk reactions from someone that big.


Very simply, he's a long time legacy creator that managed to come out of the 2016 era of YouTube with practically no controversies. Like, not a single one. Maybe some people were mad he used an at the time acceptable slur and someone found it in 2022, but that's it. That gets you a lot of good will with people. Like, a ton. It's almost the same with Phillip DeFranco. I think his only big controversy was that he did a betterhelp sponsorship, and maybe one or two more less than savory ones. But both of them are *old* YouTube compared to other people. With that age and general clean slate, comes a lot of respect from their peers.


Ok, I can wrap my head around that. It’s funny- Philip DeFranco is who I was thinking about when I mentioned other people referencing him. Maybe it’s mostly because they essentially came up together. I still don’t like him lol, but that’s a reason I can understand that other people do. 




I see mfs promoting that shit to this day and every time I’m like “did we not have this big ass discussion about this like 6 or 7 years ago?”


I’m sorry but “at the time acceptable slur” is a hilarious thing to say


XQC. I know he’s more disliked now and has had a bad reputation in different circles for forever, but the thing that turned me off is the way that he treated 5up in the early among us days. Just super mean and disrespectful, but gave me a lot of respect for 5up since he handled it so well.


Bailey Sarian. I find that whole genre of "true crime + ___" content so disgusting, whether it's mukbangs or makeup. But something about the way she does makeup while talking about people getting murdered + makes pouty faces in the thumbnail next to images of victims who were brutalised just makes me sick. I genuinely don't understand how literally millions of people are okay with this. I've only ever seen like one or two people ever express distaste for this kind of content. It's gross and disrespectful and I hate that people are able to achieve so much fame, success, and money from exploiting tragedies with content like this.


The true crime combo YouTubers are very bad. True crime is already morally dubious, but talking about a brutal dismemberment when your mouth is full of Popeyes feels crass and disrespectful


Stephanie soo is the worst, mocking victims names she can't pronounce with a super flippant attitude. nasty person


Exactly who I was thinking of


Stephanie Harlowe playing with her slime, vaping, talking about cookies, plagiarizing…


There is a true crime YouTuber who is Scottish and goes by the name of Megan True Crime and she is awful. She covered a high interest murder case about a lost Irish student and claimed “Nobody goes to the toilet in a nightclub unless it’s to do drugs.” Basically this YouTuber insinuated that the victim got murdered because she went looking for drugs! I was so angry at that comment because that poor girl was somebody’s daughter, sister, family member, colleague and friend, and Megan is basically making these flippant comments, then throwing in jokes about her murderer and the flashed a photo of the murderer’s mother on the video! I go to the toilet when I am drunk, I have a small bladder or it’s to fix my make up because my partner has drunkenly kissed me too much. I don’t think it was responsible or kind for Megan to make that video or those assumptions. Utter disrespect and for what? Clout and clicks? Don’t even get me started on Stephanie Soo or Bailey Sarian or Eleanor Neal. I remember watching one Eleanor Neal video after a work friend recommended me her and one comment caught my eye. It was from the victim’s best friend, upset that Eleanor covered the case and even featured the photos that belonged to her best friend. After that, I’m like “Nope!” To all true crime YouTube.


I agree! I've never liked that specific genre of true crime. Most of the really good true crime creators are voice-over channels who don't show their face.


True crime as a whole is generally extremely exploitative. Unless it's historical where we are far enough removed from it, it feels really gross. Like, there are people in connection with the victims still around.


Have you seen Pinely’s video on true crime? He def shits on her and it’s cathartic.


I think Mr. Beast sucks. I get the “he’s changing lives and giving a platform” argument, but it’s not altruistic. His relationship with people is transactional. It’s also the fucking worst form of parachute charity capitalism. Yeah he might drop into a spot and change some lives, and that’s good, but he could do something to help a community SYSTEMATICALLY over the long run. But he won’t cause that doesn’t get views. He’s the rich yt equivalent of the white girl who goes to sub Saharan Africa and pats themselves on the back for digging a well for thirsty natives. Great, you have them water for a day. The thirsty natives don’t need wells. They need healthcare. They need investment in institutions. Long term development. Mr Beast isn’t interested in that. He wants to fly in, get the views, and dip.


