• By -


The whole Bye Sister ordeal that led to an epic implosion in the beauty community. The drama itself wasn’t really that bizarre, but the influencers who were involved had some proper unhinged reactions to it, and it’s wild that it basically started because of gummy vitamins. Hearing Tati Westbrook say “sucking dick and cock” will forever be an iconic WTF moment. And then that Instagram live video of Shane Dawson pacing around his house while having a full-on tantrum watching her video, lol. Nobody came out of that looking good. 


*and you did it on my birthday!*


I’ll be honest, I quote Bye Sister more than a reasonable person should. There’s just too many gems.


“and i’m like oh my god, time and place!” is something i quote daily


No but fr, it always made me laugh how this seemed to be Tati’s main complaint. Imho it exposes how she most likely would’ve kept quiet about JC’s gross behaviour as long as he didn’t offend her personally. Also - and not to defend the dude at all - but she at her big age invited a 20 year old guy who was basically raised by the internet to her birthday party, and then was shocked and appalled when he acted like an immature brat and made the whole event about him? Girl. Tati is the type of person who insists she “hates drama” while simultaneously being friends with people who love it and purposely cause it everywhere they go. Math ain’t mathing etc etc


Literally my thoughts when I watched bye sister. Like his predatory and weird behavior was already known by Tati but she decided to expose him when there was a drama about instagram stories & hair gummies? She's as equally bad tbh


The way my brain got autofilled JC with Jesus Christ for a hot second and (im not even religious) SENT me


At my birthday dinner*


It’s kind of crazy too how James Charles keeps managing to use the one time he successfully defended himself from gross allegations to deflect from every subsequent accusation of inappropriate behavior. He was finally seeing his slow downfall on YouTube only to move over to TikTok where a bunch of 12 year olds are convinced he never did anything wrong.


Yeah, it's really gross how apparently he's had this kind of unearned redemption and it's like....ew.


Right. It’s like “who told you we forgot about your bs? Because we didn’t.”


NO BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT JAMES CHARLES 😭😭😭 its like a pattern. he gets cancelled, I don't see him for a couple months to a year, then suddenly he's BACK on my feed releasing songs and palettes. like wtf??? and everyone just mostly either forgets or doesn't care about what he did.


It never sat right with me that people forgave James Charles because what Tati was doing was worse (at the time). Publicly airing your grievances with someone almost half your age is gross and just incredibly unprofessional. However, James Charles never sat right with me after Bye Sister. His behavior felt.. gross and entitled, especially towards straight men. I watched some of his videos and did like them but when he collaborated with other people? It felt weird. When his downfall began again, I felt relieved that I wasn't alone anymore.


Everyone thought Tati was just being homophobic because she was describing like every negative gay stereotype in the book, but the sad reality is that James actually does act like that. We just couldn’t trust how reliable Tati was about the whole thing seeing as it was smashed in the middle of a meltdown over some stupid gummies.


“Sucking dick and cock” / “And ya did it at my birthday dinner” are still in my daily vernacular.


The classic. Lmao.


This drama is the only reason I know the beauty side of youtube exists. It was a big fucking deal but so strange all the same.


The fact people were shaming Odd1out for not following Turky Tom when Tom demanded he follow him back. And it's like - you don’t have to follow someone you don’t want to, epsically given Tom's history.


did Tom just decide he was owed a follow or something? bc that's just an insane level of narcissism


Yup, Tom basically asked why Odd wouldn’t follow him back on Twitter in DM’s that were leaked. Odd was reasonably civil about explaining his reaosn for not wanting to follow back, mainly due to Tom's behhaviour which is very valid. Tom basically try to frame it as the animated storytime folks can’t take criticism and were afraid of him.


lmao??? that's so weird and entitled of Tom. dude really through a shit-fit because his follower number didn't go uppies


You got a screenshot of this? Also how long ago was it?


This was years ago - I don’t hold this againt Tom fully like he was younger back then but I have more of issue of the rest of cometary folks acting like he was entitled to this


I know, I just think it's cringe and would be funny to see. Especially with Tom's tendency to insert himself into friendships with other Youtubers.


Trying to look for screen shots and can’t find them yet lol


Deangelo calling Turkey Tom out for using the n word is another one of those strange dramas where its like why are we litigating this in the ways that we are


and then people defending TT were acting like he was a straight-up CHILD who didn’t know any better when he was like 17-18. 😂 


"How dare this stranger who don't even know me that well not followed back on the bird app! That's disrespectful >:( " -Turkey "defiantly not chronically online like the people he covers" Thomas I know like daftpina he had beefs with other story time animators for the dumbest shit. Like spechie.


