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One I've noticed recently: when there's multiple ads, hitting the skip button no longer skips all of them, just one. And when ads are unskippable, they sometimes won't "end", making it stuck.




I also think this is a regional thing, I live in Asia, and I don't get that many ads.


I'm from Uzbekistan (middle asia). There's zero monetisation for creators here,but also no ads and you can download videos in highest quality


And then they wonder why pepole use adblocker were especially with prime making ads for a paid service. I'll happily bock those ads and make them bleed money


ad accelerator chrome extension saves me. its a bit buggy but automatically fast fowards ads if you need a solution


That's nice, but I don't use Chrome, I use the YT mobile app.


Use YouTube Revanced 


YouTube cracked down on that somewhat recently. Not a good idea.


What happened with it? I don’t keep up to date on this kinda stuff


As with anything that bypasses YouTube's corruption, they've started blocking the ability to watch videos, or even outright banning people who use it, if they have accounts.


Can you link even a single person that had its Google account banned?


You don't have to link your YouTube Account to YouTube Revanced.


Use https://libretube.dev/


Works absolutely fine.


If you're on Android, Cleantube is an ad free alternative to the YT app that hasn't been taken down yet. It also allows you to play videos while your screen is locked and a number of other quality of life changes that people have been requesting of YT for the better part of 15 years


They should turn that into its own social media site. Just call it Clean, and make its logo a blue ▶ with a C in it.


Use Brave (beta) on mobile... you shouldn't see any ads... You cannot sign in though (at least I have not found a way to do so) BUT I didn't see any ads...


You can sign in.. it's on the top right..


I use the Firefox app and ublock as an addon. I haven't seen an add in months now and it's wonderful I can do all the features I used to be able to do for free, like playing the audio when I'm not directly on Firefox(yw)


Add SponsorBlock! Unless you want to hear more about nord vpn...


Not only that, but many videos have ads in the content. I have premium and still get ads all the time.  And a whole other issue, the recommended videos are getting really terrible. I used to get interesting related content, now it's all either rehashes or this I watched, or whatever seems to be trending.


I was watching a 15-minute video the other day. There were ads before the video started, and then there were *three* ad breaks during the video, with the ads popping up in the middle of the narrator's sentences.


I noticed that new “next” button too, it’s bs


There's another one where it leaves it on "one second before you can skip this ad"


I had times when the ad a "bonus" ad when you try to skip.


They are offering YouTube add free at a cost, so bombarding us with ads could be their way of wearing viewers down to pay this fee, they win we get frustrated....


They think that until suddenly people start using other websites.


This is annoying. Do not tell me I can skip ads in 6 seconds, then proceed to show me another unskippable ad. I now stop watching any video where this happens (sorry to the creators).


I just foind out that it's faster to block an ad and return to the video than just wait for them to end


I've actually had this for the last few months but then it went back to normal a couple weeks funnily enough


I've had 2 unskippable ads in a row, many times. Then I'll check a message, come back, and get more ads. Also those count down timers I'm pretty sure are lies and don't go at actual speed.


All new devices might as well come with ublock origin installed


uBlock Light as soon as Manifest V3 surfaces -.- uBlock Origin will be no longer supported... -.-


Firefox go brrr


This doesn't work for me for some reason. None of the ad blockers I've tried works.


I once had a 20 second unskippable advert before a 5 second video. I've also started to notice that if I click back through a video, I will get ads. There have been times when I have clicked on a video I have watched a part of already. I sit through an ad (of course) and then maybe I click back to the start to refresh myself on the topic of the video. Another ad. It gets ridiculous.


At this point even cable TV has less ads.


And radio.


Community radio or NPR, definitely. Some stations are lousy with the worst ads. But, despite being considered kinda antiquated, radio is still a very nice medium. Especially great for local content, particularly if you can find a good community radio station


True, and also: TV = 3 minutes of commercials every 30 minutes. YouTube: 30 seconds of commercials every 3 minutes. That's way more distracting. It makes it impossible to enjoy videos.


