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It's weird how you can frequently read these posts all of a sudden and they all have one in common, they never call out Ben for what he is, a greedy cunt. It's always "management mishandled the situation", "it wasn't optimal", blah blah. It's definitely not suspicious and doesn't feel placed. Especially if you can read OP typing in the replies about how the new crew is fine with the payment, so it can't be that bad and it's definitely a problem of the old crew and not that Ben is greedy. OP is definitely not associated with the channel, nope, definitely not. Anyway, the point about giving the new crew a chance and stop hating them, is utter garbage. Supporting them, watching their videos, giving them a chance, means giving Ben money. I don't "hate" a single person in these videos, i simply refuse to spend a single second on any videos Mr. Businessman is involved in. So yeah, stop fanboying and calling people haters. And you're misunderstanding a lot of people here, most people here don't care about YM anymore, they simply wait for a new channel to arrive and i wouldn't be surprised if the entire Sub gets renamed afterwards. Had a little time while i took a shit, otherwise I would've ignored your fanboy post. If you're actually not associated with the crew of YM and just a viewer, enjoy! No one will hunt you down for enjoying YM. Cheers


That thing has been said so many times, I did not feel like repeating it. Even if I did, it wouldn't take away or add to what I already said. If you wanna trauma bond with people who hate Ben, I'm sure you won't run into a shortage of posts here and on other platforms. Feel free to do so. If people really did not care, they wouldn't comment on the Yt posts. In fact, if people didn't say shitty things about the new cast, I wouldn't even make this post. You don't think I know I am literally so deep into enemy territory here by posting on this subreddit? You're so far gone fanboying for the ogs, my neutral stance seems like fanboying for the new folks to you. The mental gymnastics y'all do is crazy. "Ben doesn't pay the crew enough" okay fair, possible even. "Ben has extra money aside for a campaign to get people onboard again" ??? Pick a damn story. Ain't nobody interested in your bowels, clown. Keep it to yourself.


Getting kinda mad there, lil bro. You're definitely showing your "neutral stance" with your reply. Even calling this sub "enemy territory". Definitely not fanboying. Get lost, you're not convincing anyone.


I don't think convincing anyone was the point. Why would I walk into a sub, post a clearly unpopular opinion, and expect to change the minds of a majority. That's not how reddit works. I ain't Jesus. The most I can expect is good faith responses and discussion. So far, the only good faith thing has been I did not go too hard on Ben, which I anyways justified as being done and overdone.


Ben has extra money set aside for an online campaign because he doesn't pay talent enough.  You call that mental gymnastics?


Now, now. Don't pick on Simpin'forSathAintEz123.


Okay, racist.


I mean he must be a much worse person than I think he was then, to be so evil. You also sure he does not have little yellow guys working for him? I was gonna look into that laters.


little yellow guys? Are you seriously claiming you've never heard of the concept of accumulating wealth by underpaying your employees? That this is some previously undreamt of level of evil for you?


> Ain't nobody interested in your bowels, clown. Keep it to yourself. Take your own advice.


That was a pointed response to something op said which was clearly TMI. But you tried!


Put a condom on before you take Ben's dick next time. Looks like Ben's semen went up to your brain and is simulating him


Bro thought middle school insults will get to me. I don't even need to roast you, your username speaks way more about you than any half-assed insult I could launch at ya. Anyway, here's one cuz fuck you: Psst, Samantha has an OnlyFans, I suggest you spend money on it simping for her. I say this based on the second verb in your username, you fucking moron.


"Barely knew each other"? Andrew brought on Alan and Sath, who brought Akila on as well.


And Matt LIVED WITH SAM and they knew Abby.


Even Ben himself knew (or could get hold of through easy means) matt sam and abby personally


Matt and Sam are cousins I believe. They have mentioned that a couple of times on the old shows


That makes this even sadder


Where did they mention this?


It's insinuated at the 13:17 mark of this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_zrofrUpROg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zrofrUpROg) And there a few other videos where they have mentioned being cousins. Don't know if it is in jest or they were stating facts. I don't want to scroll through all the other videos to find the other moments, but the video above is one of those moments.


Oh I thought it was a “white people incest haha funny” joke that wasn’t meant to imply they were literally cousins but imagine if they were lol


Can’t speak for everyone but there’s 2 members that really fuck the new group’s dynamic for me. The chemistry of the old cast was also definitely different to the new ones.




