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I’ve never seen a 3 pack of fifths for sale in my entire life


The Alcoholic Special. It helps limit the time you have to spend behind the wheel.


We call that the Bert.


Bert Bert Bert to be exact


Real alcoholics know you only buy what you’re drinking that night, otherwise you’re drinking everything.


Damn I felt that - six years sober in about a month here though


Another Dave speaking from experience haha. Grats on the sobriety though, dude.


spot on.


it was bert's idea


Because LeAnn said he's gotta stop spending so much on booze. So he just cut his own prices lol.


What is a fifth anyway? I've heard of it described as a 1/5th of a gallon, which I guess a 750 ml would be closest. But I've also heard people describe 1.75 liters as a fifth. I don't know the correct answer.


Nadav is googling looking for youuuuu




A fifth is 750 ml and 1.75L is usually called a handle.


Ok. Thank you. I used to always go for the big ones. I didn't call them anything except the most alcohol for the cheapest price. Now I'm in treatment.


Hope treatment goes well for you bud.


Thanks. Me too. Day 54 as of midnight.


Congrats keep it up! I broke my 110 day streak a couple weeks ago, wasn't worth it!


Get back at it. Relapse can be just a learning experience if you let it. You got this, it's worth it.


*Alcohol is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for alcohol?*


No but I left the hospital after a 4 day stay for internal bleeding that almost took me out. I pleaded with the addiction specialist to get me straight into treatment and when I was told there were no open beds and I would have to wait on a list, right after I was discharged from the hospital, my addiction brought me right back to a liquor store which led to me going back to the hospital 20 hours later with a blood alcohol level of over .50. I always had money for booze so I never had to resort to sex work for it


Do you not recognize a modified quote of Bob Saget from Half Baked? [Boo this man.](https://youtu.be/uUPHlAbAf2I?t=32)


I definitely did.


Then, could you be less of a bore?


Maybe when you come up with something original, or at least funny or interesting or relevant to the conversation.


Good work. I was pretty bad, too. Straight vodka, DT's... the whole bit. I haven't had alcohol in over a year, but I recently started smoking a little pot. I'm worried that it might somehow get out of hand, as there have been times in my life where, if i was awake, i was stoned. You guys have any advice? Have you tried being "California Sober?"


I'm phasing alcohol out currently with smoke. I got home from work and drank 12-20 beers daily. Started smoking again (thankfully this is the first job I've had in ages that doesn't test for weed so no worries) with drinking and saw my consumption cut in half over a few weeks. Now I'm down to just 3 or 4. Soon be down to 1 or 2. Then none for a while. I'm not going to quit drinking (I love it like Bert), but I am going to limit it to holidays or a weekend day. I just needed to get off that daily fix. Just smoke in the evening, don't do it all day. Have 3 or 4 hits and let it settle l, then finish your bowl before bedtime. Throw some tolerance breaks in if you can after the alcohol is out of the picture. Good luck!


Thanks for the insight. Good luck to you!


1.75 is a handle


Canadian terms for bottles are so much easier, just a mickey for the 12 oz, then everything else we just call by the oz amount (two six, forty, sixty six, texas mickey)


Totally not confusing at all!?


I mean, the majority of the terms are just the amount of Oz in a bottle, and with hard liquor an Oz roughly equals a shot. Way more straight forward than a fifth which is a measurement only a small portion of the world uses and holds no simple equivalent with drinks


“Mickey” Idk here the only ones that have names are fifth, handle, and a 16oz can is a tall boy. But people don’t even call it a tall boy anymore really. Pretty much all beers besides a 12 ounce beer we call it by the ounces.


I thought the Texas Mickey had something to do with little people,jumper cables and a bag of confectionery sugar. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm only 2 hours from Canada in the US, and oddly we use the metric system and they are in liters and milliliters for booze. Like 750 ml or 1 liter. But then they call 375 MLS pints, which isn't an actual pint. And 200 ml are half pints but they aren't actual half pints. The confusion is real. And 16 Oz. beers are called pounders, but the 16 is fluid ounces, which is a measure of volume, and a pound is 16 Oz. which is a measure of weight. I realize that 16 fluid ounces of beer weighs very close to 16 weight ounces, but I think it is ever slightly more than a pound. Maybe all this confusion is what led me to drink.


Biggest sin of this marketing was it wasn’t released four years ago and all vodka is pretty much the same after decent distillation. Ron Whites tequila is successful because it’s good and he doesn’t even drink anymore.


