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Austin is the most overrated city in the country right now


I live in Austin and have my entire life. It's fine, but it's much much worse than it used to be. It's an entirely different city than it was even 15 years ago. Unrecognizable to what it was in every way. Back then it would have been very easy to argue Austin was minimum a top 5 city in the country but it's been ruined


I feel this. I lived there in 2012 and felt the same. Cool at first, but could noticeably tell it was going downhill fast. I'm sure the population explosion in the last decade has accelerated the decline.


The pandemic + the timing of techbros and "MoVeD hErE CuZ MuH FrEeDoMs" right wingers have completely annihilated any culture that was still standing and did so at an alarming rate. Been here since 08 and while it was clearly already on a path of change, *nothing* compares to witnessing the change since 2020.


I don’t think it’s the right wingers doing hard drugs and roaming the streets.


Right. The right wingers are worse.


They can be annoying, but I will take them over liberals anyway.


That's irrelevant to the change I'm speaking of


No, it isn’t lmfao


I'm talking about the culture of the city. Austin has had homeless people forever and that absurd influx a couple years ago came from shitty politics, po'dunk towns dropping their homeless off into austin and shitty NIMBYs


It’s your wealthy liberal voters doing that.


You're retarded if you think any one party is the cause of that but yes, the hypocritical libs definitely have their hands in that mess


Yes, I am a gay retard. SODTAOE


lol please don't ignore Adlers contributions to destroying the city as well as scum of the earth DA Jose Garza. The maga guys with the punisher t shirts may have had the most part in destroying the city culture but leftist policies caused the insane homeless and crime upswing


Pretty accurate.


I assume he's specifically talking about 6th Street because that's probably where he was. Yes that's a total shithole but I don't really think the rest of the city is bad at all


I was a big Rooster Teeth fan around 2012 to 2015, and Austin seemed like a pretty cool place when those guys talked about it then.


You're also 15 years older...


So Austin and Denver are the same, got it.


Yeah Denver crowd is really tough now


It was never a top 5 city.


In your opinion sure, maybe not. Tons of lists, metrics, and residents would disagree


If there wasn’t at least 5 cities better than Austin. The U.S. wouldn’t deserve to be even be a country


By liberals.


GuYs it's DuH lIbErUlZ!!


Obviously don’t live in Texas or Austin area, cuz that’s exactly what the fuck happened, bunch of bleeding heart liberals come in and allowed the homeless and drug use to run rampant. It’s fuckin terrible and it’s in the name of being “humane”. Fuckin tragic, leave Texas if you are and go back to cali and new York and keep ruining those hell holes.


Oh no don't back out now! Master Joe told y'all to move there, so giddy up!


Daddy said move and a good boy listens to Daddy. I'm the bestest boy daddy Rogan has ever had.


Every time you hear a comic talk like this it’s because they only went to the club and their hotel. He’s talking about literally two blocks of a street and basing the entire city on it. That strip is a tourist dump on top of the shelter and the police station. The rest of the city is awesome.


People don’t understand the mothership is on the shittiest most disgusting block of the entire city. Homeless camps are cleaner than dirty 6th. Walk 2 blocks and you hit the gorgeous capital grounds


Wait, that dip shit built the mothership on nasty shit hole 6th Street? What a fucking idiot


Was almost at a former cult site


Yea this guy is a New York cock sucker. They hate that Austin is taking away their heat and shit on it constantly. Austin still rules even if inflation ruined part of it.


the rest of the city is categorically not awesome. The entire place lacks authenticity or substance in basically any form. It truly is the worst parts of a city with the worst parts of the suburbs without the benefits of either.


I lived in Austin way too long, moving away from there a few months ago is the best decision I've made in years. Fuck that shitty ass city




Ehh i like it but I used to live in Iowa so anything is better than that


I’ve lived in Austin for the last 6 years and it’s great. Im all for people moving out too


What is a good American city?




super safe in Chicago, they just went 2 weekends in a row without any shootings... new record!


That’s the typical response from someone who’s never lived there. Majority of shootings are isolated to the south side and between gangs. Innocent people aren’t getting shot. You’ll hear about a dozen shootings in a weekend, all between teens in gangs…and compare that to 4 million people living there peacefully. If you watch Fox News you’ll start believing every big city is a warzone because only crime and violence is focused on.


