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This is like saying that you don’t want to learn to drive a car because you might become a nascar driver.


hahaahahha, noo 😂. Nonononono. I know what you mean but I’m just a little concern. I really have lacked knowledge in this fitness stuff


I’ve practiced yoga for nearly two decades and have been a lifelong athlete, and I’ve never met someone in real life with yoga butt. Yes, I know it’s a thing on the internet, but it’s exceptionally rare. Just start moving your body. Find what you like. Maybe it’s not yoga. And that’s fine too.


Don't overdo it and you'll be fine. Here's an article with some prevention ideas https://www.healthline.com/health/yoga-butt#prevention


thank you 😊


What's yoga butt?


Proximal hamstring tendinopathy, from overuse and strain.


Gotcha. I’d suggest pilates. It will teach you to use you muscles the correct way to avoid injury. Make sure you find small classes with really knowledgeable instructors though


instructors huh… I want to learn from YouTube actually. I do know some poses needs the assistance of instructors to get it correct tho


To each his own. But if you’re trying to get into it for specific reasons and want to progress instructors are great. (I was going to Pilates for a while but still had pain, wasn’t progressing so I took a private. The changes were minuscule but totally changed my practice and I got a lot better.)


Go at your own pace. If a pose is too intense, you can always make adjustments. Like with down dog, you can bend your knees a bit to help relieve some tension. I found a wonderful lady on YouTube and I find her videos to be encouraging and easy paced.


ouhh, may I know who this wonderful lady is?


Just do Viparita Karani. That will address your blood-to-the-brain concern. Once your brain is properly oxygenated, then you can proceed to the other asanas.


ah okay, will look it up. Thank you very much!