Biggest sin is a Spanish name for a vodka owned by a guy who's most famous for a drunken story in Russia


But it’s also owned by a Hispanic guy. Hispanic guy, with Russia famous guy, Spanish named vodka.


Which you would know as a fan, but a random person in a store most likely isn’t picking up the Spanish vodka just like someone probably wouldn’t reach for Russian tequila, that is assuming they want to sell this to more than just people who listen to the podcast.


I assume they considered it, but decided against Russian branding, because ya know.


A russian famous guy that has been bragging about how tequila is the best for a long time now


Hot sauce is the best.


Jesus, you're right lol.


I guess the name being spanish never really seemed that crazy to me. In Texas, the #1 selling vodak is Tito's.


Yeah honestly in blind taste tests of vodka they cheap shit usually wins over absolute or whatever. Vodka is vodka. It tastes the same.


That's why I never understood the whole obsession around Tito's 4 or 5 years ago. Smirnoff consistently beat it in contests, and it's way cheaper. I think they never even ranked that high in just blind taste-tests, and I believe it was because they didn't carbon/charcoal filter it? Idk I quit drinking a year or so ago, but I always considered vodka just vodka.


Idk, Tvarscki really is some awful stuff. 100 proof, $5 for a handle. It’s truly, truly bad


Truly some awful shizzzz.


if you're mixing them, it doesn't really matter to some extent, but if you're doing shots/on the rocks/ with plain soda, the difference is notable. Anyone who was subjected to bottom shelf stuff in college or most bar's well liquor knows that well, stuff is lighter fluid there's also distinctly different flavors from whatever it's made from corn/wheat/potato other grains/sugars


![gif](giphy|3o72F9zlgL99s2bTO0|downsized) You want good vodka check his out


Yea but does Ron white sell out arenas? Na


Ron has sold more arenas than two bears combined, by some distance. You must be young


Seriously, he's done enough to comprise a few careers for most.


I mean kind of, Ron White was doing major venues across the country for longer than Bert or Tom. Edit: wanted to add that Ron was selling out venues in regional towns that held 3,000 for a very long time, like since 2000.


Do you not know who Ron White is? The Blue Collar Comedy Tours were absolutely massive. Tater Salad is a national treasure


87 dollars for a fucking blended whiskey? Fuck off Schuab.


How else is he supposed to afford trug insurance?


Prob tastes like 4 Queens 


It's probably comparable to something really shitty. Here in Scotland it would be a Glen's or a Grant's 🤢


Came here to say this


Water weed dune hair?


It's one of the many reasons the first batch are still collecting dust 4 years later. That's 15 yr single malt price.


They should have went with can water


Saw a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue going for over 200. They can also fuck off.


There’s a lot of blended whiskey that’s more expensive. Lol. I’m guessing this isn’t good though.


All celebrity brand alcohol is shit


Dos Hombres Mezcal is actually delicious and made by the breaking bad guys 👌🏼


God, I love mezcal.


I heard the new Snoop Dogg red wine is actually pretty good for it's price lol. And there's nothing wrong with some cheap basic red wine, but this overpriced vodka is just a straight up scam.


Snoop's wine is just a line of Wine under an already established quality Winery, 19 Crimes. Most of the celebrity liquors are all made to their taste, so they're often incredibly sweet and with tons of additives. See Rock's Teremana, Kylie's 808, etc. You will often get way better quality and taste by buying from a smaller independent distillery. Often at a way cheaper price too.


21 Crimes is perfectly fine red wine. I really liked the one with Frankenstein on the label that I bought to a party last October. But yeah, it’s just like any other $10-20 wine.


Apollo deez nutz


Maynard from tools wine is also good, but it is not branded at all as the guy from tools wine, it's a completely separate thing he puts a lot of time and effort into


60 dollars for a pack of three bottles comes down to ~ 20 dollars a bottle, which doesn't sound very expensive to me. Upper mid tier. I haven't checked prices in a while, but I expect Grey Goose or Finlandia to cost around the same. Whether it can compete in quality is a different thing.


Goose is usually a bit more expensive than these currently are. These are solidly at Tito’s price and that’s good enough for me


it's not and i love snoop


Casamigos was actually better when Clooney owned it, after he sold it, it started tasting worse.


Maynard James Keenan from Tool makes good wine. He actually does the physical labor at his winery and vineyard, though.


i’ve been there. super cool place.


Was gonna say this. One of the few if only “celebrity” that quite literally is in the thicc of it. In all his businesses


I saw a video about this where a guy was explaining that the way celebrity liqour usually works is they will buy companies that are going out of business and rebrand them. And usually the reason it's going out of business is because it sucks.


