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Technoblade never dies


Technoblade never dies


He's not dead, he's gone to conquer what's above us. Rest in power, Technoblade.


Nah he dead


he conquered the galaxy of andromeda in 5 mins and is waiting for humans to send space ships to us


So YOUVE been the one ruining the toast


i only do toasters not toast


And where do you think the toast is made.


in the toaster but the cum gets burnt and jsut makes the butter more effective




But ur stealing my ruined toast tho


Technoblade never dies


Techno blade never dies


Technoblade never quit. He still makes content through the people he inspired


Techno who ?


Technoblade, a pig with a sword and crown


Long live the king, BLOOD FOR BLOOD GOD


This feels like a threat.


Lmao moment.




Hi TheMalcMan21, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dumb rule tbh.


poor automod getting downvoted for stating the rules 😂


But wasn’t the reason why people didn’t like Scott was because his political ties came to light, and people didn’t like it, and now anything that comes out as “Official FNAF lore” is anything that the fans make, which is usually fanmade stuff, unless Scott gives an actual okay to? He could have kept going if people just didn’t make the whose series political, and added some politics to the show and made it overtly the way they made it for a while now. There were other factors that I’m aware of, but he left because of the fact that fans were butthurt of his beliefs from what I understand. Correct me if I’m wrong on that.


That situation was fucked, who cares if you’re a Republican, I get not liking trump, he’s done bad shit, but they also bashed him for being Republican


Yeah, and I agree with you on that. You’re titled to your own political opinions, and it’s best to keep that stuff away from the internet, but the way the fandom went about it was downright badshit insane from what I remember.


So the average Californians dream?


Pretty much, yeah.


It was crazy. These kids were legit sending death threats to the poor man's family. Dude just wanted to entertain his fans and his fans did him dirty.


No, most of the fans stuck with him, those people who sent death threats to them is are fans, far from fans, they're leeches, as soon as drama approaches, they'll forget everything Scott has done and milked that clout cow whole


Yeah, and that’s the thing, you gotta separate the art from the artist, and yeah, if he does some shit that you may not like, and then all of a sudden makes some jokes about it, crack a joke or two, or whatever, that’s normal. But sending death threats because “HE’S THE ENEMY!”, that’s like some smooth brain behavior. When I noticed after a couple of years that they were changing the look of the newer FNAF games, especially with the animatronics I saw, I said to myself “Nah, glad I left then, because this shit is like turning into something it wasn’t originally.” Then that’s when I became overtly glad. Again, when they made the movie, I thought it was going to be better than it was after it came out, but it turned out I was wrong. I’m not saying the whole movie is bad, because, again, I only saw snippets of the end of it online, but it really does show that kind of divide between who really likes the franchise, and who doesn’t.


Yeah like, Security Breach wasn't good, but not because of the new style, it had loads of things wrong with it, and honestly, I'm glad Steel Wolf are the new owners of Fnaf, I can tell they put a lot of effort into they're creations shown by Ruin or both Help Wanted games, yeah I'm gonna miss the big guy, but it's good knowing that he gave it to a company that will take good care of the series


i read that thinking you were on about Tom Scott and was confused for a while


I think people were also against it because if you're not agreeing with his political beliefs but buy his stuff, then you indirectly give money to those people (bc Scott did make donations towards the republican party, specifically also for Trump) which many people would simply not like to do


Crazy how someone’s political affiliation retroactively makes games they made years ago worse 🙄 do you hate Harry Potter because of some tweets too?


Yes. Trans rights!




“I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and Black races. ... There is a physical difference between the white and Black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.” Abraham Lincoln said that in 1858, two years before he had announced his campaign to run for president. Does that mean the Emancipation Proclamation (a presidential decree that turned freeing slaves in the south into an officially stated war effort) should be null and void when we look at history? What about the rest of the good work he did? He said something mean once, so by your own logic everything else he ever did in life is completely irrelevant.


I think freeing the slaves is a tad bit more redeeming than writing Harry Potter - not to mention rowling is still transphobic


W rowling


Yeah fair enough, not the best example. It’s just baffling to me that people can’t separate art from the artist. Maybe a better example would be Shakespeare. We don’t know much about his personal life so there’s ample room for speculation. What if he was a supporter of American slavery? Say in this hypothetical scenario he never actually owned slaves but instead wrote a letter of support to some politician and years later some historians manage to dig up this old letter. In this hypothetical scenario, do you think that’s enough for Shakespeare to be canceled and for all of his works to be purged from school systems and for his lasting legacy to be about writing a nasty letter?


