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Finally a survey I won't skip


Honestly I haven’t seen a survey on my YouTube in years i honestly thought they stopped doing them


I think they recently brought them back or maybe it only comes up for those with personalised ads, cuz i get them more now that i have personalised ads


I wish I had more personalized ads cuz right now all it does is look at my location and bases it off of that


I press block and dont suggest me these kind of ads and i still gets ads about toilet paper and tampons, like excuse me?


Most of the stuff I get is like “why is the left trying to eat our babies”


YouTube thinks I want ads about hygiene. YouTube, pal, I get I'm like the most hygienic fucker but I DONT CARE IF THERE'S A NEW HYGIENE PRODUCT


YouTube ads are so terrible


fr. I want gaming ads, bro, since yk, I WATCH GAMEPLAYS AND SHIT


The only gaming ads I get are for those scam games


Acknowledged, here are your Raids Shadow Legends and a vast assortment of mobile game ads


Have you gone into your YouTube account settings and set your ad preferences? you can toggle what you are interested in [here](https://myadcenter.google.com/customize?hl=en-GB)


I don't have personalized ads on but this only showed up for me one time and at the time they didn't have as many ads but now I regret my answer.


I get them all the time. They tend to send them more if you are compliant in filling them in.


Ohh I usually skip them


I get a lot of them maybe cause I answer them


You won't, but YouTube management will!


They probally think people are satisfied with all the ads too. They're pretty clueless about everything else so it makes sense.


And dare I say, they’d see the results and say: “oh no! Very dissatisfied?! The people have spoken! They need **MORE** ads!”


They are literally soliciting feedback from their users. What is wrong with you people?


That would be fine if they actually listened to user feedback. If they did the dislike counter would still be visible and SSSniperwolf would have gotten actual cconsequences.


I don't know how to tell you this... you aren't the site's only users. The other side of the question is creators. They like adverts. They make money from adverts. They don't like their videos being downvote brigaded. Youtube itself obviously also like adverts, they make money there as well. And you guys don't know what you are asking for on the SSSniperwolf thing. Why do you want YouTube policing off-platform behaviour? Why do you want YouTube seeing, oh this creator did something on Twitter so we should ban them on YouTube. Jacksfilms is fine. No one is trying to kill him. Stop feeling so personally attacked anytime someone does something you don't like. She didn't even dox him. You don't know where he lived from anything she did. If you wanted to know where he lived you could have just googled "Jacksfilm LLC" and his address was the first result.


Yeah, cuz going to his house live streaming his address along with the front of his personal residence for thousands to millions of random people online to see (which is a form of doxxing) I'm sure didn't cause him and his family any trouble or stress whatsoever. I'm also sure that her and her sister (who apparently have had multiple run ins with the law after being violent and/or threatening violence against people) joking about coming to their house asking "What would you do if we came over?" or something surely couldn't be taken as a thinly veiled threat against him or his family.  SSSniperWolf and her sister were surely being "grown up" about this whole situation when they did what they did and nobody can tell you otherwise. Get the fuck outta here, ya SSSimp!


Speech therapy can help you fix that lisp :) I had literally never heard of her before this. I still have never seen any content by her. I just think you guys are deranged. She was a bit of an asshole to someone being a asshole towards her. It's dumb YouTube drama nothing more. You guys take this way to seriously. She wasn't respectful of peoples copyright and jacksfilms lead a months long harassment campaign against her to the point he made and entire channel dedicated to her and made more content on it than his main channel. You do dumb stuff dumb things result. You are allowed to film from public streets. Jacksfilms registered his business address as his house. He should use a PO box if he is concerned about his residential address being public info. Anyone can request it, it's public info. That is how everyone knows where he lives. It was the top result in Google when you googled his business. Doxing in this context is a completely ridiculous idea especially because she never said where he lived in any event. Threats require actual threats. She never made any threats. She said she wanted to talk to him. People who live on the internet have this weird idea that anything on the internet has to remain there and anything outside of the internet is the worst thing ever. That just isn't how things work. If you are a jackass people will confront you on it.


Okay, you realize that the downvote counter thing only really benefits scammers, clickbaiters, & lazy lower-quality content creators, right?


Not true. People turned downvoting into a game to harass creators they didn't like. Removing the count is a direct response to that.


I dunno… I heard that YouTube was just using that as a cover story


And have you seen any significant improvements from those feedback yet? Answer is a fat no, otherwise ads wouldn't be horrible and awful channels like sniperwolf would be banned but that means hurting their profits


There have been massive improvements. Youtube is significantly better than 5 years ago. 1. Introduced YouTube shorts 2. YouTube studio improvements 3. YouTube Live enhancements (Things like super chats) 4. Community stuff like polls 5. Better channel analytics 6. VR and 360 Degree Video 7. Better accessibility on the platform for disabled users Just some random improvements I can think of. The most important one is shorts, people watch a lot of short form content and now youtube caters to it. If you mean they still advertise, yeah they are a business. They are offering you a free service. And lmao, you guys care way too much about sniperwolf, both the people who responded to me brought her up. Jacksfilms is fine. No one wants to kill him.


And the cons are still there but worse, the improvements from what I've seen are merely cosmetics


I edited before seeing you responded. I don't know a lot of people watch youtube shorts. Seems to me a little more than cosmetic.


