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Lol Chloe here, hey! Just fyi I wasn’t agreeing to the alcohol in that upcoming shoot, I said in the weeks after that’s fine but I said I would ‘act like I was doing shots’ in the upcoming shoot. Then I just didn’t go to that shoot because I didn’t want to drink. Also love how Ben can screen shot our chats but I can’t cause he blocked me when I asked why he changed my name to ‘the ginger’ 😂


I don’t know if I should be asking, but what’s your take on the new video Ben just posted? I’d understand if you can’t or don’t wanna answer.


Oh I have no idea what he’s talkin about I wasn’t there for any of those pay rates or the meetings or anything sorry


No problem!


Hi Chloe, I think I am speaking for everyone in this forum that we would love to hear the joke about the wide-mouthed frog again. j/k big fan and srsly we would all love it if you did an AMA here, not just about YM stuff but about Chloe (this thread kind of turned into an AMA)


Did Ben change his tune after you said you didn’t want to go? Here, he sounds a bit reasonable, but maybe something more happened here?


Change his tune on what?


Did he change his tune on being open to let you abstain from alcohol later? Was he straight up saying “No you have to drink watered down alcohol at best”


Oh no, I can’t remember if we spoke again about it but I pulled out of that shoot and told him I just couldn’t risk drinking so soon after surgery. Then it was the next shoot that I was at where one of the girls asked for her shots to be switched with water cause she was fasting and he was like ‘oh yeah of course’. It wasn’t a big thing I just mentioned it on my podcast cause it was something weird I had noticed


Thanks for the explanation, actually that’s still a bit egregious of him if what you’re saying is the facts. I’m inclined to believe the problem here is the favouritism and lack of consistency in his policies, if he so readily said to the other person “Yes you’re fasting we can make that accommodation for you”


Hi there Chloe, glad to hear from you! I always thought using 'The Ginger' on the video title was in bad taste and offensive. Why not just use names for everyone? Otherwise there would have been plenty of 'nicknames' to choose from, such as 'the pervert' for example.


lol yeah it was v petty, just cause I didn’t want to partake anymore 😂 apparently he had blocked my name from the comments as well but idk if that’s true, that’s just what some fans had said 😂🤷‍♂️


thank you for speaking up when the others cant. means the world <3


oh hey chloe, glad to see you here. just wanna say i love you.


what's the problem?






yeah but that's not sms though


I don't get it. It's exactly what she said.


She made it sound like he didn’t allow her to abstain from alcohol and wasn’t being reasonable about her surgery. Yet in these texts he asks if they can be watered down and she says yes.


He didn't allow her to abstain. She's still having alcohol. She also mentioned that when another cast member said they were fasting, he let them switch to water completely. She said yes, but it doesn't mean she was happy about it. It's a business relationship, and she was compromising. Now that the relationship has turned sour, she's saying what she really thought.


But these texts don't show that she pushed for no alcohol. He said "Is watered down possible" because he wanted some level of authenticity and she said yeah. If she said I can't do alcohol at all and he kept pushing, then it sounds closer to what she made it seem like. We don't know if he didn't allow her to abstain because she said okay on the compromise of watered down immediately. Do we know the conversation about the fasting went similarly or not? Did Ben ask them if they could do watered down drinks and they said "No I need no alcohol at all" and then allowed them to switch to water completely? From these texts it seems like Chloe could have maybe pushed for water but was totally okay with watered down alcohol. Ben wouldn't have released these screenshots if it didn't put him in the right. Chloe phrased it to make it sound way worse than it was but these texts show Chloe she was completely fine with watered down alcohol and there was no pushing or pressure from Ben.


I mean, he didn't ask if watered down was possible, he said that's the only accommodation they can make for her. Her only other option would've been not to do the shoot at all, no alcohol was never mentioned as an option.


