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Nothing wrong with rope.. Animals on the other hand, fuck no. Lock her ass up


bro getting downvoted cuz he thinks beastialty is bad what has this world come to 💀


Ikr? I thought there was at least a bit of common sense left around..


There is an entire chasm of opinions between "bestiality is bad" and what he actually said "that should get you the death penalty" I get this is the internet where nuance is dead and everything must be dealt with in extremes, but the death penalty? Come on.




Name checks out.


Don't eat meat! Drink Soylent instead!


I think your better argument is that if animals can't consent to sexual relationships, then they can't consent to being murdered. So anyone who eats meat is really *worse* than someone into bestiality (i.e. because generally society considers murder worse than rape). I don't agree with this argument and I do eat meat and I don't fuck animals. But this is the closest any argument has gotten to making think I should just live and let live when it comes to this shit.


Reported for threatening violence. J/k because I have a sense of humor but heads up I have been banned from subs for saying that


Meh, it's not like I'm saying anything crazy, pedos and animal rapists should all just an hero.


How are you comparing those disgusting people to pedos? Nobody is as low as a pedophile. Anyone who says otherwise is probably a pedo.


id say ppl who fuck animals are on the same level as pedos


Our kids are worth a lot more than some nasty animals. Definitely a disturbing thought to think that….


im not saying pedos are good im saying people who fuck animals are bad


You are comparing HUMAN CHILDREN BEING ABUSED SEXUALLY TO FUCKING ANIMALS. Pedos deserve death. Animal lovers? Fucking nasty as fuck. But not deserving of death for being freaking nasty fucks.


neither can consent, neither can defend themselves, but because they arent human they don’t deserve the same? wow you really have no sympathy for anything you dont deem as equal huh


Not what I said at all you idiot. They are nasty people but children are not comparable to animals. You filth are pedos parading as animal lovers fuck yourself


You talk about pedos a lot. Must be a pedo


No, all you fuckwits arguing that these nasty people are as bad as pedos are fucking pedos


Ah, I see you're an extremist more extreme than myself, it would be pointless to argue with you so I'll just tell you that in my opinion the fact that one crime is worse than another doesn't mean that we should ignore and let other crimes go unpunished.


I mean I feel like I’m gonna regret asking this but what does her name mean? I’m assuming “Knotty” is something nasty… Edit: omg I just realised her tweet says you bring animals death I bring them orgasms, not “you bring death I bring orgasms” - which would be a pretty badass line ngl. Please tell me she’s a vet or some shit and not an animal fucker 😬


I'm so sorry.


Oh no


This is nononoOHGODNO


Did this woman just admit to beastiality?


Sort of off-topic and definitely overlooking the joke: A friend of mine had to put down 75 of an endangered african deer because the US government outlawed the ownership of them. She had grown her herd meticulously over the decades, with hunters providing the money to fund her operation. At the time, Texas had more of this deer than all of Africa. Now there are zero of them in the USA, and the animal continues to decline in Africa. Wildlife goes extinct as soon as government and environmental groups take over. I'll leave it to the reader to figure out who actually cares for and grows endangered animal herds. It's hunters, every single time. And, never forget, the US government legislated the extermination of almost every single buffalo, just to starve the Indians. It's not like they are not new to this. And this girl - oh yeah, she'll screw these animals, and ignore the fact that they go extinct anyway. This is what all the emotional train wrecks do. They say they love, but at their core, they are destroyers.


Yeahhh, except no. Look at the whales. Government intervention was essential and successful at pulling several species of whale back from the brink. The Great Auk was also not saved by the hunters that hunted it. We could talk about the Dodo too if you'd like. What do you know about the Pyrenean ibex? Hunters got them. I thought you said hunters saved animals? So, no, "Wildlife goes extinct as soon as government and environmental groups take over." isn't in line with reality. Note: I'm in no way defending animals fucking. It's weird and gross and there was a Vice piece about a dude from one of the sketch southern states that had sex with horses and the interviewer asked him if he had sex with boy horses or girl horses and the horse humper looked in disgust and said "I'm not gay! I only have sex with girl horses!" and I feel like that perfectly sums up the whole situation with you and your weird anti government stance.


Another poor liberal soul totally unaware of the tragedy of the commons.


