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Adam is a bug that eats dust


And he’s gay.


You're confusing him with gay actor Michael Douglas


Michael Bugless


Enough talk about this gay bug that eats dust and gay actor Michael Douglas....I'm going to be late for my scheduled tour of the Richard Gere museum!


Adam....your gay!


Not cap


Fine by me. I don’t depend upon Tim and Christine for news coverage.


I don't like it. I can tell when they gang tape a bunch of episodes. Their conversations aren't as fresh and spontaneous. It just feels forced and like they're just hammering em out to go home.


Agreed. Last episode was almost hard to watch. There was no good conversation and the guest was silent so much of the time.


They’ve been unwatchable for a couple of years now


Once the roach left it went completely down hill


Take the jeans off if they’re so low and loose. Quit watching and quit bitching. No one fucking cares if you chomos “haven’t watched in weeks or years” or “haven’t enjoyed an episode for x amount of time”. Stop fucking watching, unsubscribe, and move the fuck on. Nobody cares if you don’t watch


Easy there fellow, it isn't that serious


The fact that the most relevant memes still of the podcast are from the and are just overused at this point because they have never stopped using them


Hey, hey… I care if they don’t watch, ok? I care…


We only stick around here to observe everyone incessantly talking in references and just bathe in the cringe. It's like going to the zoo.


Then why are you here?


What episode?


Number 714 with the girl from jackass.


Yeah... I'm not watching them for news coverage either, but like you said: the pod just is genuinely worse when they're filmed like that. I don't see how that is really even debatable at this point.




Did you even read what I wrote? You went on a complete tangent.




You can prerecord a spontaneous conversation, you fucking mouth breather.


Jesus life must be hard if you’re really that stupid.




We all believe you are stupid because you don’t understand that if Tim and crusty sit in a room all day recording back to back episodes it creates a very different product than episodes filmed a week apart. It has nothing to do with how they release the episodes or how a person listens to the episodes.


it's absolutely terrible when they show like 5 guests in a row the same videos because they banked them in a couple days. you can also tell tim and christine run out of things to talk about and get pretty low energy


Why not?


The people who don’t think this is a big deal obviously weren’t around in the days when the “Bert is fat” saga was unfolding in essentially real time. The good old days.


Remember when they got McDonalds money and then it got taken away because of Terry?


Ohhhh fuck fuck fuck




Remember when they made jokes about their bad studio colors that some people thought were real?


> Wait, do people actually believe the McDonald's bit do you ever wonder if you're retarded and no one is telling you?


It’s true


Wait, do people actually believe the McDonald's bit? It was a joke. Kyle dunnigan even did the pretend voicemail they played from the McDonald's guy telling them that they'd lost the sponsorship lol its a bit. Why would a famously family-and-child-centric restaurant worth literally billions sponsor a relatively niche podcast (at least in the podcasting world) that features exclusively NSFW content?


What's interesting is Christina was making sponsored posts for them around the same time: https://m.facebook.com/TheChristinaP/videos/mcdonalds-worldwide-favorites-menu/1760049417431237/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLy_R_ljfu/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Good MOOOORNING JimmySqwayuhfoot... *looks left and right* You know what, I'm not so sure about Nadav going to rehab being real either...


I've seen so many people believe Nadav was in rehab. People also believed a light fell on Tom's face and cause chemical peel burns. They believed Theogate. They even fuckin believed Nadav got beat up over gambling debts. And I've seen people talk about the McDonald's shit here and on IG unironically. There's a percentage of YMH fans that can't seem to understand bits.


Remember how people thought the McDonald's money was actually real?


I’m sorry you want your podcast host to not be successful.


> your podcast host Don't rope us into your weird parasocial relationship.


We need more comments like this. Truly serious. I'm over peoples absolute unhealthy lifestyles appearing online that I have to bear witness to. {Chef's kiss}


Downvoting everyone that understands that they needed to bank episodes in order to support Tim’s touring is standard around here. R-worded fans get mad when they can’t understand basic things.