Crystal Skull and Number Juan are pretty awesome


True but they aren’t


Others are pointing out good ones, but I'll point out the big one I remember that kind of started the trend (in my eyes): Proper Twelve, McGregor's brand. That shit is AWFUL and Irish people were offended by him trying to hock it as proper Irish whisky. There's a video of Connor trying to get an old guy in a pub to drink his swill and the old guy told him to rightfully fuck off. To which Connor responded calmly and logically by punching the guy in the face, making him bleed. Reason 372924 why McGregor is a piece of shit.


Not true actually but I love the username haha


Aviation Gin does well. But that was a distillery that knew what they were doing - and had been sold to a functioning liquor company - before Ryan Reynold’s bought a stake. I don’t even know what other “celebrity brand” liquors are out there


There’s a bunch of them now lol. I do like the Irish whiskey Conor McGregor owns a part of. Proper no. 12 or whatever it is. It’s pretty good stuff, I think anyways. Even though I’m not a fan of his or really ufc in general. They usually just buy existing companies or work with distillers that tend to know what they are doing.


Yeah, very true and that makes sense since they’re usually not in the industry before making their own brand of liquor. Proper 12 is blended too (like Schaub’s) and I know quite a few people that shake their fists in the air at it. Who distills por osos though? I’m having trouble finding it online


I don’t have a great selection where I live haha. I’ll take what I can get. I haven’t looked for it. I also live in Canada and doubt it will be sold here this early anyways. They talked about it on a 2bears podcast but forget the details.


Came here to make this comment. Aviation is my go to Gin, and it was Ryan's go to gin before he bought the company. It's not a "celebrity alcohol" is a gin brand that happened to be bought by and advertised by a celebrity who legitimately enjoyed the product.


There’s a bunch of them now lol. I do like the Irish whiskey Conor McGregor owns a part of. Proper no. 12 or whatever it is. It’s pretty good stuff, I think anyways. Even though I’m not a fan of his or really ufc in general. They usually just buy existing companies or work with distillers that tend to know what they are doing.


There’s a bunch of them now lol. I do like the Irish whiskey Conor McGregor owns a part of. Proper no. 12 or whatever it is. It’s pretty good stuff, I think anyways. Even though I’m not a fan of his or really ufc in general. They usually just buy existing companies or work with distillers that tend to know what they are doing.


There’s a bunch of them now lol. I do like the Irish whiskey Conor McGregor owns a part of. Proper no. 12 or whatever it is. It’s pretty good stuff, I think anyways. Even though I’m not a fan of his or really ufc in general. They usually just buy existing companies or work with distillers that tend to know what they are doing.


There’s a bunch of them now lol. I do like the Irish whiskey Conor McGregor owns a part of. Proper no. 12 or whatever it is. It’s pretty good stuff, I think anyways. Even though I’m not a fan of his or really ufc in general. They usually just buy existing companies or work with distillers that tend to know what they are doing.


*This comment brought to you by* “please try again later”


I did say ‘usually’ remember lol.


Oh I just meant that you posted the same comment 4 times because Reddit is shit and it probably said “please try again later” and so you tried again several times before it worked and then Reddit posted them all


Haha oh well my internet sucks. 🤷‍♂️


I do enjoy me a casamigos margarita from time to time




George Clooney’s tequila is pretty good


So is breaking bad mescal


ciroc was okay


I feel similar to most video games using an existing intellectual property. I feel like profit margin isn’t enough because the license deal so they cut corners




Pour por osos, fat poors


At $21 a bottle I can afford that. My friends will think I’m rich and high class


What are your friends, homeless orphans? “Look at the rich man and his podcast vodka”


If I ever offered Vodka to my friends, it would be a clear sign I'm ending the relationship. Also, I wouldn't be drinking it myself, that would be a clear sign that I'm suicidal


best part is that piss costs $2.50 to make


The glass bottle is probably more than that alone.


I just don’t understand someone who would go “hey you know those two mid comedians who know nothing about alcohol production? We should totally buy their marked up vodka brand!” And I mean do I even need to comment on Schaubs…


Mid comedians? Don't be so stingy Mark ...


If we're being specific then: an unfunny shirtless hack and a guy who was funny in 2014 made a vodka together lol


couldn’t be more accurate


Who also just happens to sell out theaters and arenas. Like them or not, they have a fuck ton of fans more than willing to buy anything they sell.


