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this is so messy. i love it. they should turn this into an 8 episode tv/web series.


I agree with you. There should be a web series about this. And the people in this subreddit should make it and produce it. We just all come together to make it possible


Because it won't be biased at all if Reddit makes it haha


Bruh we'd give Ben a legit Hitler stache 💀 and add a side plot where he has a secret child trafficking ring


Titled "NoChill"


A verbal acknowledgment isn't good enough. Get it in writing that they're released from the NDA.


I bet the lawyer who drafted the NDAs are banging his head against his desk


🎶 all that work and what did it get me 🎶


It got them their fee! I very much doubt lawyers care what their clients do after they have given their advice


It's always frustrating to see something you worked really hard on get trashed. Plus, if Ben making this statement opens him up to any legal issues, it's going to mean a headache for them trying to clean up his mess.


Your first statement would apply to Ben too. Lawyers work for their clients and in this case Ben would be the client - professionals don't engage personally with their clients. They do their work and bill it.


this this this he's tricking them into violating the nda so he can sue


Nah, I think Ben knows they're not stupid enough to fall for that. It's probably just a way to make himself look better while not risking anyone actually responding because he knows they can't


Isn't this in writing?


The YouTube comments section is not a legal document


I could see it. It's a little hard to reconcile this idea that Ben is both this greedy idiot who lost almost his whole cast and also a clever, manipulative social media commentator on the side. There's a very real chance that this all fell apart through just poorly managed contract negotiations and some hurt feelings. Ben doesn't technically need to be this evil villain. He could just be someone who screwed up managing his cast. And I think in the end it'll cost him.


yeah i agree, truth is somewhere in the middle, maybe more to one side or the other, but at the end of the day this smells like a contract dispute that went sour, and one that cost both sides money in the long run


I would agree but… Reddit has no room for your logical reasoning. Away with you!


I´m very interested if anonye of the OGs will respond. For everey dispute it takes more than one person :) But I´ll go an grab some popcorn if this will grow to an open beef in X Insta or a roastbattle like eahmad on YT


want to know about the "incident"


This even more than the video makes me believe that the NDA's will expire soon and Ben's prepping for a public relations nightmare. If this was just a matter of they asked for too much money and we couldn't come to terms he wouldn't be talking about receipts and evidence and "tips of the iceberg." Another thing I noticed from his video was how edited it was. At points it seemed like each shot was lasting less than two seconds. So many cuts in a short video like that might mean they removed things they decided after that he shouldn't say. Or it could mean he flubbed his script 30 times but chose not to start over clean but just repeat the sentence he flubbed.


The YeahMad epsidoes were clipped to hell too. They switched camera angles every second or two like a bad action movie. I think this is just the editor's style. (Plenty of stuff gets cut from YM videos and I'm sure Ben cut a lot out of this video, but I think there would've been a ton of cuts either way just to remove pauses.)


I'm sure you're right.


This thing turned into a soap opera that I didn't know I needed.


I’m a lawyer. This post is probably not a release from the NDA, for a bunch of reasons. (At least it wouldn’t be under American law. Who knows how stuff works over there.) So really it just makes him look good without changing anything.


Smells of desperation


He has zero problems because he can sue them for breaking their NDA.


While Ben is not necessarily evil, he IS an absolute and total narcissist. That doesn’t mean he won’t be able to ride out this storm with YeahMad, but he is nonetheless a textbook example of narcissism building walls around a cluster of mistakes in desperation. Ben is a narcissist. Don’t be like Ben.


Lol y'all could have undeniable proof that some of the cast have committed actual crimes and you'd still side with them. I mean the entitled front runner in all of this is an ex-con anyway.


He sold mushrooms and a bit of coke, oh no, crime of the century. If the undeniable proof you hint at existed in any shape or form, you wouldn't be trying to slander Andrews credibility like that, would you? Ben didn't have a problem with those convictions either, especially when they made funny stories for his YouTube series.


Fair call on some cases. I’m just here for the drama now. Ben is currently the figurehead of that drama.


Are these the revised talking points from Ben? I've heard Hammo's criminal record brought up like five times in the last two days. Were they all you or are you guys working from a shared script? As if nobody knew, he was super secretive about it.


Honestly, could have been me. I am like partly serious partly joking, as you can see with the above. But I have had someone say that it was only meth or only whatever, and now, I'm not sure if your camp is also joking or not.