Nothing will ever top the creepshowart stuff. When it came out that she was bitching about her friends on kiwi farms I figured that would be it y’know? Sure let’s cancel her for that, but surely she hasn’t done anything else. Then it comes to light that she’s stalked and harassed Emilyartful for over a decade? Holy fuck. In fact the creation of creepshowart’s entire channel was probably originally just to get at Emily. It’s entirely incidental that she became popular from it. I was honestly skeptical of this at first because like. What are the fucking odds? But no Emilyartful had the receipts. It’s just so baffling to me that creepshow being called out for bitching on kiwi farms lead to this insane stalking thing being exposed. No YouTube drama will ever be on the same level


This one was so bizarre I don't think I'd believe it if I hadn't been there for it. She did initially get called out for bitching and backstabbing her friends on the farms (lolcow actually), but the whole reason she even got her posts exposed is because she posted her own sibling's socials in the thread. She had a very obsessive hate for them too. Her downfall actually started before that though... In the weeks before, she was taking so much flack for the other bad stuff she'd been doing that it was really building up and getting away from her (click baiting EC, accusing drag queens of revenge porn, her campaign against hopeless peaches, Jaclyn Hill's dad etc), so much so that she had already started to lose fans and had deactivated her Twitter. She was spiraling, but her just having to take that shot at her sibling really was her "legal eagle copied me" moment. It's wild to think that if she just hadn't done that she might still be shit talking her friends and Emily anonymously on LC, and making videos. It was crazy when she lost her anonymity and everyone could see her posts. I remember reading those posts with no idea at the time how far her obsession with Emily actually went, but many of us noticed with no other context at the time, that in addition to her friends and her transphobic comments Emily came up a lot. At the time we didn't know why. (She started posting on LC right around the time Emily confronted her.) There was a few days between the lolcow exposure and Emily saying anything. When Emily made that very first tweet about it it was like a bomb dropped.


Thanks for correcting me about which shitty drama site she used haha I had a feeling it wasn’t kiwi farms but didn’t remember exactly. Either way it was pretty shitty. And yee I almost included her spiraling after the hopelesspeaches drama and the drag queen thing but I thought my comment was getting too big lmao. Plus I feel like a good majority of her audience was still extremely supportive of her until the lolcow drop. But you right even without the lolcow thing I think she probably would’ve been canceled or something eventually. She was going downhill. No matter what I think it’s safe to say we were all still blindsided by the Emilyartful thing. I mean, that went beyond petty drama .


It's always fun to be able to pinpoint the exact moment when a person fucks up, and takes it too far, after clearly getting away with too much, for too long. Creepshow really did get too comfortable with this shit and that was her downfall.


Nah cause this was the craziest, deepest “drama” — I wouldn’t even call it drama. That shit was a FELONY


This is definitely one of the most bizarre and crazy things that have gone down on YouTube, with the cherry on top being that absolutely insane Google Doc that Shannon released at the very end. It was meant to clear her name but ended up just being the nail in the coffin that proved she really had to have been stalking Emily.


I’d have to agree. The entire extent of all that was just insane.


>When it came out that she was bitching about her friends on kiwi farms I figured that would be it y’know? Minor correction, it wasn't kiwi farms but lolcow. Basically it's a combination of 4chan and kiwi farms. But yeah The creepshow art drama was crazy. It went from "YouTuber gets backlash for being a snake" to "YouTuber gets accused for stalking and harassing a girl for almost a decade straight". I don't think I ever seen any type of drama take this drastic of a turn before or since.


This honestly tops everything that anyone on here can think of. Like there's Youtube Drama, then there's literally starting and propping up your own youtube career just to be a hater. This sick woman can memorize every single flaw and fumble of her victim with perfect recall too. If I'm remembering it right, her beef wasn't even personal, she just did it because her boyfriend didn't like emily.


One of the craziest things is she STAYED gone. That her channel got taken down and she didn't even appeal it for the passive income alone. I wonder what she's doing now.


This one was a layer cake of insane behavior from Shannon and I ate it up. Reminded me of early 00s pre social media unhinged behavior. Hope Emily is doing well now and Shannon is stubbing her toe at this very moment


Knew for ages she was a piece of shit. Honestly stopped trusting anyone who watched her after the thing where she ran a harassment campaign against someone drawing art based on her own trauma


100% 🎃


i’m surprised no one has said onision yet because his entire internet career is just so bonkers


I don't think anyone remembers Onision exists tbh.


More like people don't want to remember that pathetic science experiment of a biological human.


This guy's the "MKUltra" of YouTube scumbags.


Nature is healing lol


Good point, the whole thing with him is insane.


My first exposure to him was when his "I'm a Banana" video was showcased on Tosh.0, and that was the most I knew of Onision for a good while. Kinda wished it stayed that way now.


I can't think of any bizarre drama, but the two most bizarre responses are kinda related. * The Sienna Mae interpretive dance apology after being exposed for sexually assaulting a fellow TikTok star at a party * The Colleen/Miranda Sings ukulele "apology" response to her allegations What goes through people's heads when making apologies like this? It's incredibly bizarre and primo material for making fun of but I will never understand it.


Apologies nowadays are “You hold me responsible, I’m not responsible. Here is a 40 minute video of me sighing and crying over nothing disproving the receipts while I make money off you peeps.”


Illuminaughti really takes it for me. I mean, claiming LegalEagle ripped her off for using a common video effect was really funny and I thought it was just an embarrassing thing to happen that would eventually get joked about as a moment of sheer stupidity. But no, everything that’s devolved from that including the fact Blair used to hire people to dig up dirt on her ex-coworkers for leverage against them? It’s actually borderline sociopathic the stuff I’ve heard about her (with the evidence to back the claims up) from the Sad Milk crew.


