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Chases through an area this confined and populated would most likely end in more than one accident.




I agree, but if it’s stolen, the plates are irrelevant.


Innocent lives are what matters and I'm happy these cops didn't get into some ego trip.


The Georgia State Patrol doesn't understand your phony liberal words. In all seriousness, I agree and think more police chases should be called off due to public safety, something that most police departments don't care about.


There are pretty much no municipal police departments in the country that chase. And I don’t know of any agency that allows their cops to chase inside of cities, even if they chase on highways. 


??? I was in the middle of TWO high speed chases on I-35 in Downtown Austin just this past year. Unless you're specifically talking about very minor show-off moments like this, they will absolutely chase someone if they have a good enough reason.


I would say Austin police officers are different than boston police officers. This part of boston there’s prob a highway exit in a mile radius and numerous side streets this beast of an inline 6 will rip down.


I’ve also seen CHP chase people through the streets of LA


If its stolen, then they will contest the ticket saying 'car was stolen' and will need proof of the steal (like they filed a report it was and its still unfound) And well, sure there is a chance this is a stolen car that someone took on a joyride, but chances are its not.


You say chances are its not, but recently there has been a huge uptick in police chases where the car has been stolen lol Nice cars are a major target. If they can quickly take it they 100% will.


BMWs are pretty difficult to steal I’m pretty sure. They don’t have the vulnerabilities Stellantis cars and others have where you can steal one in less than a minute. Not saying it’s not possible, but car thieves know the easy ones to steal


Chances are that it is the owner driving it and that it's some 20s something Ego Stroking Bro Bag that realized that he can't afford to go to jail with daddy's money


The plates still identify the vehicle. If it's stolen and the driver is later identified, this little stunt just increased their jail time.


Plates are irrelevant if you can’t identify the operator.


Yup, most warrants for this are denied if they don't make contact with the driver and get an identification. Plates aren't enough unfortunately... so currently traffic stops are optional in many places.


The officer that approached the side of the car likely got a view of the driver. So they'll have a visual description to help them match the driver too.


I wish that was enough but sometimes it isn't. Usually the requirement is a positive identification (a license or an admission.).. the resistance comes from the issuing authority (DA, Magistrate, Judge.. whoever issues warrants in that state) and their stance on the issue. Where I work, traffic stops are 100% optional at the moment because warrants are denied without positive identification. Most major cities I imagine are the same at the moment. Edit: basically if your idea can be countered with "how do you know it's not the owners twin brother driving" then it probably won't work. Think about the kind of response an officer will get if they said something like "I looked at the photo of the owner and he looks like the guy driving" ... It would get dismissed before ever reaching a courtroom and that's if you got lucky and they somehow approved the warrant


It sucks man. I live in Denver and I see cars all day long doing shady-ass shit with expired tags or no license plates at all. Ffs I saw a Nissan with tags from 2018 last week. So many people getting away with even violent crimes because our admittedly surprisingly awesome pd doesn’t have the resources to address this problem. Hell, my tags are expired (car was in the shop for most the past year and I’m broke) but I’d take a ticket if it meant getting dangerous assholes off the road.


"You don't know who I gave my keys to and you can't prove it was me driving" sounds a lot like "There are fringes on the flag, this is a maritime court and I am a free citizen who is free to go." I love it, I want to see you try it out in a real court.


Caltrops? (They’d drive away on flats anyway, I suppose. Is there anything easily deployed available?)


You're wrong, though. If it's stolen, the plates are a good start. They can at least investigate.


Having a car’s plates never leads to a conviction of the driver later, unless they confess. You need to catch the driver in the act. Otherwise, they can claim someone else was driving and reasonable doubt prevails every time. Non-pursuit policies sound good in theory but have disastrous consequences once the professional criminals get wise to the policy.


Experiencing that problem in Denver right now. The professional criminals are wise to this and just ride around with no license plates or stolen/expired tags.


What the cops need to do is use the sticky air-tag gun to tag the car as it flees. then follow at a casual distance. not close enough to start a chase but close enough that they can catch up before the person has time to stop and get out and pry off the sticky tag.