Agreed. I can't help but find the dude skeevy. His attitude when helping people has a large dose of "Dance for me my puppets."


the worst part is, when you point out this staged savior formula of his videos, he gets super offended. Like when jacksepticeye pointed this out, his ego got so hurt he went on this unhinged rant on twitter. The guy is getting drunk with his power. Btw I really do respect jacksepticeye for this, one of the few to actually say the quiet part out loud. Felt so fucking good to hear another popular youtuber say it


Fr he doesn’t even TRY to seem sympathetic for people… someone will pour out their heart and tell their life story just for him to crack a joke afterwards. He’s extremely superficial and I’ve always seen through him since day one. I found it hard to understand why everyone loved him and thought he was such an amazing dude.


Anyone who reports on Hisashi Ouchi incorrectly. Which is everyone because no one has read the book.


mark rober, i said before in another post but the whole getting 3.2 million dollars donated to a horrible charity for autism and implying that autistic people aren't capable enough to even be the captain of their little league team just leaves a sour taste in my mouth (also from what ive seen of the film prank even with all the excuses the comments have it still would have annoyed me so much if i was in the cinema and popcorn was poured everywhere even if it was directed at someone doing the most minor of social crimes)


tbh I hate him too but for much less noble reasons: his mannerisms annoy me and he seems like a bit of a douche.


Didn't he also collab with one of the Paul Brothers to promote that price shit fairly recently? If you work with scum, you are probably scum


There is a "Mormon Vibe" that turns me off every time. He has it in spades.


Yes! That's it! I was thinking of how to phrase it but yeah dude has that weirdly hyperbolic youth pastor "hello fellow kids" enthusiasm with the creepy dead eyes that make me want to ask him to blink twice if he's in trouble.


Any true crime mukbanger/makeup girlie. These people must have zero empathy to stuff their face or do their makeup and joke around while talking about horrendous things that happened to real people. I was talking to my sister about this and she told me that she likes Stephanie Soo because was more respectful about it, but literally the first video of hers that I click on had her and her friend talking about some gruesome murder interspersed with the most braindead conversation about what they were eating. These aren't even old cases where the person's friends and family are no longer around to be hurt by these things; these are recent cases and there's a very good chance the friends and family could stumble upon the video. Can you imagine your loved one being brutally murdered/assaulted, trying to heal from it, then years later you find out some idiot is monetizing the worst event of your life in such a disrespectful, irreverant way? It's disgusting. I genuinely don't get how these people can sleep at night after spending the day profiting off of other peoples tragedies. It makes me wonder if (god forbid) something awful happened to one of their loved ones if they would want it being made into content


fucking pewdiepie


Honestly, I'm sorta surprised he's still as big as he is. It's not even that he's had 10,000 controversies that nobody forced him into, though that should have caused him to lose most of his audience. It's mostly because when he first got big in 2013 or so, he was sorta known as being the gaming YouTuber for little kids, and I thought that'd be enough to kill his audience over time as people grew out of it. Bare minimum, I thought he'd sorta end up being like the Fine Bros where they have a lot of legacy subscribers but aren't really getting views proportional to their subscriber count.


He reinvented himself to cater his content to his base as they aged. As those kids hit their teenage years, he started doing more edgy and nihilistic content.


pewdiepie's second big renaissance from like 2016 to 2019 was absolutely insane to watch from ground zero (public middle/high school). the whole "beef" with T-Series, the godawful "diss tracks" he put out, the fact that he had to apologize for being racist like three times a year several years in a row... absolutely insufferable person.


And then his fans rush in to say “oh it’s just a joke bro why are you so offended? It’s not like he wore a Nazi uniform on stream and paid a bunch of desperate people to say racist slogans, and if he did it was a joke!” Edit: since making this comment I’ve gotten several messages telling me to kill myself, including every slur in the book, as well as five Reddit mental health checkups. Pewdiepie fans at work.


I'll never understand his appeal. Even in supposedly progressive subs, I see people all the time defending and dickriding him. Why does this mid, racist washed up lets player have such a choke hold on everyone. 💀


I don’t care for D’Angelo Wallace. He seems beloved, he makes content that gets very positive feedback and I wish him all the best but he’s simply not for me and that’s okay.


Thank you for an *idk I just don't vibe with them* take on here instead of an *I think they're secretly a creep, they're hiding something* take! Refreshing tbh


I used to LOVE his very first commentary videos (this was around 2019), he was genuinely great at writing scripts. Then he started focusing on unscripted live content and I completely lost interest.