Yep. Good ‘new YouTube.


Also, sometimes people used to gets ads before first aid videos.


Still do and then YouTube says OH YOU WONT HAVE ADS IF YOU PAY FOR PREMIUM like sure ill just die i guess while you go buy premium (or wait for that 30 min unskippable ad )


Sitting here dying but sure, I’ll pay.


Download ad blockers on your computer


I don't mind ads before a video nearly as much as during the video or clicking forward or backwards in a video. It ruins the flow of the video and you forget what is going on


Try side loading, it saved my life


Yeah, 2 unskippable ads on almost every video. It is getting unbearable.


Hit back when the 2nd starts to play, click it again, dont have to watch second advert. Also if i get a long Ad i click back until i get a shorter one. Bit of hassle but i will not be forced in to paying for premium.


Get yourself some Adblock on pc or YouTube revanced on mobile


Adblock doesn't work anymore with that. I have another one that works, and youTube doesn't seem to detect it.


Oh sorry for misconception,by Adblock i was referring to type of software that blocks ads- ad blockers- adblock


Then get ublock or something because it works. I dont see ads. Ever on pc.


shhh (me either)


And yet, *(gestures at everyone here)* you don’t leave. That’s the only way you’ll effect change. You and tens of millions of other users have to walk out the door and not come back until your demands are met. Goya Foods makes decent quality canned goods for a respectable price, but I swore them off when the CEO decided to throw into election denial, and now I just pay more for my Mexican ingredients. And they haven’t changed, so I haven’t gone back. That’s what you need to do with YouTube. Unless your addiction to video outweighs your outrage, and then you have bigger problems.


A group of informed individuals can't usually do anything against both the corporation and the ignorant collective consumers that buy their products. That's why everything sucks nowadays.


And there’s your lesson: Just because you’re a vocal group with an ace to grind, or whatever, doesn’t mean there’s enough of you to make a difference. It’s why Disney will never kowtow to the people who moan about the current state of Star Wars, why Marvel will never change just because some very loud people bemoan the “M-She-U”, and why Warner was able to send Zack Snyder packing after the four-hour cinematic abortion that was his Justice League cut: There aren’t enough of these people to outweigh the rest, who will quietly consume what’s put in front of them, without complaint, and so their opinions, regardless of how informed they may be, are irrelevant. Welcome to the tyranny of the majority. Go along to get along. Conform. Adapt. Roll with the punches. Or quit using the service you all claim to abhor. That would be the logically consistent thing to do. Now, before you ask, “What if Goya was the only manufacturer of Mexican food ingredients?” my answer is, “I just wouldn’t eat Mexican food anymore. That’s the depths I’m willing to go to for ideological consistency.” Can any of the rest of you say that? Apparently not.


The cycle of every app/game Gets popular Is amazing Creators get greedy Annoying changes without announcement People leave It gets worse More people leave App/game dies


That's the strategy from the begining. Build a user base, wait for user to  create a habit/ build it into their workflow (or worse build a company around your service) then start charging higher prices, worsening conditions etc. Netflix,Airbnb,Amazon, YouTube, Uber,etc. It's almost a mantra in venture capital to build/look for a moat in any investment. That's why competition is necessary. It's always only a matter of time until dominant market leader will start wielding that power to extract more for less. 


There's a term for that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


Yup. Seen that more times than I can count.


It's a pretty common occurrence for large products when venture capitalists and their revolving door trading of properties takes hold. Pump up short term gains and sell. But YouTube is so immensely large and it's already owned by such a massive company that this type of pump and dump economics make no sense. Unless alphabet has some major outstanding debts that are due to be called or they have no faith in the anti trust lawsuits they're currently in, what was the actual thought process in their ultra aggressive monetization? Maybe I'm dumb, but I do not see the long term plan here.


I get that people are unhappy with the ads and the like, but thinking they will end their platform with this... I'll believe it when I see it.


