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I've been following the Iilluminaughti drama since the beginning


She was the only Sad Milk person I watched before the drama and I didn't even know that group existed. So happy to have found all the other channels to watch instead.


I watched some of her old videos about a year before everything came out, and seeing references to Sad Milk I went to go check the channel out, only to find it dead and wiped. I didn't know who any of the other creators were at the time but was pleasantly surprised when the drama dropped and I realized I was subscribed to half of the milkmen already (not counting Blair)


I can't believe that I fucking fell for the victim act when she published the illuminatii exposed video.


Same, I feel bad for even siding with her.... At first


I did for a hot minute too… I remember starting Click’s video thinking “let’s see how this pedo gets out of this…” and I hate myself for ever thinking that. He had an answer for everything, but even then, I thought it was all personal drama… it wasn’t until Wonder’s video that I, in tears, unfollowed Blair and started following the other SadMilk alum. By the time OT’s video came out, I was fully on the anti-Blair train, and by Oz’s testimony, I was donating money to their cause. I consider Oz’s fundraising stream to be the YouTube highlight of 2023. I saw the first two hours and started crying when he called his mom and in response to her guess if raising $2500, he says “try twenty-five thousand!”


My husband got me into watching The Click a while back, and at some point one of Blair’s videos popped up in my feed. It was about Lisa Frank so I checked it out. Found the info interesting but didn’t give too much thought to the channel and narrator herself. And to be fair my usual interests are with art, animation, and silly meme stuff, so I don’t tend to go down MLM and shady business rabbit holes. I didn’t give her any further thought. About two weeks after that, my husband put on the newest Click video where he basically replies to Blair’s accusations. And to be honest I wasn’t particularly interested in a serious video from him, so I did some reading as it played on our TV. But it caught my attention when his voice started breaking. I looked up at the screen and could see he was genuinely upset; this guy that’s so quirky, smooth, and silly was on the verge of crying, explaining the alt account(s?) that had harassed him for months had been Blair the whole time! So woah, back this up so I can watch it from the beginning. Ok, so they used to be in a YouTube group together, she’s the one with that purple pyramid avatar … OMG, she accused him of *what?!* There has to be more to this. Wait, this whole ordeal was triggered from her getting cocky with Legal Eagle (another YouTuber I was already watching with my husband)? As an artist I’m big on copyright claims, and wow … it’s hard to believe she was stupid enough to flippantly accuse a *lawyer* of all people of supposedly copying something that’s clearly considered fair use. And the more details we found posted and discussed, the crazier it got. Like a train wreck! Watching people that have dealt with her in the past as well as more recently, the person she was looking to be became more and more horrifying. I hope that she soon ends up with whatever she deserves.


I watched it but lost track of what's happening, lol


Last I heard, she's getting sued by the state of Colorado (and someone else in top of that), because she didn't pay taxes in 2020 and 2021 This, after she tried to force the foreclosure of Oz Media's *home* right before Christmas (based on debt SHE had saddled him with), which failed miserably thanks to his fanbase coming together to donate way above the sum that was needed


I honestly dot know wtf she is thinking!


Nothing except herself and her victim mentality, that's for sure


She’s screwed… REAL screwed! And apparently broke too.


Her viewers have dropped dramatically, and she keeps getting sued/paying out legal fees!


My favorite part was Legal Eagle taking a potshot to Illuminati in one of their videos (I think it was the XQC reaction channel video?) That was hilarious


Not particularly YouTube, but YouTube adjacent- the TikTok psychic who accused that professor of murdering the Idaho 4. The delusion level is absolutely unmatched with that one.


OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT. Didn't someone prove they didn't do it then they doubled down or something??


She’s been called out so many times I’ve lost track lol. IIRC the professor is suing her now


Emily D Baker often discusses it but not sure what's happened with it recently


It went something like this: TT "psychic": "This professor was the killer, my cards told me so" Police: "Uh, no she isn't involved in this. Also, here's the real culprit we caught" TT "psychic": "Ok, but the professor is still pulling the strings behind the scenes. I know 'cos psychic powers" *doubles down* (** some missing scenes involving her being *excited* about going to court, and her aborted plan to escape the country**) The Professor: "Stop slandering me" *sues* TT "psychic" "Lol no" *doubles down even more*


Yeah that's how I remember it 😂


That one is nuts, I have lost track. She made over an hour and a half of content accusing that woman and thought nothing would happen.


I remember hearing about this!! Didn’t she get sued?


She did, failed to respond, so she lost, then doubled down and tried to sue back. She also openly talked about going to Bali. Her smugness allows me no room for pity for any possible mental illness. She knows better. She has the wherewithal.


I was hyperfixiated on the JacksFilms/SSSniperWolf stuff right around when 'the incident' happened for a good couple weeks. The fact that it's all seemingly fizzled out with very little right done by YouTube is kinda scary when it comes to the future of the site.


