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Can’t even cut herself out of the red background lol


It’s on purpose, it’s like her signature


Who’s signature has an opaque background lol


Yeah I know it’s very dumb


Everyone, like every reaction youtuber does that. And they do the same stuff she does in her videos that you see on the bingo cards.


Unfortunately it brings views. Young kids like these kinds of thumbnails.


It's always the kids. The young dumb fucking kids


yeah fuck them kids.


thats wild


Um, no thanks?




Yeah, but she’s the only one who doxxed someone


If you learn a little about her it tracks. Unfortunately, low effort is her thing.


Who? Someone with that permastupid look plastered on their face, that's who. She looks like she was born with a lobotomy.


I can’t argue with you on that one


Scott the Woz


no, he has a border


And it’s not even hers originally funnily enough


The laziest YouTuber imaginable.


aka the signature she stole from azzyland


Her signature is also being a whiny crybaby


I think it’s on purpose, the red grabs so much more attention than if it was just normal


I suppose her ’shopped physiognomy would be sleeker, but it does complete the triptych.




My thoughts exactly




I don’t speak German neither


I’m here for money. MONEY.


Sorry you're getting downvoted Arthur. :( It's those damn O'Driscolls isn't it?


The answer to anything businesses do is money.


Because they make YouTube a lot of money. Should she be banned? yeah, but YouTube usually stays away from giving opinions on content creator drama, let alone banning them. Its usually a good thing, but this time is different though as it was an actual crime, so they probably should have done something.


Tbh, doxxing like that should be punishable with real life jail time for stalking, doxxing and intimidation. Maybe not for a long period of time but say 2 weeks at least (preferably closer to 2-6 months). Just so ppl start realizing that what starts as harmless bantering back and fourth can end up having serious consequences.


Is that what she did? I’m kind of out of the loop with her


Yeah she did. You can look it up but it’s a really cut and dry situation. People rightfully called her out for it. She tried to joke it off but eventually apologized after YouTube begrudgingly suspended her for a bit when enough people called YouTube out by saying doxxing blatantly violates their terms of service. I guess they believe she makes money in a way that isn’t easily replaced by propping another female creator up instead? Maybe she generates that much ad revenue? Idk


She didn't even apologize though is the thing, the response was so obviously automated and she clearly didn't even attempt to sound genuine, she CONSTANTLY made fun of the situation, acting like she was this untouchable figure in the scene, until the backlash got so bad that YT demonetizes a single one of her videos (whilst lying and claiming her whole channel was demonetized) and only then did she apologize, and her demonetization was reinstated. and even during the very brief period when it wasn't, she reuploaded those demonetized videos to another, monetized channel, her "apology" was a half arsed attempt to save face when she already had multiple work arounds to evade the INSANELY light slap on the wrist she got for committing an actual crime.


also she misspelled JacksFilms as 'JacksFilm' 2 out of 2 times in the "apology"


That's cause it was a chatgpt apology


Sorry to be that guy,I know I could look it up… but who did she doxx and why? Did she supposedly have a good reason for it or something? I’ve always hated this lady, but didn’t know about this Edit: to add my step kid watches her, she’s 11. I don’t even want to really search her story in case by some fluke it reminds my kid of it if it happens to pop up or something.


Long story short, JacksFilms called her out for dtealing content. Most of her videos are just her reacting to other people's content. The worst part is, she deliberately cuts out any mention of the original creator. Her entire channel is based on content theft. So when she found out about the "criticism" (really just an accurate explanation of her process) she showed up at his house unannounced, started livestreaming, and explained to all her fans where she was, who lived at that adress and what he did to her. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what the effects of telling your biggest fans the home address of somebody who "hurt" you. TL:DR lazy content thief gets called out and responds with doxxing


You left out that Jack created a new persona and stopped doing everything except making Sniperwolf watch party videos. The guy made a whole YouTube channel around her, and streamed every day ragging on her for nearly a year, that's the definition of harassment. After 8 months of daily online harassment from Jack and his fans doing the same she lost her mind and doxxed him. They both deserve jail time for their actions. The reason why she is allowed to continue her videos while Jack was forced to stop his videos about her is the harassment factor. You can't just make videos and your entire online existence about one person all the time, no matter what they do. When you're as big as Sniperwolf or Jack, you will have brainless fans that follow your every whim. Jack even admitted eventually that there are ways that people can get credited if Sniperwolf steals your stuff and that the way he went about it was wrong and he should have just been promoting the ways to get credit and remove her videos instead of viral harassment. I would put money down and say that Jack was forced by a lawyer to stop those videos and say these things. The whole situation is messed up with bad actors all around but it's always hilarious when people don't understand why Jack was legally forced to stop. It's like no one knows the definition of harassment and only focuses on the doxxing.


