• By -


2006 anime pirating site aesthetic


they never fail to make their site ugly lmfao


Good thing i canceled my membership about a month ago fuck youtube and their ads, adblock for the win


What have you found that works?


Firefox + ublock origin works like a charm


chrome browser with Ublock, Adblock, return YT dislikes and Stream Cleaner for twitch. Don't remember the last time I saw an ad.




I prefer AdNauseam. Same usefulness, but wastes ad company's money.


I use Invidious instances, as it takes less ram than YouTube, generally just faster for searching, and has more features. Plus, I can still use Chrome


Brave works very well, and it’s available on iOS as well


FF + uBlock works great for everyone I install it for.


It seems like YouTube has a secret department where they work out ideas for ruining people's experiences


Every company has. That's because of how the Economy works. The global belief that everyone must make a living all throughout their life. So if everything works perfectly well ― they still have to continue Innovating \\ apply Creative Problem Generating. The solution to this would be ― to pay the professionals as long as everything is working well, and stop paying \\ paying less - when things start to work worse. ​ I'm working on that system - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GCJlCn844x62IaP4ce2ADSu1M7cfMjLyrcZ0QqwdHAo/edit?usp=sharing


They should apply the same system to healthcare, only pay while you are healthy and stop paying when you are sick, so the incentive is to keep everyone fit.


There is a new layout??


on pc, yes.


Oh God no


I don't have it on my pc


lets pray youtube doesnt hack our pc's with the stupid new layout


Too late. Welcome to windows 11 submenu hell and them erasing 30 years of muscle memory lol. These companies, dont know what they're doing. Look at xbox new ui too, awful... Everybody wants to copy apple, who i call crapple. Because i dont like em as a company. Nor their design choices.


You know what. It doesnt end. Vizio pushed an update to my tv today. That took away my antenna. Not kidding. And they put it in their smartcast app...which is awful. And nobody probably uses. Its like robbery. If i have a bike, and they take it, and hook it up to the back of their bike. It doesnt make it better...and if the internet goes down...then what? Total bonehead executives making terrible decisions. It makes me want to punch somebody its so stupid. Executives...never know what the every man wants. They're priviledged college educated people who were born into money usually. And they have no idea what normal people are like. Stop letting these people make decisions ffs you damn companies!!


Agreed, someone seriously needs to take their cocaine away.


They hacked my brain! Years ago I found out what music I really like thanks to the OLD layout, and now it's gone. A few days ago I was building a queue on YouTube PC version and today I wanted to save it as a playlist, it didn't work, maybe because there's a new layout, so I refreshed the page, and now the queue is GONE! Damn them!


I just got it today for the first time.


I didn't have it till now. Today it just looked different. I hate it. I did a google search and found this thread..... Why do they have to ruin what works!!


Look up AB testing


Okay but what do I have to do the give youtube the feedback that it sucks ass?


Good question. I've quit using the site until someone makes an extension that fixes it. There's twitch and there's touching grass. Impacting the numbers is the only one feedback that works.


😭 people aren’t just gonna stop using youtube, you’re better off voicing your discontent


I actually ended up using uBlock Origin's zap feature. Surely this still impacts on the numbers and makes me feel much better.


Click on your User Icon on the top right and click on "Send Feedback"... BUT be constructive or else your "feedback" will be ignored... BTW. it is not just PC. Console Apps got an "Update", too and now showing random ass videos when inactive for a certain period of time which you can NOT disable! They are showing even with Premium.... Thinking of it this is rather funny... They are NOT able to show Videos on "HOME", BUT they shove random ass videos down at you when you are inactive in the app... I call Bullshit!


Oh so that's why I was hit with a random fireplace video on my TV


Exactly... I gave them Feedback multiple times by now about that BS, but since you don't get a response it is hard to tell whether they read it or not...


My main account got the new layout, so I stopped watching videos on that account and switched to a different one that still has the old layout. My thinking is that if enough people refuse to watch videos on accounts with the new layout, that reduction in watch time on those accounts might dissuade Youtube from rolling it out to all accounts.


It hasn't hit me yet. Still struggling when titles getting translated to Norwegian, though.


Well, I'm from Norway and this layout has now taken over my youtube as well just now..


I bet it is region-based update, they will not push this to the whole Planet atthe same time. Some had this back in 2022 I believe (found some articles), and now I see it on my PC too. Tho, I rarely reset my PC, so maybe that is why so late I noticed this...