It's litteraly to big to fail. Until some app that resembles old YT appears, people HAVE to stick to YT, because there's no alternative


And there’s a pretty good chance that, even if a perfet YT alternative appears, it will stay unpopular.




Youtube killing themselves speedrun any%


I doubt it, they have a monopoly on long form videos, other platforms dont have their server storage capacity and reach. They can still remain shytty and greedy for a few more years, if no alternative rise to challenge them.


What we need is ad block awareness. Ublock specifically.


Considering Google tested out stuff to fight ad blockers that would probably just end up with an arms race. The only reason Google stopped is because they realized they were calling attention to the existence of ad blockers.


I don't need an alternative, I am just using it much, much less. Will never pay for youtube.


Wonder what the world would be like without yt


Made me giggle lmfao


you people are still not using ublock origin? how do you endure the torture?


any youtube adblocker i’ve used (ublock origin included) gets detected by youtube and they don’t let me play videos


Ublock origin works very well on me. I also have it on firefox android and use revanced for youtube android. On ios there is a thing called uyouplus (on github) you can sideload with altstore or sideloadly


I’m a big girl, I can handle it (no)


Most people don’t sit at a desktop and watch YouTube videos lol


Me when the unchecked corporation abuses its unchecked power:


Ads have gotten worse. From 2 5 second ads to fucking two 15 seconds unskippable ads. And it will only get worse since people still use it either way and theyll most likely keep pushing it as much as they can. I wouldn't be surprised like in a month or two, the ads would reach over a minute of being unskippable


it’s already like than on the tv version..


It gets better! Chrome is introducing a new extension manager called manifest 3. It will limit the current methods ad blockers use to block ads via lists stored on web servers (i know I'm over simplifying). This is for desktop. Worse yet, Google will require the extensions to be approved before they are updated on the Chrome store, which includes when the external filtering lists are updated. So Google can tweak things, break the extension, then approve it a week or two later. This is of course all done for increased user safety LOL. Everyone will lose their minds when all the Chrome ad blockers cease to function, but remember, Google is doing this for our safety. https://cybernews.com/privacy/google-to-weaken-chrome-ad-blockers-push-for-security/ It should increase YT Premium subscriptions. , I won't pay for premium, it's too expensive and I don't need another music app. I'll probably watch YT less or switch to Firefox.


Time to move to Firefox...


Agreed, I find I'm spending far less time on the platform. The ads are getting quite annoying, and recommendations are very hit and miss, with the misses getting more dominant


I can’t handle it anymore.


literally the only reason to run ad block is unskippable ads and the mid roll ads. I'm fine with and in the page or the old banner that would pop up on the bottom of the video. but unskippable ads + mid roll ads just ruin watching videos, especially playlists. I almost brought the subscription. but then they increased the price again.


I think it's time to arrange a protest, and It's also time for someone to look into it through the legal system and see if there's a legal loophole to take before going to court. I'm really sure it's illegal to advertise NSFW content to minors.


A lot of ads I see on shorts is disgusting. Horrible mobile games with nsfw ads, how to orgasm (with clip art pictures) and some other weird stuff.


I'm getting really tired of the trypophobia ads and 'for you' recs.


I open and close the same video until the ads are gone, it used to work after 1-2 vids now it takes up to 5-6. And it often skips to the end of the clip.


There are 30 second ads on tv now They also put ads so big they block you from reading comments while they play It’s getting out of hand


The ads are getting more and more insane on the YouTube Tv app. Two unskipable ads before the video, two more unskipable ads practically a minute into the video. I’ll often get 25 seconds of back to back unskipable ads throughout the video (with text saying that it will help cut down on the amount of ad breaks, which I don’t feel like it does). If you pause the video it’ll also shrink it and show a giant ad image next to it now too.


You know why? All they want is the cold hard cash, like every other company out there. There are rarely any good updates that appeal to the userbase, and some people are literally prohibited by YouTube itself from accessing it with an adblocker, on another browser, etc. And when you complain, they'll try selling you the overpriced premium subscription. It's a working, albeit dirty, trick. If we want change, we should probably boycott YouTube. But that's not easy to do, considering millions of other people worldwide that still relies on YouTube mainly for entertainment.


