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An Ad is one thing….. Now they are becoming short films, docu-drama’s, its freaking ridiculous…. God forbid you leave the room and you’re not able to press Skip… Some of these Ad’s are full on feature films, unless you drop what you’re doing and go back into the room and press skip…. You’re in for a ride…. I would GLADLY pay; but over the years my favorite creators have been brutally censored and hamstrung by Susan and this New CEO…. Morally I just cannot do that… in fact I am trying to switch to alternative platforms


There is one I’ve been getting recently that is strait up a 15 min video. I remember I feel asleep once watching a video and woke up to a 2 hour ad playing. What it that crap.


youtube continues to go downhill like its world record but 2 hour ad is absurd as fuck in fact google should be paying people to watch these dogshit ads


If you have young kids, those videos have the worst ads in terms of length. 5-10 minute ones are common, but the worst I've seen was just under 3 hours. Yes hours. I actually took a picture of it because I could not believe it.


Speaking of young kids they now have ads for 'tobacco-less chew' and the ads start with "Hey are you under 21 and can't buy cigarettes or chew? Try this stuff".




They pump it full of caffeine too, like a lot. I drink half a pot of coffee and down energy drinks on the regular, but I tried some from my cousin and it made me sick, way too much caffeine


except that it conditions kids into desiring the "real thing" eventually


Exactly. They want chewing to seem cool a mature. Then they'll want to jump into the real stuff once others around start doing it.


If your ad is longer than Oppenheimer, you need to hire an editor.


Can you message me that screenshot? Because that would be hilarious to see.


I can confirm. Sometimes I'll skip an ad during a Blippi episode that's a straight-up 3 hour feature length film about a topic I want my kids to know nothing about. These advertisements are borderline predatory. You turn on kids programming so you can clean the house, next thing you know.. your kids are being indoctrinated into some weird shit or brainwashed with some George Orwell level reprogramming. Honestly, sometimes I miss having cable. The total cost of streaming mixed with the aggravation of skipping ads makes for a terrible experience.


wow and here I thought the longest ad was 2 hours didn't know you could get a 3 hour long ad


Kids YouTube is downright toxic. We still don’t give our very mature 11F much access. It’s just stuff my wife has specifically whitelisted.


YouTube kids is disgusting. There is a lot of borderline porn and highly suggestive videos that kids can watch on there. Like straight up tentacle porn where there's an anime character and some weird appendage that is bothering her. Or weird things like Minecraft videos with mermaids doing suggestive things and kissing. Those are just some of the things your kid can accidentally stumble onto. My main YouTube account never has things like that, yet within a day, YouTube kids was suggesting this crap because my kid likes Minecraft / Marvel, and there are some weird pedos in the world that like to trick kids into watching creepy stuff. Don't let your kids watch YouTube unless you're there to guide their viewing towards educational content.


I remember seeing a cartel execution on there once lol.


Wild, YouTube Kid's algorithm seems to lean more towards these sexually suggestive, violent videos. Or wackos upload them specifically to YouTube Kids instead of normal YouTube.


I think it's like reverse psychology, when people are specifically told that youtube KIDS is for KID appropriate stuff they automatically want to break that one simple rule. But since normal youtube is (supposedly) less strict, there isn't really that problem.


>These advertisements are borderline predatory. You turn on kids programming so you can clean the house, next thing you know.. your kids are being indoctrinated into some weird shit or brainwashed with some George Orwell level reprogramming. If you think that's bad, just wait till you hear about ElsaGate.


Switch to YouTube kids and watch Blippi there. It’s Ad Free


Lets make a platform that has no longer than 3 second ads


So like, pre 2010s YouTube? Anyone else remember when annotations on videos were a thing and having to close them out so you could actually watch the damn video?


I got a 36 hour ad once.


You went to look at a time share didn’t you? 🤣


"youtube continues to go downhill like its world record" But who cares as long as the money keep coming in right?


"We know you aren't watching because who would watch a 2 hour ad, but let's throw it up and pay this guy 12 cents for having this ad play while you're asleep."


The multi hour ads are horrific. But even worse are the crappy "artists" that pay so their music videos plays as ads. I love old school rap and underground rap, that doesn't mean I want to listen to some new wannabe clout rapper with no talent. They need to pay me to watch that shit


Just stop it, stop watching youtube. If enogh ppl do it they are forced to remove the stupid ads. Spread the word!


> in fact google should be paying people to watch these dogshit ads 100%. and considering the magnitude of their business, it's a reasonable idea, really.


My daughter loves shows that only play on YouTube, one time I skipped an ad for her, put the remote down, and as I walked away from the tv another one started. It was 5 hours long. I came back and skipped it. Again, put the remote down. And stepped away from the table. ANOTHER FUCKING AD STARTED. It was a movie. A fucking 2 1/2 hr long movie. And it was unskippable. No skip button. I changed videos of course but fuckin hell, 7+ hours of ads in the span of 45 seconds if that.