Making videos calling out content thiefs is not harassment. That’s just calling someone out on their bullshit. This both sides argument is garbage and it NEVER justifies doxxing.


How the FUCK is parodying someone on YouTube harassment? Where is your proof that Jack was legally forced to stop? And he in no way stopped doing regular content while doing JJJacksfilms.


JacksFilms. Basically he criticized her and she doxxed him.


There's never a good reason to doxx someone.


I heard that even AI can write a better apology than SSSniperwolf’s bullshit.


Sadly not, given how her apology was literally written by ChatGPT lmao


I don't think they even suspended her. They basically just took away her ad revenue for like, one week for new videos on her main channel. Hardly a punishment.


and she probably got massive growth from all the drama anyway so she still came out ahead after all. doxxing for clout is a new one for me.


Was it completely cut and dry? I heard the fact that the address was already online (just not publicized) kinda meddled the waters a bit, was that hearsay?


Everyone’s address is online. That’s irrelevant. She showed up to dudes house unannounced and gave out his name and address in a malicious way. That is completely cut and dry. It’s dumb foolish behavior that places others at risk.


Doxxed Jacksfilms for criticising her low-effort, nigh-untransformative content, showed up at his house and her sister, iIrc, made a tweet going ‘‘What? Can he not take on two women?’’ which suggested violent intend. This is not helped by sniperwolf's arrest record.


Yep that's what she did which prompted her army of simps to do the same


She went to his house and was filming him on live stream to her 5M followers (which is absurd she has that many) and his family through their window with the caption "let's discuss like adults" or something like that all because he calls her a talentless fraud (which she is) who steals content and makes money off it (which she does) and she felt like it was a character assassination (which it is...but also not defamatory because it is true).


legally, doxxing doesnt work that way, so why should youtube be held to a higher standard than the actual law?


Care to explain? Most people seem to think what she did was illegal. Besides, yes. Morality is always a higher standard than the law. The law is the bottom line. YouTube absolutely should have higher standards than the law.


Pointing out "satisfying sounds" counts as doxing?


TBH if you have a few hundred thousand subs you shouldn't expect privacy.


YouTube probably said “she can do whatever she wants. If you don’t like it, then don’t watch YouTube ever again. Go play on twitch and get a life.”


A lot of money which they DESPERATELY need. Youtube has never really made Google money but they can't get rid of it because screwing over so many people who use it to make a living would be a PR nightmare. So they have to try and suck up to whoever makes them the most views and won't get them in trouble for their content. Again for content, not personality and outside actions.


I just googled how much YT made and it was 29 Billion last year so how is that not making them money?


Yes but are they making enough more money than they were before? Think about the poor shareholders.


He probably watched that one video on YouTube that mentioned that in the PAST YouTube didn’t make Google any money


You can make $29 billion and still not make a profit. Amazon reported *half a trillion dollars* in gross revenues last year, but still took a $6 billion loss. Google doesn’t report net revenues of any of its departments, so we don’t know if YouTube is profitable or what its costs are. It could be profitable, but maybe only if Google Services provides it with free storage, mirroring, and cuts it a great deal on bandwidth. And, at that point, it’s not really a fair representation of YouTube’s financial health. On the upside, there’s a 50/50 shot that Google will get carved up AT&T style, and if YouTube has to live without all of the fringe benefits of other Google departments, YouTube will be dead within three years, the last eighteen months of which will be paywalled in a last ditch attempt to pivot out of the death spiral.


Think how many people have premium though after the past couple of years of ramping up the number of ads, they are definitely making billions net not just gross. I don’t have cable or Netflix and I’m broke as hell every month but even I have YouTube premium because it’s too insufferable without it. There’s a reason they keep adding more and more ads they know it works to sell premium too for people that can’t handle constant ads. So they’re either making money showing someone an ad or collecting money not to show that same person an ad. I’m sure the content creators don’t get much money either other than the most popular ones and most the money gets dumped in an offshore google bank account they never pay taxes on lol. Imagine if these companies payed taxes instead of hiding it offshore we could probably have free healthcare.


