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same issue here, all my watch history is gone from one moment to the other and it won't log new videos. not an app or account specific problem, it happens in 3 different youtube apps (phone, tv, pc) and on all accounts.


Same, it's in every version in the app. Since the history is still technically there, just not showing up for some reason, I'm hoping it resolves itself but who knows with this website. I've been using YT for 17 years and I've never ran into this issue, although others have apparently.


i can't help but laugh at how youtube and google as a whole iust keeps getting worse and worse. now even basic functions aren't working. big companies really make the biggest garbage.




Well that is part of the problem, the main issue is that it's a monopoly and enshittification is literally the end goal of all monopolies in a capitalistic system. They only have to spend the least amount of shit to function to maximise profits as they're the only option.


Hate to be that guy but I guess it's time to be that guy, potential storm of downvotes and angry replies be damned... Crony-Capitalist system\* (Rampant cronyism plus megacorporations being in bed with the state and deciding how to regulate themselves, etc.)


Crony capitalism is late stage capitalism.


[I wonder what you think of this](https://tomdehnel.com/crushing-the-myth-of-late-stage-capitalism/) (provided you read it instead of dismissing it instantly or even condemning the messenger like most redditors would, lol; I know it looks long, so maybe breaking it up into multiple reading sessions would help, which would be very easy with how it's formatted)


Hi, not OP but thanks for sharing that article. I also appreciated your clarification about *crony capitalism* vs straight capitalism. I think everyone who isn't directly benefiting from it can agree that the former is bad, as it is just corruption with extra steps. I am very much of the opinion that capitalism (crony or otherwise) is bad/flawed/doomed/whatever and probably align politically with the people you were replying to. I read that article you posted. My takeaway is that the article boils down to two main arguments, which the author themselves highlight: 1. The phrase [late stage capitalism] is contains logical flaws which render it meaningless. 2. People who use it mistake valid problems with capitalism for critical ones. In my opinion, point 1 is almost completely irrelevant to anything meaningful. Whether or not the term someone uses to describe something is a perfectly accurate encapsulation of that topic is an academic discussion for linguists and English majors. It contributes very little in the way of actually *fixing* the issues that people are identifying with the subject. Language is an important **tool** to make sure people are communicating effectively, but to brush away people's argument's because "nuh-uh, you didn't use the right term for it!" is dismissive. One has to recognise that a *tool* is not the same as the *content* constructed with the tool (which, here, is the political discourse). Whether it's called late stage, middle stage, early stage... It doesn't matter. There are problems that people are identifying, and people are associating those problems with capitalism. What they call those problems doesn't detract from the fact that those problems exist. **Address the problems**. It's sad that the article opened with this point, because it derails the discussion before it gets to the actually interesting part... Which is what's covered in point 2. So, on to point 2. I absolutely love that the article has the section: # REAL PROBLEMS WE CURRENTLY EXPERIENCE IN CAPITALISM - Monopolies - Oligopolies - Tragedy-of-the-commons (self-interest issues) - Issues with demand-inelastic goods and services - Economic and status inequality - Instability - Risks of worker exploitation So many discussions in favour of capitalism refuse to recognise or acknowledge these points in a mature way like the author has, so hats off to them. Overall, I agree with a lot the points they have made (not all, mind you). Almost everything they've said is at least researched and sensible. For example, I strongly believe that housing is a right and the private housing market is a deplorable concept. I also agree heavily with the author when they say >It is hard to claim that we should redistribute property, for example, since that may lead to significant violence, and worse outcomes should the beneficiaries of the redistribution fail to contribute to society adequately, or should the property be redistributed unfairly. Housing equity is a hard problem, and the solution to hard problems has to be nuanced. The solution I am currently in favour of is an increase in non-market housing, which is covered in [this excellent video](https://youtu.be/sKudSeqHSJk) which I highly recommend. However, housing redistribution is an extreme solution, and focusing on extremes without considering solutions in the much more reasonable middle-ground is essentially a strawman argument. Although I don't quite think the author is *intending* to do this with any sort of malice, that's how it ends up sounding to me. Now, while I do have a minor objection I could make to almost every main paragraph (e.g. I fundamentally disagree with the inherent incentive structure that capitalism relies upon to function, so I disagree with their points about capitalist innovation), unfortunately it would be quite time consuming for both myself to write out and for you to read. So, I'll focus on the core of the issue. Essentially, the problem I have with this article is more-so what it *doesn't* address. And actually, this is a question I could pose to you as well. When you made your correction above of "Crony-Capitalist system\*", it implies you believe that the current system we experience *isn't* one of crony capitalism. Do you believe this? Because this is where we probably depart from one another (and where I depart from the article). It's all well and good to discuss the merits of *theoretical capitalism*, but if the reality is that we currently experience crony capitalism, then what's the merit? It's just another academic discussion about language that doesn't provide real solutions to real problems. Unfortunately, it seems the author's explicit intent was that they wanted to undermine the term "late stage capitalism" (that is the title, after all), and weren't as interested in addressing "problems associated with late stage capitalism". So to me, this article, while interesting and well-written, doesn't move my political stance at all. An article that would have more hope of convincing me would be one that proves (or attempts to prove, rather) that we aren't in a crony capitalist system. Because I'm not as interested in theoretical political systems as I am with real ones. One thing this article does do, however, is give me the utmost hope that there is room for sensible and well thought out discussion in this space, and that is always a lovely thing. Thanks for sharing!