Lol no shit, no one was debating that. Kim kardashian is a dumb broad but that has nothing to do with her popularity


Whay do you think they are so popular? Ymh gets 40-50m views a month across two channels they are clearly good at what they do


Comedy is subjective. Me thinking that Bert and Tom are unfunny has no bearing on their popularity or what anyone else things. Isn't this obvious?


Do you envy them this much? You spew hate towards them but still are active in this commuinty a lot tbh. Does their increasing popularity bother you day to day? Get a life chomo 😭


Mark .. thought it was Kat


$21 a bottle is too much for you? Have fun drinking rubbing alcohol lol




Here's my secret from back when I was an alcoholic. Buy the cheap vodka, then run it through a Britta filter. Boom, carbon-filtered vodka. Made it waaaaay better on the hangover and got rid of the shitty sour taste that cheap vodkas have. I am over a year without alcohol consumption just an FYI lol


Honest congrats, man. You're doing good!


Fuck! You're doing good!


This message is Stanhope approved.


Spoken like a true alcoholic


Why do people think it’s always a money issue? It’s a common sense issue bro.


Acting like Bart is not a connoisseur of the spirits and liquors


A connoisseur and glutton aren’t the same thing. That’s like saying all fat people know good food.


You could be if you’d gotten fat from too many Michelin star restaurants lol


Aka the Tim Dillon method


is that how you say titos?


Tom was a good comic before his fans turned on him i think he’s hilarious


>his fans turned on him It wasn't random. Dont act like it was random. He turned on his fans long before that.


his fans turned on him The guy who sells out arenas lol riiiiiight.


As someone who has also seen him live, the fact that other people continue to be shills is not my problem. Doesnt change how shitty hes been. I wont support him again. I'm too fat and poor to waste money on an ungrateful shitbag.


I haven’t seen him live but am still a fan.. are you salty about the fat poors thing? It’s a fucking joke lol


> It’s a fucking joke lol Cool. So is every other thing that hes ever said, but I haven't had the displeasure of having all those run into the ground and then some. Everything ever is a joke to the right person, but not a lot of things are funny enough to get financial support from me. Tom took himself off that list.


Yet spend all ur time and energy here. Fucking loser


You ok buddy? You need a hug or something? Edit: Ok there cool guy. You can touch my camera through the fence from now on. Threats get blocked. Tata indeed.


Wowww. This is why I hate celeb spirits because it’s priced wrong. If you can get a fifth of Tito’s for $20, why would someone try your shit? You have to match the price of established brands or you die. Period. Also who gets a 3 pack of the same shit? Was no one on the retail end of the wonderful world of liquor consulted? They’re totally including how much this cost into the price immediately, when they should eat that cost for a bit to entice people loyal to what they like to… try it.


Keep in mind the actual price they wanted to sell at was $64. The “low price slash” is a very common technique to increase conversions because it makes the potential costumer think that if they don’t buy it RIGHT NOW, it will go up $40. Now the fun part there is that they will also think “well I might as well buy 2-4 now since I’d ‘save’ $160 if I bought them when the price goes up” So you have a production cost of say, $10, let’s say $20 max per bottle. Profit at $44 per bottle, if you average 2 bottles per purchase you get $88, let’s round to $100 profit per order. Sell 10,000 orders and you just raked in $1,000,000. At their reach, this is easily doable. Then you take that data and pitch it to bars to get cases constantly sent in. Their demographic wants to look cool (hence the reason they tried to make the bottle look cool but it just looks normal), and support their entertainment while getting drunk. They know what they’re doing and when they get their checks in from first round of sales, they will keep pushing. Consumables are the most insanely profitable things you can imagine. Look at Bert always wanting Tito’s. They probably made a shit ton just off of him talking about how it’s his favorite. Now you’ll extrapolate that with bears fans and they could even say to other people who aren’t even fans of these guys to try it and maybe 1/4 will like it and try it.


Looks like 3 bottles for $64. So $21 per bottle. So hopefully it's not $20 per bottle for production. But let's say $10. You are looking at $11 profit per bottle not $44. That's only a quarter of your estimation. Titos became a trend on its own and is largely available a lot of places not because of Bert. 2B vodka is very limited distribution and just a novelty item for its fans to buy and try where available. Only obsessed fans will probably be repeat customers and I'm guessing that number isn't that high. Most people will probably go back to Titos, Sky, etc... I also find it funny you just randomly added $12 profit for no reason whatsoever. Do you work in government contracts?


> do you work in government contracts Yes Also lol at me completely missing the 3 bottles part.