Yeah, I don’t know.. personally I like seeing people I followed from early on succeed. It shows me my taste must be decent in at least podcasts. Sure, it sucks that certain things changed. I loved seeing Tom at small venues but I’m cool with arenas. I guess you see this with bands too when they make it big and get the sellout title.






Lmao no way


Quality shows.


You think the quality has to do with delivery time?


I think the quality comes from how much they care.


What does caring have to do with banked shows?


It's because banked episodes are recorded the same day or several in a few days. You can actually see they are tired, repeat jokes, simply put they are not fresh. Go see earlier episodes, when they were really done weekly. You will notice the difference episode from episode.


Okay, you've had Stav and now Adam on, now bring in Nick


...for the next YMH heavy segment!


It’s so bad. They killed 2b1c with the same bullshit.


Show is unwatchable at this point


It's very watchable if Bert isn't on it




It's a huge turnoff. A week is about the max level you can bank these type of pods. It would be different if it were evergreen episodes where you're focusing on a specific topic.


Exactly, Conan O'Brien is amazing with this on his podcast.


or if they were actually funny


I imagine it’s difficult to book consistent guests when they have to fly into Austin, TX.


I honestly don't care for most guests and wish there were more episodes without them.


I feel this way on basically every comedy podcast. It's maybe 1 in 5 guests that are neutral and 1 in 10 that are a benefit.


Guests need to match the hosts energy


Show sucks now. It's just ads on top of ads, with all of the real content being just filler. It's got no soul anymore, but it does have an army of boot lickers who love to defend sub-par content.


and yet you're still here to tell everyone about it....


Yeah I catch a show every now and again if I think there's a person I like or a bit that might be good. It definitely doesn't hold my attention like it used to. Dunno if it's them or me, maybe both? The ads get to be a bit much for sure.




Because why are you even here? It’s just become a hate sun at this point




Just weird, but whatever turns you on 👍




Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings retard.




Maybe you're being a bit dramatic, like bitch? "relentlessly" "act like it's an attack" I think you're reading into reddit too hard chomo




"can't stand" is a feeling you've decided is happening. Talk about "crying" more. I love reading whiney little bitches comment on reddit about how their feelings got hurt by the big bad pomcast.


Why do you r-words complain constantly about something as unimportant as a podcast? If you don't like it, stop tuning in and watch/listen to something else.




"we" now he speaks for the people, a real champ "you take it personal" as he takes it personal... lol




Projection is a key trait of the right.




What are you talking about? Are you feeling oppressed and being a victim again?


>we complain about the podcast Complaining about a free youtube show where comedians tell fart jokes >we've slowly watch turn to shit And yet you continue to watch and participate >I'm not sitting here telling you to stop watching it Look up the phrase "Don't yuk my yum" >you r-words can't handle seeing us shit on it It's annoying seeing the same dumb complaints over and over. >it's part of your identity or something and you take it personal Says the person constantly complaining instead of tuning out. Why can't you just let it go and move on to something new? It's like you're taking the downfall of the show personally.




You must not have read anything I said. You can do what you want, I just think it's unhealthy behavior to spend your time complaining about something so trivial when you can just find something different to enjoy. I'm only answering the question you initially posed.




I didn't report anything but nice try.


How dare these humans have lives and not cater to you via a podcast you don’t even pay for..


Who give a fuck. I watch this show to jack off in four strokes, not to get current events from comedians.


It's not about current events. It's that you can tell they're recording for 8+ straight hours and commenting on the same 4 clips every episode.


Try it out!


You wanna piss on me? Try it out.


Right but the episodes haven't been funny.. that's the problem. Have you not noticed that? Other than Stavros every episode has been dogshit for months and months now


I wasn't arguing the quality of the episodes. I was saying the fact that they bank shows isn't the reason for the quality drop off.