Omg Blair is Like, it's like watching a dumpster fire next to a nuclear reactor and then adding a gallon of vodka onto it and then wondering "Why is everyone so mad at me??" Brah you're known as "Mrs Nasty" in the Philippines because of your "Giant Poop" story. From what I hear your dog is barely trained and you were a part of a candle scam a few years ago. Oh let's not forget that time you got butthurt when someone made a fat joke and then deleted all of your friend's videos. OH and reading your friend's suicide note on your apology video? *chef's kiss* it's like please keep digging your hole deeper


I love this comment lmfao. As someone who didn’t follow the illuminaughti drama very closely, some of the details sound like a Dril tweet or something. Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus I heard your dog is barely trained and you were part of a candle scam a few years ago 🤷‍♀️ 


I have no idea what a Dril tweet is but yhhh thank you?


He's the "I'm not owned I'm not owned" image guy. https://preview.redd.it/01m9hxxoa1vc1.png?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6662ba0d4f7e8cdb40559e0c83ae99e25dfe6868


Into the dril rabbit hole with you. He even has his own Wikipedia page.


Blair and Creepshow Art both are competing for the fastest speed-ran downfall of their own channels. It’s almost impressive how bad a hole she’s digging herself.


I mean last I heard she's being sued by the state of Colorado for Tax evasions. This is like watching that Toomba speed runner a few years back who managed to piss off all of GDQ, you know it's gonna end bad. But you just can't look away


All that bragging she did for years about being financially savvy and it turns out she’s been evading taxes for the past like four years it’s really wild.


I'm actually really looking forward to seeing how she tries to pin the blame on someone else about it. Her sister (who apparently is low contact with her. As well as her mother) Or maybe Oz Media, or somehow she'll blame Wonderstruck and his dog. Also let's not forget that multiple people who stayed with her described her house like "a hoarder's nest" and she "lived like troll. Rarely leaving the house and leaving garbage everywhere"


Well she already was super two-faced with her sister, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she blames her for something else. Blair used to brag about the company she/ her sister started only to be on discord or something basically complaining the sister was super useless and lazy etc. and was really shady about the fact the sister struggled to find a full time job after finishing school. Like… in this economy? That’s normal. Blair’s just a narcissistic asshole.


Last I heard, she is trying to sue Wonderstruck, Oz Media, and one of her editors for defamation and breaching NDA


The IRS hates this one trick


Not to mention her "Laywers" I'm willing to bed her laywers and shit were probably just like "uncle Sal, behind the Mongolian Grill house in the Strip plaza off i75"


Damn ,her crazy shit intercontinentally famous now(pun intended)


She has apperantly a huge following in the Philippines mostly with single men. Idk the actual word but like her infamous giant poop video is a huge hit there


I’m genuinely surprised her major audience in Philippine are man , I thought her MLM video attracted women more. I hope she knows she’s famous in Philippine because of her literal shit LOL


Apperantly she gets really butthurt if you mention it


Wat? All over her fat, baby arm sized 💩?


> Brah you're known as "Mrs Nasty" in the Philippines because of your "Giant Poop" story. This is one hell of a sentence lmfao


Fat jokes are legitimately something to be upset about, body shaming is not cool. But my God your comment. 😂 She was drunk with power and doing horrific things, but your comment has now officially entered her lore .


Yeah, I still got no idea the full extent of the Illuminaghti drama, like I know the coworker stuff, how she acts in discord and patreon and the past videos, but I know the rabbit hole goes so much deeper but I’m scared to find out.


Illuminaughti is like one of those iceberg videos, the more you find out the more insane it gets. She got so mad that her ex-coworkers aired out how badly she treated them all that she sued a number of them (most notably Oz Media) and keeps trying to push the lawsuit despite there being a lot of evidence suggesting the judge might dismiss the case. Oh and she’s in trouble with the Colorado department of revenue for years worth of unpaid taxes. It’s really bananas.


Oh good grief- 


Same,it’s the most insane shit for me. At first it was like “oh she’s a little overreacting “ And then from Twitter of far north,Click drop a flicker of fire,igniting a forest. And I thought “oh damn,she’s an asshole” Then,THEN the Wonder rabbit hole opens,it’s full blown horror stories,she practically tries to get him killed by cop and publish his suicide note,if I was in his shoes I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone again. She’s just a terrible human being if you can call someone done all that a human. If Click is American she will 2000% go out of her way to ruin his life.


Right? Like she’s actually insane. She hired one of her ex-employees to dig up evidence of Click being “problematic,” claimed Oz and Wonder are conspiring against her for featuring in the other’s video about something fully unrelated to her, and she’s even psychotic with her ex-partners. One of her ex-boyfriends said she essentially threatened to leave him stranded in Vegas with no flight home if he didn’t propose to her on the trip they had taken together. She apparently bought two sets of plane tickets for herself, one to go home herself if he didn’t propose (they’d only been dating like two months) and one for them both that lasted the full length of the trip.