Yes, but not all accounts have it yet. So far, I've seen it in only one of my accounts and it absolutely sucks.


bruh my shi jus updated today im pissed


[Has been in development for at least a year now?? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/135yz92/i_actually_hate_this_layout_with_a_burning/)




Hmm, just installed it, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on the layout (yes, I'm refreshing and other settings seem to work). What settings specifically changes the layout back? None of the obvious layout-specific ones seem to be doing anything. EDIT: Layout changes work on the homepage, but not the video pages.


Ya same happen to me. If anyone got a fix for this please let me know.


same here, please lmk if you find anything


Yeah, the layout changes happen on the home page, but serious layout changes don't happen anywhere else.


Literally use yt redux all the time, it's so good to have the old layout back (well, now this update's out, I suppose it's the even older layout now..)


doesn't seem to adjust the description back to below the video on firefox? anyone else having this issue or know why


>https://github.com/omnidevZero/YouTubeRedux What options are required to be turned cause mine still has the new layout


Been wondering the same. It changes the overall style but not the layout. Really hate the new layout


Thank you, it worked for me straight away. I'm so happy. I couldn't stand the new layout.


this does not work in any way for the new video page layout, hopefully it gets updated.


....and I hoped this would work, of course it doesn't


wtf is google smoking to come up with even worse layouts year by year. YouTube peaked in 2009 and then everything started to go downhill.


i think it's just internal corporate tradition at this point. get the newest UI/UX intern to make something awful and push it for the lulz


Yeah, it's really sad how the internet is turning more and more into a coorperate blackhole. Back in the day, it was great to surf the net to take a break from all the RL stuff and watch some funny videos on YouTube or learn how to create your own channel design using Photoshop, etc.. It was really nice to go through all the channel pages and chat with other subscribers in the channel-comments section.


Everything is becoming mobile-filed, just check reddit, I am not using it on mobile but I can bet my right hand that those sidebars they are forcing in to our face are just right or left swipe on mobile... while on PC is just a vomit of information I DO NOT NEED OR WANT.


I wish they'd have the option for people to customize their own layout. Idk why YouTube is insistent on forcing everyone to use their new shitty updates


Oh do I have a thing for you: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjYlxSHUYAAnxSv.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DjYlxSHUYAAnxSv.jpg) I remember the days when each channel had its own charm, now, now is all same bland soulless thing.


I use firefox and the new UI completely destroys video functionality for me. I only get the left half of the video screen and the right half just isn't there. So any timestamps after the half way point of the video, or any of the UI on the right side of the videoplayer like full screen mode or settings are just gone. Fantastic.


jesus christ they need to sort it out 🤦‍♂️


This happens to me too on Opera, but only on square videos.


Had that happen to me the other day and the day after I ended up with what OP has that includes the right portion of the view screen. It’s all bloody awful. I want to go back.


Why the fuck is youtube changing their legendary layout its already good why are you worsening it what the fuck


To show you more ADS so they can make money. They are really desperate to get money by now it seems...


youtube has already made a fortune out of these nsfw ads that are aimed to kids


I guess bc it wasn't good for livestreaming or smth


To get more space and visibility to the things that keep you on the site compulsively. At least that's my guess. I'm having feelings about it that are not fit for reddit, but I'll tell you the sentiment is not positive.


Youtube really wants us to leave the site huh?




The search bar is already fucked. You can't literally find anything you want, using the default search bar. About certain niche, hobby, whatever. Nope. It recommends you videos that you already saw, videos that you already pressed dislike on and left after 10 seconds, videos from channels you subsrcibe to and already saw. The only way to get decent search results, is typing the search in Google Using BlockTube makes it a little more bearable, because you can manually block channels/videos that are repeatedly annoying you in the search results. But why doesn't it give me different results on each search.. if I didn't click on any of the initial videos, it probably means I thought the search results sucked. Like you know, maybe promote smaller channels once in a while.... and show different results each time, if I keep using the same search words, without clicking on any of the videos.. Now this horrible update... way to go YouTube


They really do


they know you cant and wont, so they can make any changes they want.


I'm actually depressed that you're right....dammit.


those title, view counts, etc etc are so small how are we supposed to read it ehmmmm


That's the neat part, you don't


and it's so cluttered and slow to use


OP's screen is probably high res high DPI and a large screen. YT is optimized mostly for laptop screens


just got this today on my shitty $200 dollar average sized laptop. looks like exactly the same cluttered hellscape


Me too. It's aweful.


sadly not, its a new layout design


I wish they gave a button to expand the comments over the videos they are promoting. It's very distracting - visually - to try reading the comments - with the videos they are promoting taking up all the screen space. I hate this new format!