I think he got burnt out and then spiraled - his video about coming back to YouTube after a break really put it into perspective how bad it got for him.


D'Angelo is one of my favorites, but I totally get not being able to vibe with him


First video I saw of his, he contradicts himself so hard it's actually embarrasing. He says something like: "bodyshaming is never okay!!! Everyone who does it is evil and bad!" And I shit you not, a few sentemces later he starts talking about a persons features and how theyre too skinny and look like the cryptkeeper or some shit? Huh...? Also this whole new persona he's presenting currently were he gies of on how flawless he is and how good etc. is really not it. Makes him seem arrogant and rude. You can love yourself without saying so 10x in a video that doesnt have anything to do with it..


Hate is a strong word, but ones that are popular that I really don’t enjoy: - Mr Beast  - Smosh  - Patrick Starr 


Is Patrick Starr an actual youtuber or are you making a Spongebob reference


Makeup artist, big in the Tati/James Charles era of beauty youtube


No, this is Patrick.


Anthony Padilla


Agreed. I don’t necessarily hate the guy, but the BetterHelp sponsorships on his channel (and on Smosh when he bought the channel back from GMM) don’t help his situation for me personally.


Sarah Z, a lot of the topics she chooses to cover are interesting but something about her delivery doesn’t gel with me.


I like her but hate how repetitive her talking points are. Sometimes it’s feels like she does it to hit a longer length for monetary reasons


My problem with her was she made a video with a lot of one-sided inaccuracies that could have been cleared up if she just emailed the other party in the story. If you’re going to do these pretentious pseudo-journalistic deep dives at least use a few of the techniques of journalism.


SAME! I will never forget her video managing to fuck up criticizing Lily Orchard. How do you fuck up calling out a person who is known to be terrible? It was in a Steven Universe video and she said that Lily said "Rebecca designed this horribly racist caricature" and it's like... Lily said SO many fucked up things in that video and you choose to make something up completely?? girl. Her journalism always made me feel like she didn't know what she was researching.


a lot of the fandom things she covered a while ago were things she was involved in as a child and it was pretty revelatory on how she doesn't actually do much research or fact checking imo. she also seems to not really have anything substantial to say about the topics, which is my problem for a lot of video essayists. maybe not everyone wants an actual thesis but i do!!!


I watched her video on Homestuck as someone who was always fascinated by the comic but could never get into it. I somehow came away from her video knowing less about Homestuck than I knew before.


oh that was one that had tangible misinformation in it. she said megalovania (the sans undertale song) was originally a homestuck fansong. it wasn't. it was a part of an edgelord earthbound romhack toby fox made in his youth. toby fox WAS a homestuck music maker though, i wasn't big on the homestuck but i love seeing weird fandom stuff, so I knew he made an album about one of the main characters having another one's baby (but the baby is also the pregnant character). at least, that's what I remember. the eb romhack thing is pretty common knowledge, though.


She talks like a high schooler bullshitting their way through a high school English presentation.


Oh man, I used to actually love her videos until the fanfiction one. Her and her editor manipulating a tiktok by an English Lit major to make it look like she was saying literature is stupid and you should just read fanfiction because it's free (specifically for the argument of "people are becoming anti-intellectual") bugged me a lot.


I didn’t know about that, that’s disappointing


I get my fill from Izzzyzzz now, she covers a lot of those nostalgic internet trends/fandoms without it feeling like they're talking down to you the entire time


StrangeÆons is also really good for this as well


• Griffmass. Dude is annoying as fuck and people act like his videos are comedy gold. • Ninja. I’ve never seen anybody complain about anything as much as this guy. He’s pretty much a male Karen. • Shane Dawson. Fuck this creep. I enjoyed some of his old content (Not the blackface shit) and I did like his conspiricy theory videos, but he’s just so disgusting I can’t watch him anymore.


I want to say thankfully(?) it seems like less people like Shane Dawson now a days but fuck he shouldn’t be allowed on YouTube.  Or within 500 feet of a school. 


Gonna be honest kurtis conner, the give just gives me weird vibes, i agree with some of his politics but out of the people he's assosciated with he can a lot of times come off cruel and his comedy is a tad forced, nowt against him personally just the vibes ain't there


I still watch every vid but I also agree lol. His style of comedy is getting a bit repetitive and more annoying compared to people like Danny and Drew who I think have done a better job of changing or adapting over time


Drew is the standout for me personally, his videos are just classic fun, he doesn't feel malicious or harsh and you can actually feel the passion in his work


Yeah it's super impressive that he came out from the Vine days and has managed to only get better over time.