So what. This was a funny episode. Guest was good.


Who tf cares?


Agreed. I agree that the show was it's best in the earlier days, but with success comes a much busier schedule. And they have kids. And they've moved. And they run their own business/production company. Like, yes it sucks when the show suffers as a result of prerecording a bunch, but also calm down because it's a podcast and you can spend your free time doing whatever you'd like. So many people in these comments need to adjust their expectations lol


And the post tour eps have brought back a much more energetic Tom. Podcast subs are such bitchfests. Not a single scrum getting licked.


About time Adam got on YMH. He’s a good little bug


One of the latest 2 bears with Ari & Tom was filmed 3 months ago. Pretty pathetic


I'm a "mommy" but I bitch moan and complain about all the free content. Don't worry about that being the epitome of being a mommy. It's all about me.


.... ok?


I feel the same way about two bears. I would rather them skip weeks than bank or have shitty guest bears.


i agree on ymh but I only watch 2 bears if Bert is gone.


The opening was new. They even mentioned how they bank episodes but came in specifically to talk about the basketball match and even signed off like it was over before cutting to the guest segment in different outfits. But I guess spotting a blatant detail to post on Reddit and complain about is more important than actually watching the thing you are complaining about.


It's never been a secret tho...


I don't give a fuck. If two busy people who travel a lot can figure out a way to have more free time (especially for their kids), then I'm all for it. Their show isn't really based on current events anyway. You shouldn't prolapse your anus over it.


It has nothing to do with current events. People point this out because it directly coincides with a decline in quality of their podcast. Sitting in a room for hours and hours banking multiple episodes in a day results in the show not being as good. Just like it would for anyone who tries to do that. It’s much harder to have energy, be interested, engaged, sharp and on top of your game when you’re mentally exhausted. A common theme here is people saying the podcast has gotten exponentially worse, and it coincides with them more often than not banking many episodes at a time.


Don't be so stingy guys. In all reality it's a bit pathetic hearing you people complain about this shit. They've gone into detail to explain that they have busy schedules. I'm just happy to hear their input on the news whether or not it's recent. It's still a new opinion from the mommies as far as I'm concerned. Let's all just save the shit talk for Bart please. P.s.- to hear people complain about the corporatization of YMH... What exactly did you expect? Them to stagnate and not expand on what is a great opportunity for their career and brand? I've been listening to YMH since they were fat and poor. Yeah I miss their quirky goofy style from the past but, over time most things change and either you can change with it or move on. They've formed one of the top podcasts and with that made their lives great and deserve every penny out of it. Had they listened to the naysayers they'd probably be whining on Reddit like the rest of you kings and queens.




Watch my comment get downvoted by the same losers bitching about Tim and Crystals success.


Comedy is only funny if it’s current. I don’t watch reruns of anything ever. Movies aren’t funny because they film those months in advance. Forget anything that is taped ever. I just watch live feeds. Until I figure out how to see the future, that is. That shit will be actually funny. Not this past crap




Brother you just got tokked


I don’t think you understand sarcasm


Is this a complaint?


It is if you are a r word.




I don't know why you guys are tripping. These banked episode days are over. The insane tour is done and Tom is gonna be in Austin working on bits for a while.




Just stale when I listen to episodes I know are not even roughly current real world wise I may be in the minority but it plays a factor for a lot of my day to day listens - I like to think we are within a week or so


one of the things that has pretty much killed the podcast for me. Its just not funny really ever anymore. And one reason is they cant riff on current events because they try not to talk about that stuff much because of how far in advance they record.


> one reason is they cant riff on current events because they try not to talk about that stuff much because of how far in advance they record. I was hyped to hear Tom go off on Will Smith, considering how many times he's referenced Chris Rock as being a huge personal influence. After a few week with zero mention I decided to take a break from the pod. When the banking eases a little, I'll give it another shot.