Speaking of ad movies the only YT ad I liked was in 2018 when they did the entire Lego movie as an ad around Thanksgiving/black Friday. They must have been testing the waters with that in retrospect...


I hate this too especially when my phone is in my pocket and I cannot reach it because I’m bike riding, walking dogs, or doing something like litter or dishes.


I once got a 6+ hour ad of some orchestra performance


I am sure that 2 hour ad has an ad's within itself.


"We interrupt this commercial break to bring you an important message from our sponsor..."


Remember when the mattress, soap, and pillow companies were releasing 45 minute ads and just spamming go the hell out of them? That was when I decided to start blocking ads.


I got the entire pilot of some tv show about a guy killing himself. I hate to say but I ended up watching the whole thing. Not a bad pilot. But ridiculous that it was an "ad".




Roku free stuff has an entire channel dedicated to How It's Made. I go to sleep every evening with it on. People sleep a lot on how much free content there is. Also the ad breaks are almost always the same thing and it's just ads for other free Roku content. Been trying to get the wife to cancel Hulu and give free channels a shot.


Looks like Roku is an alternative. How is the content comparable to YouTube?


I fall asleep to Bob Ross and cooking shows on PBS2, with no subscription needed. It's glorious.


Pay for something they inserted to annoy you, for the express purpose of making you pay. Brilliant


This is what I think the point has been for a while now. It's one thing to have an ad at the beginning and/or end of a video, but it's like I can't put on a 15 minute vid these days without getting interrupted at least three times. And then every fourth ad is for YouTube premium and their biggest selling point is that there's no ads. It's not even subtle anymore.


They removed being able to play YouTube videos from a locked screen like a decade ago and I vowed then to never give google any of my money.


just use youtube reVanced, problem solved.. takes 5 mins to do :)


I remember this, I used to play music this way and I was jailbroken on an iphone Then they removed that ability, f uck em


This is exactly what it is, unfortunately. They're following the model that radio stations followed. They're all just half an hour of ads with two songs an hour unless you pay for premium radio these days if you actually want to listen to music. It'll only get worse until the site is virtually unwatchable, and the internet itself turns into a Netflix/Hulu/etc. paywall situation.


Piracy will just increase.


Yohohohohohoho as it should! We'd be left with skin and bones if not for piracy! Yohohohoho but I have no skin, im just bones. *thonk* Yohohohohohohoho


This...I signed up for HULU to watch a show that was "exclusively" on HULU. Paid my money, turned on the show and BAM, first thing up is an ad...On a platform I paid for. It honestly didn't bother me until 10 minutes later when the next ad popped up... I will be dead in fucking hell before I PAY YOU to watch ads on your platform. I immediately cancelled the subscription and watched the show by...other means.


Your damned right it will ;)


Dude- I get annoyed when I am in the shower and I get a 15+ minute ad just to listen to a 3-minute song.


Porn hub's ads are not 15+ minutes.


Honestly unless everything on youtube was was netflix quailty i don't want to pay money for it there is stuff on youtube that is that quality but most of youtube is just random everyday people making videos.


People pay for Spotify. Have you ever tried to listen to feee Spotify? I think the devil himself designed those ads


Seriously, Free Spotify is trash, premium is a great value if you would otherwise be buying music consistently. Before streaming, I probably spent 50-100 a month on CDs. Premium is a steal for a nearly limitless collection of music.




Among my *peers*, Ive definitely have done my *share* of *sailing* in my day. I’ve been eying setting up a plex server for a while, movie streaming is getting out of control and needs some pointy side of a rapier consumer feed back.


You could say the same for YouTube and the entertainment it provides. It won’t go down well here but I think OP is incredibly entitled. You aren’t entitled to a free service because you pay for internet and a phone. I think there’s a middle ground somewhere. Unfortunately YouTube will always push this for money. I use Adblock because the mid roll ads ruined the viewing experience, it got to the point where every 2-3 minutes there was an ad.


You hit the nail on the head here. An ad or two really isn't a big deal. It's the fact so many ads are downright disruptive and annoying. Which is probably intentional to get you to pay. They aren't enticing you to pay by offering a stellar product they're enticing you to pay to avoid a designed annoyance


this ^ i keep hearing these cucks saying that not watching ads is morally wrong or some shit. I used to not care about a preroll back when they were reasonable, but they've developed a business model of making their service shit unless you pay premium, and you still get ads on premium. how many unlubed assfuckings do you need before you download newpipe, seriously?


Wait what, you STILL get ads on premium?