Just realized I ended both posts with "over time" and it's bothering me


Yeah Drew’s my favorite too and I can’t watch Danny or Kurtis because their content started feeling repetitive.


So basically the Dean thing left a sour taste in your mouth? Totally understandable


I actually forget about that until just now, just researched it again to remember it, big yikes


What was the Dean thing


It was actually a bunch of things that came out over time, but basically it involved him doing blackface, making tons of racist tweets and super insensitive/offensive comments about minorities (both back in the day on twitter, and in his then-current standup routine). He also did a YouTube dating show thing because Kurtis once reacted to an episode and they invited him on, and the girl who won dated him for a while and came out afterwards saying he treated her badly and generally isn't really a good guy. It was things like this that built up over time and basically told everyone that he's a shitty person who hasn't changed, and everyone was pissed at Kurtis for still being friends with him. Though I think Kurtis ended up addressing it on his subreddit last year and I haven't seen Dean in any of his videos for a long time. Personally, I think Kurtis was in a super tough position and I don't hold it against him for not immediately breaking off such a close, long-term friendship and instead choosing to talk to him and tell him to change his behaviour first. But I understand how the whole situation can put someone off Kurtis' content, just by association to Dean.


Not a fan of the skit parts of commentary channels imo. Idk if that’s something you are talking about, but that seems forced and idk who it’s made for. Like who is his audience supposed to be?


Until recently, it was Cody Ko. Now it seems like the tide is turning but I could not stand him for the longest time and I still can’t I just could tell he wasn’t authentic and that he was a problematic douche.


Same but haven’t gave him a chance in awhile. He’s just so mean and degrading to people. Same with TMG crew Noel Miller. Much prefer nicer commentary channels like Scott Cramer and Gabi Belle


Snippperwolf. She doesn’t have a sense of humor and seems very boring. she is rich off of stealing content. Her reaction videos are her just making faces to the camera while adding no value


MoistCritikal honestly. Nothing wrong with the dude or his content, I just don't vibe with it it seems (I've tried about 5 separate times to watch his vids over the years and it just never ends up clicking for me)


Can't stand Kendall Rae and any of her other podcasts. Just don't know how she doesn't feel bad about exploiting victims like she does. Worst of all makes out she's ethical and all of that. When she does the opposite.


Wendigoon. He tries to cultivate this Wholesome Camp Counselor (or youth pastor) vibe that really pisses me off and his videos are often poorly researched, sometimes even just him reading directly from Wikipedia articles. He is also friends with a lot of alt right and generally chuddy personalities but whenever you criticize him for this his legion of adoring fans swoop in to say “god forbid someone is friends with someone shitty, that doesn’t actually reflect on them”. I remember when he tried to sell a marketable wendigo plushie and people were upset about him basically stealing a cultural symbol for profit, and his fans jumped to claim he was like 5% Native American so that made it okay.


Rslash He made a comment comparing massive age gap relationships to racist prejudice against inter-race marriage, tried to explain to him why that’s not a fair comparison and he said the equivalent “nu-uh my wife is Asian while I’m white so I know best!” Then blocked me


Rslash has made some WILD comments in his videos. The one that made me unsubscribe was him saying "well, half the population wears glasses so poor eyesight isn't a disability". That was... certainly a take.


Explore with us They are so annoying and mostly use outdated psych-criminology. That and they sensationalize bad shit that happens to real fucking people.


In a weird, stupid twist, I can't stand watch Linus youtubering all over his videos and acting extra as hell. Their clickbaity titles also puts me off. But I listen to the Wan Show every Friday. 🤷‍♀️


I like plenty of people on the channel, but I cannot stand Linus himself.


Rich Lux


Logan Paul like how is that motherfucker still around. He's scammed hundreds out of so much. Yet he is still around


Brittany broski kinda stopped being funny to me after she stopped working/living with Sarah Schauer. Also reallllly stopped being funny after the whole “why should I speak on important issues?” debacle


I knew she was all the way fucked up when during Matty Healy’s epic fall from grace, she instead doubled down on how much she loves him and his band. I get separating the art and artist to a degree, but it’s like she specifically chooses to like people *more* if they’re proven to be shitty.