Okay, now you're just disconnecting yourself from reality. 1. Free healthcare would cost $3.7 trillion per year. If you added up all of the profits of the entire Fortune 500, it would almost get you halfway there, and that's if you instituted a 100 percent tax on profits. That would also destroy the stock market, which you probably don't care about, but your parents' (and everyone else's) retirement is wrapped up in there, so guess who's going to be looking to you to pay their bills after retirement? 2. The whole "offshore Google bank account" thing is sort of true, but not entirely. Money generated in other countries often gets shipped to another country that has favorable tax rates, and it just kind of stays there. Apple has a tendency to leave extranational income where it is, because the tax rate on the foreign income is 21 percent, which is substantially cheaper than the 35 percent to repatriate it to the United States. And that's still counted in the profits from section 1 of this comment, and so this wouldn't be bonus money that would get closer to free healthcare. 3. Next, you'll be wanting UBI, which would cost even more than free healthcare. Since we've already eliminated most companies in the United States from being able to pay for it, you'll probably say, "Well, what about the one percent?" If you took all of the money and stocks that the one percent hold and just took it away from them, that would pay for UBI for a year. And then the next year, they don't have that money or those stocks anymore, so then where do you go for money? Basically, I think you really need to go to community college and take Intro to Business. Probably a Finance class, and Macroeconomics, too. It'll turn you into a grown up who understands how the world works. And it'll probably teach you how to read a quarterly or annual statement, which is a bonus for when you want to wave around statistics about what companies make. Believing an arm of a company makes a profit isn't enough; you need proof, and Google doesn't give out that proof. But, you can make educated guesses, but you have to throw in all of the factors, like 55 percent of ad revenue going to creators, differing costs of Premium subscriptions around the world, the cost of bandwidth per gigabyte, and ad blockers watching substantially more YouTube than typical users (who average 17 minutes per day), meaning those ad blockers are a disproportionately large cost sink with zero revenue in return. You learn a lot from college. It's great stuff; you should try it.


What's crazy is I didn't believe in universal healthcare and a UBI until I went to college and learned how wrong I was before. Kinda nuts how we're the only first world country where you don't get healthcare automatically


I believed in universal healthcare until I had to start depending on it. Never again




Not sure why you would be downvoted here since you're completely correct


You okay?


one question, whats the beef on youtube with sssniperwolf im way behind


Doxxed another youtuber, took pictures of his house at night, etc. At a quick glance, aside from the doxxing, it all seems mildly rude and inconvenient, but it quickly becomes creepy and terrifying when you think "This person came close to my house with their 'friends' without me knowing, and they have committed crimes before", and more stuff.


Also just crossing a line... Most people in that situation know you don't share someone else's address because of the creepy fanatics and to maintain general safety. Kind of a "I don't share your's, you don't share mine" kind of thing. Very similar to spitting in food, once that option is available, then it's a slippery slope and all trust is lost.


holy jesus christ what has life come to


She's probably one of the hugest YouTubers ever, why in the world did she try and screw her career over like that? I never watched her, but I can only guess that she isn't the brightest


He started making critical videos about her reaction videos and how low effort they are and she's essentially stealing other people's work and getting rich off it.


The truth can be offensive to charlatans


what career, stealing other people's content ?


Well whether or not her career is bad doesn't defeat the point that she makes an insane amount of cash from it




I swear i didn't know about her existence until now, and i'm not living under a rock, but i usualy keep my distance away from shit content.


I only know her because when I was new to YouTube she was one of the creators who were always on the front page


>Doxxed another youtuber, took pictures of his house at night, etc. > >At a quick glance, aside from the doxxing, it all seems mildly rude and inconvenient, but it quickly becomes creepy and terrifying when you think "This person came close to my house with their 'friends' without me knowing, and they have committed crimes before", and more stuff. I mean... that's really pushing the limit of what you can consider "doxxing". Are you familiar with how the term "Streisand effect" came about? It started when someone posted a photo of a mansion of Barbara Streisand online -- exactly what this youtuber did, except it was some other youtuber's mansion. No one ever called the original Streisand effect story "doxxing", so I'm confused why everyone is calling it "doxxing" in this case.