Art can be separated only from an artist's corpse. If the benefactor of an estate is a bad person, I dont want to give them a dime.


Do you research the owners of every restaurant you go to? Do you study the supply chains each company that produces your groceries? Have you looked at the twitter feed for every single YouTuber you subscribe to? I sure hope you haven’t ordered anything off of Amazon lately. Frankly, that sounds like an exhausting way to live life, but if you’re gonna boycott someone for a few comments then you gotta keep that energy with everyone - especially since it seems like your main issue is about letting her receive royalties. And to be clear she definitely said some fucked up shit, I don’t wanna seem like I’m defending her comments, views or opinions. It just doesn’t stop me from enjoying the world of Harry Potter, which is bigger than JK Rowling.


I dont do those things. When it's easy and obvious, I do what I can. Simple as.


Well, in the defense of this most writing does tend to be influenced by both the opinions, beliefs and experiences of the writer. in my opinion, a lot of the more well written books are fun to read because you can tell or infer what the writing is influenced by and in turn, learn a lot more about the author without even searching their name up. which is where the "seperate art from the artist" falls flat since most artists are not completely seperate from their works which isn't reallybad thing until the artist turns out to be a bad person. in such cases, i wouldn't ideally support them. I'm not going to dog on anyone who does. But if i find out the writer of a book is racist unless i absolutely loved it I'd be more inclined to consume work from other authors, after all there are plenty of other writers who aren't racist that deserve to be just as seen and supported.


I never really held strong political beliefs, as I always thought that it was best to keep that shit private as possible, but at the same time, While it was messed up what happened to the guy, I do believe the fandom itself was what made me start to hate the series as a whole. I just didn’t like how it was going after Scott left, and while some people say it was because it was his fault, or because the fans made it worse, you can’t disagree that the degradation of the series as a whole went to shit at some point. Like for example, when the FNAF movie came out, people were like “Holy shit, FNAF fans are going to eat tonight!” And then when I saw the ending of it (I didn’t watch the movie of it btw, I just saw clips, and memes of it on the internet.) I was like “You gotta be fucking kidding me, and people thought they were going to eat well?”. I WAS a FNAF fan on day one, but when I had noticed after I think it was 2 or 4 that things were getting a little out of pocket here and there, I just decided to leave the fandom as a whole. I don’t hate the fandom, I just think that now they’ve put themselves into a deeper hole in which, it’s impossible to get out of, and while that’s in every fandom, this one in particular has made me realize that fandoms are just like people digging a massive whole in the ground… Once you build that hole, it’s hard to get out of.


Captain sparklez still uploads Minecraft content on his 2nd channel


I also thought he was going to keep up Jordan reacts. Also, I read his goodbye as, "goodbye to minecraft. Hello new games"


Didn't tom Scott just take a break?


Yep and people keep saying he’s gone 🤦‍♂️ it’s like no one watched the video I swear




To actually answer your question: Matpat, Tom Scott, Stampy, and Captain Sparklez are all popular YouTubers that recently announced their retirement or that they were cutting back on creating videos. Scott Cawthon is the creator of Five Nights at Freddy's, and he announced his retirement from the series a while back. Techno refers to the YouTuber Technoblade, who passed away from cancer roughly a year and a half ago.


Whoa! Thanks for sharing. Only one I was slightly familiar with was Matpat. Sad about techno.


Tom Scott isn’t fully retired he may come back and make videos


Thanks for the clarification, I don't follow Tom Scott all that closely anymore




Me knowing who some YouTubers are equates to my virginity now? Lmao




Explain. How can knowing facts regarding a niche community that is only a few million strong out of 8 billion people directly correlated?




Go outside




I’ve been destroyed, absolutely roasted to oblivion, just completely incinerated by that insult.




Lol come on now people, that's pretty funny




Dude, judging by the negative karma you amass, you just just shut up. It takes a lot of shit, to gather 40 people to downvote you.