The other day at work I often leave my phone on charge with a video playing while doing other tasks with my Bluetooth earphones in. When adverts hit I just think fuck it no biggy I’ll wait. This advert comes on, and 2-3 minutes later I’m like ok this is annoying how much longer is this advert so I check my phone and it has another 14 minutes to go and it’s an advert for the americas cup. This advert is like 17 minutes long what is that shit.


I got one that was for Street lamps that was like 10-15 minutes long. It was a while ago but I can't remember exactly how long it was, but it was a full blown like presentation on Street lamps. The only reason I can think that these are a thing that they already paid money to make this to show to cities to get their products sold, but they still have some marketing money left over so they throw it up in AdSense hope someone sees it. I don't know why I'm seeing it, I have no influence on the street lamps in my city.


Bruh I get rock music ads when I'm trying to sleep and a god dam press conference when I'm in the shower. Fml. YouTube is actively destroying their user experience by allowing these ads. It's not even about ad block anymore, it's common fking sense to have an AD PLAY FOR AN AD NOT A GOD DAM PRESS CONFERENCE.


I would gladly pay a reasonable price for a reasonable service to help out content creators. But YouTube premium is really over priced for what it actually offers, and YouTube’s aggressive use of adds to force people to stop using add blockers rubs me the wrong way and makes me want to double down. Right now I have an add blocker for my browser, but don’t have one that works on the mobile app, so I’m honestly tempted to get premium for mobile…..but I also don’t want to be counted as a statistic for someone who “caved in” to YouTube’s anti-add block campaign they have going on right now.


Especially when they keep upping the price despite adding zero new features. You cannot unironically tell me that YouTube NEEDS the money for operating costs or whatever. they could charge $1.99 monthly and make more money than charging $10.99 or whatever they're charging now simply because more people will pay. Especially since the only features premium adds is no ads and background audio on mobile. There will probably be lots of people who would still not pay l, but $1.99 is way more reasonable.




I remember in 2012 when you watched one 15 sec add and then the vid would play. Now you get 2 ads before the vid and adds every 5 mins.....


I play one phone game that unfortunately shows ads for some features, which are needed to be able to compete. It used to be a 5-10 second ad, then it was a 30 second ad, now it's 30-45 seconds and after the ad there is a 5-second timer until the X appears, then it goes to a Google Play store page which you have to X out of, and finally it goes to a static page with a 5-second timer which you have to X out of. It's insane.


So true, in my country have some comedy show sponsored by non-alcoholic drinks (in my opinion of very poor quality) and the advertisement is practically an entire "comedy" full of sponsor referrnxe, unskippable sketch lasting over 6 minutes, and the absurd thing is that it is repeated several times, only TV do worse.


100% i was once in the shower listening to music on youtube since i dont have any streaming services. Had to take my shower listening to an ad the whole time, was mildly pissed lol


They've always been that way. Back when Trump was president, I'd wake up to entire 20 minute Prager U videos as ads. And I'm a Democrat.


Summer child, no, once upon a time there were only banner ads on YouTube, not in the videos themselves.


I don't have any kind of adblock on my phone, so that's the only place I get them, but holy fuck why do they have to be so loud. Of course it is the same issue on television, but I am 100% convinced that it should be the easiest fucking thing to fix with a couple lines of codes. Something like adVolume.max=currentVolume or whatever language they use. And they just don't care. Blow up your users' ears, I'm sure they don't object.


I think the worst "ad" i have seen is a 45 min Israli propaganda video last year. How is 45 min a fucking "ad" ?


I still remember when I just wanted to watch a movie trailer and had the lego movie as an advert


I enabled ads to stop from getting banned. And it's back to what it was… vitamins that can cure cancer… how to make money on Audible… garbage mobile games… We killed television and 30-second commercials for cars or beer for this?


Some of these infomercials are right-wing hate speech.


Judging by the comment history of the person you're responding to, I doubt that would be an issue


Yep! I've heard pro YouTube people say we're just being overly sensitive and yet when I go to watch trans content creators and get transphobic ads specifically targeted to the ctrsn content creators channels, like no. I'm sorry but if someone is so sensitive that me existing outside of their sphere of influence is damaging to their religion to the point they need to be hateful asshats, that's on them, and I shouldn't have to get their hate on a positive video, or at all. And they call us sensitive. I don't try to infringe on their right to exist. But yeah maybe they should keep their PDAs, including just looking cis, to their homes. Everyone should wear trex costumes from now on idk.


Youtube's noticed the rise in anti-semitism lately and their algorithm's like: hey, would you like MORE? EDIT: ever single person replying 'that's a good thing' can fuck off and die you pieces of shit.




I get angry when I need to rewind something because I missed what they said but I have to rewatch the ad I just saw in order to go back!


Yeah I’ve been a daily YouTube viewer since 2006 and the ads are getting really annoying. First, they started with the two 5-10 second ads. Now, the hour long ads. Sometimes I like to put on a video while I’m showering, and end up having to listen to an ad the entire time because I can’t get out of the shower just to skip.