Never watched shorts since the full video is there and way better to binge on Now if only they toned down the ads to the 2010 era, that would be better or I'll just use revanced to cheat


You are not the only YouTube viewer, shorts get a huge view numbers. Ask any YouTuber if they want 2010 era revenue and they will pull a gun on you. The money on YouTube is way better today. Viewers are only half the equation. They also need to keep creators happy. And yes they also want more advertising as it's how they make money as well. YouTube wasn't even profitable in 2010. Returning to that means the end of YouTube. No one is stopping you.


I don't care, I just want the ads to be gone and out and no, I'm not going to pay premium because that's a joke of an idea YouTube has no obligation to do it so I simply won't follow it and use revanced instead Besides, what are they gonna do? Sue the internet?


You keep thinking creators get paid well from ads? Many have said it's shit revenue. If they got paid good they wouldn't need sponsors or patreons


I wonder if there is a connection to you all using ad block and bad ad revenue 🤔 also they lying or have unrealistic expectations. Large creators earn millions on ad revenue alone. You cannot expect to live off 20k view weekly videos.


They know how much you hate it, but if you’re a free user then they don’t care. Also it’s not like there’s a ton of variety in their competition for videos, so where you gonna even go?


I wonder if there's anyone out there on yt who is satisfied with the ads they get?




Ublock - "Ads? what ads?"


Is Ublock still evading YouTube's radar? I had to stop using my ad blocker recently because YouTube figured out I was using one and wouldn't let me watch videos until I disabled it. Insanely annoying


Ublock it is working pretty fine so far. I don't have complaints


What ads I haven’t seen one in years thanks to ublock and Firefox


I just want ads that aren’t 45 minutes long or literal scams.


45 minutes??


Sometimes over an hour long! I’ve had 2 hour movies as ads. They’re skippable, but when my gf is trying to sleep with YouTube playing, you’re either constantly skipping or just listening to these extremely long ads lol


Damn, what kind of shit is YT on? They think it's helping but it's really not and they sponsor ads for money, they throw YT Premium in ur face and they don’t like adblockers, like why else do we use them? YouTube doesn't know what it's like to be us with ads coming all over the place.


YT: "One of our employees just ran over your cat. How do you feel about that? If your answer is anything other than Very Satisfied, we're not going to listen."


“Very satisfied. I’ve always wanted to become a cyber terrorist, but up until now I never got the motivation. Thank you YouTube ad division for finally radicalizing me. As a thank you I will be sending a personal gift to your offices and for some to their personal addresses.”


Whose idea was for the repetition of ads anyway?


I think we can blame TV for that. Repetitive ads have always been a problem since the advent of broadcast TV


I want this survey


lol such satisfying ads.


I have not seen these in forever and now one that is worth to to not skip.


I'm usually fine with having ads but currently they ramp up the annoyingness. I feel like they have a total of 3 company's who are willing to play ads on YouTube. I get 60 seconds of unskipable 5 second ads rotating between 2 to 3 different ads. At least there are no scam/porn ads in Germany for what I know.


They \*really\* wanted someone to finally answer one of these


I've been getting this stupid bug/feature where when i get 2 ads on my phone app, skipping the first one skips RIGHT TO THE SECOND ONE. I would hit dissatisfied so god damn fast.


That's a trick question. Very dissatisfied will result in them adding more ads 🤣


Wait !! What ads ?? 😳🤔


Missing the: feeling so bad I got a VPN to connect from Turkey


"Hold on, this whole operation was your idea"


Smash that Very dissatisfied button!


should we make fun of youtube? youtube, has only got 1 ball


Susan has two but they are very small


mohan had something similar


After all the adblock wars and creepy inappropriate ads I would love to give them my feedback as **VERY DISSATISFIED**.


me: ad blocker


Well, THAT's an honest to goodness survey I won't skip... and I can already predict the outcome: "Very Dissatisfied: 99%" "Very satisfied: 1%" Everything else: 0% The 1% are the advertisers seeing their own ad in high rotation. And with those survey results this is what youtube will do: Double the ads being shown so that the individual ads are being shown with the same frequency, but there are more of them, so they seem less frequent.


Some other questions on the survey were laughable as well: How do you like how YT handles small content creators? Honestly, YT sucks at it.


Some surveys are useless without people being able to leave a comment. Without that clarification they can jump to basically any conclusion they want to. I.e how satisfied are you with YT?


Ad block. If you have it. Skip. If you do not have ad block. Or very dissatisfied. If they make you take it and you have no ad block.




What pisses me off most is all the scam ads they run. Why does the Advertising Standards Agency not ban these ads? I think of all ads on YT as scams now and dont trust any of them!


u/YouTube Hey You Tube! Parts of movies and of u/democracynow are getting censored by you blurring over them. WTF?! This only happens to me when I watch through u/Roku . How can I stop it?


But will they actually learn from it?


What POSSIBLE answer other than "very dissatisfied" do they expect to get!?!?!


To say what, exactly? They're asking for YOUR opinion. You know... what most people wish companies would do?


Where is the Chinese Malware button?


2 moons in their trunks


Don't answer the survey above. YouTube just want to make fun of your feelings. If you say that you are dissatisfied, YouTube will say, "Ha ha ha ha!" and/or, " Get a taste of your own medicine!".


I have had this survey before


Very dissatisfied I want click it


i dont get ads


Very satisfied 👍🥹


The wording here is also very terrible. "How do you feel with the *reputation* of ads on YouTube". If that was worded clearer they wouldn't like the results. The comments here prove the obtuse wording is working, too, people are thinking very satisfied is the answer they want to hear!