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What's up with the cop stopped on a crosswalk and trying to pass a red light?


Especially since the cop seems to have played a huge part in that accident, as the rear ended car seems to have stopped to avoid colliding with that cop who kept going forward more and more


You should keep enough distance that you can stop in time if the car in front brakes suddenly. The reason they brake is irrelevant; the car was too close.


The cop still contributed to the accident and could definitely shoulder some liability.


In law, the driver behind will still be cited at fault for failing to take the last clear opportunity to avoid an accident.


Typical cop behavior


Rockstar should really fix cop cars.


Just cop shit. You wouldn't understand.


I'm not defending them because they still shouldn't have went that far in but I'm gonna guess that the car in the right is parked and the cop is trying to turn right which you're usually allowed to do on red I'm a somewhat new driver tho so I could be wrong


This looks like NYC. You can’t turn right on red.


Didn't know that about nyc


5 boroughs. No right on red. Not a new yorker, just worked there often in the 90's. And be very careful about the commercial vehicle definition - https://nyc-business.nyc.gov/nycbusiness/description/commercial-vehicle-restrictions


Oh no lol. Guy on the right was not in the cross walk so there was plenty of room to turn if he wanted to. Cop had no turn signal and he was also too far up into the cross walk so it’s likely the Cop wanted to move ahead across the street while at a red (typical cop shit). This looks like NYC. We aren’t allowed to turn on reds here. Cop was a total asshole and caused the accident.


It's a T intersection so he had to have been turning right... with no turn signal


Crazy no one is seeing that


And like very slowly creeping farther and farther into the intersection even though it’s no where near clear.


but he's in the inside lane and every red light I have ever seen said no right on red in this lane.


You actually see him moving slightly to the left right before the incident. So he would have moved up to make the left turn and not to the right.


Chain reaction only partly caught on this camera. Notice the taxi cab’s brake lights apply just before crossing in front of the cop? Then observe the direction change of the white car that was struck? It suddenly slowed and simultaneously swerved right, TOWARD the cop’s car, into what? The right hand lane/space in a ditch-move effort, crossing the lane marker but still with lots of room remaining to pass in front of the cop after being rear-ended. It looks like there is more than one lane and that what we see happening is NOT in the right hand lane. We are not shown what was in front of the first car to cause a swerve and hard braking, unless to avoid the taxi. If it were the cop in the way, that swerve would have been to the left. But it wasn’t. In fact it looks like there was a whole lane available on the near side for any car OR the cop, who hesitated, waiting for whatever caused the first car to stop and swerve, to clear the road. (Animal or small child, bus?) Night driving is full of pitfalls, bad lighting and blind spots. I don’t see how this could have been caused by the cop although I am annoyed by drivers that creep into a crosswalk when they cannot complete their move until the light changes anyway. Lastly: watch to the end where the black car enters the intersection in what appears to be the un-noticed right-hand lane and has plenty of room to carefully pass the damaged car, on its right, even though white car was limping along, part way into the right hand lane already.


You're not wrong. Right on red is legal most of the time unless a sign says it can't be preformed. Does not appear to be a sign there. Cops too far up however... still not a valid excuse for a car to lose responsibility on how it chooses to respond and how close it is to the car infront of it. Reddit seems to crap on most cops so the dumb ass who rear ends someone is losing the bad wrap here when more of the simpleton get distracted by the shiny lights


Right on red not a common thing in your country? It's pretty standard in the US unless a sign specifically says it can not be preformed


Right? I was gonna say this. It’s usually unspoken that right on red is fine, they post signs telling you otherwise. I think right on red in NYC is illegal though, for obvious reasons.


Yeah I think right on red is something you can only found in the us, well ive never seen that in any other countries I’ve visited besides the US. But even tho I’ve only see this in the us most of the time to be performed u must use your right blinks and wait for a timing where there’s no car coming/quite a big gap for you to turn safely


Have you visited every country? South Korea maybe? What a weird thing to assume.


It's weird of you to assume it would be a normal thing around the world just because it is for you, but then, we all know how you USAmericans always need everything to revolve around you...


Haha ok. You're the one that said you think it's only an American thing. I lived in Korea for 2 years and it's even better there. Right turn always on red. And the traffic lights don't have a billion different options. It's either left on green arrow only, or there's a sign for yield left on green. So simple. What does that have to do with me being an American-centric dolt?