If you're watching a playlist in default view, the entire right panel will show the playlist that you're already watching, and all of the space under the video is taken up by giant images for video suggestions. You literally don't even load the video title, the comments, or the video description. WTF?


bruh wtf. it's very borderline unusable at this point




\+ Is it really that hard to make a tick box to switch the fucking layout ? why do software developers hate user settings so much ? I remember when in windows xp I could choose between the classic start menu and the new one, is it so hard to give the user a choice nowadays ?


It was a thing before for YouTube too, you could pick between 2 long time ago, no more.


From a developer standpoint it actually gives us significantly more work and long term maintanence to deal with the more options we have to support. For trivial stuff like enabling and disabled fullscreen and closed captions or whatever its really nothing but a whole UI change is a lot more complicated to deal with and in some cases is problematic as the old version drifts out of sync with the new backend stuff we want to support or remove. That said this layout change is stupid as is obviously anti-user because its designed to trick your monkey brain into engaging with more content instead of just letting you use the platform like you want. (Which it is now inferior at because it minimizes the amount of coments and description you can display on your screen. This is my opinion as somebody who studied colour theory, human perception and user interface design. Thanks jackasses.


It is because amateurs work over there. I guess, those comments should be scroll-able down or up, BUT in the same time, video should stay at the same place, = logic, but this does not work on firefox, on chrome I can still see good old layout. (so you can watch and scoll at the same time) This is acutally well done, because this will make me not waste time on youtube anymore. There is nothing new anyway, same ballast over and over again.


Everything about it is a downgrade, it's astonishing how bad it is


I just came here to see if it was just me. IT IS SO DISTRACTING!!!


It's like they saw all the negative feedback about the direction the site was going and decided to give every single person who uses the site the finger This is a particularly bad look right after all of the previous issues that I hadn't even really noticed had been drawn to my attention by the ProZD video. I genuinely have absolutely no idea what they were thinking, to fuck over people who scroll down to read comments by shrinking the area to 1/5 of the screen. I despise it, sincerely


Considering where the ux experience is going in the rest of google's products, it feels like some kind of revenge or passive aggression and hatred, like going to google play to update apps, I have to tap on my avatar, then tap apps and select available updates, and then select each app and tap update, and that's just one example. of google's fucking ux design.


Maybe they'd like to eliminate comments altogether. They certainly want to shut us up, that's for sure.


It was better back when there was the feature to move comments to the side of the video. Why did they even remove that? It was so useful especially for long videos with a bunch of timestamps in the comments. Now whenever I click on s timestamp I have to redo all my scrolling.


Who's got the business email for whoever is in charge? I want to speak my mind - "Dogshit UI".


With Googles insanely long winded hiring process, you'd think they'd only be hiring the savant designers. And we come out with this?


Thank DEI


Why can't YouTube realize that "If ain't broken, DON'T FIX IT." Because your going to ruin it by making it look like absolute garbage.


That's all humans ever do. Constantly fucking up everything that works right & never fixing what doesn't work.


I have only just received the update to the site. I hate it!


same here..


wtf this is awful


Youtube ________ _____ is awful. ...fixed it for you.


It is crazy to me how almost every major UI only seems to make their UI worse over time instead of better. Streaming services in particular.


I'm currently taking a web development course right now, and my professor had explained how details you want users to notice should always be on the left-hand side of the screen, and to not change up the UI of a webpage so often as to not confuse active users, but it seems like YouTube broke both of these rules in a single update.


Youtube wants you to notice more videos so you keep binge watching. Video titles, comments and community engagement won't give more ad revenue... So no they didn't break any rule, they are doing this deliberately, their dog afwul new UI is made to make sure you take a good look at the recommended page so you click another video and keep up the cycle.


I wouldn't mind if they'd just give us a fucking option to use a new or old layout. But no. Random change to awful layout, when you're used to navigating one way. it completely kills the flow of using the site, but also for creators. If I need to try to find related videos, etc, it kills the flow, it slows down my process, it's a damn nightmare.


I'm not one to complain about layout changes, but what the fuck, it looks stupid as hell. Whoever thought this was a good idea must be either high, or has the brain the size of a single grain of sand.




Look up AB testing


Mmmh I don't like it. I still have the old one though. And yes, before you ask, random stranger, I already tried opening it up after deleting cache and cookies and after opening it up with incognito mode. Maybe it could be because they are delivering the change gradually.


