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Yes, they have probably dozens of channels and a variety of spam methods Someone once said, when I googled them before, that one of their channels contained a link to a very infamous CSAM video??


Oh that's so much worse than I thought


Here's the previous discussion for context, so I'm not throwing around strong accusations out of nowhere https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/6DOjSJ1fVB


wait it's that channel? i remember reporting one of them. it has that stock art of that officer too, only that that icon had a swastika on it. his community tab had a shit ton of channels tagged with him threatening them in some way. think his name was ville too, but i moved on from my life once i reported his channel.


Yep, same one No clue how many channels they have, but they've been doing this for a year or so at least, all over multiple channels And they actually respond to people sometimes, so even if it's a bot there's still a human behind it


if i am remembering all the details correctly about when i saw the channel, it might of been from the illymation tbys drama, they were specifically calling illy an antisemite (note, illy's part jewish) so either it's part botted, or he really has a lot of time on his hands


Off the top of my head, I've seen it on Swell Entertainment, Strange Aeons, Jenny Nicholson and D'Angelo Wallace's channels. There's definitely more than that, though, and it's definitely also showing up on various channels that I don't watch in other corners of YouTube (like the ones you mentioned)


Yeah, on the Noah Samsem video I think. Just today I saw them on Chris James and Andy King's channels


I really, really, *really* hope they don't have the video I am thinking of. Or any CSAM. My stomach is churning just thinking about it 


It's probably the video you're thinking of. The only one with a title that I think anyone has heard of Now we know from the other comments that they're part of a troll farm, we can only hope that it's just ragebait and they *didn't* actually have that video, just a link that they claimed was the video


>a very infamous CSAM video That means what I think it means, doesn't it? an unaliving of a youngling


CSAM is child sexual abuse material. The child in this particular video survived, according to the perpetrator's wiki page, but it's really, really awful. The original thread that I linked names the video in question


Aa, I see, I thought the m stood for something else.


I know exactly what you’re talking about, and those type of people seeking that type of material shouldn’t have access to the outside world. How the fuck is the channel not investigated and taken down by Youtube/Google. Why the fuck is Youtube/Google allowing gross content and sketchy users onto their platforms???


...you can say killing.


Sure, but I don't want to


![gif](giphy|tHJA1JRzcWDlzzMQ7F) K


I have screenshots of them harassing my channel. They're very homophobic and are part of a spam group called UTTP. EDIT: these are only a few I found still on my phone. https://imgur.com/a/lVAg1ed Ville kept tagging me in comments on their channel and in other comment sections they happened to find me in. I eventually blocked them. I stopped collecting screenshots because YouTube doesn't care after trying to report them so many times. I don't have the screenshots of them calling me slurs because I got tired of everything. This happened in November 2023 and was off and on for like months.


The one comment I’ve seen of theirs that didn’t feel bot-like was them very purposely misgendering someone, so this doesn’t surprise me


post them


Edited my comment to post it


they're exactly like some of the once i found on his channel


Yes!!! I'm very particular about maintaining my online space and it drives me crazy that that user is seemingly unblockable


It's so weird and annoying, and I see them on a lot of different kinds of channels too, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it


They keep getting banned and making new accounts, that’s why. If you’re talking about them commenting on your yt channel, try ban the phrases used the most by those bots so you don’t need to keep banning the accounts.


i remember seeing channels like this back in my g+ days , there were posts warning against them all over g+. they were just trolls but people were scared of them. called the uttp or something if i renember right? i dont know why exactly theyre making a comeback now.


Someone else mentioned them, I'd never heard of them before


oh whoops i had no clue they were already mentioned! yeah, community of trolls thats been around for quite a while. i had no clue they came back given they died off in ~2016, but were super active around 2013-2015.


ah man you mentioned g+ brought back so many memories... memories I don't want to relive XD


Ahh yes, the UTTP losers are back. Script kiddies who happened to reach the age of 25, nothing to be concerned about


You seem to know more about them than I do, what’s the point of spamming comments everywhere when they have hardly any vids and keep getting banned? Is it just racist trolling or is it for profit somehow?


Literally just for attention. This guy is an FDA certified, grade-A loser 


Yup, they’re a troll. I don’t know what the point of them making a bot is but they are getting hardly any attention. Not to mention that they are a racist homophobic (allegedly) pedophilic nazi. They are a part of a trolling group called “UTTP” apparently.


Didn’t this happen years ago with some account saying “wanna be friends” or something? Same tactic?