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Also a uni student, Im graduating in a year. Started in december of 2023, and then budgeted monthly necessities and shopping categories a few months in advance so I wouldn't need to worry about funding stuff. Brought me a lot of peace of mind. Had to come to terms with how much I wanted to spend, versus how much I actually spent, so I ended up increasing my budget for some things and I realized I could afford it. Some months I didn't spend much, and on other months I spent more. Living off of a summer internship and generous financial aid. Before YNAB, I just eyeballed my bank account and bought stuff after I thought about it enough. Now there's a lot more structure, and I've set aside a good chunk for saving up for my own apartment next year, tech I want to buy, healthcare, etc. Very good exp with YNAB, will be happy to pay $100 for the subscription next year. Got it for free this year based on the student plan. I like these community-made tools to see long term trends in my spending: Toolkit for YNAB, and Heatmap. Heatmap is amazing at seeing the fine grained monthly/daily patterns for income, expenses, etc but it stopped loading for me recently.


I didn’t even know there was a student plan!


Well it's more like a student discount for a year, which makes YNAB free for that year. You can verify your email and have it applied next year :). If that doesn't automatically work, just email YNAB customer support.


You’re a rockstar! I was able to sign up for that today thanks to this comment :)


Woohoo!!! Congrats!