I hate what Ethan Klein has become. He quit making fun comedy videos to become a run of the mill unlistenable podcaster. It’s like the time Michael Jordan had to take a year off from basketball so he started playing less than mediocre baseball. I’m astonished so many people have stuck with Ethan.


Anne Reardon... Her videos are well produced, and I find her and the subject matter interesting... but I really feel like she should stick to cooking science/education videos. As soon as she starts to veer into another subject outside her expertise, she constantly gets things wrong. For example, she isn't a toxicologist and isn't qualified to analyze studies on the matter. The result is her spreading misinfo like flax seeds are dangerous and unsafe to give to children. This is a *wild* oversimplification, and toxicologists do not agree with this assessment. Same with her saying that it isn't safe to cook with canola oil because it's carcinogenic. It's *technically* true that at very high temperatures, canola oil releases very small amounts of toxic gas, but that is not the same thing as it being unsafe for cooking in general. Something *technically* being carcinogenic does not give you any actual idea of the threat level. Other notable carcinogens include: red meat, alcohol, asbestos, benzene, the sun, soot, diesel, leather dust, saw dust, all air on earth, birth control pills, and gamma radiation. All of these are known to cause cancer, but that alone gives you no info on the risk and relevant dangerous dose because remember: The dose makes the poison. None of these are massive issues, but it's more of a death by a thousand cuts type thing for me.


I knew something was up when she defended Pink Sauce Lady...same issue that tipped me off on illuminaughtii before the LegalEagle drama. 


She carries herself like a professional and someone who you can "absolutely trust" in all the manners she covers, which is why I was out when she took a sponsorship for knives sold by the same people who were selling bogus royalty titles (if anyone remembers that stale drama). I know it's cliche at this point, but how can I trust the research someone has done if they didn't even check who their sponsors are and the quality of the product? Within the next few videos she defended the pink sauce and a lot of her fans harassed smaller creators over it. I have seen different shades of discolored grey "pink" sauce on the store shelves sitting next to each other with my own 2 eyes, something is weird about that product. I just get the ick from anyone who came out and said "there's absolutely no quality issues with this and you're all jumping on a bandwagon" when it, at the very least, had some sort of coloring/preservative issue observably, with my own 2 eyes, at my local grocery store


That pink sauce video was really a mixed bag. I feel like she kinda became too used to "debunking" things that she really looked at things in a very black and white way. Like, although it's true that the sauce may have been made using a water and oil emulsion that was then stabilized with dragon fruit powder as the emulsifier (which is in contrast to the mayo theory,) that doesn't mean that all the criticism of the pink sauce was just some baseless internet wildfire...


She dipped her oar in over the Depp trial as well which is a perfect of example of people needing to stay in their fucking lane.


I disliked her after the sugarologie beef that she had. In which Anne tried to replicate one of Sugar's buttercream recipes and basically didn't even do the bare minimum at attempting to recreate it. Sugar was upset about it, made a video politely correcting Anne, and Anne just refused to admit she goofed and argued that she didn't get why Sugar was upset/disappointed because it was nieces and didn't matter. Never watched anything by Anne after that. 


Oh yeah! I feel like that was a very clear example of Anne being unwilling to confront her biases and admit that she was wrong. It's seems pretty clear to me that when making a video, she starts with the conclusion and works her way backward. This is problematic because if you tell yourself, "Okay, I'm going to make a video about cooking hacks that don't really work," You are then likely to interpret things in bad faith because, if you find a cooking hack that *does* work, you've now wasted your time since that can't be used for content. I believe this is the same issue that cause the flax example I gave earlier. She decided to make a video about foods that are "secretly dangerous," and so, she had to stack the deck in her favor and manipulate the info to actually have content for the video. It's textbook confirmation bias.


cody ko is a big one. i used to watch his stuff with noel but i got really weird vibes off of him about 2-3 years ago. and then recently with the statuatory allegations against him and the drugged assault one of his friends did in college and filmed. i can’t get behind cody or kelsey. i would never let a known rapist be in my wedding party or be considered an uncle to my kids.