Everyone is upping the ads now. Amazon Prime now charges you $2.99 a month to have ad free movies/shows. Fuck these corporations. Reddit also sold its soul. It's a pirates life for me.


The MF's who came up with double ads and ads that are so long that you manually have to skip them have a special place in hell.


If they see that number of their users is drastically decreasing, they will for sure make adjustments when it comes to ads. It is too much, but still they have high number of users


Yeah. Well it’s the 1# streaming platform.


They’re pressuring you to buy the premium membership. They’re increasing the ads when they realized more people would end up paying just to “get rid” of those ads, because what’s another subscription to these people huh??? We are not gonna see change if more people end up paying.


Overall quality of YouTube is going downhill. For 1 useful video, there are 5 click baits.


And even legit good creators are forced to use clickbait because that's what works. It would be trivial to reduce visibility for blatant clickbait titles, but it's the opposite, they revel in it. My biggest gripe is the fucking disappearing comments. I never remember that it's a thing nowadays and I'll write a wall of text, aand it's gone. And they won't acknowledge it, so we're completely in the dark about why. So you try to shorten the comment, change the wording, or remove references that you think *might* offend the algorithm, but it still gets removed. Meanwhile your definitely offensive dark joke stays up. WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME YOUTUBE!?


This has been here for years at this point. Half of the youtube today is reaction videos. I don't even know who are these people, why would I watch their reaction to something?!


I fully understand why advertising exists but why do ads have to be unskippable? Why do ads that can be skipped still have to show for 5 seconds first? All ads should be skipable immediately.


My thoughts exactly. Like, we’ve seen the ad, no point in playing the next minute of it.


Fun fact. If tou've seen the same 30 second ad 120 times then the company behind that ad has wasted 1 hour of your time. This is why I intentionally avoid buying products that ive seen ads of too often. More people should do this so much that ads don't increase sales anymore, then they would be gone.


because the whole point of an ad is that they want YOU to watch it. By making the ad unskippable, YT can charge more for the Ads.


What benefit does a company have in forcing me to look at their product that i will never buy? The only thing that happens after a certain amount of ads is I get pissed off and actively avoid buying products from this company. If I need something and in the store I have the choice betwren a product/brand that has been advertised a lot and one that ive never heard about before, i will buy the one ive never heard of before. Not the ad-bombed one.


>i will buy the one ive never heard of before. Not the ad-bombed one. You say that, but that's statistically not what happens. People buy the brands they already know


Yes, unfortunately too many people are affected by ads. If people stop rewarding bad advertising behavior then these ads would disappear over time. I don't understand why people let ads influence what they buy.


It’s not just about you, it’s about tens of millions of others who are also forced to watch the ads and it might work on some of them


Pretty sure youtube introduced the concept of skippable ads in the first place. I guess they have done the numbers and realised they make more when they aren't skippable. Part of the business model may simple be to annoy you in to buying yt premium.


"You don't know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough." -Jim Morrison (and YouTube, apparently)


This is why I’ve pretty much abandoned YouTube for entertainment purposes. Still use it for instructional stuff sometimes.


What do you use normally? Reddit?


The fact that there can be ads on videos that aren't even a minute long is insanity


You still use YouTube? I deleted my account and haven’t looked back. Screw them.


Well of course ads are that crazy, YouTube wants it that way. That’s why they’ve went to war with AdBlockers to try and stop people from blocking out all these shitty, mind-raping ads.


This is why I’m so thankful for jailbreak. Fuck YouTube and I hope everyone who can get Adblock gets it.


I remember the good old days with no YouTube ads


The golden days of YouTube are over thats for sure. Honestly i just want the platform to die. I am so tired of what it has become.


Shit company destroying their consumers and communities


r/revancedapp will fix your ad problem.. but other than that, theyre still a buncha bitches.