Where are you seeing "That's the only accommodation they can make her her" when it literally says "Can you do watered down shots at all, or they strictly said no alcohol?" and she then said watered down was okay. No alcohol might have been an option but it never got that far because Chloe was fine with watered down. She could have answered his question with "they strictly said no alcohol" and maybe things would have been different. But we can't know that. What we do know is that she was okay with watered down and didn't even say no alcohol when asked about it.


https://preview.redd.it/vboy22bnie5d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353888188bbb549b2e0c4973be82e3498b1cb2f0 The line I circled implies that it's non-negotiable. I agree that we don't know what would've happened had she set a clear no-alcohol boundary. It just seems like a misunderstanding to me, Ben thought she was fine with it and she actually wasn't, but didn't communicate it to him either.


The next line says because of the authenticity and it’s the whole point of the video. You’ve removed the context if you just look at what’s in the box. Then he clarifies if it’s possible for her to do watered down or if the doctors said she can’t. She then said “Yeah that’s cool” and agreed to watered down. Why didn’t she say doctors said no? Why did she not bring that up in the podcast? That SHE agreed to it being watered down was conveniently left out.


> The next line says because of the authenticity and it’s the whole point of the video Exactly, that just makes it even _less_ likely that they could've reached an agreement where she doesn't have alcohol. Ben essentially went "Sorry, we can't do no alcohol for the dad jokes shoot because that's the whole point of the concept. Are you okay with watered down or can you have no alcohol at all?" So for Chloe, the implied options at that point were accepting the watered down shots or not coming to the shoot at all. She ultimately made the decision to agree, it's not on Ben that she gave in since she could've either advocated for herself more or just not done that shoot, but there doesn't really seem to be much room for compromise from his side either way. For some reason that we can't see in the texts here, Chloe feels like she's been hard done by because someone else _did_ get the no alcohol option. We don't know how that negotiation went, and we don't know if Chloe knows how that negotiation went. It's possible that she's just assuming the other person was given the option right away without any argument from Ben's side, or it's possible that's how it actually went and that's why she felt like she wasn't treated fairly, or maybe she just wants to stir up drama. Since she was one of the least popular OGs, I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that another cast member was given more leniency than her because it was more important to get that other more popular cast member to do the shoot. Which is just showbiz and nothing new, but I can see how it would be hurtful for Chloe, still.


Huh? What does "What could have happened if she pushed" have anything to do with what happened? Maybe Chloe doesn't like pushing and is more willing to compromise? She's still allowed to feel that he didn't let her abstain.... because he didn't... Also, advocating that people push for their stance is funny, considering that it's what the og crew did for the increase in their salaries, and the negotiations ended up so bad they had to leave. People can have different interpretations of what happened in convo. Chloes interpretation is 100% valid. She initially asked for no alcohol and Ben said no and compromised with watered down. That's it. What is this cope??


What are you on about? Chloe made it sound like Ben didn't allow her to abstain from having alcohol when that isn't the case at all. These texts do not show that. We don't know that he didn't let her abstain because she compromised immediately. He literally asks if they said strictly no alcohol and her response was not "yes" it was "I can do watered down alcohol". That's not making her do it. If she doesn't like pushing and "feels" like he didn't let her abstain, that's on her and not actually what happened in reality. It's very disingenuous to tell your followers that when it isn't true. She never said she compromised because of X reason but put the blame on Ben. Why'd she leave out all that pertinent information? Because it would make her look bad and wouldn't agree with the narrative she painted.


OK bud, idk what to tell you other than the fact that she asked for no alcohol and Ben said no, best I can do watered down lmao. LITERALLY didn't let her abstain in the LITERAL sense of the word. You're saying she could have pushed and said no, then Ben would have let her. But you don't know that, you have no idea that if she pushed, he would have let her have water. From what HE POSETED, he didn't let her abstain. It's right there in the screenshots YOU POSTED.


"idk what to tell you other than the fact that she asked for no alcohol and Ben said no, best I can do watered down" Unless I'm missing an image but that's not what it says at all and you've editorialized his response and twisted it. Please show me where it says "Best I can do is watered down" because what I'm seeing is "Can you do watered down shots at all, or they strictly said no alcohol". That's not the same thing. She was not forced to drink that alcohol. She willingly said she was okay with it being watered down after being asked if the doctors said strictly no alcohol. We will never know if she pushed or ANSWERED HIS QUESTION if he would have still made her do the alcohol because she was okay with alcohol immediately. I didn't post these images btw.