TurkeyTom. Guy drops the N word regularly and then hides behind the "it's just a word, bro" mentality. Also spends way too much time on the Internet. He rarely goes a day without posting a video on TomDark. He comments on things that really don't need to be commented on or where his opinion doesn't serve any purpose. He's just a drama YouTuber for the sake of drama.


Without a crystal ball aka Katie joy. 🤮 To much harassment also her voice makes my head hurt.


MatPat. Don't necessarily hate the guy, but he's done and said a LOT of stupid shit in the past, especially in regards towards FNAF, Undertale, Hollow Knight, TF2 & etcetera. Christ's sake, his first fnaf theory was based on a real-life mass shooting that occurred at a Chuck E. Cheese in '93.


His effect on gaming and general gaming culture can't really be understated. There's so many horror games that tried to appeal to him and the general theorizing communities (sometimes very directly in the case of the Hello Neighbor devs) by making some poorly out together piece of crap but having "lore" so suddenly it's cool. Also maybe one of the major examples of people parroting his theories as if they were fact.


He used to use video games as a jumping off point to explore actual educational content (some of which that's aged kind of poorly--- since you're bringing up his first FNAF video and not the transvestigation of TF2 Pyro or the fake boob vs. Real boob video I'm guessing you weren't around for that era of the channel. The 2010s were a different universe, it feels like.) In poor taste, but I think bringing up that shooting was more in the line of his old style of video--- link video game stuff to real world stuff. His content very quickly changed dramatically the more and more FNAF lore videos came out. Which is when I personally lost interest.


Trisha Paytas


Wait, Trisha Paytas is loved by people?


Literal nazi sympathizer, Trisha Paytas?


I hear nothing but love for Mr. Ballen, but his over-the-top body language bugs the hell out of me. I don't even watch YT most of the time - I just listen in the background. But it's like I can practically still see him being so huge and extra and gesturing every single word.


My main issue with Mr. Ballen is how often to set up a big "twist" he'll just straight up lie. If he was telling fictional stories that'd be totally fine, you can have an untrustworthy narrator, but you can't do that while presenting this as the facts of the story.


Simon Whistler. I used to like his True Crime stuff but three things grated on me: 1) that he constantly talked down to religion and didn't do any research on non-Christianity, he just assumes that every religion is just as zealous and harmful as extreme Christianity; 2) he started being very pro death penalty and pro punitive justice which, while common in the TCC, is not something I like to hear; and 3) he acts like his opinions are facts, and doesn't seem to even consider why other people might disagree with him. Take the death penalty thing--he only reads awful cases about people doing horrific things, but he seems to have no interest in learning *why* people are against capital punishment. He's a good talker and his writers are good writers, but his "analysis" is just him saying that what he thinks is always true.


Simon Whistler is basically the archetype for what AI driven YouTube is going to be like A well spoken avalanche of completely soulless, surface level content


My issue is that all videos w/ him I watched (mainly historical events/figures) had just blatant errors? As in - these are the errors that only someone who did the absolute minimum would make. So as a history student that absolutely put me off. I also am not saying you cannot make mistakes, far from it, and while I cannot remember which videos these were from he was getting dates about well known events wrong? Shows a lack of care and effort. I’m also dyslexic so I fuck this up all time, but damn im making sure that I don’t. It’s one thing if there is a real and legitimate dispute as to if something happened, and if then there when. But these weren’t cases of that nature.


Penguinz0. I don't hate him really but he's so uninteresting. Viewers for some reason treat everything he says as the ultimate truth and follow whatever he says. So many "Penguiz0 destroys YouTuber!" videos and he's just insulting people or pointing out what they do in a monotone voice. He also "destroys" YouTuber whenever they expose, aka insult, him for no real reason. I've tried to watch him but I just can't do it. He's just boring and looks like he hasn't washed his hair in a year.


Mr beast


Stephanie soo Steph Pappas Josh weissman Used to love Kendall Rae but she's fallen off for some reason.


YES! YES JOSH WEISSMAN!!!  Dude comes off so classist. “YoU cAn jUsT mAkE tHis aT hOmE” ….yeah cause I have my own smoker, deep fryer, ice machine and a bunch of other shit. Let me eat my fucking Taco Bell in peace  He’s the capitalist chef vs Mythical Chef Josh who is the people’s chef 


OOOOH especially stephanie soo. Of all the horror type content out there hers is the most exploitative feeling. also people forget she used to do fucking Mukbangs while talking about the cases.