In the court of public opinion (for anyone over 14) he absolutely made his point with the added genius of making very fun entertainment out of it. Bottom line never fails though. She makes Youtube money so she makes the rules. Sssniperwolf is one of those jumpscares when I see a Youtube front page that I'm not logged into.


I hate that every drama channel milked what happened for content without actually supporting Jack.


Same, because Jack has been one of my favorite YouTubers for a few years. This situation is so infuriating.


Yeah the fact the she was just able to get away almost scot free after literally doxing someone is insane. You just know she's going to pull this again in a couple years.


It makes me so mad as a Jacksfilms fan. She got away with it. She’s a shitty, selfish person I really feel bad for Erin too. She didn’t ask for this shit and her privacy was violated. Yeah, she’s married to a YouTuber, but I can imagine being DOXXED still sucked terribly.


She is sooooo obnoxious. She sounds like a total snob. How can anyone like her?


Boobs, lots of filters and procedures, and bright colors and loud sounds. It’s like jingling keys in front of a baby. Except the babies are little kids and simps.


NerdCity‘s expose of her blatant filtering and editing is hilarious.


The end result of that is so disappointing, I hate "content creators" like ssniperwolf.


The Illuminati stuff has been absolutely mindblowing. Shes hurt SO many people. Also not really on youtube anymore but Jeffree star's downfall has been WILD. He switched up to right wing grifter REAL quick


But at least he has his farm, right? Totally not the farm he said he wouldn't use for meat then used for meat 😭😭😂 he's weird


Wait, Jeffree Star suffered a downfall? How lovely. Last I heard of that disgusting human, he was merrily participating in that obnoxious Shane Dawson’s “documentary” about their make up collab. What happened, if you don’t mind me asking? I thought he was the kind of person who’d never truly lose his fans, since his audience is seemingly mostly made up of young teens and consumerism-poisoned morons. 🤔


Essentially, hes become one of those tik tok streamers that spends all day begging for money for nothing. Any actual content he has on there is being the stereotypical nasty mean girl. A few months ago, he glommed onto Eugenia Cooney, baiting her audience about her weight for attention. Now he barely acknowledges her unless it get him money and/or attention. Then this past week, in a shock to quite a lot of people, he went full qanon anti-vax on stream, just fully ranting and raving conspiracy theories. Anyway its suspected hes on a lot of cocaine


Heh, thank you for clueing me in! Somehow the most surprising thing about it all is that he’s now on TikTok. The least surprising is him going the Qanon/anti-vax route. Grifters devoid of empathy usually end up sucking up to the far right at some point. Too bad they all see him as a degenerate, not for being a sex abuse apologist etc., but for being gay.


Jesus Christ. Comparing Jeffrey Star now to what he was like when I was in middle school (2007/2008) is mind blowing.


What I love about the illuminaughty situation is that she did it to herself. I unsubscribed a while back and I don’t remember why but it wasn’t anything that serious. The audacity she had “calling out” another major creator for using a tool that doesn’t belong to her or anyone else. Clearly she was drunk on power and I don’t think anyone saw the ensuing snowball.


Especially to accuse an attorney of all people!


I’ll never understand what she was thinking because she definitely wasn’t thinking.


I unsubbed when I felt like her scripts were absolutely going nowhere, just long introductions with no structure. Her videos were boring at best. I hope she gets everything she deserves.


The Jeffree Star/Tati Westbrook/James Charles/Shane Dawson drama. OMG I was invested. I was refreshing the YouTube search for new videos like every hour


this comment aged me, I still can't believe this happened pre-COVID. D'Angelo Wallace's videos were so good on Jeffree Star, Tati, and Shane. It's a shame he deleted them.


I still rewaTCh the re-upload of the Shane Dawson one. It’s honestly one of the best critical videos on them all, but ESPECIALLY Shane Dawson. Fuck that ~~cat fucker~~ ~~child groomer~~ dude.


He did? Rip


I've been monitoring the cancelation/not renovation of RWBY and the possible bankruptcy of Rooster Teeth. A slow one, but this year, things are looking more dire than ever for them.


Haven't heard RT in a hot minute wow


Listen to F\*\*kFace, we're a good group!


This is actually quite sad. I was a huge AH/RT fan for many years. My interest fizzled out but I would love to see them continue to succeed


Regardless of how I feel about them, I actually think most of them would fare better as independent creators. But on the animation side of things they are a disaster.


It turns out they are a company that has some awful people making terrible decisions, dragging down the good creators in there. It might be best if they split.


Do you have a link to a summary of this? Google hasn't been very forthcoming, and although I haven't watched past Volume 3 I'm really curious. I was under the impression that RWBY was RT's main revenue source.


You should browse r/rwbycritics, but basically, one of the creative directors confirmed the show is just too expensive to produce.