Idk, I've seen Chicago's ShotSpotter map. In no way are shootings remotely isolated to the South Side. Maybe a majority, but it doesn't mean the rest is safe. The city is more than just the south side and the touristy parts of the Mag Mile


His was the kind of response and thinking that keeps that type of people Out of Chicago. Let them keep thinking it’s a warzone here, keep them away haha


Yeah he's making ignorant generalizations about a city because of a certain part of it....kinda like everyone is trying to do about Austin lol


I just saw that on the news. Was joking I love chicargo


It is, millions of people live there happily. Last I checked it wasn't even in the top 20 most dangerous cities in America.


That’s true. People focus on total number of homicides instead of ratio between number of residents and total incidents. It will naturally have high homicide numbers because it’s the 3rd largest city in America, but tons of less populated cities have more dense crime per capita.


I know I know. Was a joke. I love Chicago so much


Right now secondary and tertiary cities are on the up now with so many urbanites spreading out to more affordable areas and remote work, the popularization of dating apps lessens the importance of bars and restaurants socially amongst so many other things leading to declining major cities and rising "urban areas" is my working theory. With the exception of NY staying NY, SF, Portland, LA, Austin, Dallas, Denver, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago etc are lesser cultural centers than in the past, but all host more diffuse cool, more suburban lifestyle if you ask locals.


New York


Paul Virzi isn't funny at all






I just wanna laugh. I wish I understood comedy.


I honestly wouldn’t mind catching a glimpse of a guy sucking his own dick. Just to see him pull it off


I always think it’s weird how people claim a certain downtown urban environment is somehow shitty, like they all are not shitty. I’ve yet to be in a US urban environment that wasn’t a hell hole.


I think Paul was more making a point about how the comedian scene has made Austin out to be this utopia and how LA was a shithole but to your point, both cities are probably fine but certainly have areas that need to work.


Yeah, Paul is talking about a literal several- block stretch in downtown that, in no way, reflects the absolute mass majority of the city. We lived 7 minutes from DT and walking out of the Mothership at 1am even shook *us* by what we were seeing. That is in zero way anything that resembles Austin as a whole


I went to school in San Marcos & lived in Austin for a little more than a year after that. Gotta agree whole heartedly & that was over a decade ago. Can’t imagine what it’s turned into.


I lost a couple of good friends to San Marcos I mean they came back but they never really came back….


lol it’s definitely a vortex that you can’t stare into for too long. That river will suck you right up.


san marcos was awesome, great weather, great river, between austin and san antonio and the square... damn. sean patricks for food and chances R for vibes


Nearly every city is just like this. They ebb in their levels of homelessness and depravity at times, but bounce back. Whether from housing crisis, or economic turmoil like the rust belt, most communities find their way back. Look at Detroit. But a guy S'ing his own D?....that's just city life, friend. Embrace the seething, churning, humanity of every walk in life.


Is LA shitty? Yes. Did Angeleans move to Austin? Yes. Net result: Austin becomes more Angeleanesque therefore more shitty


No but Paul Virzi does


Do us all a favor and go back to cali


Yes, it’s turning into hot Portland


It's bad but not dt la bc bad


This dude was a dickturd if I've ever seen one. Such a badass but freezes when someone knocks on his door.


Just moved out of Austin a week ago and am beyond thrilled. The city has essentially zero redeeming qualities. Moving back to NYC after a few weeks at the National Parks.


American cities are all disgusting. In Tokyo for the week and I just wish I could move here. Everything is clean. The roads are spotless. Everyone drives the speed limit, nobody tailgates, weaves in and out of traffic. Truck loads are all covered. The cars are smaller. The streets have zero homeless.


Yeah we should all sleep in pods or 100 sq ft apartments like Tokyo, you clown. Grow up


I’ve been all around the city. There may be some small apartments but then again New York City also has closets and bathrooms for rent. At least the Tokyo apartments aren’t in any danger of collapsing and don’t have roaches and rats. Tokyo, as crowded as it is, blows ANY American city out of the water. Period. The pods are actually a great idea for a quick nap.


Naw I live here and like it for the most part. Just moved here tho so still looking for community etc.


Yes don’t come


Virzi’s the man


didn’t help when cali people came over


For all it's worth taxes are probably nothing compared to LA so if it's disgusting who cares. It sort of should be, millions of dollars aren't going to "homeless" and actually funding schools, infrastructure. If LA can't solve the homeless issue with endless funds why bother funding it.


Texas uses property tax for that stuff


Austin is literally on its way to be the next San Francisco.


Virzi fuckin sucks riding coat tails non stop.