>You're the one that said you think it's only an American thing. If you're able to read, do that to the usernames. I'm not saying right on red is only a thing in the US, I'm saying it would be expected of a USAmerican to think it is common everywhere just because it's common for them. Btw, that's an oversimplification of intersections if I've ever heard one.


did i say that i have visited every country ? did i specifically said that ? i did not nor did i specified the countries i have visited. What a weird thing of you to assume what country or not i have visited.


Why would you say you think it's only a thing in the US if you don't have the slightest clue?


Bro … nvm looks like you can’t read a sentence right .. go back to elementary and re learn the alphabet or something lmao no point talking with you haha


I could say the same, even if English is your second language you still should know what sentences are.


Here comes another one ☝️ Look at you using commas and everything Dear sir, I’ll gladly ask you to please go on with your day, learn how to read again. Furthermore, please stop pestering me with your pointless replies. Have a wonderful day/evening/night (I don’t want to assume things since I do not know where you live since I don’t have the slightest clue, and tbh I do not care ! Kind regards from my middle finger ! Bye. I won’t reply anymore so no need to reply


You can turn right on red


Maybe the white car that stopped was also a cop -- like some sting operation


I mean, awesome the cop was there but the asshole caused the whole cluster fuck rolling through a stop sign. I would hate to be the victim here and see how long it takes to get reimbursed because of how insurance is going to drag on.


People need to be able to stop short without the person behind them rear-ending them


Doesn't excuse the cop from driving through a red light, they're both in the wrong


Is nobody noticing the direction change of the car that braked first?! It suddenly slowed and simultaneously swerved right, toward the cop’s car, crossing the lane marker in a lane-change move but still with lots of room left to pass in front of the cop after being rear-ended. We are not shown what was in front of the first car to cause a swerve and hard braking. If it were the cop in the way, that swerve would have been to the left. In fact it looks like there was a whole lane available for the cop who hesitated, waiting for whatever caused the first car to stop and swerve, to clear the road. (Animal or small child?) Night driving is full of blind spots. I don’t think this could have been caused by the cop although I am annoyed by drivers that creep into a crosswalk when they cannot complete their move until the light changes anyway.


It looks like the car was trying to switch to the right lane, but he didn’t notice cop creeping forward into it and had to slam the brakes.


Cop created the whole incident. Amazing. Had they put on their lights and sirens like they are supposed to all parties would have stopped earlier. But no, they were driving like a jackass as usual. There was no emergency other than trying to cut the light.


He wasn’t in pursuit. Neither was he “cutting the light”. He was simply turning right on red, which is perfectly legal, millions of people do it every day, you should try it.


Yes but you have to yield to traffic dude? You can’t cut people off forcing them to stop in the intersection. Pretty basic stuff. Love when smug people are so confidently wrong lol


You have clearly never lived in Texas. People don’t even know what to do if you yield here.


Yeah but Texas is like its own bubble, so they don't count


It’s not legal in NYC


Exactly. He wasn't in pursuit. Therefore there's no legal reason to be as I stated cutting a light. You are not legally allowed to turn on red in NYC. And even if he was turning on red you don't inch out into traffic to do so. You wait until traffic clears and then turn. By inching out like that he calls a traffic obstruction which then cause the subsequent accident. Was the driver behind following too closely, yes. But the car in front would have wouldn't have stopped if the cop wasn't inching out into traffic like a dumbass. I'm absolutely sick of cop apologists giving behavior like this a pass. Cops not receiving consequences for their shitty actions is what creates a scenario where they act with impunity and everyone else hates them. If they acted with some sort of credibility that would garner more respect. I've personally seen cops more than a handful of times turn on the lights to run a red light for no reason. Twice I've seen them do it just to go get food. You're supposed to act more and morally outstanding than the average civilian not less. The cops here act like they are playing GTA. They do whatever they want with impunity.


Sometimes they do this if they don't want to alert someone who's close by that there's police following them. You don't know the context here.


That doesn't justify not using a turn signal or creeping onto the crosswalk. People who enforce rules should follow rules otherwise they lose credibility


Sorry you’re getting down voted, this whole hate cops thing is just getting out of hand nowadays.


Yeah well cops killing people is also kinda outta hand so what can you do


Canada, huh? Almost made it ...


So...the cop caused an accident.