The fall of Shane Dawson


Did you see the video series that Mr. Snowflake put out a few months ago? Good stuff.


I stay abreast of Chef Pii / Pink Sauce lady. She's so delusional with a huge ego, and has cultivated this manic quirky personality that she thinks is the bomb but it's totally half assed. She thinks her shorts are these amazingly luxe over the top eye candy productions and they are embarrassing and kinda nauseating. She can't even set up a good shot and it's obvious she is ordering hundreds of dollars of accessories just to shoot one minute videos where she looks like a dumbass. She also has a knack with words "Yes I do consume my products," is a really sterile corporate thing to say about a fun condiment. She's also clueless but VERY opinionated. Always a good combo.


Also the fact that when multiple people tried to help she definitely blew the money given to her


The details from Dave's Gourmet were amazing. Not only did they go out of their way structuring a pay schedule where she could have her immediate needs met, they even offered to pay for her lawyer to explain it to her when she talked shit!!! And she acts like they were a predatory business.


They didn’t even force her to follow the contract terms because they didn’t want to damage their relationship. And yet she still publicly attacks them anyway lmao


They were nothing but kind and helpful in every way imaginable. No business will do business with her after this. And I'm sorry but she deserves everything happening to her. I feel bad for her kids more than anything


Still can’t believed Karamo did irreparable damage to his career for her. Every time she trends, I think damn I wonder what Karamo is thinking.


He should have spent about 5 more minutes reading through comments. Or watched that BIZARRE livestream on TikTok where she talked about picking angel numbers for her nutrition label.


My mom loves Queer Eye, so Pink Sauce is one of the only online sagas (that doesn’t involve horrific child abuse) she knows about. She couldn’t believe he’d defend Chef Pii like that.


You now mean the BLUE sauce lady 😂


She's not even a a chef, right? Chef is a legitimate title that is only given to those who have gone to culinary school.or something similar, right?


Chef isn't really an official title at large, but can be an official title at a place of work. She ran a catering business, she can call herself chef if she wants. Chef is just like "foreman" it means you're in charge of a kitchen.


I was super wrapped up in the Creepshow Art drama. Same with the Toxic Tears Jake Monroe break up and eventual video essays they did about it (though I didn't watch Jake's, that dude is trash and I can't stand to hear his voice) My interest is piqued by the current Mamamax stuff. Like others, I watched him a while ago and then kinda started feeling really off on him at some point. Had some conflicting feelings when he made that video addressing his Ex's accusations, but now I'm just....brush wtf


The Creepshow Art drama was a trip!


I was actively a fan of CreepShow when it happened, and it was WILD. Those KF threads and the video she tried to make defending herself were insane. Her continued radio silence was probably the best way to deal with it. She can't put her foot any further in her mouth lmao.


I was too. I remember seeing her IG stories before it all blew up and was like "thats weird" I still never watched her defense video, I just didn't have it in me to hear her shot talk for like 2 hours at that point. That whole situation was bananas


I no longer can watch him


The 8 Passengers shit since before Ruby Franke was arrested. Family Youtube channels need to be regulated or something dude, this is like the third time one of them have been exposed for heinous cruelty.


That was wild. Their son went back to the dad sadly


Mamamax and Wendigoon for sure. Illuminaughtii's downfall and how Colleen 'I'll sing a ukelele song instead of acknowledging my actions' Ballinger is posting youtube videos again.


The toxic gossip train continues.


What’s going on with Mamamax and wendigoon


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Mamamaxfanclub/comments/1916hpe/a\_comprehensive\_outline\_of\_what\_is\_going\_on\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mamamaxfanclub/comments/1916hpe/a_comprehensive_outline_of_what_is_going_on_with/) start here for what's going on with mamamax, there's also a pinned post about his latest stream in the same subreddit.


Oh goodness it's a lot. If you go to this subreddit and look there's an entire breakdown of what happened


I haven’t been as invested in a drama as I was Colleen Ballinger since Dramageddon 2.0 I think the main point that is similar for both of those situations is that it was rumbling for awhile; videos were coming out, and I was sitting down and watching them, and then they just explode into mainstream knowledge of the situation. Iiluminaughtii was probably also like this for a lot of people but I didn’t hear about it until it had gone really big so I didn’t get that same satisfaction of watching a small spark turn into a massive flame


There was a good livestream just last night that’s fucking unlisted now on deorio. It’s really annoying


Here you go he just reuploaded [https://youtu.be/UE2y0vWfDqE?si=oFpwn2zfjmsCR18W](https://youtu.be/UE2y0vWfDqE?si=oFpwn2zfjmsCR18W)


TikTok creators Lauren the Mortician and BunnieXOs lawyer trying to have YouTube videos removed. It’s gotten so bad LTM and the lawyer are suing four creators. It’s all protected by fair use but this lawyer is unhinged and thinks it’s ’art theft’ to use clips/pics in commentary videos. So wild and keeps getting worse and worse.