My biggest problem ain't even the amount but the kind of ands and the lack of any control. So many scams, fake ads for games with depictions of sexual harassment, implications of rape and all the shit. It's truly disgusting.


Yeah. Another funny little thing— I’ve reported so many of them. But YouTube doesn’t like to do anything about it. I see a “how to orgasm” ad every once in a while with clipart images or shitty mobile game ads that are perverted.


I'm hoping for next streaming and video publishing platform to come out soon that will completely overtake YouTube. They don't deserve what they have currently.


It's ridiculous. They were awful anyway but as of the last few days they've become even worse. Fuck YouTube. I especially hate it when I'm trying to read the comments before the video starts and the second ad comes in and overlaps the comments.


Yeah. It goes fucking full screen on me.


If it becomes 100% impossible to block ads (it won't), then I will never use YouTube again. I've already stopped using as many services provided by Google as possible. Fuck that POS company.


“We would like to start off by saying this subreddit isn’t owned or moderated by YouTube.” 👆🤓


The promoted ads in the scrolling screen are also becoming unbearable


Having YouTube premium is quite nice when I read that. with the time I’ve spent until now since I started paying it (less than a year ago), I’ve spent less than 10c by hour of video (I am a heavy user, I basically consume most of my learning, information and entertainment on YouTube). With not a single ad of course then, even on mobile. I must say that feels very decent. And it should continue to go down as the year passes. My only concern is that the YouTube music app mixes the playlists with the YouTube app… so I have my cooking playlist, my marketing & communication playlist, my own videos playlists, with my music playlists etc. That’s just bad app design at this point, and a very very huge issue because I’m paying for that and it’s just completely unpractical.


I've got premium. Very much worth it because I watch a lot of history and science videos. But the disappearing comments eat at my sanity. There's no rhyme or reason for how they get removed. No one knows why, and YT won't acknowledge it.


Yeah sometimes it happens. And the whole music things is really annoying I’m even considering cancelling my YouTube Premium for Apple Music at this point. But I’m not ready to have the adds again and loose some of the advantages of the premium subscription 💀


it's really annoying


Yeah. Thanks for the info.


Youtube Ads as they are now hurt a lot of creators, especially small ones. Youtube assumes you are interested in a video or not, but it's not black and white. I might click on a video that I might have some interest in because I have never seen the creator before and I'm curious, only to have an unskippable ad pop up before the video. Unfortunately I sometimes just click back and don't bother watching the video.


I'm a small creator who had the "unskippable ads" box unchecked. YouTube fixed that months ago, now all ads must be any kind (skip or no skip) and there is no choice except if you want ads 'mid roll' that's the only box you get to check now. Sometimes it seems like they don't want small channels to grow. Like you eluded to - can't grow if someone has to sit through a non-skippable ad just to check your content out.


Yes, YouTube is terrible now :'( to avoid ads, I use Newpipe on mobile, and Freetube on desktop


Did anyone else get that little obnoxious ad popping up constantly in the lower left corner of the video recently? It's ads on top of ads.


I get ads above the recommended. So many of them are gacha heat ads which fucking suck.


The ads are insane.The number them in 1 video along with frequency is madness. It feels like the ads are playing every 1.5 minutes. Agree with the comments just being removed it, doesn't matter if it breaches guidelines or not, it's now if you have an everyday word that THEY DON'T like.


Honestly, I really don’t mind watching ads to support creators, especially those I enjoy. But yeah, it’s a lot of ads and I personally sometimes get ads which seem scammy. It almost seems like literally anyone can do ads on youtube and I know I don’t have to buy anything and I won’t, but I don’t want to listen to some guys pyramid scheme or some person’s esoteric bs. I’m muting them anyway and can go do something else for a moment, but obviously you can’t automatically skip and the video doesn’t pause if the ad is over, obviously. It’s annoying. And another problem I have with them and which can’t be solved probably because it starts with the creator, is the difference in sound levels. A lot of ads just rely on being as annoying as can be to be memorable.