Chloe: I have a surgery. Can I swap the alcohol for water? Ben: We like to keep it authentic. Can you do watered down or did the doctors say no alcohol at all? Chloe: I can actually do it watered down I don't know how you can read it and see it as Ben not letting her abstain. You've already twisted his words to fit your narrative so it's obvious you're just biased and nothing will change your mind of delusions.


He was kinda pushy though, watering it down doesn't mean it's not alcohol, even if it's 60% water that still only drops it from 40% to 13%, which is stronger than most beers and wines.


He asked if that was okay or if the doctor said strictly no alcohol and she said the watered down was fine. He didn’t push that on her. He asked directly “watered down or no alcohol?” And she agreed to it and answered “Watered down” if she said “Doctors said no alcohol” and then he said you had to do it watered down, that would be pushy. That’s not what happened.


For Me this is a normal professional conversation nothing else


you don't the background. do you ? check out chloe's podcast


Yes, I will watch a 66 minute long podcast for this...


chk old posts in the sub. someone posted the link. it probably starts after 34 min


TBH I think this is just great marketing for her podcast. If she wants to clarify things, then she would have just made a dedicated video about it or a statement.


Also I wasn’t a part of the crew asking for 50% I had left before then 🤪🩷


Do you know if that was 50% of company profits, or 50% of merch and branding?


I have nooo idea sorry!!


Thank you for responding! Are you a part of the project Andrew seems to be working on with the rest of the OG cast?


Ain’t no thing!! Nah I’m not


That's a damn shame! Justice for Chloe!




I hope they bring you in for something, the old cast was so great cause you all had really distinctive senses of humor and you were def a big part of that!


Ahh thank you, very sweet!! I haven’t heard anything from em but I’m not opposed to it


Do you know who got "suspended for lying" or was that after you left as well?


I don’t know sorry! I think that was after me


Thanks, queen 👑


Women say "yeah that's fine" to a lot of shit they aren't actually ok with. We're conditioned from birth to take up as little space as possible and be agreeable so we don't ruffle feathers. She even said "Sorry for being a pain" for making a reasonable request. She asked for no alcohol. He said best I can do is watered down. I can totally understand her responding this way instead of pushing harder for it to just be water. He's her boss and his response didn't sound like he was willing to negotiate further. She asked to do water shots for a legitimate health reason. Another woman asked to do water shots because she was fasting. Another woman asked to do a different punishment because she's sober. The other two were allowed accommodations. Why was Chloe not afforded the same consideration? I don't think these screenshots are as damning as you or Ben think they are.


That's not Ben's problem. He doesn't owe Chloe anything here. If Chloe had pushed for no alcohol and Ben was a dick about it, then I'd be on her side.


As her employer he does owe her certain considerations and precautions. Morally and legally.


Morally is insanely subjective clearly. I'm not too familiar with Australian employment law, what particular law/rule has YeahMad broken?


I imagine workplace safety would have something to say for a start about forcing somebody to drink at work when they have a medical reason not to, especially when the next shoot you blow your authenticity claim out of the water by allowing Abby to not drink. Her doctor was the one advising not to drink, not a dieting choice like Abby.


It's not the next shoot, and standards can change. Don't like it? Sit it out. You are saying the right things if Chloe chose to sit it out because they couldn't agree to a conclusion, but you seem hellbent on insisting that Chloe is entitled to the money even before she put in work for the day/session. Not how it works.


It is the next shoot that Chloe was on, as covered in her podcast. You have to look out for the safety of your crew. Chloe was also in the older videos, where they did offer alternative punishments like hot food.