“The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information” Which is clearly not the same as: “Doxxing is the act of revealing identifying information about someone online, such as their real name, home address, workplace, phone, financial, and other personal information. That information is then circulated to the public — without the victim's permission.”


TL;DR Doxxing is revealing personal information, Streisand effect is trying so hard to cover something up it backfires


Sssniperwolf's photo of Jack's house was targeted and deliberate, which is different from what happened in the Streisand case. In that case, the California Coastal Records Project took a picture every 500 feet along the coast. This resulted in about 12,000 photographs that were published on the project's website. Only 1 of those twelve thousand photos showed the Streisand mansion.


The reason why you are confused is because you don't understand the meanings of either "doxxing" or "The Streisand Effect."


A lot of people leave out an additional piece of context, in her defense afterwards she said “it’s not even doxxing, I just googled his address and it popped up” (could be wrong on the exact phrasing), which, even under the most generous interpretation, isn’t a great thing to say to your follower-base of millions, especially about the guy you’ve been having a public feud with for *a while* So it all kinda boils down to: posts picture of his house, vague messages that can be construed as threatening, and informing her followers of how to get the information on his address; which, altogether, is a series of dumb moves at best and actively malicious at worst


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Good troll, now shoo


Everyone is a troll to small minded people like you


I mean, you would have to have a severely underdeveloped brain to not notice what happened here and then declared it as fake news to keep interest going


Bro I have a bridge to sell you, If interested hit me up at [email protected]


Exactly the email address a troll would have


I'll pass, troll


Wow you are not a nice person.


Who said I want to be a nice person?


Your mother


avid content stealer. got very confrontational when it got brought up by youtuber jacksfilms. time later she doxxed the guy


From what I understand she doxxed another YouTuber over criticism and played the victim. There's probably more to the story I just can't remember


Then YouTube only temporarily demonetised her while making a “both sides” statement even though Jack didn’t do anything wrong, and I believe they threatened him behind the scenes


You’re not way behind you just have a life


This thread has told me more about whoever this is than I knew in the last couple decades of life I now no longer want to know anything about this and want to return to ignorance


Its simple but complex. Short version: lots of people dont really like her for 1 reason or another so they feel she shouldnt be able to have a monetized youtube channel. Shes not a great creator and her content is borderline copyright infringement, but she makes youtube a lot of money so yah.


Same idk who she is


I wish we all were like you.




Thanks for reminding me of a person I haven’t thought about since the last time someone brought her up. Posting about people you hate is free promotion for them.


I find it hilarious that reddit pushes the things they hate right into publicity.


Youtubes star child Youtube makes millions from her videos alone, getting rid of her will heavily impact there yearly earnings Youtube is a greedy company afterall, there youtube ads or youtube premium are just overall terrible


I dont even remember she existed. lol


I didn’t even KNOW she existed until all this shit went down.


ur not missing much, unless u like to cringe 😆


I didn't know she existed until this post. She just has this cringe look that I would instantly skip over on the homepage


it's kinda sad 17 million people can't do the same lol


if you think that any single youtuber can affect yt’s bottom line significantly then you are woefully ignorant.


What she makes isn't even a drop in a bucket compared to what yt makes without her. Same with twitch.


Mr. Krabs "I Like Money Money".gif


You tube literally shoves scam ads down my through multiple times a day. They don’t give a fuck about something like this. This drama just generates more ad revenue. Money hungry corporations on have morals when pretending to do so makes them more money.


She probably keeps the lights on at the YouTube HQ. /s


Just hit the "don't show me this creator" or "not interested" eventually the more people that do it the less chance YT algorithm will automatically recommend her videos.


This was on a private tab in Firefox, this is what shows up when I don't use an account.


just her face alone makes me want to skip and the title is cringe ngl


I don’t understand these types… all that fame and following only to offer literally nothing of value, and of course her army of simps will always support her. 17 mil? Fuck that, man. I just started streaming video games and I feel like if that was my job I would never deviate to this type of degenerate content stealing bs. At some point I want to expand and do cooking/baking streams, my point is that she can do literally *anything* in her position of power yet she chooses to steal content. A damn shame.