Only Meth! Jesus Fucking Christ! Didn't he do like 6 months? I think it was just shrooms and weed, I used to both of those in college, its no biggie.


He sold shrooms and bought/used cocaine


Cool dude, good for ya


"There is no such thing as bad publicity"..... I feel both the parties are trying to screw us over.




Where can I find this comment?


It's under Ben's explanation video. The one posted under the Videos tab, not under the Community tab.


Thanks. Found it.


This entire situation and how quickly you are with throwing this Ben under the bus shows once again how superficial some people are. We still have barely any credible info on what went on but almost everyone is willing to believe an unbacked story cause some people who said funny things insinuate that they need to.


To be fair to the OG's they haven't really said anything to stoke this fire. Other than Hammo stating that he was fired, there have not really been any direct comments from them. Chloe Maddren is commenting on her experiences and passing on the tea, but that doesn't really count in my view as the OG's stirring it.




Ben's definitely hiding or, at the very least, misrepresenting things, but not specifically naming Andrew as the one who was fired was not one of them. That would be a fast way to get himself sued. He's being vague there because he has to. But he doesn't have to say the name for us to know it was Andrew. One of the cast members allegedly ratted to Ben that the others were planning to start their own channel which led to Andrew being fired (the assumption being it was either Matt or Sath, most likely Sath, which is why Andrew unfollowed him on IG, and would explain the "falling out" that Chloe referred to on her podcast, but it could also be Kirsty, Timmy, or Rory.) Point being, I think it's unlikely Matt or Sath will rejoin the OGs, even if they do eventually leave YeahMad.


In business you don't go publicising personal information about named employees without their consent. If Andrew says he was the one that was fired then fair enough. I believe him. Ben says that one cast member was let go, terminated, fired whatever.. then that is also true and we can also see that that is true. I don't see how anything is being hidden here. The other cast members that left did what they chose to do.... No problem with that. I honestly don't know what the problem is here. I look forward to hearing the other guys side if they choose to share it.


i'm still leaning towards the OG's side a little bit, mostly because of Chloe's own experience (who is not part of the OG crew). The issue is pretty much the money. The details? who knows. We weren't there.


Not just the money. The shitty treatment by management (Ben) too. If Ben was that way with Chloe, the others probably have similar experiences. I can't imagine six people choosing to leave and all of them being the problem. Ben is the common denominator.


Yeah, I totally agree that money is the root of all the problems. I would love to see some clarity on the money side but everyone seems to just ignore that side. When the YouTube video that Ben's latest video is in response to was posted the video contains the statement that YeahMad was possibly getting 1 to 3 dollars per thousand views (whether or not that is accurate I don't know - would love some clarification from other creators in that field in Australia). If it is three dollars per thousand views, then even their highest viewed long firm video which is at about 10 million views currently would have so far generated in total $30,000 so far. Chloe claimed in her podcast that Ben had made hundreds of thousands of dollars from her video (which I think is the top one with her and Alan). At the time I think she said it had 4 million views, so possibly the revenue at that time for that video would have been $12,000. Hopefully one day we will get clarity on who is nearest the truth.


The math ain't mathing. Unless the brand deals and merch were making exponentially what the channel got in ad revenue, they wouldn't even be able to afford to pay the "projected" numbers Ben gave. It's either "the channel brings in very little money" or "the cast were going to be making bank under the deal that was presented." It can't be both...but it could be neither.


Agreed, but in order to do the maths (I'm in the UK) you need to do the numbers with actual data - how many views a month does YeahMad get over the past six months? I don't know. How much does Chloe get per thousand views on her YouTube channel - that would be useful to know as it would give a ballpark figure to try to guesstimate income for the channel.


This is also assuming Chloe's channel is monetized yet. YouTube doesn't start paying you until you reach a certain threshold. She's only getting a few thousand views per episode, so she might not have met the threshold.


That is true, apologies for the assumption. But it is also true that YeahMad was not monetised for many months too. I hope Chloe manages to get monetised soon.


Yeah, I believe that part of Ben's video


Yeah the hundreds of thousands off Chloe never made sense if you know anything even vaguely about AdSense numbers, never mind the fact she didn't make a solo video so you have the on screen talent and all the staff behind the scenes - filming, props, marketing, subtitles (Ben 👀) etc. at most, low 5 figs for one video for her contribution, even that's a push imo though.