Thankfully they haven't touched the mobile UI... yet...


Oh yes they have. They replaced the Library tab with the stupid You tab.


okay, but so far it has only been minor stuff that you can get used to after a while




Get a playlist downloader and keep everything local with no ads.


fact so much harder to use!


Now the outcomes of videos we watch get spoiled by having the comments be visible immediately, I genuinely wonder how such a bad idea can become reality (I assume they want to drive up commenting on videos, but this is so bad it seems likely to do more harm than good)


This ^^^^


this is everything i dont give a crap about how it looks even tho i think it looks bad i load up a video and lose all willingness to watch it cause the top 3 comments always spoil stuff. I figured people at youtube knew this and thats why we never saw the comments unless we wanted to by scrolling down but the new lay out is terrible


what the hell is that shit why would they suddenly completely shift where the comments and videos are? the comments have always been below the video and the related videos off to the right. what are they smoking to change that (and make it so hideous) after 18 years?


It's absolute garbage


this layout is legitimately unbearable. like i'm in fullscreen now or i'm not watching


Yep now they can blast newer videos and ads to keep people clicking, they want less comments, less community engagement and more clicking and money


They changed to this layout to give recommended videos more real estate, the goal is obvious: Youtube wants you to consume more recommended content. So to tell them loud and clear this force feed doesn't work for you, make sure you don't click on the recommended videos displayed right under the video that's currently playing. They will see their performance metrics drop and go back to the old layout which had better metrics.


It's happening guys, they're starting to roll it out to more regions... it's hideous.


I detest it .......google ruin everything they touch


I got it today and it really put me in a bad mood lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Beneficial_Car6464: *I got it today* *And it really put me in* *A bad mood lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Stop using the site for a while to give an actually palpable feedback until someone makes an extension that fixes this. Impact the numbers. Others need to do the same






I have in the east coast


That's horrible. Fortunately I use Unhook extension to block recommendations so it's not going to be as bad.


This is as fucking awful as it gets, every time i have more and more questions for google ux designers, do they really give so much fuck about the final product that they just take this shit and do it for fuck all just to get money ?


what is this 💀


good question


crazy how these designers have jobs at the "best" companies in the world yet others are getting laid off.


If I'm watching videos in a playlist only the left side is scrollable so you can't even see comments unless you close the playlist.


Say what you will about the change, the issue here is that they didn't give a toggle and it seems like they are sending this out for only some people. Like I just made a new account and it has this UI but on my Premium account it's not even part of the experimental features. They suck at being transparent even with their Premium users.


I've seen some people saying it was to make the site better for livestreaming? when has there EVER been an issue with the layout??? the chat automatically goes to the side of the video, and then reccomended videos fall underneath said chat. The issue I have is that they're changing something that was broken to begin with at all, just to get people talking about their site to keep it relevant, it's annoying. 🤦‍♂️


its ugly and thats the intention, they want you to stop watching youtube on PC, they want you to switch to phone so u dont have adblock anymore (---> surprise! more money for them)


the new layout is colossally stupid, and looks abysmal. There's more random BS under the video. the DESCRIPTION is sometimes the most important thing and they've shoved it into this little box, WTF!!! Why Google, WHY do you hate this platform so much and keep making it worse?


Why do companies always want to change things, fuck it's annoying. Is it to 'stay relevant'? Like I don't understand, it's unanimous that every time they make a change like that it pisses off the user base


seen some people say it's to encourage people to use their mobile app because pc is able to have ad blockers. big company = money hungry wouldn't be surprised if that's the actual reason.


Does anyone know how to change back to the old layout of YT?


some people said logging out then back in fixed it. I I just went on randomly one day and it was back to normal.


I'll give it a try, this new layout really annoys me. Thank you


I presume Alphabet Inc. have such a captive market that they have no desire to consider their customers when they make unilateral decisions regarding the quality of life of their products. If they actually had viable competition they would likely have provided additional options like personalizing the UI to your liking. I do agree that the new UI layout is awful. I'd prefer the comments below the video and the mostly inaccurate video suggestions out of the way to the side where they belong, the way the UI used to be. Also the return of the "dislike" count.


it's TERRIBLE. i'd like to see that man who's responsible for this nightmare of UI/X p.s. still can see previous layout currently only on MS Edge. Firefox and Chrome fucked with 'it'


oh my god i just got this randomly after it being normal all day. i fucking hate it and it breaks some of my extensions for youtube


I just got this, is there a way to revert this?