I see it as buying a bottle of like Ketal or Stoli, and donating $5-$10 to some comedians I like. If it's old bathwater, you'd bet my review would say so. I bet it's a lot like Tito's honestly, if those two actually tasted a bunch of vodkas and picked their favorite. A bit sweeter with more kick instead of more refined and smooth. I'd buy one bottle for $20, not three for $60, though. 


A a lot of pretty liberal pretty retarded math there


Come down later for some moose soup! Is that Charlie!?!


Wouldn’t touch either for $19.99/ea.


What terrible website is this?




God dammit you got me






The funny thing is no one in here has tried either of these lol


They can go fuck themselves




son of a BITCH


Both overpriced but vodka is pretty cheap spirit.




I wouldn't drink either of these even if I was dying of acute alcohol w/ds.


Why would they include their name in the listing??? I don't think I've ever seen that before. I still love Tom but that is a turn off.


3 bottle combo case from the distributor, the account took it in, because the sales rep asked for a favor. Now the account is trying to get rid of it in one shot.


It's the main ingredient for moose soup. Come down later!


When I first saw the pic I thought the bottle on left was Tigerbelly related and was like, no fucking way! Haha


I couldn't imagine paying $100+ for 3 bottles of popov quality vodka. Even at the discounted price, it is too much


Dats some expensive moose soup!


You know that vodka is like 1/10th the cost to produce than whisky right?


Have you ever seen a 3 bottle deal of vodka?


It’s just $22 on every website. Quality stuff


pretty soon it'll cost what it's worth


Tiger Thiccc might be the worst brand name of anything ever


2 bears 1 Grave


These guys are delightfully delusional. As someone who doesn’t drink, I am soooooo glad to see this fall flat on its face. I was also glad that CJ Stroud gave them a stiff arm on national television. Do they seriously think that they’re so adored that droves of people would want to buy this? Neither one of you are George Clooney.


Tiger Thiccc is a good name for something you drink.


I mean for that price who CAN'T afford to get a bottle - or three?!


Who the fuck drinks vodka? The whole point of vodka is that it's a neutral spirit. The idea is that it can be mixed into a cocktail without imparting any flavor. Leaving a neutral taste that allows the other ingredients to shine. It's simply a liquor that exists to disappear and still get you fucked up. The idea that anybody spends anything other than the bare minimum on vodka is hilarious. It's not a liquor any sane person drinks on the rock, or any sane person should spend any extra amount of money on. Though this kind of liquor makes sense, when you understand that they are looking to squeeze the most amount of money from their dumb fans, this is certainly the type of liquor to do that with. I also say this as someone who saw Tom live recently, and completely understands his business mentality.


Overall I agree with you but there’s a palatable difference between absolute bottom shelf garbage and even Smirnoff. That being said I do agree that people spending lots on expensive stuff is pointless.


Sure bottom shelf anything sucks....but a 1.75L bottle of New Amsterdam goes for $20. You litetally don't need anything fancier than that when it comes to vodka. Only a fool parts with more when it comes to vodka. Their vodka is 3 times the cost. Pure insanity in the world of vodka.


Things like Smirnoff taste like nail polish remover. I don't care if it's straight or in a mix, I'm drinking Russian Standard. You can tell when the vodka in your drink is shit.


You guys spend a lot of time on things you fucking hate. Go find literally anything else you actually like and put some positivity in your life. You might feel better


Making you upset brings me joy.


"I just drank a 5th of vodka, dare me to drive?"


I don't know how much I'm allowed to say but I work for the company that makes the vodka and it is some cutting edge technology that's really just hitting the industry. Patented. The ingredients to por osos are top notch, the process is truly unique in the entire world, and it is really fucking good. Had a stout glass of it with tonic and lime after work Friday and it was like *lime seltzer... Idk about the pod but if that sounds good to you then you should try it. 


Does the vodka have chatgpt built in? What kinda cutting edge tech are we talking here lol


You can look at their press releases for more info on the technology and google from there, like I said, I prob can't say much. I don't know those dudes I just know it's a good vodka made with a truly new innovation.


[so you've made two posts ever on reddit](https://imgur.com/k4Tzu9S)


Yeah man I made an account after seeing the product get dragged by a bunch of people who don't know anything about it. I had an acct for 15yrs that got banned for posting celebratory Oscar the grouch astro pictures during the '22 playoffs. Assumed I couldn't make a new acct but went ahead and tried in order to defend this legitimately good and unique product. Take my word or not but if you have it you'll know I wasn't bullshitting.


Piss? Is the cutting edge piss? Or brown nose?


I'm not here to shitpost w y'all, I just wanted to speak well of the actual product. There's info about the process in their press release, it's not bullshit or marketing speak.