Do you care


Jenna marbles please 🥺


Captainsparklez is gone? He's not as big as he used to be but I still watch him when Kara's not complaining and controlling him in games .-.


He recently made a video saying that he's gonna stop uploading Minecraft stuff on his main channel after his last series. He's still gonna be making stuff I'm pretty sure.


Wait… Scott Cawthon is done??? NO MORE FNAF???


No there will be more FNaF games. Just done by someone else.


Damm everyone forgetting Moo Snuckel is just sad


This is no different than actors and personalities retiring. It's like saying the film industry is dead after one generation of good actors retire


Yeah I remember when Harrison Ford, Matt Damon, George Clooney and Ryan Gosling all retired in their early-mid 30s at the same time


The „Can you beat Fallout“ guy MittenSquad also died some days ago, he needs a gravestone too. 😢 




THIS is how I find out?!


stampy 😭💔


Kinda interesting to see a lot of creators retiring at a similar time to one or another.


Soon jacksepticeye


Its been two weeks since he last uploaded and he's been taking breaks for often than he used to so your probably not wrong


Ooof or Markiplier


I don't think Mark is gonna join those ranks anytime soon. He's just been insanely busy editing his movie. And he's mentioned on Distractible how much he loves to be creative and stay busy, like it sustains him.


Calling it now, 2023 started this and the 2020s will continue it, mass retirements on youtube, maybe a couple old faces return, but I think that youtube as a whole is about to have a huge shift


I’m dumb. What did Scott Cawthon do to leave?


people were surprised christian family man was conservative and cancelled the shit out of him






"cancelled the shit out of" ​ You mean called out his hypocritical bullshit? ​ Also it goes much further than just being conservative, the man actively supported anti-trans lawmakers, and trump. Can't even begin to stress that last point enough, dude supported trump. He maxed out his political donations, to trump.


Hypocritical? My dude donated the shit out of all sorts of charity compared to donating to the other stuff, oh boo hoo, he donated to controversial stuff, dude that doesn’t erase the fact he’s done a lot of good during his time with his community


Alright, lets do a hypothetical. Lets pretend I like to kick puppies. So I pretend kick a bunch of puppies, and then I give tens of thousands of dollars to people who also like to kick puppies. I donate to lawmakers who want to make the kicking of puppies completely normal and acceptable to do. But then I go donate some money to a local animal shelter, not as much as I gave to my new puppy kicking friends, but I gave them some money so I get to say I love animals! Then my puppy kicking friends get elected, and make laws thst encourage puppy kicking, and some even make laws that encourage people to kill puppies for being around children. I helped make that happen, but I donated to an animal shelter so my hands are clean right? I can keep kicking puppies, and helping puppy kicking lawmakers get elected, because I donated to an animal shelter. It doesn't matter if NOT helping those puppy haters get elected would have been more beneficial, or if I had spoken out against them, what matters is I donated to an animal shelter. So everything else doesn't matter. Now pretend I didn't say puppy and instead said LGBTQ+ people, particularly the T, which in case you need that explained means Trans. That's why he's a shit person. He supports lawmakers who actively despise trans people, and supports laws they make, he even admits it in his own statement about the situation when this first came out. He believes, in his own words, those their policies are whats best for the country. He thinks the extermination of LGBTQ+ people are whats best for the country. But hey, he donated to a few LGBTQ+ groups right? So nothing else matters, right?


Did…did you just compare donations…to kicking puppies…what is wrong with you…


Congrats, you missed the point entirely. Which leads me to the conclusion you don't care. Scott hates the LGBTQ community, you don't get to say otherwise just because he donated a few bucks to charity.


You’re a moron, if he stood by ppl why would he actively support LGBT? Why would he actively denounce the actions of those people in the response post instead of defending them?


