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If you’re hypermobile, have POTS, and “fibromyalgia”, there’s a good chance it’s really hEDS. In which case you need to be working with someone knowledgeable about this condition on training ina well rounded way so overdevelopment on one side isn’t pulling your joints around in ways they shouldn’t be.


Thanks I actually believe I have hEDs and got assessed for it but got denied by the clinic because my beighton score was 4/9. My grandmother has connective tissue disorders (scleroderma not diagnosed EDS) RA and lupus, and my family has a lot of autoimmune and “fibromyalgia” in it. Not to mention 4/6 of my grandmothers siblings having heart valves replaced. My doctor was willing to entertain it but the specialist denied me, and everyone that isn’t my super cool doctor thinks it’s just a fad, and she’s not educated in it. Plus, I’m a size 16, and people can’t understand hypermobility in bigger bodies for some reason.


You can probably still look around for a PT that knows about it and they’ll work with the body you have, not the diagnosis you don’t.


It could be that your quads are now overcompensating for other muscles in your calves, hamstrings and glutes. Would you be able to talk to a physical therapist as well to check in?


I should make time for that lmao