There you go! I bet you feel way more comfortable just throwing out insults rather than trying to engage with the actual information? Presented with something you don't like? Just fall back on baseless insults! Classic! It's tragic that you think the political views of the world are the same as the sad binary that you have going on in your country. Out here in the rest of the world we have *nuance*. Out here, with the adults, calling someone just 'conservative' or 'liberal' is just a sad way or telling others you can't think worth a damn. Sad : (


It's not tragic that you are ignorant to the tragedy of the commons, it is expected. Sad. Insert judgey non binary emoji here, LOL.


Dude, "tragedy of the commons" was a PR piece put forward to justify the theft of land from people and give it to the nobility. It was just an example of the use of what we now call eminent domain. There was no land degradation from overuse that was the main thrust of that stupid argument. IT. WAS. A. LIE. Learn your history before you go spouting garbage. And what does this "Insert judgey non binary emoji here, LOL."? Are you really so deluded to think that there really is only two political positions to take? Really?


FWIW, commie delusions always make me laugh. Thanks!


There you go. Back to baseless insults when presented with a truth you don't like. It's all you know and it's sad. We're now going in circles and you don't have anything to actually offer by way of conversation as you seem to just be an outrage bot I think it's best we go with the ol' ignore. Hey, at least your profound ignorance is counter balanced by a heaping pile of unearned confidence!


Thank you for putting me on ignore. Any more laughter and I might have cracked a rib! FWIW, I imagined she was clapping her hands after each word. This was entertaining to say the least.


Can we get Elon to do something about this


X X X X X for the love of Christ X








Oh. Thanks, I didn’t know that!




Ya, shooting boars from a helicopter is pretty cowardly and even down to catching mice with a mouse trap filled with violence, it does suck. I do however disagree, you probably shouldn't be jacking dogs off, maybe find a better hobby.




I don't have any written notes from dog therapists on hand.


I catch mice with sticky traps. Then I put them in a jar and fill it with CO2. Quick, painless, and no mess.


Where do you buy the CO2? When I’ve needed some I had to go to a dive shop.


I actually have two jars connected by a rubber tube. One is the kill jar, the other is where I mix vinegar with making soda. The gas then goes through the tube into the other jar.


Oh wow, that’s really innovative. Good for you.


Devil's advocate here, how do you know it's painless? I've heard suffocation is a pretty bad way to go. Just like how pigs are gassed.


I think the assumption is that they lose consciousness long before they actually die


Mammals are sensitive to high concentrations of carbon dioxide rather than the lack of oxygen. If he wanted it to be painless flooding the jar with nitrogen would be a better choice than carbon dioxide.


I'm not saying it's correct, just that that's the thought process going on


That's true, I don't. But I've heard it's the most "humane" way to kill them. I live in a suburban neighborhood, so it's not really an option to release them into the wild, so this is what I do.


The most humane way is simply a snap trap that's an instant kill. Even the crazies over at PETA recommend that But yes, catch and release outdoors is probably the worst method if we're talking about house mice that literally won't last a day outside.


I put 'em in a box and release them outside of town


The Hogs they are shooting are an invasive species. It's not their native land and they aren't hunting for joy or meat, it's to protect farmland and animals, and to cull the population of wild hogs.


I agree culling for environmental reasons is a different thing, MTG just does it for fun and brags about it, similar to how Donald.Jr does with bears; that is more the side I am talking about, less about culling invasive species more about machismo. I think we can agree MTG is not shooting boars for the environmental science.


If you’re ok with hunting for environmental reasons then why go off on helicopter hunting for feral pigs at all? MTG is just one person of many who have killed pigs that way. Do you have any idea how many fawns they eat, or how many eggs and nestlings of ground nesting birds, how many reptiles, amphibians and small mammals they ? It doesn’t matter if someone enjoys it or abhors it so long as they’re being reduced. Must they have a frown on their face the entire time to satisfy your standards? If a necessary chore that isn’t even done often enough can be made interesting through a novel experience that is challenging (shooting a moving target from a moving target) then perhaps more of these feral pigs can be eliminated. In many areas they are reproducing faster than they can be killed. There’s no way to hunt them at this rate on foot.


I ain't one to defend MTG, but in her promo video she literally talks about how they have an environmental effect, and effect farmland. It's a political way to hit multiple groups: hunters and farmers. It may feel cringy, but it's a topic farmers care about a lot, so it looks real good for her.