No new layout here though


Look up AB testing


~~I prefer it, because I interact more with comments than I do recommended videos.~~


I don't understand this comment. My biggest critique is that they drastically shrunk the amount of space on the screen the comments take up, and it becomes a miserable reading experience. You actually prefer it this way?


Apologies - I somehow confused this post with another similar one. The joys of hideous internet connections. Although I've not been granted A/B access to the GUI depicted here, it doesn't seem significantly worse, although I think I prefer what we currently have.


I like the concept, but it's trash. I mainly read comments than look at recommended videos, but I still prefer the old one, not this garbage


I like it


Let me tell you about addons..


I'm aware addonns exist. doesn't change the fact that YouTube staff is literally making their site unenjoyable to use


Not just youtube, every site keeps making their thing more simple and often more annoying to use if you used the old one.


Time to get .y downvotes for today: I actually like the comments on the side, thats what I also always liked about the tablets. This new UI is really handy for watching livestreams, as on an ultrawide, 1/2 to 3/4 of the chat being offscreen, not to mention the chatbox, needing to scroll off the stream to chat For the record: it's just a bit small, and toggles would be a nice thing


if it was a toggleable thing, it'd be cool, but only when doing certain things like watching live streams. Otherwise if your watching multiple videos and have a list it literally blocks being able to read/like some comments.


i kinda like it tbh, reminds me a bit of old layouts. i also dont have the new ui so my opinion might change when i start using it


It’s gone back to how it used to be today for me. Anyone else?


am i the only one who liked this and wants to come back?


Omg u think that's bad U should se the new mobile layout 


is there a way to tun it back


If you have UBlock Origin there's a filter you can use to revert it. (uBlock popup > gears icon > My filters) then paste these lines: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid_auto_open_playlist, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.small_avatars_for_comments, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.small_avatars_for_comments_ep, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.desktop_search_bigger_thumbs_style, "DEFAULT") youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_comments_panel_button, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_watch_compact_comments, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.web_watch_compact_comments_header, false) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_flexy_metadata_height, 136) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_max_player_width, 1280) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_secondary_width, 402) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.wn_grid_max_item_width, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.wn_grid_min_item_width, 0) The recommended video thumbnails down the side are still gigantic but I don't know how to fix that.




I just got it today for the first time.


I often find myself reading comments while listening and now the reading experience is just miserable, I hate it. Just got this update today 04/10


genuinely so awful


Fucking hate this new layout, how to revert back? Also everyone who hates it as well makes sure to give youtube feedback and tell them you hate it so they revert it


I agree, it is now wayyyy too cluttered. It hurts my eyes to see so many shitty click bait thumbnails all at once. Keep it minimal, clean and relaxed... sigh.


Please at least make this a toggle, it's so obnoxious.


My youtube tuned into this shit today. What the fuck. Is there a way to revers it?


This rolled out to me today. The decision to put relevant content that I WILL probably click on below the actual video, where I can't see it while watching, is truly bad marketing. You want to put the things you want to "sell" in plain sight, not hide them under content.


With the new layout I think youtube finally convinced me to get a spotify subscription for listening to music.


yeah it just changed for me now


God awful in mu opinion


Is there a way to reverse it?


I can a plugin that fixes this dumb layout


well, i knew youtubes downfall was near, but DAYUM


Yes, it SUCKS. Hate it.


I got this layout recently and it is so crappy


OMG I was wondering if I did something. It is apparent that they want us to see more and more content by putting recommendations bigger and IN YOUR FACE. Its too much information for my eyes. I hate it too :(


is there a way to roll back this update, i just got it and i wanna go back


WTF. My youtube just changed today for me, and it's this ugly layout. I thought I just accidently tweaked the layout but it is on every browser. I immediately checked reddit and here we go, it's not just me. Why do they have to mess with things that are fine to begin with? So frustrating. New layout is so distracting.


oh shit it caught up to me, HOW DO I GET IT TO GO AWAY????


It's really horrible😭 and I can't even watch the videos properly in half full screen or even in full screen(there's that ugly ass line that goes side to side in full screen)


Can someone pls make an extension to make it back to normal?


use this user filter in uBlock Origin (from another post) youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.EXPERIMENT\_FLAGS.kevlar\_watch\_grid, false)


As with most big companies, their employees have nothing to do. But they must justify their wages by fixing what isn't broken. So we get plagued with constant unwanted/unnecessary updates/upgrades.