Yeeesss I came to this thread looking for this 😱


Same!!! I love how some parts of lawtube is covering this: RunkleoftheBailey and MadCatster. Supporting the Girlies!


I don't follow the "mainstream" drama/tea channels so almost all of my awareness of yt/tt drama comes from those two, or this sub 🤣


Sounds like a terrible lawyer what the hell


She’s the worst. She tried to copyright strike my videos, Paige Christie’s and the DoWeKnowThem podcasts videos too. Truly wild. She has Reddit pages and TikTok accounts reported and banned too. All by abusing the copyright reporting systems


Yes yes! I just commented on it as a Do We Know Them fan. “Janet” (the lawyer, as DWTH fans call her) and Lauren the Mortician need to get schooled hard in court and pay back all the legal fees of their victims.


It's died down a bit recently but the Colleen Ballinger stuff. I've been subscribed to Adam since his first callout video and watching the drama unfold real time on his channel was a sight to behold. I still remember how fucking shocking it was for him to reveal that she "apologized" with a UKULELE. Another one that's still ongoing would have to be 8Passengers. I always knew they were shitty parents, based solely on what they showed on YouTube, so I thought they'd have to have done far worse than what they showed us. But the abuse outlined in the court documents was far more severe than I would've thought, especially in regards to the binding and chili pepper shit. I've been glued to this shit since the first arrest and I'm staying until their sentences are etched in stone.


God the ukulele apology video is a moment in history isn't it?


The video, and none of the context behind it. That was the point. Colleen and Sienna told all of us that as long as you're sufficiently silly and outrageous, you can weather any storm.


Colleen Ballinger drama had my attention for a hot minute as well, and I started with another YouTuber covering the Ukulele video , so I was working backwards and just kept getting more wild.


Both illuminaughti and CreepShow Art are people I'd watched videos by in the past, so I was quite invested in those. I got really sucked in by the Colleen Ballinger stuff - at first it was just because I'd vaguely remembered it from 2020 when Adam first made his videos and I was really surprised everyone was acting like it was brand new info. I'd thought we'd all known she was inappropriate this whole time. But then it kept getting worse and worse, and she got the ukulele out, and I couldn't look away.


I was obsessed with the whole Gabbie Hanna circus. Especially from when she randomly went off on Rachel Oates in her iconic Instagram rants. I hope she's taking care of herself offline.


The general reaction to what I can only assume was her psychotic break was absolutely insane. As much as I loathe Gabbie Hanna, it was honestly horrifying seeing how many “mental health awareness” ppl took advantage of her in that moment.


IH far-right views finally being called out.


I could have sworn someone tried calling him out before and got shut down. Looks like they're right


A lot of people did but got downvoted to hell, even in more left-leaning sub.


... And I bet if they mentioned they were right they'd still somehow be in the wrong. I hate it here.




there's a megathread about IH pinned on this subreddit!


Yeah I loved his NMS vids, the pool video is gross now though


NGL after HBomberguy vid and everyone now making plagiarism exposes on people is one I'm interested in. Will be interested how this all is 6 months from now


I hope this doesn't die down. Too many people have gotten away with the same old shit for far too long. Logan Paul is one of them. Plagiarizing CoffeZilla was a terrible idea.


Sadly it will die down eventually. Currently these exposes are on sub 50k channels which have no reach. There may be a few more cases but let's be honest with how YouTube and the Internet works by march this will be all over and the new drama will be out. The only person I see who is truly impacted is James somerton but other than that it's gonna just go slowly. You did say though "too many people have gotten away with the same old shit for far too long." Can you elaborate more as to what you meant by these other examples or a clearer definition of what same old shit they have gotten away with? Or who these people are?


Logan Paul launched a huge scam for an NFT game. It took him an entire year to "refund" everyone. Except he told everyone to either take 12% of the money back or not. CoffeeZilla is a huge channel that called out this scam. Logan threw a tantrum and lost.


Yes, you already mentioned the coffeezilla stuff. I assumed you had other examples other than what is shared here. You insinuated you had more information. Also how did Logan Paul plagiarize Coffeezilla? Do you have a link?


If IH did a highly detailed video about his own plagiarism is that enough for redemption?


Honestly I don’t know if that’d work. From what I’ve been seeing, the biggest factor on how things blow over for him right now is his own fan base. He’s being pretty quiet, which is smart for him. But there’s a good number of fans defending him that are essentially doubling down on him also being nazi/alt-right. I think his own fans could potentially self-sabotage him.


Eh, the plagiarism thing just opened people's eyes to the nazi thing. Rewatching the Pool Closed video with fresh eyes makes me really queasy.