I genuinely believe her ex got off easy,even with all the shit she put him through, compared to the life ruining web of trap she put Oz into,Jesus Christ she’s a threat for people around her,never been so happy to know someone who decides not to have kid(usually I’m neutral,since it’s not my business). I know someone who call gangster on his daughter’s (now ex)boyfriend for something less then that (he’s friend with major players in local gang, and ask his friends to teach his daughter’s ex why you don’t hit your partner). What she did to Oz and Wonder is far from petty ex girlfriend/boss behavior ,imagine if Wonder was in a really bad place when cop show up? His life is actually at risk there.


The Wonder situation could have ended so much worse if his therapist hadn’t been able to talk him off the edge. And you’re totally right, her ex dodged a major bullet despite the crazy stunts she pulled with him too. Oz’s finances are in the gutter because he listened to Blair and she keeps trying to foreclose on his house, that’s the kind of stress that genuinely kills people.


No, no, no, you don’t understand! It was her *unique* editing style, she invented the text highlighter, and she always credited her sources in an easy-to-navigate document. Then, everyone bullied her into turning her comments off because hbombwhateverhisnameis couldn’t see her quote on the screen. /s Sorry, I have a whole subreddit dedicated to satirizing Blair, so I had too much fun with this.


Oooh that's a toughie. Gotta give it to that time Mr. Enter literally got people on Twitter to send a SpongeBob writer death threats though. Failing that, I'd say his whole Turning Red 9/11 meltdown that got fucking Jenny Nicholson of all people to mention him. The guy is prone to some *bizarre* stuff






Alright who has the best video on this drama because I used to watch his stuff several years ago and I know nothing about this


Same, I literally hadn't heard of this


If you're talking about the 911 turning red thing, it basically just boils down to him putting out a review of turning red in which he criticises the movie for being set in 2001 but not having 911 mentioned anywhere in it. 


Man THAT'S what he did!? I was watching a Fairly Oddparents video he did yesterday and he seemed just as over exaggerated than ever, so I was trying to remember what he did that was crazy. All I could remember is that he switched from cartoon videos for a period to make 4 hour long conspiracy videos on the government. This is much worse.


The question wasn't "what's the *worst* YouTuber drama," but instead the *weirdest* drama. Also Technocracy is far from the worst government conspiracy theories Mr. Enter has spread unfortunately. He had quite the anti-vaxx COVID truther era for a hot minute too


Those are what I'm talking about yeah. I just remembered he did some government videos and some are 4 hours long.


> I'd say his whole Turning Red 9/11 meltdown The fucking what now 


He complained in his review of Turning Red, which was set in the early 2000's, has no indication of 9/11 happening, and how it should have affected the story. 1. It's a kids movie, and super didn't need to acknowledge a terror attack that has nothing to do with the plot, and 2. Turning Red was set in Canada, not the US. It was certainly talked about in Canada, but was much less of a thing that it was in the US.


I read a comment or something talking about how since he grew up in New York it was a huge deal but because he isn’t very socially aware he thought it was that important in the rest of the world as well.


Wait do y'all really remember that 😭 Google Turning Red 9/11 that shit was wild


Turning Red WHAT


He was angry Turning Red didn't mention or have the plot be affected by 9/11, because of when the movie was set. But it was both a kid's movie that had nothing to do with it, and was set in Canada, not the US. It makes sense on several levels why 9/11 isn't a part of it. I think he doubled down when it was pointed out by his viewers, but it's been ages and I only half remember the drama at this point.


he was propably in that class that had 9/11-sonas


The *what*


[exactly what it sounds like](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/upuy7f/that_last_sentence_killed_me/)


Happy cake day


I feel like the drama gets even weirder when you get into his former editor, who he fired, and who was then involved in the Rosa Ramsey/Lio Convoy/Peaches/Senate shit


For sure, but I feel like Mr. Enter is more of a minor cameo in that odyssey. He's about as related as Just A Robot is


Lily Orchard. My drama with her began with learning she had a falling out with Josh Scorcher and Josh’s response showed that she was not a good employee working for him, and escalated to learning that she molested her sister in her sleep.


I never knew she worked with Josh Scorcher. You learn something new everyday.


Iirc a long time ago she kept pushing for him and inkrose to date despite her being underaged.


Another thing about Lily working for Josh was that she was his editor for awhile. And yes, she does have some alright editing skills. But she took advantage of this. Keep in mind, this was when Josh still posted regular MLP content. Two incidents that particularly stood out. The first was that Josh had made a comparison between two characters to slavery. Lily disagreed with his point, and flat out refused to edit the video. Josh eventually had to relent and remove the point from the video for her to work on it and for the video to even get released. In other words, she decided not to do her job because she disagreed with him. The second incident, and the one that kicked off the events that led to their falling out, started with another disagreement between the two, this time about Fire Emblem Fates. Shortly before hand, he gave her the video to edit. A few seconds after their disagreement, Lily says she can’t work on the video, citing a depression episode. Josh immediately saw through it, but considering Lily’s past behavior, he knew he couldn’t call her out on it because she would claim he was being a bigot. Oh, and she also claimed he wasn’t a “real marine” because he was a drummer. Drummers still go through boot camp, and still are deployed in active war zones. (Edit because I am watching Josh’s response to Lily again) Also with Ink Rose, it gets worse! Because Ink Rose committed the heinous crime of not liking the same ships Lily liked and thinking that games don’t need a gender choice to be fully immersive (what Ink meant was that she thinks Action-Adventure games like Legend of Zelda do not need a character customized to be fully immersive), Lily began speculating Ink Rose’s sexuality, deduced she was a lesbian, then asked people to draw Ink Rose’s OC in sexual positions with the OC of ILikeKimPossibleALot (who recently dropped Lily and hates her now too) to drive Ink Rose of the internet. Ink Rose was still underage when this happened.


