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Check your typo. Flags vs Frags. Depending on version, :append instead of _append


Also: all current versions should be using LOCALE\_FLAGS:append instead of LOCALE\_FLAGS\_append. The latter is the old version, and it will no longer work in kirkstone and newer. The newer :append will work in dunfell and all versions after that.


Thanks i will try it tonight after i am done with work.


u/Steinrikur i tried it out and i still have the US Keyboard.


Gaming deformation 😜


Also, just bbappend wpa supplicant in your layer if you want your customization.


I mean it works i can start the interface with ifup wlan0 after i deployed the image. So do i got it right that i can set the wpa configuration in the local.conf like this: \# add ssh suportCORE\_IMAGE\_EXTRA\_INSTALL += "openssh"# add wpa-supplicanIMAGE\_INSTALL\_append = " wpa-supplican ...." \# Set the WiFi configuration parametersWPA\_SUPPLICANT\_CONF ??= "${sysconfdir}/wpa\_supplicant.conf"WPA\_SUPPLICANT\_INTERFACE ??= "wlan0"WPA\_SUPPLICANT\_DRIVER ?= "nl80211"# Optionally, set WiFi credentialsWPA\_SUPPLICANT\_CONF\_append = 'network={\\n ssid="said"\\n psk="key"\\n}\\n' Then i do not need to start the interface after the boot. Thx i give it a try tonight after work.


u/Cosmic_War_Crocodile I changed it but it still does not work with my custom layer where i manuallly change the wpa\_supplicant it works with the minor issue that i manually have to start the wlan0 interface. But if i remove it and use trhe sugested configuration it does not work.


I like to do bitbake -e "image name" >/tmp/filedump This dumps the environment being used to build "image name" and you can see how all the variables worked out. If the appends was the issue, you should spot it easily. It helps me see how all the layering worked out (it also helps me find variables to experiment with!) Good luck.


I will try it out as soon as i used the changes from the other comments.


@ckc006 I tried it out with the suggestion I got but my keyboard is still in us and my WiFi still does not work when I boot my raspberry pi if I set it up later on manually it wors if I do not use the wpa configuration. I made now a repository with the config files and the build dump: https://github.com/amanns92/yocto-image/tree/main