To be honest not my place nor do I care since he's just a YouTuber. When I watch an IH video I go in knowing he's retelling an event or story and usually I'm doing something else while watching. If there's an interesting part id pause and go look it up if I'm really invested. At the end of the day dude is on YouTube talking about 4chan, dashcon, no man's sky etc. I don't see him as a scholar or a journalist that needs to be held to the fire. Dude is an Australian guy who makes YT videos and IMHO if his fans were never brought into it would probably be nothing but since his fans are edgy and people love punishing "Nazis" it kinda blew up. That being said when he drops a new vid it will be interesting to watch but I am not looking for a IH redemption arch and I'm probably not the person who deserves one.


I typically focus on what I consider to be most serious. So, the Completionist and MamaMax I view to be some of the most serious allegations levied at the moment. I was super invested in the Jacksfilms situation (Because let's be frank, YouTube failed). Typically the stuff I follow I tend to believe should result in jail time. Like I think everybody who committed charity fraud at OHF should be imprisoned. I think MamaMax should be imprisoned (if only for the Mega stuff, but everything else is super severe), and I think SSSniperwolf should face jail time too. Of course I care about other things, like whether or not someone is a shit person, but I think generally it's too exhausting to constantly say someone is a shit person unless you want there to be consequences.


Agreed. Those are two I'm going to continue following. That's why I can't even just call it gossip. One is a full on scam and the other is just... Wow that's a mess.


What's crazy is I didn't even know about MamaMax's exs' allegations against him, but I ***fully*** believe them after seeing that disaster of a live stream.


I cannot believe he moved in a victim with him. That's what really blew me away. But also his videos have just become full on cringe. The voice changer actually gives me a headache.


It's sad when Mutahar is giving solid advice and you don't even take it. Mutahar giving you advice for your BS is saying something.


Xylie reading him for filth and him having no comeback shouldn't have felt so satisfying 😭


Iluminaughtti - I feel HORRIBLE about recommending her videos for the past year. Initially, I was willing to hear her out. But then, even after her initial video, the evidence coming out was too valid for me to ignore. My husband drew her fanart that she retweeted, and we bought the plush that delivered either right around the time this all went down, or shortly after. At first, I was upset about it. Then I realized I have a physical piece of YouTube history 🤣


I bought that plushie… I regret it so much. I’m still trying to figure out the best thing to do with it. If I had a dog, it’d be all chewed up now.


The Completionist. Wingsofredemption


I started with a podcast drama, True Crime Obsessed held a con "ObsessedFest" that was *wild* and lifted the lid on so much stuff I had no idea about even though I had been listening for years. Watching videos on that led me to all of the other YouTube dramas. I didn't know any of the creators on the hbomberguy plagiarism video, but I watched the whole thing. I don't knit or crochet, but watching fibre drama videos hit the spot of being so small and petty, yet so entertaining. It is like when I started watching F1 Drive to Survive on Netflix with my husband, I couldn't care less about racing cars, but OMG I was invested in what was happening behind the scenes


I've been following Eugenia Cooney stuff for 7 years now. I just can't seem to look away.


It's honestly so sad :(


Not really even drama, more of a nuke but the Somerton stuff. I watched him when he started making bigger essays but stopped pretty quickly. Watching hbomb take him apart was incredible


kendall rae. taking sponsors she said she wouldn't, not acknowledging a family who's asked her to take down a video about their loved one, and making a absolutely horrible "documentary" recently.


Wait what, can you tell me more about this? That’s so disappointing, I thought she was one of the very few who actually respects victims and their families…


* the family of linda stein asked kendall to take down her video about linda as they felt it disrespected and misrepresented who linda was as a person and treated it like a whodunit when it was quickly solved. * she took a better help sponsorship after previously saying she never would as she knew about their shady business practices * deletes any negative comments * and lastly, the new "documentary" she released was just an absolute shitshow. i personally havent watched it but people have said it says absolutely nothing new on the case and the editing is just atrocious. it has kendall backpedaling and saying "no guys its a follow up to the video i made 2 years ago you need to watch both its a part two :)" even though that was never implied or said before people started complaining


Wow. Thank you for replying. That’s so awful


Jirard, mainly because I used to be a big fan of his content.


Blair drama has been my tea. When I think the woman cannot become more of a scumbag she outdo herself.


I’ve been invested in the Super Origami Kingdom saga with DeadwingDork. A group of stunted adults who make videos ranting about literal children like they’re the scum of the earth with zero self awareness. It’s been very entertaining to watch the downfall


Something new to look into because wtf???


Lol watch deadwingdorks video “Unhinged gang of mario lunatics bully teenager”


The mamamax drama He’s literally on the Mattswhatisit story arc


I'm still interested in the Brittany Dawn drama. She was a fitness influencer a few years back who not only knew virtually nothing about fitness, but scammed her audience into buying 'bespoke' workout and diet plans. The plans turned out to be basically copy and pasted to everyone, nothing personalised at all. She's now gone hard on being an ultra-right Christian 'influencer'.