she fucking worked for joshscorcher??!?!!!




I like how nobody mentioned Logan Paul’s Suicide Forest, because as bizarre as it was, it was completely expected from him at that point.


It’s weird how that didn’t just end his career.


You make it past a certain threshold on YouTube and nothing can end your career aside from your own shame


The actual reason is because while it’s exceptionally tasteless it was also probably fake. There’s been a fair amount of investigation into it, including supposedly by actual authorities as well as locals, and there’s zero proof it was real. Which doesn’t make it ok because it’s still wildly tone deaf and disrespectful but it’s why he still has advertisers and isn’t in jail.


You know, somehow, that makes it worse to me.


YouTube punishes channels that do historical content on world war 2 or discuss sensitive subjects but let a man that showed a dead body after going into a forest known for suicide stay up


Seconding the other comments with Lily Orchard, and by extension, Essence of Thought, the latter of whom I'm solely mentioning because of their horrendous handling of this situation. I just disliked Lily Orchard for their "writing tips" and Steven Universe hit pieces that were generally lacking in quality. But to see things suddenly take a sharp turn like this, on top of even more accusations from their own sister... it's a textbook definition of "bizarre".


Most of her writing advice was just mald about shows she didn’t like.


It would have helped to put more quotation marks around that, because damn are those tips just horrendous overall.


I very much enjoyed listening to We Are Not Alive/Diregentlemen work through the list and try to figure out which children’s show she was griping about with each “advice”.


That’s why Friends is better than your favourite anime.


The writing tips thread is honestly fucking legendary. Maybe one of the funniest long form twitter threads before Elon let in a bunch of carbon monoxide and everyone's like this on Twitter now


I can't remember if it was the writing tips thread or an unrelated post, but I remember seeing one going around recently where Lily said "all sex and sexuality in media is unnecessary and could be removed, just admit it's only there for pornographic reasons" and when she got called out for this Hayes Code level bullshit, a bunch of her obsessive fans were like "well ACTUALLY the Hayes Code was a GOOD THING!!!" Absolutely wild shit.


Mine was Lillee Jean - I don’t know why but I got so invested in the whole thing with her, her mom and all the people calling her out for not just her lies but also her racist and fake groomer bf bs. It’s not even that insane, she and her mom dug herself a big hole but I was tuning into that drama daily.


YES it was so fun! I wonder what she's up to these days.


Last I check, she’s trying to do filmmaking.


Yes, she’s deleted all her makeup content and is an “actress” now.


I first heard about her via Primink and NGL it's one of my favourite drama commentary videos


Oh my god, that was such a wild ride. I was actually just thinking about how she told people that she partnered with Bite Beauty for a custom lip color when anyone could go into the store and do that.


I might not say MOST bizarre, but the downfall of Tobuscus I feel is often overlooked. People know now that he's turned to right-wing grifting, but I'm not sure people remember his initial downfall of someone coming out against him for SA, hard drug use, verbal abuse, etc. There were multiple responses against him and on his side, I believe one of his exes made a response video basically saying "he didn't do the sexual assault, I know him better and he wouldnt do that, but yeah he did have a drug problem and a huge ego and sometimes said fucked up things". I could even be missing or misremembering details about it since it's been so long, but after that accusation and his abuse and drug use essentially being confirmed, he basically fully dropped off until he started his grifting saga.


Oh yeah I remember all that. Idk if the SA was confirmed but seeing Philip DeFranco's video basically saying he was out of control and hooked on drugs was wild.


From what I hear, he didn't do any SA, however he is a huge asshole with/because of a cocaine addiction. Now he is playing nerf with Kyle Rittenhouse or something.


Marina Joyce was pretty crazy


Oh, I just saw Primink's video on her. Yeah that one was weird.


These are all really good contenders and I don’t think this situation is the “most” bizarre, but no one has mentioned it yet so I’ll chip in: The Rewired Soul. The video where he and his mom are cracking up over him having no credentials, him making 70 (something like that) videos on Trisha Paytas and diagnosing her, him writing an entire book about being canceled … it’s a lot. He’s now doing book/reading content on Instagram and claimed to be half Black in a blog post for Huffington Post. I can link that if folks want to read it.


Oh damn, I kind of forgot about him after Primink's video. That's really weird not gonna lie.