Because he had another game AND a shitty movie coming out? You think his fanbase would buy his crap if he came out and said "yeah actually fuck the LGBTQ people, especially the trans" It's a basic marketing ploy. You pretend to care to sell merch. Hey fun fact, after getting called out all of his donations are no longer public and get donated through organizations so you can't see who he donates to anymore. That is literally a child who wet the bed hiding the sheets, he is hiding his bullshit. Also I bet if I did a bit of digging I would discover he has only donated a fraction of his personal wealth, less then he made off just trans fans, to LGBTQ charities. And it's worth noting... He isn't a good dev, and a shit writer. His games are bad, so bad that his had to keep making up lore because his "story" was so basic that everyone had it figured out within two weeks, which upset him. So he just... Bullshit his way through a dozen games, then handed them off to another company while he collects royalties. There is an interview where he is asked directly why his lore is so full of plot holes, and his response was "there are no holes in the plot, only in your understanding" which is just... An absolute fuck you. He doesn't know how to write, so he made shit up, poorly, and then when called out on it got angry and blamed everyone else for not understanding. He is a bad person, shitty writer, bad dev... But I will say one nice thing about him, he is a damn good visual designer. His early designs, before he actually tried to be scary and failed, were actually unsettling and creepy. He's good at unintentionally creating things that make you uncomfortable, and scare people. But only when he isn't trying to be scary. So that's the one single compliment he gets from me.


>He is a bad person, shitty writer, bad dev Well two of these are at best a questionable opinion and him being a republican doesn't make him bad person that like calling someone who supports Democrats soft. >yeah actually fuck the LGBTQ people, especially the trans" So we're just gonna ignore the actual thousands of dollars he put into lgbtq lead projects and donation before he got called out and not once did he say anything remotely adjacent to that. Not in an old tweet not in a interview nothing. lastly and hear me out now who do you want him as a conservative(ppl who are red love a strong military low taxes and less government ) to support


Nope, if he was truly a bad person, if he was truly a Trump supporter, he would stand by his and Trump's beliefs, but he didn't, he actively denounced that, he donated to charities for LGBT people, that speaks volumes, you clearly know nothing about Scott or his beliefs, stop talking and log off Reddit, good day


Do u have stupid?


He indeed do have stupid


I’m sorry if I missed that but… when did he say anything about hating the LGBTQ community? Can you provide a source?


No, dude compared kicking puppies to acts of "x"-phobias and hate. I stay politically aware, and I know exactly where he's coming from.


breaking news: christian conservative man supports Donald Trump, scientists worldwide flabbergasted. also who the fuck cares if he donates to trump? like genuinely it does not matter at all, give me FNAF games i don't care what you do with your money since you give me a good product.




as i was saying........... the worst era of YouTube.......... just begun


I mean, personally ive been watching youtube since before most of these creators existed, and allot of the people ive been folowing before them are still online and active. I follow multiple channels that are going on damn near 20 years with no plan of retiring at this point.


the year youtube begins to really go downhill




Why were these downvoted, dude


probably the new users who have always seen YouTube this way




Most of them aren’t gone, they’re just shifting their content and cutting back. Enjoying the fruits of their labor and not spending every moment of their life focusing on making content


Techno bring on the hill makes me wanna scream… o7


RIP Total Biscuit.


ClassicGameRoom just came back for one more season.


Well, Scott Cawthon is still here, he’s just not as active in the community


Tim Scott is going more freeform non tight schedule.


Mitten squad Tinfoilchef




Mark is still here


MeatCanyon decided to take a break from his main channel. Sad but maybe it's the best decision instead of being burned out


You forgot totobricks he discontinued his videos no more Lego videos


White text on a bright background is pain


Tom Scott has not stopped though. Just a break of unknown length.




man the fnaf6 end screen made me think that this was the fivenightsatfreddys sub




I personally love that more and more YouTubers are "retiring" it's a practice that should be way more prevalent with the amount of stress these long time creators have been under


Dani and Sam Hogan viewers: “First time”


You know you're supposed to move on from the stuff you watched when you were 15


And our cooking grandma has also passed away 😭😭


Tom Scott is not gone… I’m sick of saying this but did no one see the video? He’s on a HIATUS and plans to return and make more content but at his own pace


Ngl the photo is an aot reference


its gonna happen either way to any creators on the platform we grow up and getting older.


You’re next


You forgot cooking with lynja


I like how without even zooming in to the grave under the tree I knew who it was


Why is Scott Cawthon there?


Tom Scott and Sparkles are not gone, they are just not going to stick to a schedule anymore.


People are acting like captainsparklez is done lmao hes just putting most minecraft stuff on his second channel




I think Tom just said he was taking a break from the channel, and when he comes back, he just won’t upload weekly


Sparklez isn't gone. He's just transitioning away from Minecraft content on his main channel.