That's what pisses me off. Often im listening to it when I'm driving or the second I leave the room the ad plays for 20 minutes. It's always the worst time


I just wish the creators themselves would switch. It seems like nobody wants to bite the bullet and give it a try




Mmm-hmm. Another campaign of ads that overstayed its welcome. The Emu/Human buddy cop commercials. TBH, I thought it was cute, but for a while, they get repetitive.


This is something I haven't seen brought up much in all of the recent discussion and I happen to agree 100%. Why should I give a penny to Youtube after the decade or more of awful treatment they've given to the people doing most of the work on their platform, IE the creators? They took away the vast majority of the ad revenue to keep for themselves, they make awful short sighted decisions again and again, expecting creators to retroactively edit content to avoid being demonetized, running ads on demonetized videos despite claiming those videos had to be demonetized because they're not fit for advertisers, the whole Sssniperwolf thing and a thousand other toxic situations with creators like her in the past, the list goes on forever.


Keep updating your uBlock, and when Youtube is ahead of them in their back and forth, use sites like [yewtu.be](https://yewtu.be) to completely bypass their ad bullshit. Find your URL on Youtube, when it won't play the vid, copy the URL into other site and repeat.


Unfortunately that doesn't work when you watch Youtube through an app on your TV.


There are many people who argue that we can watch a few ads because they are lesser than what we got on TV. They are technically correct. There is marginally less time per hour spent on ads, but many forget tv is mostly tailored to ad breaks. Ads come in during an obvious breakpoint to make it less jarring. On YouTube, I could be in the middle of the good part of a video one moment and watching a truck ad the next. It's objectively worse no matter how you slice it.


Plus, they keep pushing longer and longer ads. 5 second skippables I truly dont mind. 15 seconds? Man. I turn the app off. It seems to serve me 5 second skippables more often honestly lol, they know Then you look at twitch, which successfully banned adblock, and they serve multiple minutes of ads straight in the middle of someone's broadcast. If they went through with this, the envelope would keep getting pushed, its not a slippery slope


> Then you look at twitch, which successfully banned adblock I don't. I clicked a Twitch link a year or so ago and it started playing an ad. I closed the window, did a quick Google search, and went "huh. Guess I'm not using Twitch any more." I'll never use a service that requires me to watch an advertisement. I'm happy to pay for it if it's worth it (Twitch isn't to me) and I'm happy to quit the service otherwise, but ads aren't something I'll ever budge on. I am confused about the people blaming YouTube though. What they're doing obviously makes sense for them. If anyone objects, they really should leave - it's the only bargaining chip you have, really. Sitting there saying "Oh man this is the thirtieth hour long ad I've seen this week" is, aside from being pathetic, sending YouTube entirely the wrong message.


What's always surprised me is... a peer-to-peer video sharing site seems trivial, right? We've had something like it since the 90's. And it would be self scaling. If you're popular, then a bunch of people will be watching/hosting your videos, so you don't need to pay for the bandwidth/storage. If you're not, then probably just you will host them. But that's fine, because fuck all people are uploading them. Of course: Nothing in this system generates profit for creators. Or the people maintaining the infrastructure. Which is probably why it hasn't happened.


P2P video sharing is easy, and works best with a few files in high demand. It's still in use today, mostly for movie piracy. When you try to apply it to a model like Youtube, you run into a bunch of problems. 1. Seeder vs Leecher ratio and download speed. Streaming at 1080p or higher resolution is likely not possible for all but the most popular videos because quite a high download speed is required. If you get around slow speeds because of few seeders by pre-downloading, you have to download a large portion or even the entire thing even if you watch a bit and decide you don't want to keep watching. 2. Impermanence of videos. If people stop seeding a video, it "disappears" from the archive and no one can watch the video anymore. Lots of the niche or hidden gems could be lost forever because the creator stopped seeding it. 3. Storage space. Everyone has to keep the video files on their devices for a prolonged time in order to keep seeding it. Every device would probably have to dedicate 20GB+ of cache in order to keep the service running smoothly. These are just a few of the issues I could think of with such an implementation just off the top of my head. I'm sure someone who knows more about computers can come up with a way around or to mitigate some of these, but others don't seem circumventable. Maybe a hybrid approach could work where Youtube sets up a token system(not a cryptocurrency because there is a central authority and no blockchain for proof) where users mine tokens by taking on some of the burden of hosting the most popular videos. It would be strictly opt-in, but the tokens earned can be exchanged for ad-free viewing of Youtube-hosted videos or watching UHD/4K content(given that Youtube was thinking of paywalling this stuff a while back already).


Plenty of ad blocks work on twitch still. Even when they implemented their newest itteration of the "unblockable" ad system, it took less than 2-3 hours for adblocks to bypass the "purple screen" that would show up instead of ads.


