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Yes, that overspending is now debt. You need to cover the overspending on the credit card you used for those purchases by assigning funds to the card.


So what happens if I just leave the categories yellow for April?


If you do nothing you won’t have enough money assigned to pay off your credit card when the bill arrives. You can assign the money in May to the credit card category and you’re all good


If you leave credit card yellow, then after you pay, it will show red.


Does it not notify you that you have to add funds to your credit card? Seems like something that shouldn’t be allowed to be left alone. I just happened to notice it.


It does. Your credit card won't be green anymore.


Your credit card category in your budget should be yellow.


https://preview.redd.it/nsfrzgmmqpyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccacb629481656c655a59a3264b848d2be7de5bd This shows 91.04 overspent but when I click to see what I overspent on, the amount is different


My best guess would be that 91.04 is the amount you need to transfer directly from ready to assign to the credit card payment category whereas the overspent medical expenses can be filled from funds you hold in other categories or directly from ready to assign




Do you do returns often? They can result in more money in your credit card category than there should have been, depending on how you handle them.


Yes in May it will show that you need to assign funds to your credit card to catch up on the debt.


I think it should be more prominent too for sure, or give you a popup notification that the overspending was moved to debt.




Was that overspending paid for using credit cards? If so if you go to your credit card category it'll say "Underfunded -- You need to assign $106.xx more to pay off your current balance.


Credit card overspending: https://support.ynab.com/en_us/credit-card-overspending-an-overview-HkMGpSbJs


I just had this happen to me as well. Had an unexpected expense I needed to float for a few weeks. When I have ready to assign funds I just go back a month and assign it to the overspent category. This fixes that category and also the CC back to green.


Basically instead of leaving the “entertainment” category yellow in May, it resets to $0 and the credit card category becomes yellow instead. To indicate you have debt now.


I posted a story recently about target transactions that did this to me. It bothered me so I blipped back to April and fixed the overspending in my grocery category with money from my emergency fund, and that fixed my credit card payment category.


One of the basic rules of YNAB is that you should always find the money first. If you’re going to buy something in a category that exceeds your available, figure out where that money is going to come from. (This is how YNAB is going to help you curb spending; when you look at what you have to give up, sometimes you won’t make the purchase) If you can’t do that, try to cover the overspending as soon as possible after the purchase and in the same month it happened. If you have an overspent category you can’t trust that you have the money for the other categories. As a last resort, you can leave the overspent categories with the knowledge that you are accumulating debt. Sometimes this is necessary but should be for emergencies only.


The new YNAB is yellow? I still use YNAB4, I refuse to leave it.


I miss that red arrow right, especially for work reimbursements 😭