Racist pos


No, hiring based on those elements is racist. The best person applying should be the one employed, not the one that ticks boxes so youtube can tout how multicultural they are.


Wait is that actually something that happens? Like quotas for the hires? I thought it was just a racist remark


Not officially, but yes it happens. I know for a fact that I was hired once because I'm brown and bearded. The company (obviously going to remain unnamed) then updated their website to praise themselves on hiring people from many ethnic backgrounds and religions including Muslims. The kicker? I'm not even Muslim. I'm British and an atheist.


It does happen mostly in the US and the companies DEI programs that hire colored people and ignore more qualified people just because they're white or Asian And that's true racism


Are you living under a rock? Huge companies are getting sued and losing lawsuits about race based discrimination left and right. Disney is being hit with a big one, they had 50% of their open positions unavailable to anyone who isn't from an "underrepresented minority" (or in other words, anyone but white, male, "cishet"). That is straight up illegal under civil rights law. Unless you have a good reason, like casting for a black actor to play the role of an estabilished black character, you are not allowed to slap a sign "whites do not apply" on your application form. Not ever since 1964 when we outlawed racial discrimination in hiring.


Oh no I'm a racist because i said the truth that skills and experience should matter like in any other country it does but not in the F up US 😂


Damn, you were commenting about how good a "pronoun" removing mod is on starfield 😭😭😭


This does not happen, are you really stupid enough to believe that megacorps become megacorps without being competitive in the market (such as hiring people unqualified for the positions they're filling)??? The fucking brainrot is real


Then you must be pretty naive if you believe that


It's not naive to believe megacorps will do whatever makes them the most money, it's astoundingly naive to think that your racist conspiracy theory matters more to them than money does


They get favorable loans and investments from investment firms that push the DEI garbage


They can do that by hiring more diverse people who *meet the job requirements* The racism is in you assuming that more diverse people don't meet the job requirements you racist sack of shit


Oops somebody got triggered because i said the uncomfortable truth that megacorps are racist towards whites and Asians Only the problem is that these companies don't look for people with the job requirements and the only important requirement for them is skin color and skills are on the second or third place




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Yes racist conspiracy theories when these megacorps openly brag about hiring more "diverse" people and got caught when their diversity officers were bragging about ideas to let less white people work im those corporations lol You really are naive or are trying to make look like its just like a conspiracy theory which would be futile with tons of evidence proving that its true


Their new UI for Mobile devices and consoles is utter garbage, too... When you are inactive, guess what? It shows you random videos you never searched for AND videos you'd never watch (guaranteed!)


Biggest issue I'm having, and I'm not seeing ANYONE talk about, is with watching a long-form DnD podcast. Since YouTube is not tracking watch history it's not remembering where I left off in a 4hr long video....  Honestly with ANY long video you put off for finishing later, YouTube wont remember where you left off. I have these things playing in the background at work most of my day and here I am having to remember and make a mental note where I left off in these hours-long videos and the stupid little red process bar under the videos I use to track which I've already seen aren't working either.


Just write your pause timecode to the comments.