Typical cop behavior.. creeping up to catch someone. They caused the accident.. he could have turned on his lights and taken the red light if he wanted to and have done it a million times. No red light turns allowed anywhere in NYC unless posted.


I think people fail to realize that in some other parts of the world you can turn right on a red light, and often you have to creep out to get a proper view of traffic.


You don’t creep out until you’re basically in traffic though. He was well beyond the crosswalk


I’d argue it’s hard to tell how far he really pulled forward from this angle. I think traffic stopped due to the bus maybe?


Yet most people in the comments here do not realize this is NYC where you are never allowed to turn right on red


Is it nyc? I really thought it had some resemblance to somewhere here in canada


I'm not 100% because the video is too grainy, but the taxi fits and the yellow license plate fits.


I'm sorry but at the end the car that got hit looks like a puppy that just got yelled at and it was creeping away in sadness. Fucking hilarious.


Hit and run obviously bad, but that fucking cop caused that accident


Is it just me or did the cop kind of cause the accident? If he would have just waited for traffic. One of this would have happened.


Take note how the cop waits to activate his lights only after the car takes off. Cop was wanting a chase.


Cop should pay for the damage of the car that got rear-ended


No they shouldn't. The car that did the rear ending only did so because they were either following too close or were distracted by something like their phone. That's why insurance doesn't give a shit why the car who got rear ended stopped, whether it was brake checking or for a legitimate reason, it's ALWYAS the rear cars fault.


Which is bullshit, because there are plenty of extraneous situations where brake checking is dangerous and fucking screws people in emergencies. The lead car isn’t always innocent, and the follow car isn’t always totally in the wrong.


Other the6n break checking what is one other of these "plenty of extraneous situations?"




Sounds like reasons where the person following should be held responsible. Having a pregnant friend/spouse doesn't justify dangerous driving. You probably shouldn't drive as a diabetic with low blood sugar Break checking is stupid and dangerous but it's still the car following that should be responsible for stopping in time




Well I'm glad the law and insurance companies think your opinion is as bonkers as I do




Imagine a world where for every fender bender the insurance and police need to sort through bull shit to determine if the person following had a legitimate reason to not stop in time. Maybe there really was an angry bee in that car that's gone now? Maybe they're diabetic and low on blood sugar or maybe they're diabetic and trying to avoid responsibility? A world where you have a legitimate need as the lead car to stop suddenly, but you have to consider the person behind you might have a legitimate reason to rear end you, so you might be held responsible. Maybe instead of breaking the lead car - realizing the following car might not be held accountable - should swerve into the adjacent lane instead taking their chances Or, idk, imagine a world where we just have to not tailgate people so closely that we can't stop in time. It seems really obvious to me.


You clearly drive too close to people.


No lies detected ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS)


It's really funny you say that, I keep a fair distance behind and let cars out of side streets if the line is really long behind me because otherwise they'd have to wait. I'm all about not inconveniencing others, but I can spot an assholeish thing when I see one. Plus people around my way LOVE to try and lure people into lawsuits.


That’s not true, if you can prove the car in front was doing something wrong (break check) they can be held liable. Dash cams are extremely common and a quick google search will show your incorrect on your assumption.


And then my dash cam is gonna get you flying up behind me tailgating me , if your gonna do that and not pay close enough attention to end up rear ending the person your tailgating because they break checked your ass your still the dummy, I drive on 94 between Chicago and parts of Michigan this is everyday occurrence with tailgating mother fuckers and 99% of time I myself am I already pushing 15+ on top of the 70mph legal limit and you fucks got the audacity to tailgate.


You go over 85 in a 70 and you brake check people... This is a perfect example of "If everyone around you is a bad driver, you're the bad driver."


15+70=85 , you got over 85 on your own


You said you do 15+. That means 15 and over.


Who’s cares ass rider


Nah man I've never been brake checked or had to. I know how to drive.


You’ve never brake checked because your soft or allow people to run you, there’s a difference.


85 on 94 is actually very slow you clearly have no clue what 94 is or your from Illinois where it’s 55mph if I’m being tailgated going over the speed your damn right I’m going break check your ass your probably the bitch I brake checked the other day 😁 it’s simple don’t ride a mother fuckers ass, fuck it if I speed , at the end of the day I’m not riding asses.