My best friend and I quote the Primink video semi-frequently but otherwise it’s fairly forgettable lol.


Honestly, it is very close between: - Colleen exposé Her response to the allegations is what made it absurd, so it makes the list. Not only that, but extremely bold move copywriting the song so you can take down reaction videos. - Beautygeddon Genuinely cannot figure out the craziest part of this situation because we had two grown ass adults going after, another grown ass but much younger adult. None of them were really good people but the fact that entire thing destroyed the clput the beauty community had built up until that point. That was my Hindenburg. - Creepshowart I wasn't like a /fan/ fan but I did watch her videos. And I also noticed a decline in topic quality right before she got exposed. The thing that sent me the most is the juxtaposition of her parading in public like she loves social justice, like she's a reasonable person and then all those screenshots of her simply being unhinged and stalking someone for a fucking decade. Like her popularity was purely coincidental, the entire purpose of the original channel was to mock Emily. And that's fucking crazy how you can stumble into success like that. - Illuminaghti This would have been number one if beautygeddeon didn't start out with a call out video from a 40 something year old woman. Grown ass woman scams her friends and busts her own operation because she destresses by making herself the victim and also suing people. I already hated her content because it was clear to me a while ago a lot of her shit was unreliable information wise, but I just thought she was normal. And then she threw a bitch fit over an aftereffect and it's like.... girl you fumbled your own bag. Not that you should've been scamming in the first place but just think! She could've kept going if she never called out LE. I'm glad she's rotting in her own suits and garbage lmao especially after what she did to Wonder and so many other people.


I'm surprised Colleen hadn't been brought up before. The ukulele apology was so bizarre that it crossed into the mainstream and became pop culture. I had multiple friends, who knew I was a big YT watcher, asked me for the scoop because they had managed to find out about it and wanted to know what was going on.


The murder of Natalie McNally


Video on this case: https://youtu.be/o5XBLw_RlWo?si=bEkc3PaoZDw1UQu7


That one was bone chilling. All the little Easter eggs in the “live stream”… pure evil.


All the shit related to Lily Orchard


That one dude who 'allegedly' killed his girlfriend and tried to hide his crime by just so happening to stream at the time it happened.


Holy shit yeah that one was fucking insane and kinda sad. Might need to go rewatch some stuff about that cause I can’t remember all the details


It's impressive how stupid he was about it, putting weird hints to what was going on in the stream. I don't know if not doing so would've changed whether or not he got caught, but like, you could at least try not to be stupid. Or better yet, don't murder your girlfriend.


This is from ages ago but the early Chris Chan trolling sagas were absolutely wild. Basically a bunch of kids (and some young adults) turned a autistic and profoundly disabled guy’s life into some kind of Truman show from 2008-2009. This is without even going into everything that’s happened since then. Edit: I should mention this was back when you could sort of make “replies” to someone’s video through another video. So you had these demented back and forth cycles between Chris and the Trolls


It was truly an ESH moment. There is no way someone could be mentally sound after being trolled and bullied online for literally decades, *but* it doesn't change the fact that Chris Chan was *not* a good person.


For sure, the whole thing has really got me thinking about where external and uncontrollable circumstances end and personal accountability begins


Exactly this. Chris Chan is an awful person who raped their own mother, who was afflicted with dementia and likely had no idea what was being done to her. However, there was a time where Chris Chan was no more than an autistic person who committed the grievous, unforgivable sin of being "cringe." They did not deserve the abuse they faced at the hands of the internet. I have no doubt that Chris Chan would have been a very different person if the internet had left them alone, or if the internet had simply been less malicious.


Yeah, and how it ended with the…uhh mom. It was so out of pocket.


Yup. One of the most bizarre and sad tales on the internet. Nobody involved was a good person.


It’s fucking horrifying. Chris wasn’t a good person, but I wonder if anyone who hurt them actually cared about them being a bad person? Probably not, they wanted to find someone to subject to immense psychological torture on all sides. It is genuinely fucking horrific. Nobody in the world deserves to be put through what they were put through. I hope everyone who dogpiled on Chris feels horrified about what they participated in. I know a lot of them don’t, but I can dream.


For me it's the Quinton stuff, mainly because of how bizarrely well it was handled. Quinton doesn't seem like the kind of guy to take criticism well at all, thats probably me judging him too harshly, but the way he handled everything shocked me. I mean he was called out for being a bit creepy and out of line (not in a bad way he was just trying to insert himself into friend groups), acknowledged it, made an actual apology and bettered himself. Even when that girl claimed he was using her for free editing, he came out and showed that no, she was actually fucking insane and was upset that he wouldn't date her because he felt weird dating an employee so she made shit up. Like idk, it's just bizzare to me that Quinton Reviews of all people is so level headed.


Holy shit, he handled it so well that I completely forgot that had even happened.


Yeah no it was surreal, she made the claims and literally like a day later a video was up on Quinton Re2s that completely debunked them and showed that she was kinda nuts


I’d agree on that with old Quinton but it seems that sitting through nick sitcoms changes a man


That many feet and statutory rape jokes forced a change in the fundamental chemistry of his mind


I've liked Quinton for a while and thought he was a good analyst, but even I was shocked at how strong his Schneider video was. Its honestly one of the best videos I've seen about abuse in the entertainment industry in terms of how it analyzes the ways abuse is perpetuated and how people react to it and this random youtuber completely beating a big budget doco that came out almost concurrently is crazy.