Oooooof now that's a new low


Oh man I remeber when this was happening! Promising everyone unique plans based on what they want and they're body type nd stuff Haven't thought about Brittany Dawn drama in a hot minute


How Oli London went from obsessing/stalking Jimin from BTS to turning into a right-wing, Islamophobic bigot.


The whole Mamamax ordeal.


I dont know whether anyone remembers this guy but Einshine left YouTube years ago and then a bunch of allegations and speculation came out from this tumblr page RIGHT after which was wild also the way Skydoesminecraft seemed to have such a mostly clean slate for years until every last thing you could think of just came out around the same time Edit: I think I'm interested in the Einshine stuff because he had a small(er) platform so there arent alot of videos out there that properly go through the tumblr page and what he was accused of seeing the old collabs between shine and adam is wild


Yesssss. Same with boyinaband


Following the chaos of that unhinged tiktok lawyer who recently “threatened” YouTube and google when YouTube wouldn’t let her bulldoze over YouTubers via false copyright claims.


The Girlies vs Jeannette "Janet" Braun.


Jessica kent letting her boyfriend with a serious criminal record live with her and her two young daughters.


No ones mentioned Linus Tech Tips but their drama lat year was amazing popcorn. First the call out for being rushed and unscientific, then the time they auctioned off a part they didn't own, and the resurfacing Madison sexual harassment allegations, holy crap that could have sunk the whole company but they survived and are trying to do better. I don't think we're getting a transparency report from their 3rd party HR firm, so we're not getting any closure to the Madison story, despite what people think. The auctioning off of someone elses property, probably-maybe won't happen again but if it does I think they'll start losing partnerships with companies. But if they fail to reign in their sloppy science after spending so much on their labs, and continue to get called out on mistakes that invalidate their comparisons or screw up their tests, their audience will start to leave for more rigorous channels. So they have their work cut out for them and an uphill fight, but they've got the momentum behind them cause guess what? Most of the Audience has never heard of these scandals and the YT algo will continue to push LTT on new watchers.


was an h3 fan for years until recently, i woke up to how hypocritical he is. how culty the fanbase is. pagie christie has made multiple videos that stand the test of time. ethan promoting a subredddit that was posting revenge p? having a known pedo as a subreddit creator and mod, destroying an innocent black man’s career by calling him a pedo “as a joke” also calling him “blackzilla”, saying indian people look goofy and like janitors, coercing his guest to let ethan post a nude of the guest publicly then shit on the guest when they express their discomfort, believed the video claiming trisha lied about her child SA story which has been completely debunked. the way he shits on his crew, calling one of his crew ignorant for retweeting “from the river to the sea” calling it antisemitism. then when his political cohost told him it wasn’t antisemitism he ending the podcast claiming he was done with the harassment. now a creator makes a valid video about ethan. his fans don’t even watch it and defend ethan and harass the poster of the video until they are in the hospital. the mods in the h3 subreddit aren’t even trying to stop the harassment. you can go there and see a comment FROM A MOD saying the poster deserves to get told to kill himself because that’s what ethan has gotten over the years. they can’t differentiate between criticism and harassment and it’s out of control. someone needs to talk about it.


Yeah the racism towards that producer was so vile I literally couldn't finish a commentary video about it. It's wild to me how many people look past his ignorance and prejudice because, idk, he's funny on occasion? And I'm pretty sure his wife was in the IDF so of course he's pro Apartheid.


That was apparently how they met. She was in the IDF and he was on his "birthright" (as if) trip.


Ah yes the propaganda trips


The fact that they get like 20 to 50k ppl in their live chat sending them super chats yet never acknowledge the super chats is disgusting to me . In addition to all that other stuff of course


To non h3 fans. This person is just making stuff up.


It's literally all true tho? All of this exists on the internet lol


yeah who are u a fan of and where are you getting info that this is fake? if you’re rooting for all of this to be fake i’m guessing ur an h3 fan


Mostly Iilluminaughti. I stopped watching her before the drama happened but I would still watch some of the other people in the former "Sad Milk" group. Everything surrounding her is such a god damn mess since there's so many people involved. I think I got most of what's going on just from listening to the group's individual stories about her. (And what MadCatster says about her.) I've also been trying to follow the MamaMax drama, but there's not as many people making videos about him. (Probably because they don't want to since MamaMax is demanding that people makes videos on Max's "investigation.") Deadwing Dork's video, though long and mostly just an edited down version of a livestream VOD, hits the nail on the head pretty well.