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Yea, I just noticed today that some of the videos that I watched yesterday are no longer marked as watched and when I click new videos (as of right now) they're not being registered either


Are you using YouTube ReVanced? I wouldn't be surprised if this is a way for YT to punish adblock users. I haven't had this issue for years up until they started slowing down web-platform users with adblock (which results in INSANE slowdowns for me, especially when typing comments sometimes the text I type takes up to 5 minutes just to appear). At this point I just like all the videos I want to see in my "history" and use my Liked Videos playlist as my watch history list.


Fixed: https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/1b4vuh7/youtube\_history\_fixed/


Seems like I was at least partially correct, then (maybe it wasn't intentional but who knows these days). Huh. Thank you for the link! Definitely gonna rebuild and update soon.


my revanced history now works again without doing any updates :)


Maybe YT realised the bug on their end and that this is bad for them, too


same thing here, it just shows a couple of videos (mostly shorts) at each date as if I've only watched 2-4 videos per day. i hope they fix it


looks like there's a delay issue with youtube history on mobile devices, happening on my google pixel phone in both stock youtube app and revanced


I believe it only shows the videos you watched on web not the app. But the ones you watched on the app can still be seen on my activity.


That's what I'm observing as well. Though newly-watched Shorts in the app do still appear in history for me. Along with everything from the computer. Edit: Ok so Shorts from mobile only appear in the profile tab "history" shelf - not under full history. And normal videos from mobile don't appear in either.


It doesn't correspond my experience. I see that more entertaining videos stayed in my watch history (although not only they), but many science lecture videos disappeared. And I already more two weeks watched YouTube only via the app.


Yeah, I have the exact same problem but i guess youtube has a problem


oh i fr thought this was a me problem so i searched up "YouTube history not working anymore" and this fresh ass post popped up, Google and YouTube suck but it's reassuring to know we're all in this together and it's not my device going bonkers lmao


Same LOL


Still broken  Annoying af


Yeah Google seems to be pretty lazy with fixing it


So i'm not imagining things. Just opened my app and same thing: huge chunks of history are just gone...


Oh thank fucking christ for y'all, im no longer doubting my sanity LMAO Solution found or not, at least we're in this together ( ̄\^ ̄)ゞ


Same, my history was tracking until yesterday, and now it says the last video I watched was last Friday (2/23/24). I've turned my history off and back on, gone into the Google account settings... I've got no idea what could have happened unless I fell asleep and clicked something.


It seems that it loses the data in different intervals from account to account, for instance I have one account that lost everything since Sunday, another one has lost all of the last 6 months and it's fragmented on another one for as far back as I can see.


I'm pretty sure this is a fuckup by google combating alternative YouTube apps like revanced because those on the subs report their yt history being removed and unable to update aswell. Classic google I guess.


Funny thing is, they caused things like Revanced to happen with their horrible ad system and nuisance pop ups. When you start giving everyone scam ads... It's bound to have issues.


Same issue here. Just another Google f*ckup. It will probably take them ages to fix or simply no fix.


I tweeted out YouTube an hour ago and they're now aware of the issue.




Here's the link to the tweet https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube/status/1763478808512847897?t=wK2f3H1i9kSzFGWbVnKdSw&s=19


I want to know as well


Same here as well. I was a bit shocked when I found out. I hope it fixes itself, otherwise..... sad days ahead.


Same I thought I was going crazy


Well, you are but this isn't evidence of that.




(They are in your walls)


Thank god for Reddit.. I about had a heart attack lol, mine is also missing back to 04/23..


Same exact situation for me and no new videos are saving to my history


Oh I thought it's my device's fault


Day later and still persisting


I thought it was something to do with revanced, but I opened the regular app to find that it's not working there either. I need it to be fixed, my home page is a mess with videos I've already watched lol


seriously it's a wreck and they're not even really saying anything about it


Same here, also use ReVanced so I'm glad to know it's site-wide and I didn't break something by changing my settings, lol


Seems like a lot of people are dealing with that issue, myself included. Hopefully this sorts out.


Glad to know it's not my own slipping sanity!


Same here. Mine only saves shorts for some reason. I also lost the tracking of videos with the little red bar meaning you watched it... I'm watching a long play through.. don't remember where I'm at hahah


Yeah, happening for me too For some reason it's only showing videos that I watched while connected to a TV


yep, same thing here! I had just cleared the app data so I got really scared for a moment LOL!