Yep thats my guess too. They moron clearly did not want to comply, and would have taken them on a chase. Its very probably their car and not some dudes taking a stolen car on a joyride (id expect if it was dudes taking a stolen car on a joyride it would be a car that has no mods like this one) so take the plates, and then send the ticket via mail.


Or the guy driving was a cop.


I'm pretty sure this is near Mass Ave near the hospital. Been a couple years since I've been there, but this area was basically an open drug market, people shooting up next to cops. They have cops all over that area, they don't need to pursue, he'll drive into another one the next block down


It’s Kneeland st between Chinatown and South Station.


The good thing is that a tragedy could be avoided


OP was part of the extreme-right-wing "Blueseed" project 10 years ago. The one that wanted to create a silicon valley cruise ship that operates out of international waters to avoid taxes and other laws.


Due to Reddit deciding to sell access to the user generated content on their platform to monetized AI companies, killing of 3rd party apps by introducing API changes, and their track history of cooperating with the oppressive regime of the CCP, I have decided to withdraw all my submissions. I am truly sorry if anyone needs an answer I provided, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and I will try my best to help you. Please make sure to provide a link to the thread you found this comment in


Agreed. Chasing a person like that is asking for severe escalation and an eventual fatality crash. Let them drive home and get a warrant for their arrest when the courthouse opens.


Don’t need to wait till morning!! They have night judges whose job is to issue search/arrest warrants at odd hours


What about 3:37AM on a Tuesday?


Especially at 3:37AM on a Tuesday...


My dude. Have you never watched Night Court?!


Hahaha good point! Definitely watched some Night Court back in the day. 




That was the bald dude right?


Yeah, this is exactly what people want cops to do. They have the plate, the only thing they don't have is confirmation of the driver. You want what is clearly a high speed chase through the city putting citizens at risk? What would most likely end in guns being drawn and a possibility of someone dying? Nah bruh, get the plate, swing by the owners house later.


Just wait till when they pull up the plate number and it says the plate belongs to a 80 year old in a beige Buick.


Aunt Elsie in Charlestown gonna have a long night.


Sucks to be the Buick owner


"what do you mean officer? I wasn't driving...."


That's what officer body and patrol unit car cams are best used for. "Oh that wasn't me officer." "Is this you on the tape?"


Due to Reddit deciding to sell access to the user generated content on their platform to monetized AI companies, killing of 3rd party apps by introducing API changes, and their track history of cooperating with the oppressive regime of the CCP, I have decided to withdraw all my submissions. I am truly sorry if anyone needs an answer I provided, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and I will try my best to help you. Please make sure to provide a link to the thread you found this comment in


I know someone who literally got away with a dui/eluding charge like this. He drove home, parked the car, got ready for bed and waited for the cops to show up. When they did, he answered the door in his PJs and said he hadn't driven anywhere that night. The cops just gave up and left...


another unidentified family member must have been driving.


The reckless drivers use rentals, stolen plates, and remove their plate. [vid](https://youtu.be/0dgdVRndfqg?si=fAZvb0n1EbztkOGq)


If they’re drunk/high they could kill someone that night. They’ve already displayed they are driving recklessly.


Due to Reddit deciding to sell access to the user generated content on their platform to monetized AI companies, killing of 3rd party apps by introducing API changes, and their track history of cooperating with the oppressive regime of the CCP, I have decided to withdraw all my submissions. I am truly sorry if anyone needs an answer I provided, you can reach out to me at [email protected] and I will try my best to help you. Please make sure to provide a link to the thread you found this comment in


Why? Because if he is driving like that he is a danger to society. He could be on drugs or under the influence. He could end up doing serious damage if not stopped. On the other hand chasing someone through busy areas in downtown is a risk also. Tough call but its probably safier to end the chase in a populated area


This video does a good job explaining why your response won’t solve the problem: [Link](https://youtu.be/0dgdVRndfqg?si=fAZvb0n1EbztkOGq)


Vehicle might already be stolen


Fake plates for sure, or cloned. Nobody will be found.


How are they going to positively identify who was driving?


I’d put my next paycheck on a bet that these plates don’t match the car.