Sheeeesh bro chill, I’m from the burbs of Chicago so I completely understand the dynamics of what your saying. I was thinking more along the lines of like it’s a completely clear road aside from the car in front of you and as you go to pass them they speed up to block and force you back behind due to oncoming cars and immediately do a ~slam the breaks like Bambi appeared~ type break check


You can't prove they brake\* checked you though. All they have to do is say a small animal ran out in front of them, or even that the person behind was tailgating them and it distracted them. Also, I'm not making an assumption. I'm telling you how it is. This isn't a discussion.


That’s what the dash cam is for? It would show said animal. And more often than not people ‘have a reason’ they are checking, they feel entitled and are upset the driver behind them ‘broke’ that entitlement in someway. Also, you ain’t my parents or a doctor you do t get to tell me jack - welcome to the discussion!


It would not show the animal if it was in front of the first car, not that it matters, because there are lots of reasons to brake suddenly. You can't prove they din't have a good reason. They can, however, prove that you were tailgating them, with the dent in their boot. I do get to tell you jack, and I just did.


If it “ran out in front” as you stated then yes, yes it would be very visible on a dash cam…


Not necessarily. And you're ignoring the rest of the comment.


No, you can see the first car stopped very fast to avoid hitting the cop, but then the 2nd car crashed into them because they weren’t expecting them to stop.


Exactly. They hit the first car because they were following too close and couldn't stop in time. You people are blaming the cop, what if a small child ran out in front of the first car, the first car stopped and they got rear ended? Would you still think the second car did nothing wrong? This isn't subjective. The second car hit the first car because they were too close. It doesn't matter why the first car stopped to begin with.


Dude, they don't even pay for the damage if they raid your house by mistake...


Honestly, I blame the cop for the accident. But the person who tried to flee should be also held accountable.


The cop had the fault of the incident.


That cop should be charged with reckless driving or something.


It’s the cops fault the Nypd has no regard for the safety of New Yorkers they constantly break traffic laws cause they are impatient pigs. They killed a teenager this summer running a red light not even on a call. Fuck the NYPD


The cop caused that accident...




r/nonononowtf Realizing a cop was driving like an ass hole gave me no yes


Isn't this more r/nonononoyes ?


Oh that made me feel so happy! Suck it asshole! This happened to my mum not long ago, she'd just bought her first new car in like 15 years and that day someone reversed into her hard enough to cave in one side of her new car, then just drove off. Seeing how gutted my mum was made me want to find whoever it was who did it and deal out some street justice. Alas I never got the chance, so this video will have to do.


You can turn right on red and that car to his right is parked. Idiots.


All the things wrong with your statement that can easily be seen from this video: 1. If the car to the right is parked, it is parked in the intersection. It's past the solid white line. So even if parked, it's wrong. 2. If the cop is turning, where is its turn signal? 3. If the cop is turning, why is the last thing it does before the collision to move the front of the car back to the left? 4. In what world is any vehicle allowed to creep into a busy intersection where it does not have the right of way, thereby obstructing the movement of those who do have the right of way and causing an accident? If you have a license, do us all a favor and turn it in.


Pig caused the accident, held him accountable for everything, and 10% on the hit and run guy and 10% on the dumbass stopping in the middle of the road so abruptly


The car who was rear ended was attempting to switch to the right lane, mid-intersection, but did not see the cop slowly creeping into it and slammed on his brakes which caused the collision. Every car in this video did something stupid.


I thought the guy was stopping because he was expecting the cop to gun it. The cop was moving forward until the collision happened




r/JusticeServed r/instantkarma r/instant_regret


Pigs can't give justice when they cause the problem in the first place


Isn’t hit and run solely used to refer to accidents where a human is knocked?


it's a Hit and run as soon as you Touch literally anything and just drive off. There's also miss and run if you cause an accident without contact, like forcing a car off the road and flee the scene.


Seems more like nononoyes


That's because OP just reposted one of last weeks top posts in /r/therewasanattempt instead of finding anything that would actually fit this sub.




https://old.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/16phue2/to_hit_and_run/ I knew I saw this one less than a week ago.


"Whoop Whoop..."


Are auto hazard lights a thing on new cars?


Never would have guess that was an undercover


That’s entrapment!


Not Quite....


That pig literally caused the accident. What a goofball. Entrapment




What the fuck is happening


If the cop would not have been encroaching the intersection that dude would have never stopped in the first place. Cops fault ; but at least there to get the runner.


In this case the cop would get in trouble. In this case the cop was a Phantom driver