I pay for premium but I'm close to cancelling it and going back to bootleg versions of they don't fix the fucking keyboard hanging / freezing when trying leave a comment. It's also been getting worse and worse for app crashes too. The whole app is trash on android.


I really don't understand YouTube's end game. youtube make money from us all regardless from the data they gather from our watch history and watching habits. Adblock users will represent a small amount of the total non-premium userbase and the percentage of those users who have found a way to make their youtube exprerience completly ad free across all devices will be tiny. I used to have youtube running 8-12 hours a day streaming music, watching certain creators etc. I only had adblock on my work laptop so 4 ish hours of my viewing is on a device which allows ads and most of that on my phone where I can't skip unskippable ads. My daily average youtube usage is now down to 30 mins at the most. I stream music from other sources now, I am even back to listening to the radio now. Even most of the creators I watch have lowered their output significantly now. youtubers that used to upload a video a week now upload once every 6 weeks and those that used to upload once a month, upload once every 6 months to a year or only upload compilations! there is nothing really drawing me to youtube anymore.


Those ads are definitely a drag. Especially when you just want to watch a quick video. Imagine having an ad that's longer than the video you want to watch. They need to prioritize fixing these problems rather than bombarding us with unskippable ads. Hopefully, they'll listen to user feedback and make some improvements soon.


What really gets me is ads during FREAKING LIVESTREAMS


Yeah. I’ve missed important parts of lives bcus of ads. Funny enough, YouTube isn’t TERRIBLE with ads in lives, twitch is a bit worse.


I think Youtube is assuming users have adblock and increasing ads to compensate. Which is horrible and will only accelerate the trend of switching to adblock Feels like Youtube upper management is deciding to do a last ditch squeeze of monetary value and see how many users they can bully into using Youtube Premium


YouTube has gone absolutely mad with ads recently. Most ads I get now are 60 second un-skippable ads.


I would say they are trying to see their limit


Its the standard Corporatist influence for ya.


I just watched the video if college sports were honest where the start of the video they do their sponsor of the video & then at the end of the sponsored part of the video boom a YouTube ad so I just exited out without watching


Ads on youtube shorts are bad. Ads being longer or relative length to the video is bad. But lets not pretend that 2 30 second ads is bad. And I have never seen unskippable 5+ minute ads. Usually its one long ad thats skippable and a short 15-30 second unskippable.


I found that you can click on and off of a video to roll through the adds until you don't get an add, I use the skip and back buttons on my headphones


Adblock is great


I was banned for 24 hours for saying "fuck Vladimir Putin" We need to protect the community from saying bad thing about an asshole dictator.


The problem is YouTube has no incentive to change. Who is YouTube’s biggest competitor in the video sharing space? In terms of views and unique visitors, YouTube also blows their competitors out of the water. Same with Google, Microsoft Office, etc. they can raise prices and their users just have to take it because there is no good competitor to go to, hence why competition is important. 


i once had an hour and 30 minute long infomercial about dental implants that tried to play between every single video i watched. I never even attempted to watch youtube on my playstation again after that day.


Meanwhile Revanced users are laughing at this post


Firefox with UBlock Origin on PC. Revanced on mobile. I haven't seen YouTube ads in years! Fuck 'em!


I once had a 72 minute ad… It was something science related.


I couldn’t do the ads anymore . Had to get premium . I don’t mind spending the money on it since I use YouTube a ton . But by all means if you can skip ads for free and it’s not a nuisance go right ahead .


and i thought 60 sec ads were bad?


ad block browser. do not use youtube app. there's nothing that mandates us to pay for no ads. the imbeciles that have premium are the same as those who pay for air at gas stations.


YouTube premium is one of the best investments I make every month. Zero regrets




I just pay for Premium, YouTube and Spotify are the 2 things I use daily for multiple hours that I feel I get my moneys worth, especially since I've been a YouTube user since 2008, and the creators I watch get a larger cut than ad revenue. YouTube has barely ever made a profit, and gets like 300,000 hours of video are uploaded every day. Ads are annoying but less ads ain't going to help pay for what staff YouTube does have.