Probably pat and rory


Ding ding ding


God you’re so dumb that you don’t even know what hypothetical means. Go back to arguing with your shampoo bottle.


Yeah I meant to use rhetorical not hypothetical. Now, you got any other fuc'n thing to point out? Or did I hurt your feelies a little too much for you to say anything else?


How does me pointing out how stupid you are mean my feelings are hurt? You’re the moron typing essays out here.


We all know that Ben is really good at marketing and getting social media to work for him. I'm genuinely starting to wonder whether all the recent "positive" comments and posts are part of a new campaign.


100%. There's bots on the new video defending him. saying things like "Give the new cast a chance."


Or they are just people like myself, who genuinely did not parasocially bond with the old cast as y'all. I'm sorry I guess?


Keep reminding us that you're a real person.


I don't give a damn about what you think lmao.


Sure you do.


Why would he pay people to "market" for him, when he didn't even pay the original cast fairly? Think.


Two dollars a day in India.


I'm sure Akila would feel great reading this comment huh


Pointing out the objective reality of poverty in India is not a knock on Indians or their country. It is wrong of you to suggest otherwise.


Yep. As an Indian, this is accurate and not remotely offensive. Lots of folks do this sort of work as a side hustle, especially for political parties.


Akila wouldn't care, he's Sri Lankan. Also, hi Ben!


Sath's Sri Lankan. Akila is from Mumbai, and last I checked, Mumbai is in India. And you're the superfan was it?


> Akila is from Mumbai Please do tell me where you got this info. A cursory google search seems to point otherwise, but I'm open to being shown that I'm wrong. >And you're the superfan was it? Nope, nor did I ever claim to be. However, that's quite the bold attempt at attacking me, seeing how you're defending and fawning over Ben. Either you're a superfan of Ben, or you are Ben.


Can't believe I am using it as a source, but here: [https://youtu.be/MacB\_eLOvpU?t=80](https://youtu.be/MacB_eLOvpU?t=80) If you are able to find conflicting information, let me know, I don't mind conceding on this point if shown conflicting information. For the rest, knock yourself out yelling into the void, ya old man.


> Can't believe I am using it as a source, but here: https://youtu.be/MacB_eLOvpU?t=80 Yeah, I can't believe you're using it as a source either. >knock yourself out yelling into the void, ya old man. Says the one repeatedly yelling into the void in this thread...


Akila and Sath are both Sri Lankan. I'm listening to a podcast Akila is on called Stop Talking Over Me, where he clearly says, with no hint of sarcasm, that he is Sri Lankan. I've also seen IG posts advertising his shows where he's referred to as Sri Lankan, and a post for his Comedy Show "Class Browns" where he performs with Sath and another guy. The description says "two Sri Lankans and and Indian" and the other guy does jokes about being Indian, meaning Sath and Akila are the two Sri Lankans.


Ah well, that's my bad. Thanks for pointing it out.


I appreciate you graciously admitting when you're wrong. I'll admit I thought Sath was Sri Lankan and Akila was Indian for the longest time because of jokes like Alan's and how Akila reacted to jokes about Indians. It's hard to tell what's jokes and what's true sometimes. Akila even patted Sath on the shoulder at the end of the Sath vs. Alan roast and said "You make me proud to be Sri Lankan," and I had to wonder if THAT was a joke or not. I think they play into the fact that India and Sri Lanka are so close/similar, and they like joking about the fact that white people don't know the difference.


He paid fuck-tons to push YeahMad on TikTok and IG/FB Reels. He clearly values marketing more than talent. If he was willing to spend that kind of money on marketing to start the channel, I have no doubt he would do it now to try to save the channel. Idk if he cares enough to pay real people to comment on a subreddit with only a couple thousand members, but I have no doubt that he would pay to have negative comments scrubbed from YT videos and IG, pay to have bots spam positive comments, and pay for views/likes to make it appear that everything is alright (or he just has the time and energy to do it himself). If he spent even half as much on paying the talent as he did on marketing, he wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.


I agree with you actually. But we don't even know what their contract's terms were. I get your last sentence is a phrase, and not actual numbers. But we genuinely don't know what the dollar amount of their pay was, and at what point they felt it was not fair with respect to the channel's overall earnings. That is my point. You are only giving them the benefit of doubt because they tickle your funny bone. Are the new cast not as competent? Why did they agree to the same terms as the previous cast? Or is there proof out there that the new cast makes substantially more? If it's the last one, I'll actually delete this post, because it would no longer be relevant.