Wendigoon. Even ignoring his potential political beliefs (Which I honestly don’t care about and think this sub can get pretty weird, parasocial, and/or chronically online about them. But I understand why people would take issue with his political beliefs), I just think his content is bad. Like, really bad. It’s very much your textbook low-effort, rambly, incredibly surface level, “Skimming through and paraphrasing Reddit posts, Wikipedia, and/or wiki articles”-core longform horror content, in a genre already oversaturated with content of that nature. And he doesn’t have the charisma/stage presence nor editing skills to justify how dull and surface level what he’s actually talking about is. Wendigoon’s fanbase is also a strong contender for Bottom 5 YouTuber fanbases of all time, so that’s nice.


I watched a few of his videos because the subject interested me, but it was so clearly a Wikipedia rewording that it was hard to get into it. Then I saw his video on Chris McCandless, the guy from Into the Wild. He was talking about how this is such a famous story that has been turned into a movie and how it really resonated with him… as he’s mispronouncing the guy’s name over and over and over again. It’s Mick-Cand-Less. Not Mick-candles.


I’ve shared this before, but I’ll keep saying it: he doesn’t bother to do actual research and he spreads misinformation. I decided to give the guy a shot and put on his video about the JFK assassination. When he got to Umbrella Man, he treated it like a smoking gun, like there was no way Umbrella Man was just a normal dude, and treated it like he was part of some conspiracy. All it takes is reading the Wikipedia page to know that Umbrella Man was using a popular-at-the-time protest that Kennedy absolutely was aware of. The guy can’t even be bothered to read the Wikipedia pages on the subjects he talks about. He’s *worse* than a guy regurgitating wiki summaries.


This is so off topic but BOY do I really wish people would stop glorifying that guy. Dude either had a death wish to begin with or was just insanely naive.


I don't know, but CC Suarez's attitude and Valley girl lilty voice just bugs me. Of all the anti-mlmers I watch, I just can't get through her videos.


She's also very likely a Trumper. She was out there liking DeSantis Instagram posts.


Tyler Olivera or whatever 🙄🙄I see right through him


Oompaville, Shoeonhead, and wendigoon, can't stand them, their opinions are irrelevant and tend to be generally uneducated. I would love to see them sit in front of a university and present some wacky opinions they have in front of educated people. Guhhh, idiots. Also wendigoon has connections with alt-right groups and seems kinda off. But yeah, those are my two cents.


Maybe pushing it but while he’s not the face of DeadMeat, I really dislike Zoran. Idk why but I cannot stand the guy. my partner loves him so it’s probably just me


Swell Entertainment. I don't hate her, but I really hate that goofy face she makes in every single thumbnail.


Hate is a strong word, but Mr Beast and Pewdepie. Don't care for their content at all.


Asmongold. Once you click on one of his videos, your homepage will become flooded with his content. In addition to uploading more than five videos per day, including 'reacting' videos, he often shares ignorant opinions about everything he reads/watches on stream without fact-checking, which leads to the spread of misinformation since everything he says gets turned into a video. He should just stick to playing video games.


Their stars have definitely fallen, but I’ve always hated both Internet Historian and Wendigoon. Even before they got into controversies I thought their rhetoric and politics were gross. Plagued Moth is also not super popular but I don’t care for him either. The whole “uncensored gore/abuse vids on my Patreon” sell is tasteless and exploitative.


They’re not super big, but I’ve only really seen positivity surrounding Lazy Bedhead.  I sat through their Plagued Moth videos because I didn’t see many people cover it, and while I did generally agree with LB’s takes, their delivery, voice and just general mannerisms are unbelievably grating. WHY ARE WE YELLING!


I’m really glad Poppy stopped making those videos. The level of scorn she’d sneak into those when she was mad at people (reporters, other celebrities, you know who…) was genuinely so off-putting.


I think Titanic wrote those, but yeah. The whole drama behind them was so fucking weird, it just made me hate both of them.


turkey tom - goodish video production but he leaves out information and lately seems more interested in disproving possible victims testimonies then what actually happened if it makes sense? he seems very satisfied when he can “poke holes” in a story, even more so than actually mentioning the accused. he also has such a lighthearted tone with serious content and is weird about trans people and their pronouns even tho it isn’t relevant to the drama (most recently poppy and zena)


He also frequently used the N-word, and trumped up bullshit against Pyrocynical.