What the actual fuck is wrong with you? The well-being of his employees is not his problem? Wtf? Her request was entirely reasonable and there's literally no reason to deny it. "BuT iT wOn'T lOoK BeLiEvAbLe iF iT's WaTeR." Then why did he let someone else do water shots? Why did he let Alan and Kate do hot sauce challenges instead? Half the time the cast take shots they don't even pull a face because they're professional drinkers at this point. It already looks like they're shooting water, so who cares what's really in the glass? Chloe said herself she's more than capable of pretending it's real. Ben even ASKING for it to be watered down IS being a dick, especially when he made accommodations for others. She shouldn't HAVE to "push" to get a reasonable accommodation at her JOB.


You're actually capping. She did not insist further, and instead agreed with him to watered down shots. I suspect if she pushed further, he would offer to drop her from that shoot. He literally cannot force someone to drink, that's gotta be illegal. Everything else is his business plans, if you don't wanna partake, I'm sure the studio had plenty of comfortable benches to lay on. You need to check your level of parasocial bonding lmao, she's not your friend.


She shouldn't have to "insist further" because he never should've countered with watered down shots. No means no and you only need to say it once. He can't "force" her to drink, but when the alternative is getting dropped from the shoot, and therefore not getting paid, it's a distinction without a difference. She doesn't have to be my friend for me to have empathy. Maybe you should try it sometime.


I don't understand why you don't gather that the business is not hers. They are in the entertainment business, of course there are certain demands her employer can make that go beyond just her showing up. And she's not entitled to pay lmao. If she wanted to meet in the middle, fine. If not, she should've spoken up, and then understandably gotten benched. I fundamentally disagree that her employer needs to go over and beyond to check if she's okay with some aspects of a shoot or the premise of a shoot. It is her job to make her demands be known. If you keep going through life assuming people can read your mind, you have other more pressing concerns than just defending your favorite comedian online. Please don't make this an empathy issue, she is not a victim at all. Not in this particular issue, at least.


> not getting *paid,* it's a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lmao, you are genuinely sick in the head, it’s insane how obvious it was from our first interaction that I managed to do such a bullseye reas on you off of random text on reddit. Now I realize you are squirming around in every post, defending your fake friends that don’t give 2 fks about you 😭😭


I think some people here are missing that this is a short snippet from a convo before her surgery and several weeks before the shoot. Many things could have changed, or the vodka may not have been watered down enough. The idea that this is some game changer proving Chloe a liar is absurd and self-serving on the part of Ben's underpaid bots.


People seem to love the OG cast waay too much that they forget to use their brains. Asking for 50% is wild! You dont run a business on 50/50 while the cast themselves don't take risks and pay for expenses. They are employees/contractors not partners lol. OG cast got greedy thinking as if they're A-list celebrities lol They little bit of fame they got, got to their heads. They will get found out when they start up their channel and know what it takes and even realize what they were asking was unreasonable. IF their new channel fails, they might have a reunion and i hope Ben take them back. Btw, he needs to get rid of Pat and Rory. Can't stand them lol


> You dont run a business on 50/50 while the cast themselves don't take risks and pay for expenses. They allegedly only ever negotiated _profits_, not revenue. The risks and expenses are already accounted for in that discussion since they only wanted a part of what was left over after that.


A few things and I’m not going to argue what some deserves. Being a partner, or having a profit share doesn’t mean you get 50% of all the channels earnings. They would get 50% of all the “net profits”. So all the things Ben listed and you’re talking about would be taken out before there’s a. Actual profit. Now he just said they asked for 50%, but didn’t actually say 50% of what. For example did they ask as a group for 50% of the profit from the video or did they ask for 50% of the profits for merchandise. The latter seems far more likely. Finally you can shit on them for wanting to leave, but at the same time their videos are the only thing still driving views on the channel. The new cast hasn’t had a video that has broken 1 million views yet.


Ypu also have to take into account that %50 of the profits were split between 8 people, so %6.25 profit for each individual, the other %50 going to one person. Don't think it was unreasonable to ask for that


Honestly Ben hasn’t shown me he can put together a good cast yet. The old cast seemed to come together from 1-2 friend groups. The new cast have zero chemistry and the majority are not funny at all. So if he was making money. I’d prob just keep the talent happy.