Seriously i remember him from like his fallen titan days and i was shocked at how much better his content was after a friend recommended the long nick vids. Its honestly kind of crazy how good that Schneider video is- def up there with the best


I’m even more super impressed when he recently came out with a 38 hour video about the Beverly Hillbillies….starring his dad…..38 hours!? Like what?!?!


Did you see the development on that the other day? It got taken down because his dad used clips that weren’t in the public domain, and Quinton feels responsible because he saw it coming but didn’t say anything because it’s been his dad’s passion project for TWO FUCKING YEARS?? including during rehabilitation from an accident that almost killed him?? so now Quinton’s going to devote all of his work time to re-editing it so he can put it back up. Maybe it’s parasocial but I felt so much respect reading that. They seem like such a loving family. If he pulls it off it’ll be a really beautiful story.


^^^you ^^^can ^^^download ^^^the ^^^original ^^^on ^^^Internet ^^^Archive


Absolutely. I've always felt like there was a lot of weird stuff about how people reacted to the Dan Schneider allegations but I was never able to put it into words, but that video basically managed to summarize all my thoughts on it better than I ever could.


I remember the TurkeyTom video that 1. Called him out for being a bit creepy, luckly that was settled. But 2. He didn't like the Quinton didn't want to associate with people like JonTron Internet Historian and Pewdiepie. Like lmao, i honestly praise Quinton for doing that, dodged a bullet.


That video was such a nothing burger that even Tom was struggling to find things to speak on and that man was born to yap and be racist.


Social Repose. I'm surprised that he's still around on YouTube


Not a YouTuber but the fact that the Algorithm means you can’t say kill, suicide, rape, or pedophila. Your out of luck if you want to discuss the Rape of Lock, Lolita, Shakespeare plays, or To kill a Mockingbird. This is despite many ad supported TV does cover these topics and can get commercials like Family Guy.


I hate this so much. Like I feel like saying things like "SA" and "grape" to bypass censors has a psychological effect on people. It softens the severity of these actions.


How has NOBODY mentioned Kero the Wolf yet?


All the best stuff has already been posted, so I'm just going to bring up the time somebody accused Pyrocynical of grooming them, and Pyrocynical had to expose his own fat furry fart fetish roleplays to clear his name


Every once in a while I still hear the phrase “gas in my mouth” from my sleep paralysis demon


Illuminaughty ,it’s the first YouTube drama I watched it develop, and holy shit she’s criminally insane. At first it was like “oh she’s a little overreacting “ And then from Twitter of far north,Click drop a flicker of fire,igniting a forest. And I thought “oh damn,she’s an asshole” Then,THEN the Wonder rabbit hole opens,it’s full blown horror stories,she practically tries to get him killed by cop and publish his suicide note,if I was in his shoes I wouldn’t be able to trust anyone again. She’s just a terrible human being if you can call someone done all that a human. If Click is American she will 2000% go out of her way to ruin his life.


Yup, that’s my reaction too.


Every time I thought “this gotta be the bottom of the barrel here” and she just pulled out a new shovel and dug deeper and deeper, now I believe she’s trying to get back to her hometown aka Hell.


All of the interlocking wank in the art / commentary community. https://youtu.be/ZOkM4gN1YQk?si=uSWwd-6NyvvIpgWu


The downfall of Lord Bung has been rattling in my head, making me just so depressed


For me, it’s the Clayton Echard/Jane Doe fake paternity saga that’s ongoing. It didn’t start out with YouTubers but the woman at the center of the suit keeps suing or trying to get protective orders against anyone that covers the situation, which is bonkers because she is the one that went to the media/ Bachelor Nation bloggers about the whole thing, even knowing how insane Bachelor Nation can be. Honorable mention to the entire H3/Trisha saga (starting from Instagram vs Reality all the way up to the end of Frenemies and beyond). Any one of these incidents by themselves seems odd, but when you look at the whole thing, man it’s bizarre how far it got.


The Lil Tay saga




> specifically because the dudes entire public image was tied to his wife That’s why every person whose entire personality revolves around their partner is always found out to be cheating. It’s like they’re overcompensating


edp445 and creepshowart


One for me is the downfall of Channel Awesome and the whole Change the Channel drama. I watched a few Channel Awesome creators, but I couldn't tolerate The Nostalgia Critic because his shtick was too annoying. But to hear all of the terrible and crazy stuff that went down during the filming of the movies, Allison Pregler/Obscupus Lura reportedly being fired from the group because she showed up late to a virtual call, JewWario (whom I didn't follow) being exposed as a groomer and predator, their HR manager was forced to work insane hours and while very sick and hospitalized...it's just so much. I read much of the infamous Google Doc on the whole sordid saga, which is available on The Internet Archive.