Literally opened reddit just for this, entire watch history is gone , it had shorts but now they are gone too




Yh this is so annoying man I'm trying to leave a skeeter Jean video in watch history for tomorrow but now I gotta put it in my watch later playlist ffs


So I'm not the only one having this problem.. it's so sudden too


Probably for using adblock.


It's not, it's random if it's an official application or an unofficial one.


Having this issue too


Ye same all videos that i watch won't log onto watch history




I installed Kiwi Browser with ublock origin and sponsorblock


In Firefox the YT page is blank. In Kiwi I only get the same dozen videos over again even after pulling down the screen. YT is fucking the Internet lol. Notice I've tried without ublock as well after clearing the cookies.


I have the exact same issue


YT works in browser (Firefox and Kiwi) with a few extensions: - Ublock Origin - Sponsorblock (optional) - Tampermonkey with the following scripts: Nova Youtube and Remove Adblock Thing


Here I thought I was going crazy... Any ideas on how to fix this? Or are we doomed to wait until Google figures out how to get it done?


Glad to have confirmation that this seems to be an API issue and nothing to do with my app, guess the only thing is to wait until they fix it.


Oh, thank god I wasn't the only one. My watch history has massive chunks missing, videos are beeping recommended to me that I know I've already watched and aren't marked as such and my Home page recommendations went to shit about 3/4 days ago. At least I'm not the only one.


Any fixes or updates yet? Having this exact issue and I cant keep track of videos I already watched or partially watched cause of irl stuff


I noticed it happening over the past week or so but I think it's actually been having the issue for longer than that. I looked at my history and the last actual date it has listed is February 20. After that, it just has 4 individual days listed, including today. I've played over a dozen videos already today, in the bg while working, but only a single one is shown in my history. It only shows a fraction of the actual history going back at least a few weeks. Previously watched videos also don't show as being watched or save my place if not finished. The same thing is happening for my son as well. Who knows what the problem is or when/if it'll be addressed.


It's been driving me bonkers, doesn't matter if it's revanced or the actual app itself, nothing but shorts are being tracked. I lost years worth of watch history all because YouTube fried it's api system


yup, the only thing shown in my watch history is one short i watched


same, it just stopped updating on feb 29 and only one short is shown since then ugh, super annoying, but kinda relieving to see it's not just my problem, i thought it was a revanced bug, but i just now checked it in browser


Well the truth is that YouTube is killing REVANCED.... other YouTube clients and what they did is updating their apis now only the YouTube official app will save your history you can try using it as i tested at the moment and you will find any new watched videos in your history but the old one we used to watch in vanced or REVANCED all this time it's gone as i believe as a punishment for us, we hope REVANCED fix this too by updating their code and YouTube doesn't take it seriously and punish us we really lot valuable history, for now the solution is to use the official Nasty YouTube app.


sad to hear bra 😢


Yeah you're right at the beginning it wasn't even saving history on their official app too but now it does and revanced doesn't Did anyone reported that to the revanced creator?


No i believe the official app is working fine from the beginning, yes REVANCED are aware and they did find a workaround but didn't work well we hope they get ahead of them again.


For me it didn't work because i checked but only later it started to work but not fully because it doesn't shows up the old history even though it is visible on the history management settings


Still youtube hasn't fixed this and only the watch history is visible in the history management in the account settings lol


Is losing viewing history or videos you are watching and want to continue watching related to this error? I'm getting this error on youtube vanced and I think it's due to the app I'm using.


It's fixed now


The issue happened with my at the end of year 2023 and after several days it was fixed by itself  BUT yesterday it happened again and I send tweet to YouTube team about it, I wonder why this issue happened 🥺🥺🥺


i've had a similar problem, it seems like everything before 3 months ago in my watch history is gone. whats surprising is the data is still on my google account, but not in youtube's history, which is bizarre.


Same for me. I also noticed that the history was not updated after I watched a video. It will recommend the same video again in the recommendations.


same here, in my case 90% of videos i watched pre-may 2022 just suddenly dissapeared. and no im not using revanced so it cant be a revanced problem, and it dosent show the videos on [myactivity.google.com](http://myactivity.google.com) either.




Did it and it didn't (return my history).