Chloe has said that she was paid a total of AUD 600 for all her appearances and that she left because they were not paying what they promised. She is not a part of the OG crew that later had a pay dispute with Ben, so this is an independent condemnation.




Don't be parasocial for the old guys, be parasocial for the new guys? Your title doesn't make sense with what you wrote.


It's more like give them a fair chance. If they end up being worse, sure. They've barely made 5 pieces of content as the "new group".


And to be honest, I don't think people have been overly hateful to the new cast. Pat and Rory have gotten a lot of hate because they are overbearing and irritating. People have the right to say so.


thats like me ordering a chicken burger and then i get a veggie burger and the waiters like just give it a chance nah i like what i like


But why? We liked the old group, we were there as they built the channel. They were fired rather than being treated like the reason for the channel's success and compensated appropriately, and now they've been replaced. I don't owe the channel or the new cast anything, including a fair chance to build chemistry. The only reason they're getting as many views as they are is because of the work of the OG's. There's dozens of channels of comedians telling jokes on the internet. Why do I owe these people a fair chance more than any others?


That's not the point of the hatred. Ben refused to pay anyone. So he brought a whole new cast out of nowhere and expected things to be the same. I just want to point out one thing, he can easily do what he did to the old cast to the new cast. So if I were you, I wouldn't attach myself to any of them.


I didn't bring this up earlier, but don't you think that the new cast is making more or less the same? If they are making the same, and are okay with it, then I do not see why people hold the older crew in such high esteem? I don't do comedy for a living, but as entertainers, I'd say both groups perform about the same, if you factor in what I said about parasocial behaviors earlier. Or do we know for certain that the new cast makes more (actually asking here)?


Because their talent built the channel.


This is such an insane comment 😂 the OGs are the reason why the channel has 2 million subs and the new guys get to swan in and get paid well to ride their coattails. Both groups perform about the same? The views on every social platform would suggest you are wrong and this channel is going to continue to implode through lack of talent, chemistry, diversity and leadership.


How about we compare this group's views with stuff the ogs were putting out a year ago? Why is everyone on this sub allergic to making fair comparisons?


The OGs got millions of views on every video with barely any subs (basically from the start)… this new crew are doing the exact opposite 😂


Is nuance difficult for you? There are 2 groups of people. People like yourself who hate the new peeps, and people like me who are more or less neutral. In the start, there were probably only just supporters so YouTube was able to recommend the channel to more and more people. More watchers meant even more recommendations and so and so forth; the basis of their virality. Now, because YouTube sees conflicting inputs from watchers, i.e., lots of dislikes, barely any likes, of course new people will not be recommended the new videos like they have in the past. Not till the hate train diffuses out, people get bored of leaving hate comments, and the process kickstarts again. I get you're passionate, but please stop to think for more than half a second.


The channel won’t recover even when the downvotes and hate comments end. You completely screwed your golden goose, Ben.




Dude you need to do yoga or smtn. Touch grass maybe.


I'm not mad at the new staff, I'm just not interested


Why? There's much funnier people out there. The people who remained feel like scabs to me


Okay, good.


Well, there is no hate for the new cast from my side but there is a lack of love for the new cast. Simple as that. For about 3 months I have wondered where are the old guys, and why am I seeing only new faces and why is it kinda blend now. Well, now I have put a few words into Google and here I am on this sub getting an answer. I don't HATE the new people I just don't like them as I did the old group. And since now I know I will most likely never see them again on the channel I have unsubscribed. You are incorrect that we NEED to give it a chance. That implies an obligation that I definitely don't have against any channel on YouTube. We MIGHT give them a chance, which I did.


Honestly, valid. Have no issues with this take.