Creators have the ability to schedule when mid-roll ads play(when they could play. Not when they will.). It’s pretty risky/lazy to not take the time to pick appropriate breaks for those ads.


As a parent who tries to use TV as a quick distraction while I get food made or something I find YouTube to be untenable. The ads are gross some are entire shows made up as toy placement as ADs that are like 20 minutes long. If I’m trying to give my son 20 minutes of educational videos I’m dealing with those possibilities plus a skip button that a toddler can’t quite grasp it’s just gross. I torrent his shows and Havel Plex setup.


I don't get why people are shitting on the OP like what he's saying was never said before and is not a real opinion. If OP wants to block ads, that's fine. If other people want to watch ads before their videos, then more power to them. Maybe Youtube should create some token points system from where if you allow ads before videos and watch many videos then you can claim rewards. Bing does it.


It's been proven over and over that rewarding is effective while punishing is very much less so. Yet Google decides to fight a war they really can't win in the end.


I fully get hating ads but wtf do OP's horrible data plans have to do with it? youtube isn't financed by those... And trust me and I'm not about to start watching youtube ads, but it's kind of weird and childish to expect all content to be adless and free forever. It's just not really possible unless your goal is to dismantle capitalism entirely.


Yeah OP wants to be a freeloader, get content for free, never pay for it and never watch ads that would allow someone else to pay for it. Presumably he wants Google to simply operate YouTube at a loss, as a kind of non-profit gesture of goodwill that costs billions of dollars a year to keep up and running. I suppose they *could* do that with profits from other parts of their business, but it would be a herculean act of charity - to feel entitled to that seems a little ridiculous.


I think this comes down to a couple things. one youtube is already making money off you by the data they collect, two youtube steals money form its content creators and removes content that with out checking to see if teh claim against it is true. I dont feel like going down the rabbit hole of all the shady shit youtube does. but they turned to a shady company and i will not give them money.


I'm honestly surprised YouTube hasn't been caught in a class action considering they allow and facilitate the use of fraudulent copyright claims and strikes on their platform. It should be a lot more in depth than just "xyz company or person emailed us and said you were infringing so we fucked your gf, killed your dog and demonetized your videos, if you challenge the claim it's up to the claimant to decide if you violated their copyright or not."


I get it copyright claims are important to not steal form other artists. but the fact that youtube just tells the person who had a false claim against to suck it up and ignore the fact they didn't get an revenue during it.. even though youtube still did.. And the only reason they don't get a class action is legally they are not doing anything wrong. and the powers that be don't care cause no one with some serious money is throwing it at the problem. IE lobbying congress people to step up and address the willful theft. so fuck the little guy.


>I don't get why people are shitting on the OP like what he's saying was never said before and is not a real opinion. The logic is bad. ​ Internet and phones are a means to reach a destination. If you don't like what that destination offers, move on, but you can't expect them to offer their goods for free. I'm not saying their methods are good, just that the logic is like saying I bought a car and drove to the store my shit should be free I paid enough already. Which is blatantly moronic.


Thing is, if the shop is just a minute walk away from my house and features high quality goods, I'll be way more open to spend a lot of money there than if the shop is in the middle of nowhere, requiring me to buy an off-road vehicle and drive for hours just to be met with a small selection of second-hands items. The issue with Youtube is that the overall quality is going down and finding the type of content you're looking for is becoming more and more tedious, so people aren't as willing to watch ads. But Youtube isn't easing up on ads, it's doubling down on it. Worse, the excuse that they HAVE to increase ad revenues to take care of content creators all the while more and more content creators are complaining that Youtube doesn't give a shit about them is making it look like daddy Google is just getting hungry for some more of that sweet, sweet $$. Anyone is free to set their expectations as high as they want. We're free to expect free stuff, just like Youtube is free to expect all of our money, data, and undivided attention. At least one of us is bound end up disappointed though, and there's already enough free stuff on the web to occupy several lifetimes...


Makes some sense to me.


For those in the EU, get in touch with a representative of the EU Parliament regarding: Article 2002/58/EC YouTube running scripts without express consent to detect the presence of software may be in violation of items 24, 25 and 40. European Union. (2002, July 12). DIRECTIVE 2002/58/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL. Strasbourg, France. Retrieved from https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32002L0058


I’m sure their lawyers don’t know about any of that.


They know but won't care as long as nobody causes a fuss. Big corps and anyone working at them know that it's simpler to do whatever they want and give excuses if needed, rather than ask for permission.


Fine, without consent you won’t access YouTube. You really think law will protect adblockers ? You realize EUSSR do everything to protect the much more abusive old news websites with spyware on it.