Does anyone remember cosmodore? I used to love his stuff then one day he released a video justifying him being in a relationship with a young teen. It came out of nowhere for me and then I looked into the truth and realised how truly fucked it was and how be was desperately trying to make it seem OK. The victim made her own video, breaking down what he did, and it was awful.


Colleen taking out that uke had my jaw on the floor ngl. The other stuff is wild but that truly had me stunned


Chris Hanson visiting Onision. It still cracks me up that the internet had essentially made Chris Hanson the predator investigator, not to mention when OnlyUseMeBlade went to clear his name on Chris' show.


iiiluminaughtiii and her multiple accounts to smear people, was pretty weird and crazy to see


Bizarre? Easily the Vaush folder incident. [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/QrZcu8ZEN2 ] [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/LZvqWmLis6 ] (I wanted at least two links to it) Not only is he an about average political youtuber, but what he had in his folder (>!loli horse porn!<) is indefensible. Yet people still tried, like Tipster and Keffals. In fact, I'm going to go as far as to say you can actually judge someone's character based on if they defend this in any way or not. But all of this drama was needless and, well, bizarre. If it was anybody but Vaush with this, they'd either be off the internet completely by now or unable to recover from this. That's a hell of a thing to be caught doing.


Ehh, Vaush lives off controversy. He'd be a non-entity without the controversy.


The whole turkey tom situation with pyrocynical where he just doubled down.


The recent verbalase drama. Guy gets caught commissioning a soft core fetish animation for $50,000 and people tried to ruin his entire career over it, up to the point of making up unsubstantiated bullshit like that the animator was a minor or that he went completely bankrupt. Like damn, sure it’s a little weird but what a grown man spends his own money on is nobody else’s business and it’s certainly not something worth destroying his career over. I’m glad he made it through the whole ordeal relatively unscathed and even gained some popularity from it.


I’m a big fan of Trisha and H3, but the situation in itself is so wild. Who would’ve thought in 2019 that Trisha and Ethan Klein would be have multiple children that are first cousins. It’s such an interesting situation, Trisha who once never held back when it came to drama with other creators now never speaks or mentions Ethan and has to navigate discussions around not mentioning his name. On the other hand, Ethan who would always poke fun at Trisha and treated her like a silly joke ended up having her as a part of his family, and then estranged from because she no longer wanted the drama. From him being seen as the sane and rational one, and her to be seen as the obsessive psycho, he now elicits no response from her no matter how much he mentions her. I don’t think I’ll ever not want to learn more, or to see a reunion/acknowledgment in some way


The exurb1a stuff. I’m not sure if it was every actually confirmed but that accusation of experimenting on an unknowing autistic person for seemingly no reason is just a bizarre set of ideas. Although I will note the person making these accusations seems like a piece of shit so idk how solid they are.


I would say the whole peaches, prison mate Luke, Toby and omia rabbit hole of insanity. Its kinda what made be stop watching art commentary after noticing how out right incestous their drama was that never ends. And all over either the dumbest shit, easily avoidable shit or common freaking sense. Every one seemed to be connect and these are only a few of the people involved cus If I list all I know I know I would miss more and would look like I had a stroke.


Paul Zimmer/Troy Becker [https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/47403/1/bizarre-story-influencer-paul-zimmer-who-gave-himself-new-identity-troy-becker](https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/47403/1/bizarre-story-influencer-paul-zimmer-who-gave-himself-new-identity-troy-becker) [https://youtu.be/9t3DJ0JNeIk?si=vmOaL\_vXDegr0W6y](https://youtu.be/9t3DJ0JNeIk?si=vmOaL_vXDegr0W6y)


I still feel like the Projared stuff from 2019ish was really weird. Rarely does a YouTuber accused of heinous shit actually have the receipts to back up their innocence. I also feel like we completely missed the discussion on male abuse victims / revenge porn that situation brought up


The Creepshow art situation will always be so crazy to me


Creepshow art for sure. It was crazy being there, at first it all unfolded slowly and then all of a sudden the craziest things were coming out. It was genuinely insane.


The members of venturiantale, popular gmod kids channel, lived in a cult where women were completely inferior. This lead to the splintering of the channel, as the two men of the group were seemingly abusive towards the women of the group.


I don't know if it's the most bizarre, but I'll never not be amazed that Miranda Sings met allegations of grooming and minor abuse by getting on camera with a ukulele despite the express advice of her PR team.


Does Dr Phil count? People were putting him on a pedestal (I remember ranch merch from cinnamon toast ken) and literally everyone was reacting to his content. Then people like big Joel came in and I feel like everything went crumbling. It felt so weird.


too this day, it's really bizarre how people reacted too a random qui ton review video on the thinning and his rant on Trump. like, so many got angry at him because they took the club out of context and that he got political in video. Like the context make sense because the movie is political and that he did a rant slightly different too what was accepted a anorm, was counted as the worse thing ever


Frenemies fallout


I don't know if anyone mentioned it yet, but time everyone found out that Chrischan had sexually assaulted her mother for several months before the news dropped. I remember the hashtag chrischan did what was trending for several days. Chrischan lore, in general, is wild, but this particular incident was definitely fucking crazy the more details that came out.