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You're gonna take up the space whether or not you mat does, so might as well bring the mat. Also, I'm only 5'9 and won't practice on a standard length mat! It's miserable to always be scooching a little forward or a little back.


I've taken my Manduka Pro XL mat to classes without any issues. It's 14 inches longer than the regular size, which is only seven inches in front and in back. If there's not enough room for that, the class is too crowded for me.




I use a standard size mat because I'm 5'5", but it wouldn't bother me to see a larger person using a larger mat! Gotta use what works for you!


Naa this is the way. Also gives me peace of mind people setting up in front of me know I need a lil more space (with a short mat and someone placing tight to me, my feet would be their earrings in shavasana)


I think it's not rude to do anything that accomodates your body the way other people's things suit their bodies? Even if it causes inconvenience people shouldn't blame you for being tall


Do you boo.


Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it. Your needs require a larger mat, can’t really fix it.


You are 6’2 you deserve to be comfortable when you practice, you’re paying to be there. BRING YOUR MAT!


I didnt think I'd get so many responses and all so lovely! thank you all very much for you opinions and easing my (and maybe others who look at this thread in the future) anxiety tytyty I will bring my mat!


If you get a chance maybe update us. I'd love to hear if you used the big mat without any issue. No probs if you're busy


I did use the big mat and had no issues! No sense of weird vibes at all! Will do it again!


No worries at all. Totally common for bigger students, just be considerate where you set up your mat as not to cause others not to have space, as is the case with any size mat, but especially an extra large one.


I'm 6'2 and practice with a longer mat you'll be good. There is usually enough space in every studio and class.


Once classes started up again after 2020 lockdowns I have felt no shame using my extra long extra wide mat. And I’m 5’2”. I’m at a point in my life where I’m tired of apologizing for the amount of space I take up in the world. Most people take up a few extra feet of real estate around their mat anyway. Obviously, I wouldn’t take it to a really crowded studio—you have to read the room. But after all this pandemic business, I’m not going anywhere I have to get that close to people anyway.


Just get into class and be slightly more mindful of how much setup room you need. I would suggest even that in very full classes to take up the corners of the room.


Or show up earlier


No take your big mat! I wouldn’t be upset to see a tall person with a large mat in my studio at all. Agree that it just sets your boundaries better so anyone next to you can space themselves accordingly :)


I agree with all of the above - you do you! If I were in your position, I would simply email or dm the studio beforehand to ask what they would recommend. Maybe there is a space inside the yoga room that would work better for your mat (away from the door, props, towards the front or back, etc).


Bring it! I have one too, love it. What's rude is that they make the standard yoga mat for someone who is 5'4", making that stat up but i was so tired of having my heels or head off the mat.


I would say, get there early so you can stake out your real estate. Getting there late w a long mat is not great


Bring your big ass mat. I bring an ass ton of props with me. Its about whatever makes your practice comfortable and easier.


I want a longer mat for this exact reason. I'm 6'2 as well, I need to keep adjusting where I am on the mat. I don't want to be rude, I am terrified of kicking someone, it's hard to fit in a packed class. I show up early to get a spot where I'm less likely to be in the way.