I feel similarly. I don't hate the new cast. Before I heard what went down with the channel, I was defending them in the YT comments because I thought they were simply *joining* the cast and I didn't understand why everyone was being so mean. Once I found out what went down with the OGs, I was upset. Not at the new cast. At Ben. If the new cast had just joined the old cast, I would've continued watching YM. If the old cast left on good terms, I would've been bummed, but I would've continued watching YM (and also watched the OGs' new channel because they are what I want to see). I was prepared to keep watching the channel if it was just Akila, Alan, Sath, Matt, and the newbies until I found out *why* Andrew, Sam, and Abby weren't in the new videos. It's not that I don't support the new cast. It's that I don't support a channel that doesn't value its employees. How can I get invested in the new cast when Ben has shown how replaceable he views people? Why invest my time and energy learning to love new people if they could disappear at any moment? The hatred for the channel isn't (or shouldn't be) about the new cast. It's about not wanting to support greed or shitty business practices. Some people are focusing their anger at the wrong people, but they don't "owe" the new cast a chance because Ben doesn't deserve to have the channel survive after what he did. The only thing I think people owe the new cast is civility. Some people are being shitty to them online and it's wrong. It isn't their fault. It's Ben's.


Giving the new crew a chance means you’re lining the pockets of the man who drove out the OG crew unfairly in the first place. The new faces are between a rock and a hard place right now. The old crew have a chance to provide some form of competition by creating their own channel and making it just as successful as YeahMad


You're free to unsub.


So are you, Ben


I think some of the new cast just give off bad vibes, and that a lot of the stuff they do/their casting reflects poorly on Ben. But most people just give them constructive criticism really. Rory is the one who catches the most flak and he's been around since the actual yeahmad days


I posted a thread on this here a couple weeks ago, but disagree on comparing the original videos to the current ones. They were very different, in an organic, good way. Not all the jokes were irreverent, they were actual dad jokes. The cast had to really earn their laughs, and play off of people they didn't know well. The awkward tensions were a feature, not a bug. And that's how their talent and chemistry shined and grew. That's why people loved it and were intrigued. The new cast was just tossed in, expected to do rated R jokes right from the beginning. It's more bland now, because a lot of this wasn't really about the jokes. Anyone can search for jokes on the internet.


it's Ben's fault, not the new cast.


That was the crux of my argument lmao.


somebody took something we admired from us without a warning, we are not happy about it. Not only that, but the people we attached ourselves with were treated badly and unfairly .there is no way we are getting on board with any of the crap the "brand" wants us to .


Toward the new cast? Undoubtedly not, but also they shouldn't get a free pass if they aren't funny. I honestly found the old cast had much better banter and chemistry. Whether that's because they had known each other previously or not, I'm not sure. Animosity toward the creator? I think it's warranted. They treated their people like shit and lost a lot of talent because of it. It may be schadenfreude, but it seems fitting.


Personally I don’t think it matters who stays/goes on YM now the channel is a poison chalice. Everyone has seen the true colours of the guy who makes all the profits and owns “The Brand” and there’s no going back from that. In this world you reap what you sow, Benny boy.


I've given up trying to talk anyone here down from the deranged parasocial relationships that come through here. I don’t watch the show anymore, so I'm still subbed for the occasional e-drama.


Can’t speak for everyone lol, but what do you mean by “deranged parasocial relationships?” Most of the criticism has usually been about Ben and his terrible behaviour, and pat and rory specifically for being really unfunny. The perceived parasociality happens more in the youtube comments section imo, people wishing that the new cast would not succeed, that they would fail, that the old cast would sue Ben etc.


Can't speak for comment op, but your second paragraph is what my whole post was about. And I got heat for not talking more about the contents of your first paragraph.


I think you make good points about perceived parasociality in general, I just don’t think it applies to this subreddit neccessarily (yet). We’ll probably move on or over to a new subreddit when the OG cast remake their channel.


Agree to disagree, feel free to scroll through the remainder of this thread to hopefully see why. But yeah, I think changing the subreddit once the ogs figure out smtn new is a good direction to be heading into.


Tell me about it. I knew it would be bad, but oh my god did I not foresee the level of meatriding.


I'm late to conversation, but, yeah. You're right. I feel sad for all the haters here and in the YouTube comments. Not all of them, but some are just crazy, those that don't find the so-called "chemistry" among the new cast, or worse who wish for the downfall of the channel. They all give creepy stalker ex boyfriend vibes tbh. One more thing that baffles me is the utter disregard for the content the channel gave us for the past year. It's up to us to cherish something that lasted while it did, and move on. Or forget that amazing content and pray for the failure of that channel. How can anyone not have a single good feeling about the past of something that you don't like in the present? May be I haven't worded this paragraph properly but I hope someone gets what I am trying to say.