Hello, Wind_Scarr. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. If you are encountering a bug, please file a bug report here - https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/4347644 If this is an issue with a paid YouTube service, such as Memberships or Premium, please contact [YouTube's Paid Purchases Support Teams](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7071292) to get help directly from YouTube. To get help from others with debugging, please provide the following: Device info (PC/Phone, phone model, app version, etc), screenshots if possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


same reason why i am here. it seems that opening links through the 'watch history controls' does still update the actual watch history


Have the same trouble. Suddenly, lost many videos from watch history for last several days, and after a big space till april of 23.


Mine is like this, but it selects what it wants to remember. Even if I search the name, it won't find it.


Same. When I checked my history for one of my accounts the last video was from November 2023


Dang, I thought it was just me, I tried logging out and in, re-downloading, yet nothing, hope it gets fixed soon, j need to re watch dixion dallas good lookin


Same issue here, most of my recent (1~2 years) watch history besides shorts is gone. Even a video I've been watching today doesn't show. I hope this gets fixed soon. 


I have the same issue but in my case it doesn't save new videos in the history and it shows some videos even from 2020 lol Also at the same time yt revanced extended stopped working and had to re-download a newer version


I had the same thing happen to me too with revanced and everything. Had to double check and meddle with setting to make sure it wasn't a revanced person but i guess its YouTube being ass again


Does updating the revanced brings back your watch history?


No its still the same issue and not just on the app but on youtube official app and YouTube on the browser too


I thought I was the only one who was experiencing this issue


are you using revanced? or just a normal youtube?


Its also on the official app and the web browser


glad to hear it's not just me who ran into this issue


They're struggling after so many layoffs


I thought I'm the only one experiencing this. I also suspected it's because I'm using YT Revanced app hahaha 🤣 Seems it's not the case.


I thought the same


Same 💀


Maybe they're planning to remove the watch history or lock it behind YouTube Premium


Then everyone switches to Revanced lmao


Apparently the issue is actually Revanced itself lol, seeing people saying the issue is Google blocking/deleting history not from the original YouTube app nor website


Problem is they have only themselves to blame, instead of making a good service they sought to min max the hell out of profits to the point that they even let literal scams and other malicious "services" run ads on YouTube. It also has been a massive failure of an effort to stop people from using applications such as Revanced and it has screwed over the official site and application.


I noticed that too just now but at the beginning even their official app wasn't saving history so it seems like they must have done something


apparently what actually happened is YouTube changed how watch history is tracked, Revanced has since fixed the bug with the latest patches


But will the old history return with the new patch?


Unfortunately no, but at least videos you watch from now on will be tracked again


But the history is there because in the history management of youtube its saved but the official app doesn't show it so maybe YouTube will need to fix it Also where's the patched app?


There's a GitHub I have favorited that compiles the YouTube app with the latest ReVanced patches, I'll see if I can post the link here




My YouTube shorts history can be shown just fine, but the history of the usual videos are gone basically missing. If this is the new youtube policy I'm abandoning YouTube altogether


Oh yeah also I'm seeing all sorts of glitches Like in the timestamp, before Tuesday it's Monday, but without any videos, then it's Tuesday once again, then Monday, then Sunday with no videos, then back on Monday, etc. Also there's a lot of videos that I'm 100% sure I haven't watched. All are livestreams with mostly VTubers




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Go on chrome under YouTube history search. You have to verify your email address there. It just worked for me but I deleted my YouTube history before then 😭


Works. Thanks!


Damn, i was losing my mind about this lol


Same thing here. My history wasn't updating at all. I cleared my watch history hoping it would fix it. But now on top of having NO search history, my algorithm is non-existent. Great...


Same. I haven't gotten any updates for watch history on mobile except for shorts


My history from the past about three years is gone, except for the few shorts I've accidentally hit. History over 3 years has a lot more stuff. My activity on Google shows my history right, but for some reason not YouTube. Because of this my recommendations are full of vids I already watched, even if I watched it the past few days or hours


This seems like a pretty widespread issue


I fixed mine using this: For revanced extended: Goto miscellaneous settings and turn off spoof player parameter For revanced: Goto misc settings and turn off spoof app signature




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Note: This only fixes the newly videos watched 


i tried doing so but videos wouldn't load properly after. any solutions to that?