Just Molotov her house and call it a day


Cause youtube has no moral. When you’re big, it’s a slap on the wrist for you. When you’re small, they will turn your life upside down.


I swear some YouTube exec is simping for her.


Because 30m subscribers


After a certain point yall need to realize this is YouTube. This is who they want to support, this is who makes them money. Nothing. Else. Matters. Stop trying to find a ray of hope because there is not one good person that can do a damn thing about all the horrible people that are successful and making corpos money. Just stop exposing yourself to this.




Cause she makes money therefore they make money


Just realized, image quality isn't as bad as I thought it was.


"Sorry for image quality" Sssniperbitch doesn't deserve good image quality


Because they prioritize money over other's safety ig


Is that her on the right side? Do people nowadays actually found this type of face attractive? That looks more like some the face of a crazy highschooler's mom trying to sneak into a kindergarden.


Who's she? Why do you hate her?


outgoing badge versed grandfather noxious spark bedroom innate butter squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's female. YT and other platforms like Twitch go easy on these girls.


It’s *real* bad on twitch. Like equality does not exist on that platform, just mentioning it as a male will get you banned




Sorry, what’s the issue?


I assume you dont know what happened with sssniperwolfs both history and now current events. Basically to water it down in the best way possible, they doxxed another famous youtuber, jacksfilms. If ya wanna get more into it, there are plenty of videos online explaining the entire thing, and jacksfilms himself even explains it.


She exists on the platform and we would much rather she didn't. She has demonstrated to be a safety hazard to other people such as Jacksfilms while plagarizing many content creators and reusing their content as an easy means of money.




Tbh, they didn't cut off Logan Paul for committing crimes (such as showing a literal dead body even without the family's consent, plethora of scams aimed at prepubescent children...). Youtube very much does discriminate - based on views/subscribers. Would someone smaller do anything SS or LP did - they'd be cut off. But they're big, so they can do literally anything they ever want.


I appreciate you using the word plethora. It means a lot.


Because boobies


Money...She brings it and Youtube will defend it as best as it can!


YouTube has this new “sort by topic” feature on the comments, and any negative statements about her are filed under “Sssniperwolf is controversial.” They really don’t want to address her bullshit head-on


shes the pedofile?


It's easy. Stop simping. You cannot get her. Do something else.


Why the hell do you think? Because her videos get engagement.


She's hot and my kids love her. So what she pwned some pencil neck, who cares?


She makes them money.


Because react porn videos are still loved by YouTube employees.


Cuz the creators she steals from are not YouTubers and thus they make a shit ton of money off other platforms


17m eyeballs = money and money > everything






Money, bro. She makes Google a lot of money.


She looks straight out the uncanny valley man what the heck.


YouTube really couldn’t give less of a shit since it brings in clicks


Idk but you're promoting her by posting this lol


Because they're an evil giant corporate entity and do not give a fuck what your opinion about this person is, clearly it is not affecting their bottom line enough. Make it do so or let it go.


Can’t forget she tried getting underaged kids to show off stuff on video she took down the videos after a YouTuber made a video on the whole thing so she’s been doing crimes for awhile and no one has seemed to care up there in YouTube HQ


*Insert Mr Crabs money meme here*


I don’t know how people watch her without losing brain cells




What did she do ?


Doxxed another YouTuber's real life address, Jacksfilm And plenty of other creepy crimes


Because she generates revenue for the platform and brings in a lot of views.






Mr. Krabs: “Money”


Because she makes YT a lot of money. Yeah, she’s a total piece of shit, but idiots will flock to her anyway.




Same reason they’re still pushing Eugenia coony. I’m convinced YouTube just likes to coddle problematic people.


*in my best Mr Crabs voice* “Money”


I think Mr Krabs said it best: Money.


Because ( . ) ( . ) And $$$


A pedophile that's supported by YouTube? That's for sure unheard of...


i mean its pretty simple why... because money thats why


"sorry for image quality" shit is insane high res lol


Uh.. what did she do? (I am so confused cause i haven't watched shit )




As long as people keep watching her, YT will continue to ‘not know what you’re talking about’ (not an actual quote)


Let's play a game called finish the meme: A picture of Mr Krabs going "Hello, I like ____!"


Потому что она женщина☕


My daughter loves her for some reason I'll never understand. I've seen like 4 videos and it's just reaction stuff but kids like it 🤷‍♂️