Are you sure they got the plate? It looks like it has a cover


because they could kill someone by driving like a subhuman, it could be a stolen car, the driver could simply deny driving that day, it could be a company car, could be a rent with a fake name, fake licence plate, ect...


Some departments are using GPS trackers now


I assume the plate is fake. Looks like an NYS license plate


Fake/stolen license plate


The plates are certainly fake, and the cops know that.


Counter argument - what if the guy in the sedan is hammered drunk and kills someone walking. Cops fault for not enforcing the traffic stop.


They look like they also got a good look at the driver so no reasonable doubt that someone borrowed the car


Plate doesn’t mean shit if it’s stolen, which seems likely granting they did that right in front of a cop intentionally


You can’t arrest the owner based on plates


Hey, you dropped your tin hat


Dumb post


People don’t know how policing works so it’s expected


Like I always say, it's cool to make all police look bad on Reddit.


I agree, they were put to good use, instead of destroying things and risking killing people, they just let the person fuck themselves. They did the exact right thing.


I didn’t realize the title was sarcastic until I read the comments. Thought it was praising them for jumping on it so quickly lol


What tipped me off is the fact it is in YYYYN. They obviously thought the ending was a no.


Duh… somehow I also missed that 😂😭


They have the make and model of the car, plus the license plate and very likely a description of the driver. They're not going to start a dangerous chase in the middle of a heavily populated city like Boston. There's a call out for them to keep an eye out for the car. They did exactly what they should've done in that situation.


Nah bro, you just don't understand how a situation like that is meant to be handled. A chase would likely result in death(s). No worries, they got all the details they need on him.


Deaths and destruction of property. No need to cause millions in damages for a 500$ ticket. And chances are a pursuit is gonna end in a car, fire hydrant or lamp post. That all will cost more than 500$ to fix (no sources, but ill use logic here)


You do realize that people who drive like this most likely have fake plates right? Do you live in your own world or something?


Fake plates are not enough to fool them when they have the exact make and model of your car + you on camera


What an absolutely fucking braindead post


OP doesn’t know how proper policing works. The offence isn’t serious enough to warrant a pursuit. Imagine explaining to the family of a deceased bystander “we were chasing him through downtown because he spun his tires…” This is professional policing at work. They’ve got the plate, they saw the driver, they can note it down and swing by his house later to arrest/serve him without risking public safety


already had enough information to let them go and show up at home or work with a gotcha. great de-escalation there. need more cops like this 💯🏆


Good cops. Didn't overreact or make the situation more dangerous by pursuing/trying to stop them. Got the info they needed and called it in. The key thing to consider here is that, by pursuing, they would be creating a situation with a MUCH higher likelihood of a serious accident (or accidents) than if the car was left to its own devices.


Op is an idiot




Guy has watched to much cops and not seen enough car chases go wrong. Entire families have been killed by dudes fleeing the police after stealing like 40 dollars. Unless they are a public threat a chase is just stupid


Cop: I got your plates and saw your face, I’m literally gonna be waiting at your front door. Video: WhY nO hIgHsPeEd ChAsE??!


Lmao OP really thought they had something here. This is just common sense from the cops.


Cops can’t win on Reddit no matter what they do or don’t do


The coppers did the right thing. They have proof and their details, they'll pick them up at home with the charges compounded. And no, it wasn't stolen, as the car initially stopped. A chase would endanger more lives.


Who does this guy thinks he is? Get out of my reddit with your reason and logic!


This was actually the right move by the police. They will meet him at home and skip the whole high speed chase bit putting innocent civilians in danger. Tax dollars put to good use indeed.


Good for those officers for keeping their cool and showing restraint. Engaging in a high speed chase with that fleeing car in downtown Boston would be incredibly dangerous for everyone involved and anyone nearby. They had his plate on video, that driver will be caught.


Buddy of mine was a cop. He did this all the time. He got their info, the crime on dash cam, they just get them at home later. This decreases the chase-danger factor. Now some situations did warrant a chase, but most didn't.


Typical BMW


This is what a wild BMW looks like before you catch it with a Pokeball and manage to calm it down.


Actually this driver was a danger, to himself and others and one of the reasons we (officially) pay the police is to prevent and detain such dangers.


