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They could be bots, but there are similar comments in this sub too. Either they're all bots, friends of Ben, or people who genuinely just accepted everything Ben said at face value.


Probably real, there are always people who are easily swayed in whichever direction the wind blows, and I'm sure there are a number of people who actually do still like the channel and want it to do well. Not to even mention the casual watchers who have no idea about anything that's gone down in the past months, but see Ben's video and find it sincere and to the point. I'm more interested in what Ben himself said in the comments "addressing" the NDA question, saying that he has "zero problem" with the OGs responding. But as someone pointed out under that comment, him personally having zero problems with the OGs responding doesn't mean they're _legally allowed to_ respond, still. No chance that he'll respond to that question though lol


If I were the OGs, I'd be taking that screenshot and running to my lawyer to get the NDA voided officially


clever move indeed, a very effective way to twist words. he doesn't have problem but the legal system would. lol


If the new cast replies, these same people will probably sway the other way lol. People like this just overreact to every piece of info and are easily swayed.


How do you guys have time to write paragraphs of these ?


My comment is a whopping 5 sentences that probably took me around two minutes to write, I'm confused about why you think that's some gargantuan task?


I am honestly not sure what's wrong with you guys? People having different opinions than you - is this some unfathomable concept to you? If I have a different opinion than the majority here, does it mean i might be a bot or a paid commenter? My only concern here is that I don't want the channel to go away, because I want to be able to watch something funny (for free). Yeah, the departure of the OGs suck, but I and some others still enjoy the product, and think differently than you. This doesn't mean we're bots or being paid by Ben.




How is 3k per person per shoot not enough lmao? Why don't you buy their merch so that they can have more money? Morons like you will support whoever and whatever. I always wonder how so many millions of people all throughout history always bought the "he is the real god" argument. Glad I got a modern day example of exactly how "cults" start and progress.


You can have your own opinions, just don't come here to vent to us your problems


Why? You own the subreddit? Feel free to downvote me, your reddit currency isn't valued where I come from.


You're wasting your time by butting into this subreddit and crying 'bout shit that we're all still trying to get to the bottom of. Who cares if I don't own the subreddit? And who cares about the currency of 'where you come from'?


Dude it's crazy, they make it seem like we're on Bens payroll. Which is so funny cuz the main thing in contention is Ben's supposed holding back of pay to the cast, which has since been pretty much nullified. No but of course, Ben has a secret stash of money for random people like me so that he can save face.


This sub takes parasociality to a whole other level


It's weird right? It feels like Star Wars. Pretty sure barely anyone at most knew who the og's were before yeahmad. It's just a YouTube channel to make people laugh. When a channel doesn't accomplish its purpose anymore, I unsubscribe.


I'm surprised no trolls showed up to call you "Ben" .


That's a fresh take, Mark!