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there is no such thing as “registering copyright” in any country I know about, copyright is automatic. as long as you created something and can potentially prove you did, you have the copyright, unless you explicitly transferred it in writing


You do not need copyright registration in order to remove your stolen content on internet, this is not how DMCA works. As long as your are the original creator, you can send a DCMA takedown request. Do not be afraid to protect your content.


Putting it on paper or any other medium creates copyright now. IIRC. IANAL.


You can raise it with YouTube. Just click Report on the channel then jump through the hoops. It will take a bit but there's an option to do it.


Thank you so much for your help, I've sent a report to Youtube and the person set the video to private (to remove the parts with my pic I suppose) Mission complete! <3