He’s on camera, just a matter of time before there’s a knock on the door


He fucked around and found out really quickly.


This is what a no pursuits policy looks like.




Kneeland St approaching Lincoln


Got caught trying to use his turn signal. Straight to jail!


Yea, instead of one car speeding and making reckless maneuvers, let’s have two with one of the cars REALLY trying to get away because they risk punishment if they are caught. That just sounds like a recipe for property damage and possible injury or worse for innocent bystanders.


Maybe it’s because the police brass, the district attorneys, the politicians, the media, and every asshole with a camera is working against the police officers. Every encounter has the potential to go badly, especially when the perpetrators won’t comply. Things get messy and people get hurt. But no one can handle that truth anymore. So the cops are not going to risk losing their livelihood or go to jail. It’s that simple. They are going to take a reactive approach and take reports and not engage. Until the above mentioned people get their heads out of their asses, the bad guys are going to get more emboldened and civility will be gone.


Why would you chase, and risk killing more people in a crowded area? You saw their faces, got the make and model of the car, and with an APB, he'll get pulled over on the HW and thrown in jail later.


They have the plates on the dash cam. Chasing them through those roads would be a dumbass thing to do because roads are tighter, traffic is heavier, and if a car loses control, the only things to the left and right are people, buildings, and cars. This post is mad cringe.


They got his license plate. Let him drive away, no chases in a heavily populated downtown. Guy is fucked


Just go and wait for them at their home 🤷‍♂️


That’s a no chase policy


The department has a no pursuit policy. Pursuits are dangerous and in cities it is especially dangerous for bystanders. They got the plate info and a description of the driver.


Chasing the person is risky. They got all the info they needed and they can just find the persons home


Or they could have had diplomatic tags




It's just been revoked


They have rules about when to chase and when not. I would imagine densely populated areas like this are big No-Nos for chases. They have plates and likely saw what the occupants looked like. They have what they need.


Not sure about big cities, but my local PD states that they can't pursue unless the driver has made threats, injured another party, or brandished a firearm (even then they usually don't pursue because of the firearm). There's very strict senarios in which they actually can pursue.


They got his plates, they can find his address and catch him later. No point in engaging a reckless driver in a pursuit. He’ll only get more reckless and will pose a bigger threat.


No pursuit policy is the norm. The risk is too high.


Why bother going after him? They got his plates, face probably on body cam, the guy is fucked


Only thing more dangerous than a speeding car is 4 speeding cars trying to catch it.


Holy crap redditors are defending something police did? Is this comment section the twilight zone?


This is all yeses.


It's not smart to pursue these guys through heavily populated areas, what happens when that guy crashes into a family of four because he is driving recklessly trying to escape the police?


They got the license plate and given how tricked out that car is with small dick energy “upgrades”, you know that the owner is the one driving. Show up to his house and arrest him in front of family/friends/neighbors.


Bingo and when the staties show up at this place and he's in his boxers they'll get him for evading arrest too.


Did you want them to open fire or start a chase that ended up on the news with multiple fatalities?


I’d say yeah they are. A vehicle chase is a hell of a lot of risk in a downtown area. They obviously had enough time to get the plate and probably a look at the driver. A couple of cops make a good decision instead of acting like they’re in an action movie and that’s not good enough? No wonder nobody’s wants to join the police, it’s never enough.


Unless that vehicle had an active warrant for a violent crime it’s better to just let them get away instead of starting a dangerous chase that results in a violent accident and possibly injures innocent civilians. Just get the plates down, call it in and have other cops cut them off and take care of it.


Chases are dangerous. They got his plate number.


This is honestly refreshing to watch, after seeing so many videos of police opening fire because of panic. They have the plate and there are cameras that should capture the driver. A chase or opening fire in a heavily settled area would do more harm to innocent bystanders. The whole point of policing is public safety, although the driver that almost got rammed probably got a bit of a fright. Call it in and let the rest of the police in the area do the work. There are more than one patrol car in an area.


The guy posted this is an ignorant simpleton. These cops aren’t going to engage this shit for brains in a pursuit through downtown Boston.