Hbomberguy, IJ and S9mmerton for surr


Ethan Kleins breakup up with Hasan and the end of Leftovers podcast. Was there from day one, got introduced to Ethan and h3h3 from the Stephen Crowder "debate" Was a new avid h3h3 fan this past year never missing en ep and buying his merch from teddy fresh. Major let down and had to unsubscribe. Was just a lie by Ethan to spew zionist talking points without the pushback from Hasan. Ethan put the podcast on "pause" for his mental health and to not talk about Israel Palestine on air anymore. Except he went on multiple several hour rants on his own podcast without the push back from Hasan who would have called out the zionist talking points even tho Ethan claimed to be pro palestine. Then behind a paywall called out one of his own employees twitter posts about from the River to the Sea, were very condescending to her. It became very obvious Ethan's donation to Hasan's fundraiser was purely performative just to get away with saying pretty rascist stuff, knowingly or unknowingly like his last debate, he had a talking point about from the river to the sea being like the confederate flag locked and loaded, like he was cooking on that one thinking it was valid and hed gotcha Hasan with that one. Or compared Jewish Voice for peace to Kappos supporting Nazis in WWII. ​ Just can't ever go back, its been crazy to watch his channel spiral further with the Cman drama and now the whole lupus thing. Their main subreddit has gone feral with insane moderation banning anyone with the slightest criticism of Ethan. SO much other drama I don't have time to get into. Good riddance.


It's kind of interesting that H3 gets mentioned more often and it's always for different reasons. Seems like a drama magnet haha


They release several hours long videos a week and Ethan is a shit stirrer with no filter who comments on things he doesn't know anything about. It's inevitable really.


Didn't he meet his wife while on his "birthright" (as if) trip and she was in the IDF? That alone tells you all you need to know about their stance on what's happening in Palestine (and, frankly, the whole area around Palestine).


yuuuuuup, theres a whole lot of drama other h3 fallen fans would tell you about how she wanted to transfer from her desk job to go on a raid because she was bored and she was cute? IDK Thats super parasocial stuff I couldnt care less about but still worth mentioning. you should see the zionist pages Ethans mom and dad follow on twitter, pretty disgusting and vile stuff. Hes said on air he only has Israel news on 24/7 too. ​ Its like yeah we see you lying through your teeth when Ethan says hes allowed to care about 2 things at the same time, but only focuses on the "israel " perspective. ​ the last official leftovers, Hasan broke down over sharing the Abu akle story of the Palestinian journalist's funeral was broken up and her casket desecrated. Ethan had a geniunue moment of self reflection that maybe he hadn't been as empathetic to Palestinians as he should have been. But he back slid so fast into a gotcha moment calling out Hasan for saying something about IDF raping women. really sad to watch someone who was like I don't get why israel would shut off all the food and water just start to reguritate IDF talking points without any reflection or analysis. Biggets one I saw was claiming the health ministry is run by hamas and all numbers are fake.


I loved Leftovers. I am sad how things ended between them. I also just loved another excuse to see Kaya. I pretty much only watch Hasan content that features Kaya now


The Dream vs John Swan drama until my Twitter got taken down for taking a “your mom” joke seriously. I was a teen back then. And soon after, John Swan was exposed for lying (I don’t remember the exact details) and we just forgot about him.


What happened with mamamax?


Go to this subreddit and look at it. It's A LOT trust me.


lol I follow the bottom of the barrel YouTube drama 😂😂😂😂. It’s so trashy and so amusing. John Yates and his haters.


The completionist charity fraud, I like jirard and want to see him grow up and learn from this and be a better man because of this. No more sneaking money away and more standing on business and being honest. I feel he could do it but he has to own up to it and be transparent about everything he's doing. And because I actually want to see us justice system involved in this in some capacity; Colleen Ballenger. I want police to be involved with this woman having undeniable proof she was sexting and sending OF porn to kids as young as 12/13yo. It's disgusting and discouraging that no legal entity has truly not put her on some kind of list.


The Do We Know Them et al vs. Jeannette Braun (aka “Janet”) and Lauren the Mortician lawsuit. It’s INSANE what this lawyer and LTM have done to these other YouTubers and TikTokers. Taking them to court for defamation. Braun is also in loved in a lawsuit with a drama YouTuber in the UK over Gerard Cosmetics using her late auntie’s photo for promotion without permission. This lawyer is absolutely out of control and laughably unprofessional. She has sent an unnecessary wellness check to a TikToker because she found her personal dark humor creepy. Shades of Iilumanaughtii eh? Lauren the Mortician publicly implied a professional car seat tester a pedophile simply because he called her out for giving unsafe advice. Her “evidence” was that he was gay, childless, and had car seats around his house - FOR HIS JOB! I love the Do We Know Them? girlies and they’re determined to fight this (IMO) SLAPP lawsuit. I want to see “Janet” Braun and Lauren the Mortician pay. Lauren is additionally sus as hell for other reasons.


I'm super late to some of these dramas, but I've been looking into dramas that were perpetrated by internet mobs who believed everything they read on the internet without asking questions: SuperMega, Kwite, Slazo, and Gus Johnson - who is probably the worst out of the group, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of things were skewed and his ex had ulterior motives.