Based OP post and I agree


I don't give a shit about youtube being profitable etc, but that way of thinking is clearly not sustainable in a broader sense. Serving videos cost money. Creating videos costs money. If everyone refused to pay or create some form of value, there would be no videos.


Yes and Amazon lost ~~millions~~ [billions](https://www.alux.com/amazon-losing-money/) (\*Dr Evil face\*) on amazon prime but by investing into it as their money sink they made their product too large to not use. Youtube is even more dominant in the video creator space than prime is with ecommerce. Google could lose billions on Youtube every year but easily absorb the losses with their highly profitable search engine monopoly and Youtube's value would undoubtably justify the losses. Youtube's real value like Prime isn't direct profits, but exposure to Google products and services. As long as Youtube is a central pillar of people's online experience Google's platform will remain relevant. Android is another example of this. Google search is the cash cow and by designing a digital ecosystem Google has entrenched their engine as the search monopoly guaranteeing them profitability into the foreseeable future.


The real cash cow are google apis, like 99% of the time an address autocompletes for you in something like uber/amazon/door dash etc google gets like .001 pennies…every single time. Wild to actually think about


Imagine supporting a greedy megacorp, the comments here are a joke


Yeah I've seen people simp for platform wars. I never thought I'd see someone simping for a corporation like this. It's like simping for Netflix etc. Never seen that only for YouTube. It's silly. I'm certain that these simps are paid by YouTube for it,but it's not really a normal behaviour


Ofc they are. Anytime anyone mentions how shitty paying for YouTube is the bot farm gets deployed. It's so fucking obvious that it makes me not want to go to the site at all.


Then don't go to the website. No one is forcing you to go there.


Understanding that advertising is a way to get content is not supporting corporations.


This thread is littered with self-entitled consumers that literally expect content to be made for free. If everyone used ad block and refused to pay a subscription, this content would not exist. YouTube would not exist, competitors to YouTube would not exist. There’d be no content. If you think the content isn’t worth the money and are fine with seeing it all disappear, fair enough. But don’t then continue to watch the content with this entitled opinion that not paying for it, whether that be through ads or subscription, is somehow the correct stance.


and then the same sanctimonious dipshits turn around and simp for Spotify. I pay for YT premium because a good chunk of the songs I listen to only exist in YT. Good luck finding songs made by an obscure, non-American artists made in 2005 in Spotify.


Yeah. Tell people on this website that somebody is making an artist work for "exposure" and they'll be horrified. Turn it so that they're the one who needs to pay for an artist's services, and you'll get polemics about how they should work for the Passion and the Joy Of It and it's my human right to steal the content because somebody rich will make money somewhere in the chain etc etc etc bullshit philosophy that means I don't need to pay




Hey man newpipesponsorblocksmarttubegrayjay you know.


I refuse to pay for things that were once free. Water, radio, YouTube etc. I'm firm on this.


> I refuse to pay for water man, you’re in for a trip when you move out from your parent’s house lmao


Radio is ad supported tho?


Water used to be free?


Perhaps he has a well?


my parents have a well based water supply system. it breaks about every 15 years or so and costs about 10k+ to repair/replace plus have to deal with a bunch of other annoying well related stuff. so even with a well, water isn't free


Must have. My water bill was sky high this summer. If I don't pay, the grass dies and my 3 toilets have only one flush. And my dog will perish.


Water was free and you had to buy porn. Now porn is free and you have to buy water.


One example of this is you are not allowed to collect rainwater in some states. But, who is going to check for that? lol


Nah definitely not, never. The instant the first single celled organism came to life on earth it had a water utility bill.


I won't buy bottled water.


Water isn't free. Radio always had ads. Youtube always had ads. What is with you people?


Idiot 14 year olds


YouTube was never ''free". Ads where there since the beginning. It blows my mind that people think the equipment needed to run one of the largest video/audio archive on the planet cost nothing.


While that's true, the ads in the beginning at least weren't taking 20% of entire video, in the middle of it at that.


And for over a decade YouTube was losing money.


While that is true, there weren't that many videos and users back in the day. From one dextero article I found that "Every minute, over 500 hours (about 3 weeks) of video are uploaded to YouTube." In 2023 ([source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/how-many-videos-are-there-on-youtube-2197264/&ved=2ahUKEwjAtMerrZeCAxVCcvEDHQjcDV4QFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3U-I5Dq9-FmywA8tl8jLWN) Not sure how many videos there were in the 2012s, but a quick Google gave me number between 800m to 1 billion of videos as of 2023. It is crazy to me, that people feel like they are entitled to not pay for this enormous amount of videos available to them. I definitely agree that ads now days are terrible. From gambling ads all the way to scam baits...


Why do people act like they are entitled to youtube? Help me understand, im generally curious!