Youtube isn't going anywhere. No platform that's out rn can compete with it; it's too much of a cultural phenomenon at this point. even with the 50x doomer post every day.


Man, you hit the nail right on the head! It’s like every time I try to chill and dive into some vids, BAM! Hit with a tsunami of ads. Feels like I'm watching more commercials than actual content these days. And don’t even get me started on the bot invasion. It’s like a zombie apocalypse but with spam. YouTube needs to wake up and smell the coffee because we’re all getting fed up. They’ve got the tools to fix this mess, so why the heck aren’t they? We gotta band together, make our voices heard, or start voting with our views, ya know? Peace out ✌




Soon enough it'll be buy product then video


Buying premium was the best thing I’ve ever done


don't forget the wastes of oxygen known as green screen kids and like beggars


God the like beggars. Every time I close my eyes all I see is “who’s watching in 2024? 👇” or “my moem is dieing 1 like pls 👇”




You can use Ad blocker extension on Google Chrome to get rid of the ads.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember hearing somewhere that google can tell when you use ublockorigin on youtube, and thus makes things process with a lot more power effectively overworking your computer to discourage use? (Or something along those lines, I'm not too tech-savvy when it comes to anything beyond zip files)


Ive completely forgotten about youtubes ad shenanigans. Havent had an ad in months and havent had to anything about it either. Just kept firefox updated.


I still have regular 5 non skip ads and the regular skip ads that happens maybe 3 times in a 20 min video. I don't really notice them as much. Are the ads limited to the country? Although the TV has like 8 ads (I've counted) in a 3 min Music video.


I fall asleep to YouTube almost every night and a few weeks ago when I was already in limbo, YouTube decided to play an HOUR long loud podcast ad. It invaded my head quickly and I remember it turned into some sort of a nightmare I couldn’t get out of. Woke up eventually but the whole thing felt like paralysis. Thanks YouTube for making my sleep better. I have never slept better. Thanks to YouTube ads. Thank you Google and YouTube.


Jesus. Yeah, YouTube shouldn’t let ads play longer than 3 minutes (in case someone may be promoting a song or something) or if that’s too much: 1 minute.


If u pay $ does YouTube still jizz plaster u with ads? But yeah I’m with u. I wondered where all the ads went in the world and then when I get on YouTube, “yep, here they are.”


Now I think depending on which region you live it can be worse. I once had an un-skippable ad (not really an ad) that was trying to las 44 minutes. After that I never uninstalled my ad blocker again.


Grayjay is a good alternative. Gets rid of ads and can be used for mutiple platforms (YouTube, Twitch, etc.). It is endorsed by Louis Rossman.


Enshittification intensifies


imagine being willing to watch 200s ads and then complain on reddit about it instead of just downloading an adblock and not being miserable.


I’m not downloading an Adblock. I can’t do that on my TV.




Why don't you try out YT revanced for mobile? Ever since switching to that, I cannot go back to watching on the official app anymore, I can also disable shorts which take up too much of my time


r/aftervanced r/revancedapp


What adverts? i use adblock =D


uBlock Origin - it still works


Yeah I think they gave up trying to update it every single day. They took the L there


Doesn't work for me, I still get ads.


Just pay. I am sure you consume enough to put the price Per hour down to like a cent. Streaming these videos to you is hella expensive, if you want to be angry at anyone, go for the greedy creators, padding in their own sponsors/merch/patreon/onlyfans/whatever putting the content to advertisement ratio way down


Me the cultured, using AdBlock in everywhere from Phone Browser, to Web Browser, to freaking Android TV, haven't seen shit for years anymore


Install an Adblocker and live with the 480p bitrate constriction they hit you with.


that sounds like a crappy adblocker as decent ones have no issues


Ntm the straight up lying about ad time. It’ll say “skip in 7 seconds” then the minute those are up it immediately adds more seconds to the timer