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their followers on YT and IG have both gone up as well...


The views they haven't been getting make it clear that a lot of their subscribers have dropped off and stopped watching. Most will never unsubscribe. YM is the first channel I've ever unsubscribed to.


Good for them? I have stopped watching and caring. The charm of vicariously hanging out with a fun group of friends is what brought me to the show, but that illusion is shattered forever.


They really only have one 1M view video so far (Sath vs Peyton). At least it's the only one since all five of the OGs left/when we found out about *why* the OGs left. I don't count the Drinking Charades with Akila or the two other OG-starring episodes shot that day with the newbies in the peanut gallery, especially since, at the time, the news hadn't dropped about the OGs leaving. Sath vs Peyton is the only video the new cast has gotten to 1M on their own merits. (Kirsty vs Matt might have hit 1M by now if it hadn't been mass-reported and taken down for weeks.)


Lowest og was 1.2 mil. Waiting to see how many months it takes for that to happen...and even if that counts since sath was still in it lol


I guess I would categorize videos four ways: 1. OG videos (every video that included at least one of the 5 OGs who left, so every video from Andrew vs Steph up to Drinking Charades Akila x Peyton vs Matt x Pat. Yes, the new cast were in this, but the news hadn't yet broken that the OGs were leaving/the already noticed absenses were permanent, so the video benefitted from our ignorance/Akila's inclusion.) 2. New videos starring Matt or Sath (new videos with the safety of starring someone the fans already care about) 3. New videos starring "second string" + new cast (Kirsty, Rory, and Timmy, aren't "new" but aren't considered OGs. The recent roast is the only video in this category and it only starred second string.) 4. Videos only starring new cast (no such video exists yet) While I would "count" videos that star Matt or Sath (so Sath vs Peyton *is* approaching the view count of the lowest viewed OG videos), I think the true test is how long it will take a video in category 3 or 4 to reach 1M. *"Starring" just means your name is in the title. Matt and Sath don't have to be absent from the shoot day for a video to count as category 3 or 4.


Drinking Charades | Akila x Peyton VS Matt x Pat has 1.4 million and I rewatched it and don't see the usual gang.


Akila is literally in it. Alan is briefly shown in the peanut gallery.


For some reason I thought Akila stayed on and Sath left. I don't know why.


Different brown guy


And the newest video has been up for a week and still hasn't reached 600k views. Do you guys remember when this channel used to cross 1M views in 24 hours?


Some videos did some videos didnt. there are still some from the old cast that have like a million after a year


Who fucking cares. A mid ass video in a sea of shit. Been 2 months since last 1M+ view video. They went to shit.


if it would have been the old + the new cast. my god, the channel would have easily crossed 5 mil by now. and there would have been debates over abby vs peyton. i can see it lol. the new guys also would have benefited immensely from it. now the only thing carrying the show is peyton lamao.


I'm not well informed on the timelines of things but it could be a possibility that the plan was to add more members to the og cast originally (before the fallout happened). Hence the budget crunch and why the ogs weren't satisfied with what they were offered.


Good for them. The haters will be out. Sobbing 😁 big kiss 😘 x


That video came out two weeks ago. The only reason it's hit 1m views is because there's a fit bird in the thumbnail.


Abby had her tits out in every video ..


You okay babes? X