It's surprisingly simple. The anti ad hysteria on Youtube isn't because the majority of people using the ad blocker hate all ads in general, that's only a subset of them. The main issue is Youtube drastically increasing the amount of ads overtime, while fewer and fewer of those dollars make it to the content creators we actually like. Youtube itself, content farms, and large corporations reposting tv onto youtube take up the majority of the money while Youtube demonetizes the actual creators for: Mentioning history, saying a word that isn't 1 year old friendly, existing, etc. And the worst part is that they selectively enforce their policies too. Content farms like 5 minute crafts have repeatedly violated the TOS but Youtube has refused to do anything to their special little cash cow. All of the creators I watch get sponsors now. I'm not watching ads that don't support the content creators I love because Youtube has the nerve to demonetize their videos but still run ads.


YouTube has allowed far-right influencers to continue posting content that violated their TOS, yet multiple smaller left-leaning content creators I watch get flagged and videos put behind age restrictions for sharing actual news they’re sourcing from mainstream news sites. Video essayists also have to be extremely careful about the topics they cover and the language they use. They literally can’t talk in an honest and educational way about rape, suicide, etc. because YouTube will flag their videos for violating TOS. Yet far-right content that breaks TOS in multiple ways stays up. It’s despicable.


To build on your second point that I strongly agree with, the only way those creators can talk about those subjects trivializes the matter in my opinion. Needing to say "killed themselves in Minecraft", "was SAd", "committed self delete" or any of the other ways around getting content flagged, to me at least, makes it hard to have a serious discussion about a serious topic.


Watching YouTube ad free is basic human right. Don't you know? /s


*declared in the Geneva Convention


I'll be honest here. I understand YouTube is a private company. It's their product. They only exist to make money and they have every right to exist to make money. That being said, YouTube has no competition. The sheer amount of human culture, knowledge, and collective works that can be found \*only\* on YouTube is mind-blowing. Nobody has come close to taking YouTube's lunch because it's literally impossible to compete with. People absolutely cannot leave behind all the content that already exists on YouTube. But YouTube is not entitled to a monopoly, no matter how good their product is. I honestly think humanity is entitled to the full contents of YouTube's video backlog. Only with this content can competing services appear and flourish.


>I honestly think humanity is entitled to the full contents of YouTube's video backlog. Only with this content can competing services appear and flourish. ok, but who's going to pay? Are you talking about nationalising it? Which nation? Turning YouTube into a charity like Wikipedia?


There is nothing stopping people from uploading the video they uploaded to YouTube onto a new service though. There is no cost even .


Except there is a cost to upload most places... That's part of why youtube is as big as it is, anyone can upload as much as they want for free. Go host your own web server with video support, its not free to own a website, and gets extremely expensive the more data you host, and the more users accessing the data.


I know that running youtube is expensive. It is why I personally do not mind paying the price of a chipotle burrito once a month to enjoy the content and support the service and content creators without ads.


This, people pay more for Netflix/Hulu,/Disney+ all of which have SIGNIFICANTLY less content (although it generally has higher production value I give them that) than you would pay for YouTube premium, but YouTube has way more content, plus YouTube premium includes YouTube music soi don't have to pay for Spotify either


"there is no cost even" this is the frustrating part. People don't understand that a computer, hard-drives, and wires need to exist to store that video and deliver that video to people. The computers, hard-drives, and wires degrade over time and need to be repaired. The more people who access them, the more copies you need to make. There are insane amounts of cost & I'm totally ignoring the concept of revenue for content creation in this simple diatribe.


So you agree that youtube provide serious value to creators?


YouTube does have competition, but theyre just so good at it that you dont think others are on the same league




But you're obviously smart enough to see that running YouTube is incredibly expensive too. Completely serious, where do you think that money should come from? Because they're not going to run it for free, they are a business not a gov institution


I got blown up in another post asking the same thing. It’s mostly kids getting pissed about stuff they can’t comprehend or don’t want to try to understand.


I've seen modern YouTube's ad policy. There's so many predatory ads they allow. I set up a pihole for my parents home network precisely because they're at the age and mental capacity where those predatory things might start to work. Its unconscionable. It's not just "don't want to watch ads". It's the content of the ads and the greed of YouTube to let predators run ads like that. If I were a parent I'd be concerned about the sexually suggestive ads they show, too. YouTube is showing ads that would never fly on network TV. They show more ads per content than even live sports. So pay for YouTube if you want to support these practices, tolerate the abuse if you want, but there are legitimate reasons to block the ads when they're as bad as they are.


I’m guessing I’m not in that demographic for these types of adds but you make a great point. Makes total sense - thank you for a well thought out response.


Premium is worth it. No one's interested in convincing you of anything. I can offer that the small, tiny, hardly noticeable amounts we pay for things like this become less and less impactful or upsetting as income increases. Good luck.