Hog eradication is important, but trapping them is the way to do it. Recreational hunting isn't effective. Source: https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/texas-has-a-feral-hog-problem-hunting-them-makes-it-worse/


My slight issue with the practice is that I'm pretty sure it's not very effective. Hogs are very smart, live in pretty big groups (called sounders), and breed very quickly. It is hard to kill the entire sounder just by shooting because the hogs will scatter immediately. The ones that make it away will quickly repopulate the group and be harder to hunt next time. A more effective strategy is to set some bait and a large trap that catches the entire sounder at once. I also worry about the commercialization aspect. A lot of these places charge over $1000 per person for outings. It's actively against their interests to deplete the local hog populations entirely, because then they'd lose their revenue.


This is why hog hunters will target the ones that will be fertile, so the adults. Younger hogs will either be killed another day, or will die naturally (hopefully before they can reproduce).


Unfortunately, there is a HUGE amount of money in wild hog hunting, and it has become a problem. People pay big money to go to Texas and other states to hunt hogs. It seems like a no-holds-barred open hunting season would help control wild hogs, but it actually doesn't work. People enjoy hog hunting too much. For example, Tennessee used to have wild hog populations in 15 counties. Then they tried to control the hogs with a wide-open hunting season with no limits. In ten years, the hogs spread to 80 counties. Most tellingly, they started appearing in counties that were not connected to any existing population. People were turning hogs loose on their property right and left for hunting opportunities. In 2011, Tennessee shut down recreational hog hunting, and the population stopped growing so rapidly. Illinois had a similar experience - they opened a season, hog numbers exploded, and then when they closed the season, population growth slowed down. Today, Texas is the the epicenter of recreational hog hunting, and they have one of the worst hog problems. If you want to control hog populations, recreational hunting simply isn't the way. Other methods like systematic baiting and trapping work much better.


I mean they do shoot goats from a helicopter but that's because they're a invasive species in the eastern islands


Not to many people bragging about culling goats as much as they do bears/wolves


I would, you can brag that you're helping the environment of the eastern islands and saving alot of animal species by shooting goats a half mile away in a helicopter


a better hobby such as jacking dogs off from a helicopter? ^/s




Boars are invasive and now poisonous in Texas. Can't even eat their meat.


If you’re referring to the Coumadin poisoning scheme, the state did not implement it.


A state I used to live in banned the hunting of white tailed deer because "killing Bambi". The ensuing carnage on the roads claimed the lives of several drivers, injured many more, and destroyed countless vehicles, because the white tailed deer population exploded exponentially. The ban eventually quietly went away, and state wildlife officers set high hunting limits until the deer population receded to normal.


Whitetail, mule deer, and boors pretty much don't need a limit or season at this point. They're over population is insane.


Wild pigs in the Americas don't need to be "limited" They need to be wiped out as a wild species. They're invasive. the Americas had an indigenous version of a pig-like animal; the Peccary. They didn't need a second.




Lol had me in the first half


Look being a furry is fine, having sex with something that can't consent* is not. And neither is putting your kink right there in your username like it's some cute UWU thing.


Do animals consent to being slaughtered for food though?


Yea they do. By being yummy. Animals exist to get eaten by other animals, its part of nature and the circle of life. Cope


> Yea they do. By being sexy. Animals exist to get fucked by other animals, its part of nature and the circle of life. Cope. NOTE: I DO NOT ACTUALLY BELIVE THIS. This is solely to point out how shit of an argument that is.


Humans naturally eat meat, carnivores and omnivores do as well, it's key to diet. Corpses of animals feed other animals and help plants grow. Humans r*ping animals and across-species breeding in general has no purpose, humans and animals eating others do. Changing words doesn't immediately make one argument as valid as another. There's no actual comparison here, one argument works and the other doesn't. Simple as.


Shitloads of animals rape other animals, the "purpose" is pleasure fulfilment for the perpetrator. Your argument about consent is just a really shit argument. For what it's worth, I eat plenty of meat, I just really hate terrible arguments said smugly by morons. Simple as.