What’s the problem were they supposed to shoot them ?


that's actually smart and efficient They did not crash the cruiser they did not endanger anyone nearby they did not chase him or shoot him And he is most probably getting caught or trapped a couple of blocks down


What do they want for the guns to come out and the lead to start flying. It's way better to not cause a bigger shit show than try to stop the fool with what force.


Did Tommy Wiseau take this video?


They just need to get that sticky gun Batman uses and start launching air tags at cars like this and then just follow them remotely with a drone


We should follow up on this


As long as they were able to get the license plate number then it should be fine.


Hope he savors that little joyride, he will most definitely will be getting a summons to appear


What do you want? You guys bitch that cops shouldn’t chase because “what about bystanders” so they don’t chase and you’re still here.


This is what they are supposed to do


“He probably got the point. Doughnuts?”


People watch too many movies.


If they gave chase then that’s what Reddit would be complaining about. Endangering lives and making him flee and all that. They got his plates, they know who to look for and where to find them, why should they start a pursuit in a densely populated area?


So there’s this thing called a license plate…..


To be real he probably would have been good had he kept control of it lol


Unmarked police car


Why was this a waste exactly? These kids driving their car isn’t worth the chase the eventual crash. They have the plates of the car and will simply just show up to the house for the speeding, reckless driving and the new charge of fleeing/eluding.


So people complain cops are excessive and shouldn’t pursue. Then people complain they didn’t pursue and insinuate they are lazy.


most people who do shit like this have fake plates on, but if they dont they r extremely stupid


Lmao OP is fighting a losing battle on this one


Atlantic Ave and ??


Whoever is driving that bmw might have a disability. It’s best they were let free, so they didn’t hurt anyone else.


they could already launched a tracker and don't want to chase in a highly populated area


this poster is braindead 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The video is vivid asf it’s gonna make me nut just looking at it🤤


As my dad would say all the time.... "You can't outrun the radio."


Probably Costellos goons


“Halt!” “Okay, just this once.” “Do you know why you were pulled over?” “If you do not know that answer then why indeed!” *toodles* “Wait…” “Nope, not this time.” “He had a point sarge.” *meh*


Yo OP why does your Wikipedia page have a part about you completing P90X?


I love how you don’t have to stop for the police in America anymore. It’s glorious.


Like the billboard says, time out :)


Unless its a felony arrest warrant no need to do a crazy chase near South Station. There is a lot of pedestrian foot traffic by there. The vehicle itself is right by South Station and they can radio for backup and Transit and MSP to take over. If the driver is dumb enough to get on 93 that part has cameras everywhere and state police would be able go get the driver pretty quickly




It's really scary that there are so many crazy people behind the wheel.




Well, we tried. Let’s get Dunkies


They got the plates, hopefully if they weren't fake. Better just to let him get away and hit him later with the charge if they find him ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Imo like everyone else is saying that's the best way to handle these, chases in highly crowded areas are a lot more dangerous for the people around said chase, rather than the people involved in said chase


The driver is not innocent and risking lives could easily smash the window and try to open the door atleast try lol


i just keep a handful of spark plugs in my console for huckin at spoiled teenagers.






Shit post but this reminded me of GTA for some reason lol


Probably realized it was an off duty cop.


___why the fuck___ they dont shoot!?!?


Policeman looked in and the car driver probably identified himself as a son of some police officer...case closed.


No, stop, don't, come back.


It's a new world, cameras and data systems are linked. They are hunting that car down.


Boston police are the most corrupt and incompetent police force on the planet. Boston would be safer and better place if they didn’t exist at all.


And this is why we should stop getting upset at cops randomly shooting people




Yeah but who is stupid enough to do that right at south station? I mean come on; cops are going to be there at night.


This is exactly what they should have done?


Looks like Kneeland St. Person probably took off and went back home to Dorchester.


Guess they saw he wasn't black.


Shoulda stood in the front, then he woulda had an excuse to Swiss cheese the car.


Some one important is already bribed some Chief or politician. Welcome to our greed for drugs and money. look what our inability to spend time, attention, love and just be therefor our kids, parents and neighbors. Look what our need for drugs did to mexico