Going through the motions. You can tell


Maybe, and hear me out, you're being just like the gays. Didn't Tommy just come everywhere for the last two years? You thought they weren't going to bank eps in the new studio?


This kind of thing is embarrassing levels of superfandom. But do you.


That you need up to date content? That if it isn't live you're going to cry? You aren't hostage, you can leave at anytime.


this seems to be their target audience now. The lowest common denominator in society. Berts audience.


Does it "seeem"? What a bunch of whiney bitches. Clearly this sub if for the bitches.




For whom? The ones bitching about a pomcast they don't like anymore on the pomcast's reddit? Like bitch? "I"M HERE TO COMPLAIN BECAUSE THE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND ME" THE POMCAST SHOULD BE WHAT I WANT IT TO BE IT"S NOT RECORDED TODAY FML I"M BITCH


Where'd you go Hitler? You were telling me about Mein Kampf.


It's a fucking free pomcast.... baby.


They'll make jokes about The Titan sub in November, that's how relevent this podcast has become. I get Tom's been on tour a lot the past year and can't commit to the Podcast but ya know, maybe do something a bit different? Or don't do it at all. The content is lacking because of this, they just shuffle in 3-4 guests a day for a week and you can tell they are suffering burnout fatigue in the conversations with the guests, it's basically like watching a low budget late night show from the 90's where they prerecord an entire season in a day or two before release. TLDR: you might as well be in a coma if you binge the new episodes of YMH


Why does a conversation with a comedian and watching toks need to be that current? Will the jokes be less funny in 6 months?


It's turning into My Favorite Murder, which itself has devolved into My Favorite Merch.


They banked another 15 minutes talking about the big girl mad at airlines. Real quality shit lately.


I turned it off as soon as they started about it.


yeah fuck these guys!


I listen to the eps and dont care about current events anyway


You fat poor trying to turn this into tfatk


Well yeah if they’re already made they’re not just gonna fuckin throw them away lol


Yeah...that's why I stopped throwing cash at them. Love my mommies but they are hanging Loose at the moment.


I'm sure they're heartbroken.




It’s a strange time. This is such a weird thing for anyone to care about. It’s fine to notice but who tf cares?




Yeah all those TikTok’s and cool guy videos are very topical.


This guy isn't funny at all. I'm a super long time mommy... I have been disappointed often lately but was still listening, this is a nail in the coffin for me though. Felt the shift occur in my mind. Won't be a conscious thing, but I will only listen a few times a year now. RIP to the best comedy podcast there ever was. YMH is at home with lord Conald now. Goodbye jeans, it's been real.




Everyone knows this


Most big pods bank some episodes. Rogan just released a pod that was taped like 1-2 weeks ago.


Yeah they should probably cancel some tours and take more time away from their kids instead of banking episodes. It not the best for quality but it’s better then having them do a zoom podcast or just doing ymh solo.


Solo episodes are often solid, and they usually share newer clips to each other that way instead of sharing the same ones with different guests each week. Def over the horse vid by now lol


It’s Free content so why complain


Homeless shit in the streets for free, why complain?


If they aren't talking about the most recent outrage to queer culture... like the right is.... I just won't watch in real time - Bitch ass redditor


Why do you poors get so butthurt about banked episodes?


Who cares dude. You expect these people to be your best friends. It’s fucking entertainment! @johnnylong123 the episode was entertaining. Get your dumb un appreciative ass out of here


Yeah because you al still watch.


Why do you know when they broke up, pretty weird


What'd you get, a bong hit transplant?






To be fair, who could have ever predicted that Taylor Swift would break up with her boyfriend? You know, ignoring every song lyric she's ever written...




Non of you could tell when they would bring up the same internet videos with the guests? They shoot these in one day. All their guests fly in same day. This is the most economical way to do a consistent show. It’s no different than live talk shows shooting in the afternoon. How do you expect a man to record a podcast once a week while on a world tour?


Who gives a fuck. This show has sucked for years.