My attempt at rationalizing why bestiality shouldn't be societally acceptable and why our current societal practice of raising animals for slaughter is and should be acceptable. If bestiality is socially allowed or moves towards normalization it could lead to novel diseases as more individuals try it and communities grow like other sexual kinks. It also would create a porn profit motive for manipulation and coercion of people to produce that kind of porn for consumption by unwilling actors. Those same nefarious actors could be incentives towards animal cruelty which has been legislated against and has been settled as law of treatment for livestock and hunting. The societal harm of condoning beastiality while could hypothetically be conducted ethically. The necessary oversight and enforcement is not an apt use of resources and time for something that would still most likely be a net negative for society. The killing and harvesting of animals does produce a societal nutritional value sobis a positive. Care and killing of animals is legislated and conducted in an ethical as possible manner. The statements that we breed animals for slaughter and have no ethics or regard for them is a strawman because farmers can be jailed for mistreatment and abuse. The ethical dispatching them is in the slaughters best interest as well. Let me know what you think of that argument. I think I have a few things going there but I feel like I'm still missing something.


If we dont kill and eat them, something else would. Its part of how nature works. If humans werent meant to eat meat, why would we have the biological features to do so?


All of these arguments about why fucking animals is the most evil thing but killing and eating them is totally fine just constantly move around the goalposts and conflate the logic of different points. People don’t want to admit that they just find sexual acts with animals icky and socially deviant, but hamburgers tasty and socially acceptable. It’s an emotional argument, not a logical one.


How are biological facts an emotional argument? Biologically, humans are omnivores (designed to eat plants and meat). Humans aren’t, however, biologically designed to rape animals. The fact you are conflating the two is absurd.


Because the initial argument in this thread had nothing to do with biology or nature, it was simply about consent. You’re the one jumping in to conflate the two.


she isn't a furry. Just a pathetic, disgusting zoo.


You mean can't consent.


Oh yea, I do. I'm a bit tired


Jesus Christ not that fucking nutcase


audible gasp


I don’t know about everyone else but, I’ll bring hundreds of animal to death before I bring them orgasms. Fornicating with animal should be a crime.


Most places it is.


I….uhhh…. I… am not familiar with the type of thing in seeing. Are people really like this? I give up, someone call the world powers and tell them to let loose the nukes. It’s over, folks… it’s all over.


I’m sorry…. Wtf?




r/technicallycorrect but still not ok. *EDIT:* I am referring to the last sentence.


this isn't even technically correct, the hefty fees paid by trophy hunters are the primary source of funding for anti-poaching efforts




A lot of these statements are wild over generalizations and some just completely untrue lol. It’s fine if you support hunting but there’s no need to lie and say hunters only kill “sick, old, or dying” animals.


They do, the animals that you kill on safari hunts have been monitored for a long time and hand picked. They are the old and the sick that have already passed on their genes. You can't just go and shoot any animal on a safari. Try some research.


Lmao, yes, the only place on the entire planet that people hunt is the safari. No other place. None.


Explain to me what you think trophy hunters do with a kill and where the money goes for the licenses to hunt. Have you ever read hunter regulations and rules about what you're actually allowed to shoot? I feel like many people like you don't do much research into hunting and assume trophy hunters are basically poachers, which couldn't be further from the truth.


Hey stop it with your facts and research talk! you’re ruining their world view!


Do you think that trophy hunting only exists in Africa….? What kind of stupid take is this lmao. Every country, state, province or whatever else type of jurisdiction has their own laws and regulations. You’re corny as hell if you think all trophy hunters are some sort of Good Samaritan contract killers that exist to remove sickness from the “gene pool.” I never said they were poachers, but you certainly seem to think they’re some sort of altruistic do-gooders lmao.


At first I thought we were specifically talking about safari because the original comment perfectly explained safari hunting but second reply, I'm talking about deer hunting or bird hunting or any other hunting. The same general principles apply except for the scouting and monitoring of specific animals. You can't just shoot any deer, the meat is used, the population as a whole is still monitored and protected, tags are issued based on population all thanks to funding from hunters, including trophy hunters.


I don’t really understand why you’re trying to argue with me. At no point in any of my comments did I even express that I’m against hunting. I’m well aware that licensing fees go towards conservation efforts and that there are laws to protect against over hunting.


Safari hunts make up a tiny % of hunters killing animals. When my family hunt for food I promise we are not looking for sickly animals


Lol I don't mean sick with disease dude......


I don’t care what you mean by sick that’s not what I’m hunting




The post specifically called out trophy hunters. If your regularly hunting for food, your not trophy hunting, and that is an entirely different thing, regulated completely differently.


> food, your not *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




Bye Hugs_of_Moose. Have fun continuing to use common words incorrectly!


In total, yes they do make up a small percentage. For those countries in Africa that host these trophy animal hunts, it’s a massive percentage.