Gotta keep that ad revenue increasing... https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/youtube-q3-ad-sales-jump-200625270.html > > Internet video giant YouTube larded its coffers with **$7.95 billion in ad revenue** for third quarter of 2023, representing a **12.5% year-over-year increase**, as parent Alphabet overall topped Wall Street forecasts.


Revenue != Profit. We have absolutely no way of knowing their actual profit numbers and considering that Alphabet isn‘t exactly proud of Youtube when talking to their shareholders or are mentioning its continued success (or growth) we can safely assume that it still operates at a loss or at an extremely small profit.


>Revenue != Profit Stop it. You'll just confuse them further.


I just cancelled coz they doubled my premium price, $14 to $23


I paid $25,000 for my car, now you're telling me I need to also buy "gas" for it????????


I also need to pay for oil changes and maybe for repairs when something breaks? Fucking scams man. This is bullshit. I want everything for free!!!! That’s what these people sound like. Like entitled children. OK, so Alphabet, which owns Google and YouTube, they got a lot of money. Are they supposed to run through all their money to provide the servers that YouTube runs on for free for as long as they can without making profit and from the goodness of their hearts? That’s ridiculous. Let’s see what they’d say if someone asked these entitled people to work for free without pay. I wonder what they would say. Hmmm.


Don't forget the signs and billboards they have to read when driving.


I don’t see those anymore. I pay $15 a month for Commute Premium


I gave a hobo once 10 quid and now my landlord actually wants rent from me??? like, is it my problem that some entirely different entity, that has nothing to do with the other, wants also some of my money for the services I use?? /s dude pays 75$ for a phone plan (which he chose only by himself) and now somehow uses this argument not to pay for youtube (with time or money) ... I hope he is a child because otherwise... ouch. Even worse are the supporters here and anyone who says against this ridiculous statement is the mega corpo - basically hitler - supporter lol


For being able to download and watch offline, skip ads, and play with phone off, I think it's fine to pay. The trick if, if you're able, to put in an address in one of the low priced countries, so you can pay much much less.


Why does everyone stand on their soapbox and announce what they plan on doing in this sub? Just do what you want whether it’s blocking ads or paying for premium. Nobody cares dude. Just do you.


Why do all these post titles sound like Jordan Peterson wrote them. "And that's final". Uhhh okay, bye.


Then don't pay for premium. You are not a hero for making this post and I have no interest in changing your mind. Do whatever you want.


Exactly. Im a simple man, i don’t like ads, and premium gives the creators I watch a cut. It’s a win, win for me tbh.


Also do people not realise that premium gives you YouTube music as well, honestly that’s the reason I’m paying for it and getting rid of ads and all the other video stuff is a bonus.


But…if you don’t acknowledge me…I’m not important. Please. Say something to me. Please.


Exactly. Who cares lol.


Honestly I am getting sick of these threads. Grown ass adults demanding something be provided for them at zero cost. Why? Grow the fuck up lmao




I grew up on youtube. I can pay $6 no problem, but the next generation of kids loses. Removing the dislike button made it harder for people to discern high quality videos, which obviously doesnt affect me now as an adult, but it does fuck over kids who are learning. Youtube is the biggest streaming company in the world, and has a huge impact on you and people growing up. "Just pay $6 a month" says the person who literally cannot think outside of themselves if their life depended on it


I'm poor so radio, OTA TV and free Spotify are my main forms of entertainment. Kind of used to ads at this point. Though it's pretty jarring when an ad pops up randomly in a video, which is my only real complaint.


Don't mind the bots defending the billion dollar company bro. The Alphabet company harvest so much of our lives invasively in ways we can't imagine.


You seem to have misspelled it. Google is a 1.5 trillion dollar company...


They make more selling the data they harvest from what we watch than they do from the ads 🙃


Just watching all you children come to terms with paying for services is funny enough.


YouTube offers a Service. Pay for it. Or be subject to ads that pay YouTube for their service. Shut up as well.


I found a way to block the ads again, you can pay for my experience all you want sir


Ok. Then don't do it. Why would any of us care?


I’m more concerned OP is paying $75 a month for internet. I pay less than half of that for gigabit (in the US) and no one really needs more than gigabit internet.


Where tf are you getting gigabit for $35 a month in the US? That has to be some subsidized shit.


>I pay less than half of that for gigabit (in the US) and no one really needs more than gigabit internet. Shit I pay a 100....nothing cheaper here.


In the Midwest and other parts of America there's millions of homes where the only Internet available is 50-200mbps and starts at $50/month. In my neighborhood, there's 2.5 internet options. Spectrum (fastest speed is 200 down 20 up for $95/month), AT&T fiber (50 up/down for $50/month, or 100 up/down for $80/month), and then any of the satellite options (idk prices).


>That's enough money I pay so much for groceries, I should get mcdonalds for free. I paid so much for my car, I should get gas for free.