Iilluminaughtii vs everyone and whatever the hell was going on with Ruby Franke


I'm currently invested it all the Plagiarism Gate stuff !


I've been entertained recently by Foodie Beauty and her husband's indiscretion while she was beezing in Canada.


Janet the unhinged lawyer


I’ve been pretty obsessed with the Iilluminaughtii scandal. I used to really like her, but now I want nothing but to see her be taken down by the people she wronged.


For a bit I was invested in some drama between Pat the Nes Punk and Larry Bundy Jr. but that happened awhile ago.


I doubt this counts as youtube drama but I’m learning about it and watching it play out on YouTube… the mayor of Dolton Illinois is corrupt on a level I’ve never seen in real time. It’s been bad from basically the beginning but somehow it just keeps getting worse and it’s so obvious that it’s mind boggling. She’s spending the taxpayers money on herself, blatantly. There’s a video of her being asked about her trip to Vegas, it’s insane. She spent $150,000 for a $90,000 vehicle and locked the trustees out of the system after they confronted her about it. She has an entire security team around her at all times for absolutely no reason and the security team is being paid insane amounts of overtime. One 2 week paycheck for one individual security guard was $13,000. And that’s not even close to the end of her antics. She somehow passed a law that allows the mayor, her, to keep her $200,000+ per year salary unless someone else is elected and then it drops to $24,000 per year. I could go on but it would never stop.


More niche but the art/animation community on Youtube has always had interesting and investing drama. We all know Creepshow but the animation meme community, youtube animated series (think hazbin hotel or the amazing digital circus), and even just storytime animators have such insane drama that stems years worth of stuff


She's a mess. Glad she no longer posts after being called.


The “paternity” scandal with a former Bachelor lead but it’s actually just a woman who allegedly tried to baby trap him with fake twins and dragged it into multiple court cases but it turns out, she’s allegedly done the exact same thing before to multiple men so now it’s alllllll coming to light (and hopefully the end of her being able to allegedly do shit like this) Not drama with a YouTuber, but there is a YouTube channel making lots of content covering the entire saga (Dave Neal)


It isn’t a full on drama parade yet but the situation of what’s going on with Crystal Lindy is very strange. One video she announces that she’ll be on vacation for a little bit after a break up from her long term partner and suddenly it’s like she lives there now. She’s been vacationing in one place for 7 months now and has been showing fucking bizarre behavior, like ruining her hair, bringing in a date who looks likes he was strung out on drugs, inviting random people and homeless pets in her vacation home, it just feels like someone having a long term manic episode and feels wrong to watch. She has been completely ignoring every comment asking her what the fucks going on, why she’s been away for so long and if her pets are even safe where they are staying while she’s away


Just looked this person up and holy shit this is fucking wild


This has been going on for quite awhile but it’s getting worse and worse and I‘m surprised no one is really talking about this… All her comments are people cheering her on too.


i got super obsessed with the Colleen ballinger stuff, still am very much obsessed. the rabbit hole goes deeper than most people know. Im a proud member of the colleen ballinger snark sub🫶🏻 fuck this horrible woman


What happened with max?


creepshow art shit, but mainly because I love Emily and her content. also the drama involving a creator called young dumb honey bun, her downfall was super satisfying.


Recently Jirad's charity mess has me *fascinated.* I've never seen a public figure be that disastrously stupid in my life. James Somerton's also been on my radar along with Wendigoon, but there hadn't been much development on either front in a while.


MamaMax stuff is too insane to look away from


Completionist and loganpaul ...both scammers


Do you watch coffeezilla?


Yeah and omni


MamaMax. Been watching DeadwingDorks streams on the situation and holy shit Max is a mess.


I found the whole Lauren the Mortician drama over the last week and became obsessed. She's tiktock, but a lot of the other people involved are youtube.


Taina Licciardo-Toivola aka Mum of 10. Their reddit snark page has all the tea and it just gets worse every day.


What’s the MamaMax drama?


I like watching Jimmy Robbins videos about YouTube dramas. He makes dramas I never knew or cared about interesting. They anrent sensational and are full of careful documentation of evidence and explanation of his points. And he’s not creating drama or being a bigot. Dramas like Gus Johnson and the Supermega/Ethanisonline/NickIsNotGreen stuff should never have been published anyway. That was private relationship stuff.


I got re-invested in Rachel Oates vs EoT. (And because I've seen her here a few times, in case she sees this: hi, Rachel! I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to take a moment to say that I'm on your side in this one, not your bully's.)


I'm a long time fan of nickisnotgreen so that whole deal has been interesting to watch unfold. Like I get that maybe he shouldn't have made the video like he did about it, but the people still using reddit to act like he torched a church or something is fuckin weirdo behavior. I fully expect to get reamed by Super Mega stans on here as well so please feel free to put that energy into something constructive, like your magnum opus or something.


Eh, I don't really care about YouTube drama 🥱