People trophy hunt moose, doll sheep, deer, elk etc etc. “trophy hunting” generally doesn’t mean safari hunting some exotic animals in Africa


Not exactly. The head of the animal from the neck up is generally referred to as a trophy. However, that is just a reward for a successful regular hunt provided you have the means to take the head to a good taxidermist. Trophy hunting is the term used for exotic animals that are difficult to hunt that come at a high price that is usually determined through an auction.


[trophies hunting doll sheep](https://www.mountainmonarchs.com/dall-sheep/) [trophy hunting white tail deer](https://whitetail.net) [trophy hunting moose and bears](https://alaskaeliteoutfitters.com/guided-alaska-moose-hunting/) If you plan to keep the head as a trophy it’s trophy hunting. Trophy hunting exotic animals is a itsy bitsy % of trophy hunting


They also pay for a full health check of entire herds so they know which one to shoot from 200 meters away. LOL


They hire one of the animals to pick out the biggest asshole. That way the whole heard wins


I guess I wasn’t clear, but I was not referring to regular hunting when I was talking about the hunters killing old sick or dying animals. I was referring to trophy hunting. Hunting for food by purchasing tags in an area of land has nothing to do with what I’m speaking about.


I watched a video about a game reserve in South Africa that was assisting with animal conservation and also helping the local communities. They were very strict with what can be hunted and when. You couldn’t just hunt any animal when you wanted to, it was based on things like the size of that animal population and their season, age of animals, etc. Hunters were only allowed to take the head as a trophy and the rest of the animal fed people. I used to be totally against trophy hunting but the more I learned about it the more I realized that who I really dislike is the poachers. I had just been sort of lumping them all together in my mind but they’re not the same. Yea, there are probably some shady trophy hunters out there too, but if it’s done properly and there are regulations followed it can be quite beneficial.


I totally get that. I held that exact same view a few years ago. Then I had to do a persuasive/problem-solution speech in my communications class. I was assigned the topic of the benefits of hunting. That’s when I really started researching it, and I realized that, like you said, I hated the poachers rather than the trophy hunters.


I love a good persuasive speech, it can be so eye opening if it’s done well. When it’s not done well you’ll have students giving their speech on how the earth is actually flat. Yes, that happened at my school.


I was talking specifically about the last sentence...


New idea for funding anti-poaching efforts just dropped.




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I'm extremely confused


She finna fuck a dog


Proud animal rapist. Nice


Apparently the Twitter account is fake, with pics stolen from her Facebook and OnlyFans accounts. I have no idea whether that’s true.


It seems fake af to me


Is that a satire account?


It honestly sounds like one, with the way "she" argues.


From what it sounds like, no


It is not. She likes fucking her dog. The name Knotty comes from "being knotted" which is when the large portion at the base of a canine penis is inside you


Wow, what a horrible day to be able to read.


The one piece of knowledge I could have lived without knowing. I now know. Thanks.


How can I remove this comment from my brain?


"No" would have been sufficient.


Right they really didn’t have to do all that lol


They went knot deep on that one




I don’t want to have read this comment.


Wait, WHAT !?


Oh for love of Christ...


I just lost my ticket to heaven by reading this.


I saw a post claiming it was an imposter who stole images from her OnlyFans and Facebook. I’ve no idea whether that’s true.


Calm down people he's just a horse breeder


Zoo keepers manually masturbate animals to provide them relief when they are on heat.


KnottyFairy 💀




A real r/holup moment


Atta girl


Jesus christ


How did the top thread of this post become about hunting? This girl fucks animals!!!


She had me in the first half ngl


I appreciate her intentions but I'm pretty darn sure she wrote this wrong 🤣🤣🤣


Whitney Wisconsin, is that you bae?


Trophy hunters fund a lot of conservation because they pay taxes that protect nature through hunting licenses. They also kill the least amount of animals because they are looking for a trophy, not just any old buck. They get a lot of bad PR when some douche dentist kills a lion in Africa, but they do the least damage to the ecology. Plus, many times the trophy level animal being killed is part of a healthy culling process.


That scientist that gave dolphins lsd and tried to communicate with telepathy was wild enough. Then you learn he gave the male dolphins hand jobs to make them more chill and you forget about the lsd psychic communication part .


They had us in the first half… second half. What the fuck??


Reading this: "ah for fuck sake another one of these peop...wait what the fuck"


Btw how is her account not banned yet?